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Everything posted by roxybudgy

  1. Some people are so closed minded, if there is something about my fan art that you don't like, please tell me what it is so I can improve. However, if you gave me a 'No' vote because you didn't like the character on the art, then you are missing the entire point of voting for fan art. Fan Art is about the art, not your opinion on the characters in the Art. I happen to like Kikyo, and if I draw her badly, go ahead and tell me so I can improve my drawing. I have alot of Kikyo hating friends who like my drawings despite it having Kikyo on it.
  2. Can anyone help out? I read this fan fic 5 years ago about Rei Ayanami, and I love it so much that I decided to draw it up as a manga, but seeing as I didn't write the fan fic, I think it is best if I got the author's permission first. The fan fic is about Rei from Evangelion. What happens is Asuka pushes Rei over and Rei hits her head, when she regains concious nous, she's 'normal' as in she's social, goe shopping, talks about fashion and boys. The fan fic was split up into chapters, the first Chapter was called 'Birth'. It also involves an Angle that looks like the Grim Reaper. Has anyone heard of it? I would like to ask the author's permission before I draw it as a manga.
  3. Any one else watch McLeod's Daughters? It's an Australian TV drama, but I know that they show it on satelite TV on the Hallmark channel (I think). It used to be on channel 9 in Austrlia, but the season ended and I'm really looking forward to the next season, which is coming in 8 weeks time or so.
  4. Does anyone watch Fruits Basket? My sister recently got the entire series on VCD and I have been reading Fruits Basket scanlations online. My first impresion was that Fruits Basket was going to be some sort of High School comedy thing, kinda like Ranma 1/2. But as the series progressed it seemed to change into a more serious series. I'm not saying that I hate it, I actually like Fruits Basket, but I won't go overboard and say that I love it. I just think that they sould have had a healthy balance between funny and serious throughout the series rather than changing from funny to serious. By the way, my favourite Fruits Basket Characters are Kyo and Yuki. [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]I merged your thread with the existing Fruits Basket one. When starting a thread about a specific anime, be sure to search the forum or check the Threads Directory Sticky at the top of the page to make sure one isn't already up. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  5. [FONT=Verdana]There are many kinds of Evangelions fans, those who love the cool looking mechs, those who love the characters for various reasons, those who love the comedy i it, those who love the whole Angels and 3rd Impact thing, and people who like one or more of the things I have mentioned. I myself love everything about Evangelion. Whereas my sister likes it because of the characters and comedy, she is clueless when it comes to everything else to do with Evangelion. Many people are put off Evangelion because it is so confusing. Some dislike it because they say it is too unrealistic, so find it fustrating about how all the characters are screwed up in some way. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. As for the final Genesis (Episodes 25 and 26), I didn't really understand it, but from watching the two movies, I think that the movies and the final Genesis are alternative endings to Neon Genesis Evangelion. Someday, I intend to make a website for Neon Genesis Evangelion, and as Adam has said, this is no easy task. But I'm going to try anyway. Right now I'm working on an Inuyasha website (it's actually a Sesshomaru Shrine). By the way, I would love to see Shinji and Rei get together, has anyone read Book 8, I just love that part where Rei is talking to Shinji about holding hands (I may be wrong because I read the Chinese version and my Chinese isn't so good).[/FONT]
  6. I'm wondering if there is anyone out there who has read the "Earth's Children" series by Jean M Auel. I have and I'm hoping there will be at least one more book in the series. There are 5 boks in the series so far: - Clan Of The Cave Bear - Valley Of The Horses - Mammoth Hunters - Plains Of Passage - Shelters Of Stone My favourite book in the series so far is Shelters Of Stone, and Clan of the Cave Bear is my second favourite. I'm pretty sure others have heard of this series because Jean M Auel is very famous for these books.
  7. Coming from an Asian family, there's all sorts of weird stuff to drink to induce vomitting, such as the Chicken Esscence (my mum made me drink this once and it made me puke because it tasted so awful) and there's this weird gritty and milky stomach ache medicine, just say you have a stomach ache and just the smell of the stuff makes you sick (it was also overdue but my mum isn't picky about these things). Of course, another way to miss something (school) is to make yourself sick. Once I had to do an oral presentation but I wasn't ready yet, so I had heaps of chocolate and chips washed down with plenty of cola, and it gave me a bad cough. I made the excuse that I couldn't go because my voice wasn't good, so I couldn't do the oral presentation, I knew that it would clear up in a couple of hours, but my mum didn't know, so I ended up with an extra weekend to work on the Presentation. Actually, that is probably the only time I intentionally chucked a sickie to miss school.
  8. I currently have four Budgerigars (1 boy and 3 girls) and five Zebra Finches (2 boys 3 girls). And the Americans ask "What is a budgerigar?". They're parakeets, but Australians call them budgerigars, or budgies for short. [B]Ted[/B] is a male budgie, has a green body, yellow head and black stripes. I read this book with Dilbert cartoons in it, and one of the headings was 'Ted - The Generic Guy". When I was choosing names for my budgies, Ted didn't have any distinguishing features, he is an average budgie, so I decided to name him after Ted the generic Guy, because Ted is a generic guy budgie. Being the only male budgie, he has his pick of females, right now, he seems to be mating with two females, Crystal and Rainbow (the two-timer!). [B]Rainbow[/B] is the prettiest female in the aviary. She has a light yellow head with grey stripes, and her body is green fading into blue, hence the name Rainbow. I think Rainbow is considering breeding, but she can't seem to choose which nesting box to use, and her mate, Ted, is seeing another budgie. Rainbow also tends to pick on Black the Zebra Finch. [B]Crystal[/B] is the other love of Ted's life. Crystal seems to want to breed also, but she seems to always want the nesting box that Rainbow has an interest in. Crystal is often seen chasing Rainbow away from a nesting box or Ted. Crystal is named after her silvery blue colour of her body, she has a white head and very faint grey stripes. [B]Yuki[/B] , poor Yuki, she has been looking unwell since I got her, or is it him? Yuki is an albino so I'm not really sure whether he/she is a girl/boy, but signs indicate the she may be a girl. Recentlyaly face mites so her beak is really deformed. I have been putting medicine on her beak. Being albino, she is all white with red eyes and I named her Yuki because Yuki means snow in Japanese, burt if she turns out to be a he then I'll rename her Yuuki, which is a boys name in Japanese. All she does is huddle on the perch with her feathers fluffed up, poor thing. [B]Black[/B] the Zebra Finch. He is the father of two of the finches in the aviary, Kiko and Cocoa. Black is called Black because he has a black chest whereas regular Zebra Finches have a black and white striped chest. Black has two girlfriends, Kiki and Grey (another two-timer!). Unfortunately, Black's left wing is all messed up so he can't fly, and he keeps bashing his wings against the aviary in an attempt to climb to the top perches which means his wing would probably never get better. Every night, he finds his way to the top perches and huddles with his two girlfriend whoi take turns to preen his head. Black is often eing picked on by the budgies, especially Rainbow. [B]Kiki[/B], the only successful mother in the aviary. She laid eight eggs but only two suvived to adulthood. Those darn budgies keep messing with the finches, If I didn't love them so much I probably would have banished the budgies to the cage. Kiki is called Kiki because she looks just like the other female finch so she needed a different name. Kiki seems to be more shy than Grey, and she seems to like sharing a nest with Grey, so she probably doesn't mind sharing Black with Grey. The only visible difference between Kiki and Grey is that Grey's beak is red and Kiki's beak is orange. [B]Grey[/B], Black's other girlfriend. Grey has tried to breed, but the budgies keep eating her eggs. Grey is quite bold, sometimes she attacks the budgies if they get near her nest while she is nearby. Grey and Kiki share a nest at night, and if Black is able to make his way up to the nest, they let him join in. [B]Kiko[/B] the houdini finch. Kiko is the cute little daughter of Black and Kiki. When she was just a little fledgling, just learning how to fly, she escaped my grip and flew across the street, I had to go to class in half an hour so I was chasing after her, I found her but being a fledgling, he attempt to fly back to me failed and the wind blew her across another street, its a long story but I managed to get he back. Just recently, she escaped again, but flew back on her own, lucky! kiko is her official name but I usually refer to her as "The Little White Finch". [B]Cocoa[/B], Kiko's brother. Cocoa is the weirdest looking Zebra Finch I have ever seen. His back is grey, he has orange cheeks and orange under his wings and his belly and chest is black. His official name is Cocoa, but I call him "The Little Black/Brown Finch". I raised Kiko and Cocoa myself after they were attacked by the budgies. After being healed, Kiki didn't recognise them as her own offspring so I was stuck with looking after them, now they are all grown up and Kiko is expecting eggs, her mate is her brother, but I guess it would be weirder if her mate was her father. I just love my budgies and finches, sorry if I went on for too long.
  9. roxybudgy

    Embarassing CDs

    [quote name='Spike88][FONT=Impact']Well, everyone has that one CD in your collection and your not sure why it's there. Me I have one and that's 98 degrees and rising and I don't know what i was thinking when I bought it. At the time I was very into rock music like I am now but, one of my friends liked one of the songs off the CD so I bought it. My question to all of you is what is the CD you would hate for anyone to find out you have and why do you have it.[/FONT][/quote] I'm too poor to buy CDs but my dad bought some as birthday prezzies. He got me this Aqua CD and he bought a Movie Themes CD for my brother. These CDs are now hidden at the back of my dad's huge collection of 'Golden Oldies' CD collection. My dad has really old tastes in music, in the car, he plays the song "Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weeny Polka Dot Bikini". That is so embarassing.
  10. [COLOR=Navy]I edited your post for spoiler tags. To create these yourself, simply type [spoiler*]text[/spoiler], but without the asterisk. ~Dagger~[/COLOR] First of all, lets get this right, when deciding whether anime is good or bad, you have to remember that other people have different tastes and expectations. Your definition of bad may be different to someone else's definition of bad. Plus, when you judge an anime, judge it for what it is. If its supposed to be a romance, don't accuse it of not being more action focused. My sister said she didn't like a certain drama anime because it wasn't funny enough. Anyway, what is my opinion? [B]Sailor Moon[/B] - For some reason I hate this show (that's just my opinion, no offense to Sailor Moon fans). Maybe its because of how the main character is so pure (eeewww gross). It also reminds me of 'Captain Planet' how it has that message thing at the end, I find that really lame. [B]Astro Boy[/B] - I don't really like this, or anything else done buy Tezuka Osamu (again, no offense, I know he is the god of manga but his style doesn't appeal to me). Mainly its the drawing style that puts me off, its too Mickey Mouse. [B]Iron Fist Chinmin[/B] - My sister hates this, I have never seen it but maybe someone else has. [B]Sakura Wars[/B] - After watching the first two videos, I thought 'What the heck is going on?'. It seemed that there were holes in the plot, I mean in one episode, a character leaves to get revenge, in another episode, she appears to be back again with no indication whether she go revenge or not. And the first battle was only reffered to, not shown. I think if they had shown it, it would have been more interesting. I absolutely hate the dub voices. Especially the voice of the so called Chinese girl. I'm Chinese myself and the accent given to the Chinese character was shocking, bad voice, bad pronounciation. [B]Dagonball Z and GT[/B] - The original Dragonball was good but the later ones, Z and GT, were different. Some people love Z and GT but hate the original. I don't like Z and GT because of how the stories drag on. It drags on so long that if you miss ten episodes, it is still easy to pickup on the storyline because the characters are probably still standing is the same place building up their glow. And a lit of anime which I dislike because of their predictability is [B]Pokemon[/B] (not the first season though, that was good, plus the games are good), [B]Digimon[/B], [B]YuGiOh[/B], and [B]Hamtaro[/B]. As an [B]Inuyasha[/B] fan (actually, I'm more of a Sesshomaru fan), I know that the series is long, but I am actually looking forward to seeing the newer episodes of Inuyasha. However, when I read the book where [spoiler]Kikyo is killed by Naraku[/spoiler] (sorry if I spoiled it for you) I thought that the series was coming to an end. But then I read another books where Kikyo comes back to life (yet again, and again I'm sorry for the spoilers). My prediction was that when [spoiler]Kikyo died,[/spoiler] the series would soon come to an end, but now that she's alive, it is probably going to go on for another season. Back to the topic, I know people stopped watching Inuyasha because of its length, but I think the main reason anyone would be put off watching dubbed Inuyasha is the awful voices thay have used. I watch subtitled Inuyasha. [B]Neon Genesis Evanglion[/B] - Some love it, some hate it, some don't get it. I love it and I understand it, though the final genesis was very confusing and I didn't like it how the first part of the first movie was basically a recap on what happened in the series and the first part of the second movie is the last part of the first movie. I admit, there are times when I just want to slap Shinji and tell him to get a grip. But its all part of the story. If you don't understand the storyline there are many website which can help out, try refering to the red cross book (type in 'red cross book' in a search engine). Anyway, thats just my opinion. Send comments to [email]roxybudgy@yahoo.com[/email] If you feels the need to flame me, though I prefer you didn't, send it to [email]roxybudgy@hotmail.com[/email]
  11. My user name for everything (from yahoo to AMV.org) is roxybudgy. Why did I choose roxybudgy. First of all, I had no idea the name "Roxy" was a brand name. I found out a while ago when my sister told me that Roxy was a brand name. Anyway, why roxybudgy? Roxy was the name of my favourite pet budgerigar. She got eaten by a neighbour's cat three months ago. Of course, I am against using other people/budgie's names as your own so I added 'budgy' at the end. 'budgy' is supposed to be a variation of the word 'budgie', which is a variation of the word 'budgerigar'. And the Americans ask 'What is a budgerigar? '. A budgerigar is what the Americans call a 'parakeet'. As an Aussie, I call them budgerigars. Technically, budgies aren't parakeets (I'm obsessed with budgies, as well as anime and manga so don't mind me if I blab on about budgies). It really bugs me when people use character names as their own. I bet there are at least a hundred people who call themselve Kagome Higurashi. Get your own username, it really annoys me when people use character names as their own, but if their parents named them that then its okay. [QUOTE=JuliasPeach]this topic is about how you got your user name tell me how you chose your name and why? mine JuliasPeach has two resons one is that it stands for Julia's Peach, my name is Peach and My girlfriend's name is Julia :love: two is that Julias is like Orange Julias a place that sells fruit shakes!! (Yum!!) so instead of Orange Julias its Peach Julias which is Julias Peach!!! Muhahahahaha! :D sooo how did you get your name??? :)[/QUOTE]
  12. [COLOR=Black][FONT=Verdana]I must admit, when I first heard about Harry Potter, I wasn't so interested. But now I am eagerly awaiting the new movie and book. Although my first contact with Harry Potter was when my sister got the First Movie (she had read the books long before), but I prefer the books to the movies because the movies are restricted by time (although that didn't stop the makers of Lord Of The Rings). Plus, the books have more detail. Someone said that people who read the books avoid the movies, I don't know anyone like that, but the reason for this may be because they know what happened already. I mean, the whole point of seeing a movie is to find out what happens. Of course, people still watch anime even though they've read the manga (Inuyasha is a good example here). I'm wondering if the fourth and fifth book will be made into a movie, considering its slightly horror/violence content maybe it would be given an M rating? Reviewers went nuts over how the second movie would potentially scare kids. I really think the ratings people seriously under estimate kids.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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