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About Yumi

  • Birthday 02/17/1986

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I'm a uk shoe size 3
  • Occupation
    Baby catching student/ layabout

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  1. [I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=Indigo]I never have a night when I don't dream! All my dreams are really vivid which is why I think i talk in my sleep so much and why I'm always so tired in the mornings. I like vivid dreams though they make sleep all the more intresting.[/COLOR][/FONT][/I]
  2. [COLOR=Indigo][I]My school segregated my group for GSCE RE as an experiment because of some research that came out saying single sex classes work better. Both sets ended up doing really well with the boys beating the girls so I can see the arguement for it and the learning envirmnoment was better compared to my co-ed classes[/I].[/COLOR]
  3. I need money for christmas otherwise i'm not gonna be able to eat in the new year (and as a student by eat i mean drink a hellva lot of alcohol)!!!!! ... I also want a purple pony.
  4. I actually suprised I remember this summer as I spent most of it drunk due to all my friends turning 18 and having to take them out for birthday drinks. I aslo turned in to a Housewife as I had nothing to do for 3 months expect wait for A level results and mourn the fact I was gonna lose my personal slave when i leave home (bye bye bro). Thanks to this summer I am now and excellent ironer, washer cooker and hooverer!!!!! I aslo spent lots of time dossing about with my friends as it was are last summer together making it one of the saddest!!!!! Ooooh I aslo went on retreat which was cool as it was a week of total relaxation with two of my best friends and ate a hellva lot of food YUM!!!!
  5. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=Indigo]I'm from Swindon (ENGLAND) a place where if it isn't bolted down it's nicked. I'm hoping, grades permitting, to go to uni in birmingham this year. Sadly I will be moving from one rough area to the next (perry barr...nice). I'm gonna study midwifery and become a full fledge baby catcher only problem is I'm not a really fan of them and I can stand needle so I think I will be focusing pre-natal. Orignally i'm from everywhere as darling papa is in the army and enjoyed turfing me and my family around the continent.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [quote name='Cyriel][COLOR=Purple']What exactly is a yeast infection? All I've heard is that they're painful, but then again, what isn't? Everything there seems to be painful. Oh, and how do you get a yeast infection? Why is it called a yeast infection?[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Indigo] A Yeast infection aka thrush, is when fugus inside you vagina goes haywire and starts to grow like mad. Normally it is kept under control by 'good' bacteria but sometime they don't work. It shouldn't hurt only itch like mad which is worse as it especially occurs at night. It can sting when you pee as well because the skin is sensitive. If it is painful than it is likely to be something more serious!!!!!!! You can get it from just about anything if your a girl - antibiotics, sex, stress and some contreceptives can cause it. The medicine you take of it is gross though it is like a syringe which you put inside you and squeeze out the cream. Although there are meant to be tablets avalible now. [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]I'm lucky my mum is really open about sex-sometimes too open!!!!! I learnt about it all at about the age of 5 when my mum gave me an usbourne facts of life picture book and told me to come back if I had any questions and by age 14 she had me practicing putting condomns on bananas!!!!!!!! Because I go/went to a Catholic school their isn't much focus on sex and womens problems except for science and the one hour talk we got in year 8 by the school nurse. This is probably the reason why my school has the highest teen pregnancy rate in are town I would say magazine are a good source but they lie. All my teeny bopper mags said that You would not feel your period when you were one and that when you first start it is very light. YEAH RIGHT!!! I always feel it when I'm on especially standing up after sitting down and when i first started I though I was hemmroageing. It didn't help that we hand no sanitary towels in the house so I had to make do with tissue until i got to the shops Tampons are evil tried to use one but it just wouldn't work. My friends sister's went to the doctor because she had bad stomach cramps and further investigation found that she had a tampon stuck inside her!!!![/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]It's not actually under the judical system but under military tribunal with 5 military officals as the panel. Although there the death penaltly will not be enforced if they are guilty it does not say what will happen to the detainees, will they be taken to a high security prison or kept at camp delta where thay are at risk of ill treatment. Also there is the risk of bias the panel are under the control of Bush who is to say that there will be miscarriages of justice and innocent people are voted guilty so the the Bush admin. can save face. At least an international tribunal will be protected by international law and have a an independent panel present. Allowing them a trial is the first step but their is still the case of them being able to detain the' POW's' without trial or charge if they were considered 'enemy combatants'. Meaning that potentially innocent people are being detained and may have to wait years for a fair trial due to the amount of people in the prison. The whole case of guantameno bay as puts a question mark over western ideals and makes the US and those associated with the US look like hypocrites. The US is a super power and should set an example of how to treat other instead of going on some power trip (by US I mean the Bush administration not the general population). [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Jessica Simpson, Anna Nicole, Arnold, George Bush are nothing compare to the stupidity the is Jade Goody AKA Miss Piggy (British Big Brother 3). Here are some of her classical thoughts and ideas 1. Thought horseradish came from horses 2. Thought Rio de Janerio was a person 3. Though you require a passport to go to East Anglia as it was another country (it's a county of England so no passport required) 4. Asked wether of not £250,000 was larger than £75,000 as she was not good at figures 5. Thought Ireland was over by China Most of this is probably fake though as she was a dental nurse so needed some brains. Even so I'm now vary wary when attend the denstist in case the nurse is a Jade twin!!!!!!![/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Unfair how come all of you get to leave school May/June time, Most if us Brit kids have to stay on to mid July (people like me who are special get to leave end of May for exams, not sure if that is a good thing though!) After my exams have finished (July, 6 weeks of exams sooooo unfair) I plan to spend the glorious summer temping in the offices of Swindon. According to mother getting money for university is more important than dossing about with friends drinking copious amounts of alcohol.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. Ummm English bank holidays don't work like that it's more like a few mondays off a year. It's very tradtional though we all pile into are cars and spend several hours on the main roads in traffic jams. Then mid afternoon we arrive at our destination (usually a beach) and come rain or shine we are determined to swim. Then we pile back into our car and spend yet again several hours in a traffic jam. It's family fun. We also have bonfire night where we put a fake person on a bonfire and burn it!!!! They also let off fireworks to rubbish songs and we stand there gaping like stoned fish. Even so it's still my favourtie (i am a pyromanic)
  12. [I][COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]I only own 4 CD's the rest i had to sell for shoes... for my cat. I did keep my faves though MUSE showbiz - This is such a cool album I can listen to all the songs, which is a good thing. Normally I have to skip a few on other albums, annoying as it requires movement. Never boring!!!! Unintended is the best love song (next to the Dammed love song) BEATLES abbey road - It's best writing ever. Long live Lennon (an to a lesser extent paul). Enough said they are the second coming. MONKEY KNIFE FIGHT - My 6th form band are very good and have a really cool album. Covers and orginals very good for some impromptu moshing in the bedroom.[/FONT][/COLOR][/I]
  13. Yumi


    I use to have a natural ability for maths GSCE but i still hated it. Now I am really bad at it and I am also bad at english so where does thay leave me!!!! I think either you are more suited to science or english not just maths and english. I also think it can relate to gender. Most people in my 6th form who do A level maths are male and tests have shown that a woman is more likely to fail a maths test right before her period due her hormonal levels. (there are exceptions to the rule MOG!!) Maths is awful all you need is a calculator and a maths able friend and then you never need bother with it again! YAY!
  14. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]I ocassionaly eat peanut butter from the jar when I can not be bothered to cook, but I don't know whether it is an indulgence or just laziness (i do like it though).[/FONT][/COLOR] :tasty:
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