Hmm. I'd like the anime mostly, because living in a PAL territory (Australia) means that I would then have more of a chance of actually getting my hands on it. Right now, though I would like a real-version of the manga, I am content leeching scanlations of it online. I'm also sorta "meh" about a lot of professional translations these days. Even the ones that are REALLY good, are obviously not as good as the originals, which I find a lot of good scanlations are. For example, even though I love Tokyopop for being a darling and doing a good job on the Saiyuki manga, there's still some things about it I don't like about their translations (and some censorship). So yeah, I'm happier if it's the anime. But if a good version of the manga (the whole thing mind you, SI as well as Kuro') came out I would buy it. "Good" means unflipped, sound effects untranslated (it just ruins the art of the panels) and as little censorship/editing as possible, as well as decent printing and art inserts as well obviously.
Nanae Chrono's art makes me go ga-ga. It's interesting to see the change of artstyle between SI and Kuro' though. I personally like the SI style better, though I appreciate the Kurogane style more for its atmospheric reasons, being darker and all. Hmmm, that, and grownup-Catwhore-Suzu is a total babe -mmmmm lowcut pants- (/Suzu-fangirl mode) and the style of Kurogane is the ONLY place you could ever witness the hideous creepy freak that is Itou. *shudders* Ugh. She really captured the whole creepy-rapist-look with him.