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Everything posted by Cysword6

  1. Im really excited by how many people joined so far. Keep joining. Oh, all you guys got the part you signed up for. Ok, I'm going to tell you what you get from picking your G.F. I'll get fire magic and abilities that involve fire. Amika Kamiya will end up getting dark magic and dark abilities OberOn the Neko will end up getting space magic and space abilities Blanko will get Time magic and Time abilities [b][u]Anyone else that joins will end up with the same magic and abilities as their elements.[/u][/b] (Also you make up one new ability every time your character levels up by 10 levels, but I'll assign you your magic when you have enough abilities, which should be 2-3, believe me this is gonna be an awesome RPG with great magic. And if you gain enough levels you'll gain a super ability like fusing magic or something.Which is like levels-30-40 before you get super abilities.
  2. [font=Courier New]Well, instead of always signing up for RPG's I'm going to create my own. So here's the story.[/font] [center][b][u][font=Courier New]The Story[/font][/u][/b][/center] [left][font=Courier New]A warp opened in the Digital World, as a huge monster flew out. There stood 6 of the digidestined who found themselves fighting a new monster, but it wasn't a digimon. The monster sent out an attack and they were sucked into a warp and woke up in another world where everything was strange, the first thing they noticed was that their digimon had disappeared and they now felt energy flowing through them. They saw 6 people staring down at them, they all had weapons and strange clothes. They introduced themselves, first the digidestined, [b][u]Tai[/u][/b], [b][u]Matt[/u][/b], [b][u]Sora[/u][/b], [b][u]Izzy[/u][/b], [b][u]Mimi[/u][/b], and [b][u]Joe[/u][/b] , then the new people, who are [b][u]Squall[/u][/b], [b][u]Zell[/u][/b], [b][u]Rinoa[/u][/b], [b][u]Selphie,[/u][/b] [b][u]Irvine[i],[/i][/u][/b] and [b][u]Quistis[/u][/b][i].[/i] The FF8 people explained where the digidestined were and gave each one a weapon and G.F. Now they must find their ways back home before Ultimecia and Daemon fuse into one being to destroy both worlds.( With help from the powerful slaves of course[/font][/left] [font=Courier New]In their quest to defeat the two evils and get back home, they will have to fight dangerous battles,upgrade their weapons and abilities and learn new spells. Together, can they overcome these tremendous feats or will they be destroyed one by one? To find out join![/font] [center][b][u][font=Courier New]Sign-up Sheet[/font][/u][/b][/center] [left][font=Courier New][b]Name:[/b] (One of the twelve listed above)[/font][/left] [left][font=Courier New][b]Weapon:[/b] ( Guns,swords,bow and arrows, etc.)Oh create a special name for it. See my sign-up[/font][/left] [left][font=Courier New][b]G.F.:[/b] (Ifrit, Shiva, Quezacotyl, Brothers, Diablos, Alexander, Bahamut, Eden, Levianthan, Pandemona, Doomtrain, Cerberus)[/font][/left] [left][font=Courier New][b]Element:[/b] (In the same order as G.F.'s, Fire, Ice, Thunder, Earth, Dark, Holy, Air, Space, Water, Wind, Poison, Non-elemental[/font][/left] [left][font=Courier New][b]Special Ability:[/b] (What your weapon does to power up your character)[/font][/left] [left][font=Courier New][b]Bio:[/b] (What they did till their worlds crossed)[/font][/left] [center][font=Courier New][b][u]My Sign-up sheet[/u][/b][/font][/center] [left][b][font=Courier New]Name: Squall [/font][/b][/left] [left][b][font=Courier New]Weapon: Eclipse Blade[/font][/b][/left] [left][b][font=Courier New]G.F.: Ifrit[/font][/b][/left] [left][b][font=Courier New]Element: Fire[/font][/b][/left] [left][b][font=Courier New]Special Ability: Healing Strike-Will heal a damaged ally once during a battle[/font][/b][/left] [left][b][font=Courier New]Bio: Squall spent much of his time being alone. Then he met the other FF8 cahracters and began to open up. Now, he fears what would make the two worlds combine and what could have such power.[/font][/b][/left] [left][font=Courier New]Well that's it I guess. I hope many people get interested in this, but all I need is twelve. So I guess I'll check back later.[/font][/left] [left][b][u][font=Courier New]FF8 Characters[/font][/u][/b][/left] [left][b][u][font=Courier New][color=red]Squall:[/color][/font][/u][/b][/left] [left][b][u][font=Courier New][color=green]Zell:[/color][/font][/u][/b][/left] [left][b][u][font=Courier New][color=silver]Rinoa:[/color][/font][/u][/b][/left] [left][b][u][font=Courier New][color=yellow]Selphie:[/color][/font][/u][/b][/left] [left][b][font=Courier New][color=blue][u]Irvine:[/u][/color][/font][/b][/left] [left][b][font=Courier New][color=purple][u]Quistis:[/u][/color][/font][/b][/left] [left][b][font=Courier New][u]Digimon Characters[/u][/font][/b][/left] [left][b][u][font=Courier New][color=darkslategray]Tai:[/color][/font][/u][/b][/left] [left][b][u][font=Courier New][color=sienna]Matt:[/color][/font][/u][/b][/left] [left][b][u][font=Courier New][color=navy]Sora:[/color][/font][/u][/b][/left] [left][b][u][font=Courier New][color=darkorange]Izzy:[/color][/font][/u][/b][/left] [left][font=Courier New][color=deepskyblue][b][u]Mimi:[/u][/b][/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Courier New][b][u]Joe:[/u][/b][/font][/left] [left][b][u][font=Courier New][color=black]G.F.'s taken[/color][/font][/u][/b][/left] [b][/b] [left][b][u][font=Courier New][color=black]Later on I'll tell you how the G.F. and character you picked will choose the upgrades and spells you get awarded in every battle. And I'm srry if you would like to be a villain, but then the story wouldn't work as good the whole RPG is about getting past tons of obstacles and traps and battles, to get to the two evils, Ultimecia and Daemon, and defeat them to restore both worlds back to normal. What I think is the best part is that the world now is only half of the FF8 world and is also half of the digital world, so now you have a new landscape to fight on.[/color][/font][/u][/b][/left]
  3. [font=Courier New][color=dimgray][b]Name:[/b] Proto Terras[/color][/font] [font=Courier New][color=dimgray][b]Age:[/b] 16[/color][/font] [font=Courier New][color=dimgray][b]Description:[/b] Short black hair, black shirt with that wierd pokeball symbol and black jeans with white shoes.[/color][/font] [font=Courier New][color=dimgray][b]Personality:[/b] Proto is always looking for trouble. You can spot him a mile away probally by an explosion. Even though he's a bad guy he will still help someone if they are in danger. He's is very loyal to people who help him greatly.[/color][/font] [font=Courier New][color=dimgray][b]Bio:[/b] He has been a thief his whole life because he was raised there by his mother who was already a thief. When he was older he was one of the best theives around and then the day when the Shadow pokemon escaped arrived. He was automatically chosen to re-capture them and he would be awarded.[/color][/font] [font=Courier New][color=dimgray][b]Starting Pokemon:[/b] Duskull and Banette[/color][/font] [font=Courier New][color=dimgray][b]Shadow Pokemon you Catch:[/b] Sableye, Shedinja, Misdreavus, and Haunter[/color][/font] [font=Courier New][color=dimgray][b]Side:[/b] Thieves[/color][/font]
  4. I hope we don't get in trouble for two replys in a row if we do srry. I just wanted to fix my bio and add a last name. So just ignore my last bio. Last name: Teraka( pronounce "Tear-a-ka") Bio: Reis has no siblings and has always felt alone. He was walking around one night when his phone began to ring, he answered it and the voice on the other side told him to catch the train to get to the Digital World. He agreed to it not knowing what would happen thinking it would be better than doing nothing, but he was wrong in the next few minutes he was blinded by a flash of light and couldn't see anything. Then his body turned as cold as his hate and he felt like he was being pierced by millions of needles, then slowly his pain began to disappear and he found himself in the middle of nowhere which he realized was the Digital World. See that's much better, more dramatic.
  5. Name: Reis ( pronounced "Rees") Age: 13 Description: Reis has short black hair, with silver flecks at the tips. He has brown eyes and tan skin. He wears a white shirt with a black dragon on the front and a black jacket that goes over it like Takuya's. He wears black pants with white sneakers and he is 5,5. Bio: Reis has no siblings and has always felt alone. He was walking around one night when his phone began to ring, he answered it and the voice on the other side told him to catch the train. He agreed to it not knowing what would happen thinking it would be better than doing nothing. All he hoped was that he would get some fun out of this. Spirit: Advanced Light Digimon Forms Spirit Evolution: Armalobomon (Shattered Crystal, Pure Blade, Wolf Laser) Beast Evolution: Holygarurumon (Howling Destroyer, Garuru Blast, Holy Eclipse) Fusion Evolution: Terrawolfmon (Terra Blitz, Whirlwind Terror, Frozen Wolf, Ultimate Demise) D-Tector Color: Black & White
  6. *Appearance[img]http://cache.lego.com/images/shop/Products/TYPE10/LEGO-US-2057/Set384x288us008605.jpg[/img] *I just wanted to fix this coz my computer wasn't working right yesterday
  7. Name: Toa Matau Element: Toa Metru of Air District: Le- Metru Appearance: the green Toa Metru Kanohi Mask/Power: Toa Matau wears the Kanohi Mahiki, the Great Mask of Illusion. Tools/Abilities: Uses twin aero slicers that let him soar through the sky and also let him channel his power of Air. Biography: He is the Toa Metru of air and guardian of the transport hub of Le-Metru. Matau is known for his instincts and his great sense of humor. His Great Mask of Illusion and his twin aero slicers make him a hero to reckon with.
  8. Name: Berserk Dragon Nickname/Callsign: Berserker Attribute & Subtype: Dark/Dragon Appearance: A black dragon with wings and he looks kinda dead. Affiliation & Rank: Berserk Dragon is one of Kione's top dragons. Reports to: Kione Weapon/s: Berserk Blaster Weapon Ability: Weakens any Dark monster's attack by 1/8. Special Ability: Can absorb energy from his surroundings to increase his attack power. History: Berserker was tortured by Fire monsters when he was created in a lab until his soul began to dissolve. So he began to hunt Fire monsters and he would make them die slowly and painfully until they would go crazy from pain. One day, he was surrounded by Fire monsters wanting to get revenge. They nearly killed him, but he survived waiting in agony. Then, Kione appeared and knowing that Berserker had great potential for his army, he made some of his best henchmen heal him back to full-strength. Now, Berserker is ready to destroy anyone and anything to aid Kione in the war, especially Fire type monsters. I hope this is okay.
  9. Name: Phariamon Side: Demon Lords Digivolutions: Kuramon-Phariamon-Ctanmon-Necromon-Wraithmon-Daemon Attacks: Bubble Blow Personality: Phariamon is a very destructive digimon. He will let no one stand in his way to become a Mega level digimon. You want to stay as far away from him as possible or you might end up losing your data. Appearance: He looks like a little ball with spikes on the top of his head and a tail covered in flames. Biography: When he came out of his egg he was attacked by some digimon, and because of this he hates the digi-world and everyone in it. As he grew he began to hunger for power and started to destroy weak digimon to absorb their data. Eventually, he absorbed hundreds of digimon in his quest to achieve Mega level.
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