All the dreams[at least the ones that freaked me out] are what I remeber.
I remember that my friend and I were getting "adopted" by this creepy looking couple. And so we were. But we decided to run away from them. And we did. We ran all over the place. Anyway you can think of. But we came across this museum. So we went in it and hid. But the couple found us and so we kept running. We stopped running when we came to a big fountain, that could be a pool. We both jumped into the "fountain" and swam to the otherside. While we were swimming, there were statues in the "fountain" and their eyes just creeped my out. They kept following us until we got out. When my friend and I got out, we jumped down. But we didn't reach the bottom because I woke up..^^
There was also this one time, when I was about 10 or 11. I had a dream that I was at the mall. You know, the regular stuff..buying cds and clothes. But when I got out, there was this man that was looking for me. He was dressed in a long black coat, had a matcing hat, and held an umbrella. Somehow, he knew my name and it scared the heck out of me. I didn't know what he was talking aout because he was mumbling, but during that he took out my scrunchie in my hair. The I saw my uncle. I was so relieved. So I ran over to him and ignored the other person. But the other person just smiled as I went away. But anyway, I told my uncle about the person and he just told me to get into the car. So I did. But the car started to move forward. I didn't know which pedal was the brake back then, so I just yelled for help because I was heading towards a really big wall. But before the car hit the wall, I felt someone was pushing the car backwards, and someone was. It was my aunt. I know she's really tall and stiff, but she was moing the car like it an empty box! Aheh, then I woke up..^^;; but in those dreams, it felt so real. Like I could actually smell the water and I could feel my hair being let was scary...
I tell that to my friends and they call me weird...and my dreams mind goes insane