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About Redemption
- Birthday 02/25/1987
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I'm lost in the black hole called university. It even sucks in light.... nyuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Almost 4th year university student
Redemption's Achievements

Senior Otaku (4/6)
[size=1]Thanks all for the opinions. It seems that playing/making RPs is, in essence, very similar to game design, with the same conflicting points. Since I've started to study it this semester, the similarities are quite surprising. The comments all of you have made, are exactly what is taught to us in GD. But now I have a different perspective on building RPs and games because of this. Curious, quite curious. If anyone has any other comments, please add them. I'll be watching the thread for a while yet. - B[/size]
[size=1]Wow. Thanks Hybrid Ninja. They look awesome. ^^[/size]
[size=1]It's nice to know that everyone has replied to the thread with their honest opinions. It's also interesting to see people's opinions. Personally, I did believe that people looked at who posted the RPG, but I didn't realise the reasons why they did this. Curious. Another question thrown into the fray. As an RPG writer, do you write for your audience (prospective RPers), or do you write a story that you want to personally want to roleplay and hope others find it interesting? And, have you ever given thought to what consequences (both positive and negative) your RPs have on your audiences' lives? For instance, someone makes a character very close to their heart (is very close to their real life self) and they watch how their character interacts with others. I'm not sure if I worded that so you guys can understand what I mean, but I did my best. You guys are giving me an important insight to my audience. ;)[/size]
[size=1]Hiya all. Haven't been around for a while so I don't know how the situation in the Arena is going. So how is the quality of the RPGs being posted? Does it stack up to what you knew of the past RPGs posted in OB? What do RPers want these days? What elements of an RP do you look at before signing up? I'm thinking of coming back summer break for me. Don't know what kind of RP I might make, but we'll see. And this question is out of pure curiosity. When you look at signing up to an RPG, does it matter who posted it? Thanks for reading my rambling. - B[/size]
[size=1]Hello everyone. I just wanted to change my avi and banner set. [url]http://www.npng.org/galerie/albums/edit/10001/kira_dakara.jpg[/url] If you could use that picture in the banner and avi, that'd be good. I don't really have any other ideas for it. But I would like emphasis on his eyes. That's about it. Thanks. - B[/size]
[INDENT][color=Sienna][size=1]Ally could feel a chuckle of amusement rise in her throat. This feeling? how long had it been since she experienced this kind of adrenaline rush? Her hands were firmly constricted by Ben?s rather large left hand, while the other traced her waist in a lustful fashion. A tingling sensation ran over her skin where Ben?s hand glided. However, this didn?t deter from the fact that the two were sparring. [i]What will happen indeed?[/i] Ben looked down at Ally?s face to find two honey-gold eyes looking strongly back at him. For a moment, he was stunned. He knew that look. It was the look of a professional soldier. He had fought many in his boxing career, so that look wasn?t new to him. However, the one that this seemingly-fragile woman gave him almost made him take a step backwards out of hesitation. Knowing that her chance had came forth, Ally wrapped one of her legs around Ben?s and bent them forward, making the muscular man suddenly drop to his knees. With her hands now free, she put them on his shoulders and propelled herself over him, performing a perfectly landed flip. From behind her, she heard Ben start laughing. Ally turned to him, some of her short, blonde hair askew upon her face. She slowly stood, cautious about what Ben was about to do next. The South American man rose with her, turning towards her with a grin of absolute delight on his face. That adrenaline rush was starting to slowly subside as Ally realised that her trained soldier instincts had suddenly come back to the surface. With those instincts came the memories. Ally had used that exact manoeuvre on one of the men that had slaughtered most of her contingent in Baghdad. The scene played over in her mind. She watched herself place her hands on the man?s shoulders, her left hand holding her standard army knife. As she finished the flip, she drew the weapon forward, across the side of the man?s neck, severing the jugular vein. The screams? the screams of that man as he bled to death were a constant feature in her nightmares. [b]? Lui faire l'arrêt,?[/b] Ally whispered, reverting to her native tongue. Her hair covered her eyes from Ben?s gaze. [b]? Je veux juste qu'il finesse.?[/b] Ben?s eyes lit up as he saw the opportunity he was waiting for. Ally was at her most vunerable.[/size][/color][/INDENT] OOC: I?ll leave it to you guys to guess what Ally said. ^^ As for you BK, you know what to do. *evil grin*
OOC: Lol. Don't worry about it too much Nucifer. It's ok. By the way, you seem to be using Allen (from Reality of Sin?) in your posts for this RP, instead of either Axel or the character Axel is interacting with. Just wanted to point that out. No biggie. ^^ [INDENT][size=1][color=#666666][b]? Who shall be first??[/b] Neron said, readjusting his glasses slightly as he looked from Axel to October. The both of them looked rather uncomfortable under his questioning gaze. The doctor guessed that, in October?s case, he was a male doctor, and the only doctor on the ship. As for Axel, he wasn?t quite sure why the young wan was discomforted by the doctor?s dark-grey eyes. [b]? Well? nothing? whatever happened to Lex was the worst,?[/b] the young man mumbled. [b]? It makes my head injury look meaningless??[/b] He pointed to the rather swollen ?bump? that had formed near one of his temples. Neron?s eyes sharpened slightly. He wasn?t the type of doctor to leave patient?s high-and-dry when they needed medication attention of any sort, but Axel?s injury didn?t seem too severe for the moment. [b]? Are you certain? I will gladly take a look??[/b] Neron started before he was cut off by Axel. [b]? No, no. I?m just being a baby,?[/b] he said firmly, giving the doctor a nervous smile. Neron sighed inwardly, closing his eyes only briefly as he turned his attention to October. She had minor bleeding from a point at the side of her head. Again, it was only a minor wound ? nothing as serious as Lexiana?s. The doctor rummaged around in his bandages box and produced a thick head bandage. He approached October with it, who became increasingly uneasy with his oncoming. She backed away gradually as Neron came forward. However, seeing at how this was not going to come to anything, Neron stopped and looked at the woman, before throwing her the bandage. [b]? Since you will not let me treat you myself, I shall have to ask you to do it on your own,?[/b] the doctor said coolly, turning away slightly. He was slightly annoyed at the attitude his patient was showing him, however, deep down inside, he knew that this was to be expected. Walking over to his desk, Neron gathered up a few papers as well as Lexiana, Axel and October?s ID cards. These ID cards held their physical condition statistics on them. He wanted to run a few tests virtually before giving them all the ok to go back to fighting. Without another word, the doctor left the ward and headed down to the holding cells to meet with the prisoners. On his way down there, he heard an announcement for Jaden to come to the bridge immediately. Again, Neron sighed, thinking to himself about Jaden?s disappearance during the last battle. But before long, the doctor had arrived down at the holding cells. He looked into the nearest cell, which turned out to be the female?s. A sarcastic comment was shot his way when the occupant realised she, and her male counterpart, had a visitor. [b]? So you decided to come after all??[/b] Naydine sneered. Neron gave the snide woman a hard look from behind strands of his long hazelnut-blonde hair. For a doctor, that look was rather intimidating. [b]? My apologies for making you wait, though technically, the prisoners do not have much say in matters like these.?[/b] Neron watched as the female turned her head away from him in disgust. [b]? However, I would like to know how your ankle and head are faring??[/b] Naydine looked back at him with a lethal glance. [b]? Just fine thank you!?[/b] Neron let an inaudible growl rumble in his throat. His patience was about at the end of his tether after this day, of all days. However, he composed himself somewhat before addressing Naydine in a very firm tone. [b]? As a doctor, it is my duty aboard this ship to care for the physical and mental well-being of all aboard. This includes prisoners. I dearly wish not to perform my other duty aboard this ship, which is to examine the dead and determine their cause of death. I would much rather deal with living, breathing patients, than dead bodies.?[/b] Naydine was taken aback by his sudden turn of emotion. Kain peered around the bars of his cell to look at the two interacting. The doctor did look like he was holding himself together by a small amount. The two glared at each other for a few moments before Neron broke the gaze and stepped over to Kain?s cell. He looked through the bars at the young man that stood before him. [b]? It seems you are the more sensible of the two.?[/b] There was an angered outburst from Naydine but Neron ignored her. [b]? I would like to talk to you about your planet, your world. It interests me greatly that men and women seem to live together somewhat peacefully. If you are interested, then I will ask the captain if you both can be freed and made Volker pilots on this ship. Think it over and send your reply with one of these guards. They know their way to my office.?[/b] Kain nodded softly, already having a thoughtful look about him. Neron gave the young man a small smile before turning on his heel and walking from that part of the [i]Obsession[/i], not giving Naydine a second look. As he entered the door of the ward, Neron immediately noticed the missing presence of all three of his patients, Lexiana included. This time a frustrated hiss came through his clenched teeth. The middle-aged man flopped into his chair, taking off his circular-framed glasses and placing them on the desk before him. His hand rose to his head and covered some of his eyes in a tired expression, some of his hair falling over his hand as he lent forward in the chair. [i]This is one of the reasons I didn?t take a position on a ship before?[/i] Neron thought to himself. [i]Those pilots are stubborn and will not listen to my instructions.[/i] A soft ?knock-knock? tapped on the frame of the doorway to the ward. Neron raised his head to look at the doorway, letting his hand fall slightly so he would have a clear view of who it might be. To his surprise it was Laura, the ship?s most senior analyst. One of her hands was holding her forehead gingerly, her eyes slightly cringed in pain. [b]? Miss Xerinth. What can I do for you today??[/b] Neron asked as he placed his glasses back on his face. [center]============================[/center] [i]Meanwhile...[/i] Jaden walked in through the bridge doors after getting himself lost three times on his way to see what the fuss was about. One of the male officers Jaden had seen before they boarded the [i]Obsession[/i] came up to him with a small smile. [b]" Hello captain. Glad to see you're back,"[/b] Yuri said, slightly chuckling at Jaden's reddening face. [b]" Sorry I couldn't get here earlier. What's the problem?"[/b] Jaden replied, not wanting to have another person dislike him for his ditzy behaviour. [b]" Well... it's not exactly a problem. You see... we seem to be approaching a planet system that has a good amount of resources on it. Since this is a long voyage and all, I thought that it would be a good idea if we stocked up."[/b] jaden thought for a moment, looking at Yuri then down at the screen that showed the large red-clouded planet. What Yuri suggested wasn't a bad idea at all.[/size][/color][/INDENT] OOC: Sorry to take over your chars for a bit, DC and Soliel. Just needed to get that in. My next post will be the beginning of a new chapter folks. Prepare for landing crew.
[INDENT][color=Sienna][size=1]Outside in one of the narrow corridors of the Master?s mansion stood ally. Her short blonde hair covered her eyes as she leant against the cold wall, panting, clutching at her heart in pain. It thumped hard and agonisingly inside of her chest, her body screaming for oxygen. The card?s contents had rattled the French woman right down to her core. [INDENT][i]? your service to your country is honourable...however the person you once were would look at you now and spit on your for how disgraceful and weak you've become?[/i][/INDENT] A great thud echoed through the halls as Ally slammed her closed fist into the wall. There was barely a sting of pain from the impact. She looked dully at her now red hand. There was never any pain? not since? The young woman shook her head vigorously, trying to banish those memories from her mind. His words kept bringing up those memories? the ones of her comrades that had fallen in battle. He must have known that it would have this effect on her. An unusual steely glint appeared in Ally?s eyes. Straightening herself up, the young woman walked to her room and rummaged through the closet before coming to her precious box. She placed her thumb on the reader and heard the lock click open. With shaking hands, Ally withdrew all her war medals from the lock box ? her [i]Légion d'honneur[/i] being the most prestigious, among others. Her finger traced the metal wreath of olive the medal contained. A shudder crawled down her back. Maybe? she will get them back. Ally?s eyes sharpened as she clutched the medals tightly. No, that was just wishful thinking. The Master wasn?t like that, she could just tell. From the way he worded her card, she knew that he was nothing like he seemed. With a deep breath, Ally made her way out of the room as if it had been the first time she had left it in her entire life. Every step was tentative and cautious, her mind a whirl of thoughts. The sounds of dinner echoed through the halls, coming to her ears. Ally didn?t want to face all of them, giving her most prized possession away. So instead, she paced outside the door she thought would be the one that the Master would most likely to come through. She could hear parts of talking, usually only one person, but the thick wood muffled out the words. Sooner than she thought, the Master came through the door, followed by one of his servants. Ally, down the hall a little, heard him muttering something about being made out as a fool. Her eyes narrowed quickly as she stepped forward, into his path, trying to radiate strength around her. [b]? Master Dante, I have brought you your requested items,?[/b] she stated firmly, staring him straight in the eyes. A small smile thinned the Master?s lips, asking her to hand them over. Ally did. She brought her hand up from her side and placed the war medals into his outstretched hands, all slightly chinking together as they were given away. However, there was no mistaking her hands and how much they were shaking. [b]? Why thank you, Miss Fournes.?[/b] Ally detected an almost snide tone to the Master?s voice, but she said nothing. Instead, she just turned and left the Master to his business without another thought. She walked, and walked, and walked, not really knowing where she was going, but as long as it was away from the Master, she didn?t care. After a few minutes Ally looked around. She was lost. With a heavy sigh, Ally looked in through the nearest door. It looked like it was training room of sorts. Perfect. She walked in and wrapped her hands in tape before turning to the punching bag. The whirl of emotions swirled around inside her. Her eyes were closed, letting it just build and build and build. Memories played across her mind?s eyes, making her fists clench tighter and tighter until her nails cut the palms of her hands, letting blood drip onto the floor. [i]The war has only just begun?[/i][/size][/color][/INDENT]
Request Sailor Moon/Manga Banner/Avatar Request
Redemption replied to Skye's topic in Creative Works
[size=1]Hopefully third time lucky.[/size] [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g282/bishie_owner/lapis_bannerv3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g282/bishie_owner/lapis_aviv3.jpg[/IMG] -
Request Tokyo Mew Mew/ Mew Mew Power Banner
Redemption replied to Kurai Yuki's topic in Creative Works
[size=1]What do you mean her human state? As in not the pink cat costume? [b]- B[/b][/size] -
Request Sailor Moon/Manga Banner/Avatar Request
Redemption replied to Skye's topic in Creative Works
[size=1]Okay, another attempt. I hope the writing is readable. The cursive-ness makes it hard to make it small. [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g282/bishie_owner/lapis_bannerv2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g282/bishie_owner/lapis_aviv2.jpg[/IMG] [b]- B[/b][/size] -
[size=1]Hey chicka. Saw your request and thought I'd give it a go, although I can't say it's the best. I've been racking my brains over it for the last half hour. I know there's something missing but I just don't know what. Anyhow, if you want anything changed, post it up. [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g282/bishie_owner/dc_banner.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g282/bishie_owner/dc_avi.jpg[/IMG] [b]- B[/b][/size]
[size=1]If you need any help with CSS, I can help. I know a little bit (since I'm studying it at university ^^; ), so just give me a holler if you need anything. Well, as long as it's not overly complicated. ^^; [b]- B[/b][/size]
Request Sailor Moon/Manga Banner/Avatar Request
Redemption replied to Skye's topic in Creative Works
[size=1]Here's an attempt Lapis. Not sure if it was really what you were going for though (the greys and blacks theme). [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g282/bishie_owner/lapis_banner.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g282/bishie_owner/lapis_avi.jpg[/IMG] I started off with your theme, but somehow, the pink managed to get in there. Oh well. ^^; I think I could change it if you like. [b]- B[/b][/size]