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Everything posted by Cysword6
My only real fears are, [b]The dark[/b], not regular kind but the pitch black, no windows in the room kind. I'm also afraid of really tiny bugs, like the size of these letters. I love big bugs like spiders, scorpions, crickets, doesn't mean I don't kill them though. Lastly I'm afraid of needles, I break out in sweat everytime I see one heading for me. Actually one more, heights, I'm okay with small heights but not heights like halfway up a big mountain, unless I know I can't fall. (I love all types of water and regular dark I love too, if it gets right before the bad dark then it's the best kind of light for me. Death kinda scares me cuz my body will just be laying there for years. I'm not afraid of homicide more of suicide, that scares me cuz it's like the person loses control of their body or something, right til the point where after they have done it.)
[b]Name:[/b] Reis Terras [b]Username[/b]: Cysword6 [b]Side[/b]: ULX [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 20 [b]Internet Appearance[/b]: He has short black hair and wears a black shirt with a white X on it. He wears two metal shoulder guards that have spikes on top of them and wears baggy black jeans and white nikes. [b]Weapon(s)[/b]: Eclipse Blade and Chaos Blade [b]Moderating Zone/Target Zone[/b]: Arena [b]Personality[/b]: Cold, Calculating, Lonely and Untrusting [b]Short Bio[/b]: Reis has worked by ULX for years, ever since DiabloBoards existed. Now that the Purger has arrived with his band of dark minions, Reis has geared up and is ready to destroy them all. ~~~~~~~~~~~ This sounds awesome, DiabloBoards will probally get a whole lot more people cuz of this.
[b]Name[/b]: Tyrus Taziyama [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Personality[/b]: Tyrus keeps to himself most of the time and is extremely hard to get information out of. He is always thinking that everyone is against him or out to get him. He is cold and calculating, once he is sent to find a target he pulls through with the job no matter the odds. [b]Appearance[/b]: Tyrus wears a grey overcoat (detective kind) with 10 inner pockets. He wears black jeans and a grey hat. He has short black hair, and brown eyes. [b]Bio[/b]: Tyrus grew up in one of the worst neighborhoods of his time. He barely stayed inside because his parents were both drunks and would abuse him. Outside wasn't much better, but at least he had freedom then. Most of his childhood was pure misery, making him learn to defend himself. Over the years Tyrus taught himself to use his surroundings to hide himself in any situation. He payed a person to teach him how to use small guns and daggers and he learned to move extremely fast to always keep up with his targets. He found himself doing odd assasin jobs for tons of clients, until George heard about him and hired him on the spot. He canceled all other clients because of his pay and he began to get harder assasination jobs, one he had to do in daylight even. He began to fear George and wanted to get out as fast as possible after some of the jobs he had to do. He was relieved when he survived the time they all got fired. For the next two years he became a genetic scientist, fusing dna and other stuff. He loved his new job, it let him experiment with actual life, being able to cut it off or to allow it to grow. Now he has heard that George is after him and now he has set off to end George's vile life. [b]Abilities[/b]: He is trained in multiple types of fighting styles to take out most enemies. He can find a place to hide in almost any area, night or day. One of his last skills allows him to strategize most things before they happen, a valuable tool against multiple enemies. [b]Weapons[/b]: He keeps dynamite in 4 of his upper pockets. Daggers without hilts in 4 others. In his last two pockets he carries two small handguns. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: This RPG sounds great and reminds me of Kill Bill alot. The only real difference is that it's all the workers against the boss, instead of one worker against the others and boss.
[b]Name[/b]: Reis Terras [b]Age[/b]: 16 [b]Appearance[/b]: He wears a black shirt with a white X on the front. He has a black button-up jacket over it unbuttoned and wears baggy black jeans. He has short black hair with silver on the tips and has white nikes. (I really need a pic for this guy it would be so much easier). [b]Bio[/b]: Reis was just a teen trying to find his place in th world. His town was extremely dull, that is until the monsters appeared. They would flash back and forth all over the world and Reis had seen plenty to know that they were creepy. One day he was crossing the bridge to get home when the ground in front of him was blasted into gravel. He looked up to see a black shadow thing and ran for his life. When he was almost off the bridge the digimon attacked again pulling the ground out from underneath him. Reis was sure he was going to die when a black orb appeared in his hand and the next he knew he was seeing darkness. [b]Power Gem[/b]: Fear [b]Power Gem Color[/b]: Black [b]Digivice Color[/b]: White and Black [b]Digimon[/b]: Nightmon [b][u]Digimon[/u][/b] [b]Rookie[/b]: Nightmon (Night Blast, Shadow Slash) [b]Champion[/b]: Eclipsemon (Eternal Night, Deadly Eclipse) [b]Ultiamte[/b]: Exilemon (Exiled Shadow, Forbidden Flame) [b]Mega[/b]: GigaExilemon (Giga Shadow Rockets, Lunar Freeze) [b]Human Fusion[/b]: Nightmaremon (Nightmare Whirlwind, Burning Wave)
I just thought of a cool setting you could have for you next episode if you're not already in the process of making it. You could make a dark spooky forest setting and we could find out if Charles is a wimp or not, depends on if he runs for his life. Just some ideas for future episodes.
I think it was hilarious, I hope there are many more episodes to come from this. Also, thanx for making it more understandable what you were suppose to copy and paste.
Finally for your enjoyment, the 13 Royal Knights [url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-o/Omnimon.html"][b]Omnimon[/b][/url] [url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-g/Gallantmon.html"][b]Gallantmon[/b][/url] [url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-m/MedievalGallantmon.html"]MedievalGallantmon[/url] [url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-a/Alphamon.html"][b]Alphamon[/b][/url] [url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-a/AlforceVeedramon.html"][b]AlforceV-Dramon[/b][/url] [url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-m/Magnamon.html"][b]Magnamon[/b][/url] [url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-d/Dynasmon.html"][b]Dynasmon[/b][/url] [url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-r/RhodoKnightmon.html"][b]RhodoKnightmon[/b][/url] [url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-a/AeroVeedramon.html"]AeroVeedramon[/url] [url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-r/Rapidmon.html"]Rapidmon[/url] [url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-i/ImperialdramonPaladin.html"]Imperialdramon PM[/url] [url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-g/Goldramon.html"]Goldramon[/url] [url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-c/ChaosGallantmon.html"]ChaosGallantmon[/url] Again click to view and all names in bold are official Royal Knights. Yes, I know they aren't all really Royal Knights. My brain started to shut down after a while so this is what you got.
[center][b][u]The 20 Death Blades[/u][/b][/center] [left][b][u]Mega Level[/u] [/b][/left] [left][url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-a/Anubismon.html"]Anubismon[/url] [/left] [left][url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-a/Anubismon.html"]Arkadimon [/url][/left] [left][url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-c/Callismon.html"]Callismon [/url][/left] [left][url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-c/Chaosdramon.html"]Chaosdramon [/url][/left] [left][url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-d/DeaxDorugoramon.html"]Death-X-Dorugoramon [/url][/left] [left][url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-d/Destromon.html"]Destromon[/url] [/left] [left][url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-f/Fuujinimon.html"]Fuujinimon [/url][/left] [left][url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-f/Fuujinimon.html"]Reapermon [/url][/left] [left][url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-f/Fuujinimon.html"]GrandisKuwagamon [/url][/left] [left][url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-p/Parallelmon.html"]Parallelmon[/url] [/left] [left][b][u]Ultimate Level[/u][/b][/left] [left][u][url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-b/Blossomon.html"]Blossomon[/url][/u][/left] [left][u][url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-g/Gigadramon.html"]Gigadramon[/url][/u][/left] [left][url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-g/Glademon.html"]Glademon[/url][/left] [left][url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-j/Jewelbeemon.html"]JewelBeemon[/url][/left] [left][url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-m/Mephismon.html"]Mephismon[/url][/left] [left][url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-n/NeoDevimon.html"]Neodevimon[/url][/left] [left][url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-b/BlackWereGarurumon.html"]ShadowWereGarurumon[/url][/left] [left][url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-s/SkullBarukimon.html"]SkullBarukimon[/url][/left] [left][url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-s/SkullScorpiomon.html"]SkullScorpiomon[/url][/left] [left][url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-w/Wisemon.html"]Wisemon[/url][/left] Click on name to view picture and stats. [left]Later I'll add the 13 Royal Knights we need to free.[/left]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"I hate exams," moaned Reis when he walked in from a tiring day of school. "Stupid exams, stupid kids, stupid damn everything," he said walking into the kitchen and grabbing a pepsi, "This is much better than exams,". "Sweetheart I'm going to the store to get some groceries, will you be ok here by yourself?" his mother asked, "Yeah, I'll be fine," he yelled back down the hallway as he turned the T.V. on. As he was flicking through the channels a symbol appeared, it said press 3 to go to the Digital World.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Reis was so bored he pressed the button wondering what would happen. He found himself being sucked into the screen and the last thing he remembered was thinking his pepsi would be warm.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Oww my head hurts, who the hell put a huge rock here," Reis said as he got up.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Hi, I'm [url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/dex-d/DemiMeramon.html"]DemiMeramon[/url], you will surrender or be destroyed right away," a little fireball said.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Yeah right, have a joy ride," Reis said as he flicked the little digimon away.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]"HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO THE PUPPET MASTER!!!![color=black]," the monster yelled when Reis turned away, "[/color][color=red]BOW DOWN TO ME OR BE DESTROYED,"[/color][color=black]. [/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Listen I already told you I'm not afra....," Reis said as he turned around looking at the new creature. It had become serpent like and the flames had flared out more.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"I think I'm going to run now," Reis said as he backed away, breaking into a full sprint.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [color=red]"WHAT HAPPENED TO PUNY LITTLE DEMIMERAMON?"[/color][color=black] it yelled as it flew after Reis, "[/color][color=red]RAINING FIRE!!!!!".[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=black]Right at that moment a light glowed out of Reis's hand, forming a small device. He felt the power surging through him as two swords appeared in his hand.[/color] "Take this little demon," he yelled throwing both swords at the digimon and through the flames. [color=red]"NOOOOOOO," [/color][color=black]the digimon said as an E with an eye on it flew out of him,[/color][color=red] "I've lost more of my control,".[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=black]"Time to take out the trash," Reis said as he slashed the E in half, "Now to find out what this is all about".[/color] Later Demimeramon told him about everything he needed to know. "So this little thing will show me where to find other humans?" Reis asked, "Yep and sometimes enemies too,". At the end of the sentence Reis' digivice began to beep showing a huge cluster of dots. "Guess that's where I'll head now,". And with that he set off towards the other humans.\ ~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Really Really srry about it taking so long to fill this in.
"Crabmon, it's our turn now!!!!!" Reis yelled pounding the button in as a bright light flew out of the top. "SEADRAMON," the serpent yelled flying into the air, "ICE BLAST," the great snake roared blasting Anubismon in the face. "Heh, you think that could destroy me, try some of this, PYRAMID POWER," he yelled blasting the laser at Seadramon. "That's it you're going down god man," he yelled as he began to charge energy crystals into his mouth causing a bright light, "ICE BLAST," he snarled blasting the evil digimon's wings off. "You really think you can stop me don't you? Foolish seadramon, you would've been better off missing me then blasting my wings," he said as he drew in data to form new wings. "Now I should destroy you slowly and painfully, AMEMIT," he yelled blasting the energy balls at Seadramon. Seadramon was hit at full force falling to the ground fast. "Reis he's so stron...g......," he said dedigivoving back to Crabmon. "What a weak digimon, can't even stay in champion mode," Angel said. Reis yelled back, "At least he did damage to this freak!!! Try to say the same about yours!!!!". With that Angel turned away to battle with Dobermon.
[center][b][u]The Story[/u][/b][/center] [left]The Digital World has been thrown into chaos by a new evil. This evil has named itself the Death Blades, there are 20 digimon is this group and each one is insanely powerful destroying any digimon that defy them, then absorbing their data. 5 Angels were sent out to look for the ones that could possibly defeat this evil. In 13 hidden locations lay the Royal Knights imprisoned by the clan for all eternity. Each location requires many tasks to get in and you must find a key to unlock the prison.[/left] [left]The Death Blades have heard of these Angels and have sent out their team of Demon Lords in hope to keep the Royal Knights locked up. All 12 of the Angels and Demon Lord's data were mixed causing some of them to be corrupted or purified or even becoming inflicted with the X Antibody. Now 6 digimon are fighting for each side and if evil wins the rest of the Digital World will be shut down and the digimon destroyed.[/left] [center][b][u]Sign-up Sheet[/u][/b][/center] [left][b]Digimon[/b]: (Lilithmon, Lucemon FM, Belphemon, Daemon, Barbamon, Beelzemon, Leviamon, Dominimon, Ophanimon, Seraphimon, Slashangemon and Cherubimon)[/left] [left][b]New Digimon Name[/b]: (for ex. purified Lucemon FM, could be Lucemon Angel Mode, X mode, Lucemon FM X, for ex. corrupted Dominimon, could be Dominimon Virus Mode[/left] [left][b]Side[/b]: (Demon Lords or Great Angels)[/left] [left][b]Type[/b]: (Purified Mode makes evil become good and Corrupted Mode makes good become evil, X Mode makes them an X digimon[/left] [left][b]Normal Appearance[/b]: (how they originally look)[/left] [left][b]Differences[/b]: (How they look now do to mode changes)[/left] [left][b]Attacks[/b]: (They are different now cuz they have all changed)[/left] [left][b]Sin or Power: [/b](Look below)[/left] [left]Sins= Lucemon FM=Pride, Belphemon=Sloth, Daemon=Wrath, Beelzemon=Gluttony, Leviamon=Envy, Lilithmon=Lust, Barbamon=Greed[/left] [left]Powers=Seraphimon=Justice, Ophanimon=Dreams, Cherubimon=Time, Dominimon=Life, Slashangemon=Power[/left] [center][b][u]My Sign-up Sheet[/u][/b][/center] [left][b]Digimon[/b]: Daemon[/left] [left][b]New Digimon Name[/b]: Daemon Holy Mode[/left] [left][b]Side[/b]: Great Angels[/left] [left][b]Type[/b]: Purified Mode[/left] [left][b]Normal Appearance[/b]: [u][url="http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/cd/Daemon.jpg"]Here[/url][/u][/left] [left][b]Differences[/b]: Now has angel wings instead of demon wings. No horns. No fangs. Fur is now white.[/left] [left][b]Attacks[/b]: Holy Freeze, Crushing Wrath[/left] [left][b]Sin or Power: [/b]Wrath[/left] [left][b][u]Characters[/u][/b][/left] [left][b][u]Demon Lords[/u][/b][/left] [left]Lucemon FM-sesshomaru 3[/left] [left]Daemon-me(Cysword6)[/left] [left]Leviamon-[/left] [left]Lilithmon-Kittychanann[/left] [left]Beelzemon-Yotska[/left] [left]Barbamon-Unborn Lord Xion[/left] [left]Belphemon-[/left] [left][b][u]Great Angels[/u][/b][/left] [left]Seraphimon-[/left] [left]Ophanimon-MOON STAR[/left] [left]Cherubimon-[/left] [left]Slashangemon-spydaweb782004[/left] [left]Dominimon-amgoddess[/left] [left]If you have any questions PM them to me, unless it is good for all to hear. I'll put up the info for the Royal Knights later. [b]Also, no one can be a Corrupted Angel until there is another Purified Demon Lord. This will not start til at least July 1st.[/b][/left]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"Let's go Crabmon," Reis yelled pressing the button on his digivice. "SEADRAMON," the serpent yelled appearing out of the bright light, "ICE BLAST," he said blasting the insectoide digimon out of the air.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"SCISSOR CLAW," the great bug yelled grabbing Seadramon in it's jaws and slamming it to the ground. "Don't let him take you down like that, blast him while he's close to you," Reis yelled trying to get the bug's attention. "ICE BLAST," Seadramon yelled blasting the bug to bits of data. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Great that's one down, 6 to go," Reis said running over to Seadramon, "Good job pal,". He noticed Seadramon looked weak as his friend transformed back to it's old self, "I was starting to wonder if you would change back, now let's go watch the others delete those bugs,".[/size][/font] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: I'm pretty sure Seadramon can float in the air so that is just how I'm going to have him. [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][b]Name[/b]: Reis Terras[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][b]Age[/b]: 15[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][b]Gender[/b]: Male[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][b]Crest[/b]: Knowledge[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][b]Crest Weapon[/b]: Knowledge Blade[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][b]Special Attacks:[/b] [b]Lightning Slasher[/b]-Slashes out lightning waves with each stroke of his sword.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][b]Storm Tornado[/b]-Spins around shooting out huge lightning rods. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][b]Charge Shocker[/b]-Runs up to enemy and stabs them with his sword shooting a huge current into their body.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][b]Appearance[/b]: Reis is 5'8 and he has short black hair with silver tips. He wears a black shirt with a white dragon on it with a black button-up jacket over it unbuttoned. He wears baggy black jeans and black shoes. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Personality: Reis is very mistrusting due to lots of betrayal in his life. He only cares about hiself making a point to avoid everyone. He hates working with others and will try to think for himself.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][b]Bio[/b]: Reis is what people call a loner, never being with anyone else if possible. His mom and dad were both sent to prison for illegal possesion and now he lives with his aunt wishing things could be different. He misses his only brother who left when he was old enough to drive, leaving him lost in his own world. He is always trying to get out of his reality searching for some confused world where he can finallly make sense of himself and who he is.[/size][/font]
Thanx for the awesome banner and avi. IT's perfect
Crabmon ran up next to his partner. "How do you think we should attack him," Crabmon asked, "I think we should crack the shell on this bug," Reis answered ready for battle. "CRAB MEAT BOMBER," the digimon yelled, sending cracks into the digimon's shell. "GOLD RUSH," the giant bug yelled, knocking the digimon over and his partner into the wall. "Cmon we have to fight together" Reis yelled ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Well I weakened him a lot so just kill him already
Name: Reis Terras Age: 19 Appearance: Wears a black shirt and black pants, He has two metal shoulder pads with spikes on the top of them. He has short black hair and grey eyes. He has sharp vampiric teeth and spikes coming out of his arm from his wrist to his elbow. Bio: Reis was born in Hidden, wreaking havoc whenever possible. When he was 15 he killed his mother and father because of the darkness in his mind. Everyday, the darkness has grown and it demands more deaths. When he turned 18 he finally was able to take control of the darkness and could send it out of his body to control other things. Now he is able to control anything, using the objects to destroy what he pleases. Power: Reis can control any object. For ex. chains, blades, people, etc.
I really would just like a solid color backround with the word over it. Dark Blue backround and Black Font would be nice though. IF you mean the picture of the actual thing, then I posted it up above. Thanx for making it.
Reis had gone to Shea's house because someone gave him an urgent letter that Shea was going to die. He looked at Shea seeing that he was perfectly fine. "What are you doing here?" Shea asked looking puzzeled. "I recieved a letter that you were going to die, so I came as fast as possible," Reis said. Shea looked around the room wondering why the crystal had effected him like that. He especially remembered the eyes of the hooded being, and remembered a description of him in the book. "I think that the evil of the Lainwood Wraith has grown stronger since my grandfather has seen it." Shea said, "That's impossible, you shouldn't believe everything you read," Reis said remembering what had been in the book, and how he feared every word. "I don't care we need to go find and kill this thing, before it kills us," Shea said as he walked for the door, "Fine, but I'm telling you he doesn't exist," said his friend as they both headed out for Lainwood Forest.
I was wondering if anyone could make me an avi and banner for my new RPG. If anyone reads this then I would like a banner that says FF13: Evolution Begins and Cysword 6 somewhere on there preferably above the words FF13 Evolution Begins. I would just like my avi to say FF13. I don't care really about the color, but I would like it if the two matched. Thanx in advance to anyone who does this.
Reis woke up in a cold sweat, relieved that it had only been a dream. [i]Why is that the only dream I can have,[/i] he wondered. He remembered the giant fireball coming at him and those kids with the weird gameboy like things. For a second he thought he saw a crab appear over him, but he didn't believe it. He got out of bed forgetting he was on the top bunk, as he fell on his face. "Ow" he yelled, as he stood up. He heard clicking noises in the other room, [i]sounds like my keyboard,[/i] he thought walking to the computer room. He saw e-mails appearing on the screen as he walked up to it. Warning! You have been chosen to save a world, now please prepare for transportation. He hit the computer for freaking him out and he found himself looking up at another kid. "Hi, I'm Reis" he said getting up as he was knocked down by something hard. He saw the crab again. "I'm your partner Crabmon, and here's your digivice," said the creature handing him the gameboy-thingy. "What is this,?" Reis asked, "It's a digivice," said the other kid, "I think we should wait here, in my dreams there were others like us." "Yeah good idea" Reis said as he sat down.
The 8 kids were walking on the path to Seak, finally it was time for a rest stop in the forest. "I can't believe how far this place is," Reis said as he sat down, looking at his map. "Yeah, but maybe we can find a shortcu......what's that," Ty said as he heard a branch snap. "I don't know but let's get out of here" Calandra said as she stood up already walking away from the noise. "You 8 think you can defeat us but you're wrong," said a mysterious voice coming from the right of them, "Flechette Twister!". "Duck" yelled Proto as hundreds of sharp blades flew over their heads, only cutting Ty's arm. "We have to run" Tera said turning for the path that led deeper in the woods, "We can't defeat what we can't see". Everyone begin to run along the path blasting some magic behind them every few minutes. "You'll have to do better than that to defeat us," said another person, "Splinter Storm!". Sara tripped just in time to miss being cut to oblivion by the sharp splinters. "Oh yeah, take this, Water!!!" Reis yelled blasting the two minions in the trees, "Let's get out of here while we have a chance". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ They could see the tall buildings of Seak up ahead, spiraling into insane heights. "Finally, we can meet the Elder," Reis said as he walked in the city heading for the center. When they all reached the center of the city the Elder materialized from the air, "Good all of you are here, I guess I should explain now" he said. "Yeah that would help a lot," Proto said as he sat down, "First off how are we the only ones with elemental powers?". "I will tell you soon enough," the Elder said waving his hand as ancient tablets appeared, "You were created by the two sides of Chaos, Angela and Demca, they worked many years to make you until one day Demca was overcome with evil to destroy his sister and to become your master". "She saved 8 of you by throwing you down to this world to keep your use of powers for good not evil. Demca found two that she had missed and they were the ones following you". "Now Demca has revived his sister made two new orbs and has sent his born ones out to destroy you, he will stop at nothing to make sure you don't help Taos". "There is a way to defeat him, you must go to the shrine of your element and capture the evolution orb, which are guarded by evil, but strong monsters. When each of you has found yours, go to the Broken Temple and put them in the right slot, that should give you enough power to at least defend yourselves from his evil. Also, you may come upon your elements in a monstrous form and if you can tame it then you will gain a Xenosin orb. Now, all of you must go before you are found". Outside............"Did you hear that, we have to find our orbs to or they will be more powerful than us," Zach said to his sister. "Yeah whatever, like they could defeat us, but it would be handy to have more power, so let's go,". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: So now we all have to find the shrine to our element. Each shrine is named after the element so mine would be Water Shrine. Also this part must be at least two posts long, one to get to the shrine and one to get to the Broken Temple. You can have more than 2 but don't go overboard. And we'll get the Xenosin only if you see a natural disaster after we leave the Temple. Also, Ty the reason you got cut by the flechette is becuz of the post you had before you edited it. LOL just pure good fun. There are no turn order it's just whoever posts posts. [b]Sorry if I didn't make this clear but everyone sets off by themself.[/b]
[size=2]Name: Reis Age(10-18): 15 Appearance: He wears a black shirt with a grey dragon on it and a black button-up jacket over it unbuttoned. He wears baggy black jeans and white shoes. He is about 5'9 and has short black hair with silver on the tips. (I really need a pic of this guy) Personality: He is very untrusting and will only help those he thinks deserve it. He will risk his life to save someone he cares for though. [font=Century Gothic][color=black]Digivice Color: black and white[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=#8b0000][color=black]Weapon(The weapon that your character uses with the armor of the Gamma Crystal. Not carried with your character, the weapon appears with the armor):[/color] [color=black]Two swords, one with a white blade the other with a black blade.[/color][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][/font] [font=Century Gothic]Digimon:[/font] [font=Century Gothic][/font] [font=Century Gothic]Rookie: Crabmon[/font] [font=Century Gothic]Champion: Seadramon[/font] [font=Century Gothic]Ultimate: Megaseadramon[/font] [font=Century Gothic]Mega: Metalseadramon[/font] [font=Century Gothic][/font] [font=Century Gothic][/font] [font=Century Gothic][/font] [font=Century Gothic]This sounds fun, hope mine's ok[/font] [/size]
Name: Reis Terras Codename: Darkcast Age: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: He wears black jeans and shirt that has a white X on the front. He has a black cape that has another white X on it and wears black gloves with the finger part cut off. Type: Sorcery Type Powers: He can fly, casts elemental magic, heal wounds and can discard some of his energy to blast an attack at his foes. Strength: 2 Speed: 3 Intelligence: 3 Durability: 3 Energy: 3 Fighting Skill: 6 Personality: Reis cares for no one, he his lonely and untrusting due to his past. He will do anything to survive including using his teammates as his own shield. Bio: Reis was an orphan until he was brought in by a wizard. He grew to love his new father and to learn magic, black and white. He carried on the legacy until one day his father was nearly killed by his friend for casting a hex on him. After that, he immensed himself on every magic known to humans and even forbidden ones. One day he was brought from his reality into the Timebroker's and was threatened that if he failed any missions then he would lose his magic and he would lose his father.
Name/Codename: Cysword6/Cloud Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: See Avatar Personality: Cysword is very untrusting of anyone unless he knows them from the inside out. He will do anything to protect someone he really cares about. He sometimes is suicidal but then he remembers the good points of life. History: Cysword is pretty new to the OB, he loves to engage in RPG's all the time though. He only enters in RPG's if he knows they'll be interesting. He has helped out some people and is already a member. Movie-Morph: Cloud Strife from Advent Children [u]Movie Morph Character[/u] Name: Cloud Strife Movie: Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children Appearance: [img]http://www.adventchildren.net/media/screens/feb17/image012.jpg[/img] Powers: He can use magic Annoying Quirk: He is always trying to be the hero Stereotype: Knight in Shining Armor Personality: Cloud is a very cold man with a deep horrific past. He doesn't seem to give a damn about anyone or anything but himself. He only works for AVALANCHE due to the money, not caring about the world itself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: I hope this is ok
Sign Up Order of Chaos: Haze of Possesion
Cysword6 replied to The Anonymous Usual's topic in Theater
[b]Name[/b]: Reis Terras [b]Age[/b]: 21 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Country[/b]: U.S. [b]Allegiance[/b]: Earth Federation [b]Mech[/b]: Armored Omega, looks like skye omega with armor around the head, upper arms and has rocket laucher instead of jetpack. It doesn't have the weird blade thing on it's head and has 4 wings. [b]Bio[/b]: Was trained to fight any kind of invasion in a secret government force. He has been assigned to this job cuz he was at the top of his class. He has been told to do anything possible to destroy the enemy mechs, even if it involves ally mechs. [b]Special Capabilities[/b]: It's very hard to shoot down becuz of it's armor. It's four wings allow it higher manueverability in the sky and he is faster than most heavy armor mechs. He is able to shoot two rockets out of his back at a time, usually causing flames to erupt on impact.