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Everything posted by IchibanYariman

  1. [font=comic sans ms][color=royalblue]I also like all three of the Tenchi movies. Although Tenchi Forever was probably my favorite of the three. I've always like the idea of Ryoko and Tenchi together. Although they didn't get together, just when she and him finally saw each other at the end and how Tenchi though of her and not the others...I was sooo happy. n_n [SIZE=1]P.S. I think I just got in trouble for saying Angel Sanctuary was my favorite movie when it was actually a series, but the first post did say we could mention series...didn't it?[/SIZE][/color][/font]
  2. [font=comic sans ms][color=royalblue]I don't...although I would definately love to meet a Duo look-alike. I don't really look, but if I have done a double take by some voices at the mall [/color][/font] [quote name='SilverCyclone']:cool: Im not sure why, but my friends say I'm alot like Miroku from Inuyasha. No, I dont touch girl's butts...intentionally...but apparently, Im always flirting and I look alot like him. That, and I carry around a stick. Its for protection, I swear.[/quote][font=comic sans ms][color=royalblue]And how often do you get slapped?[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#4169e1][/color][/font] [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Try not to double-post, please: use the 'Edit' button underneath your original post. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  3. [font=comic sans ms][color=royalblue]Angel Sanctuary (This isn't a movie, but I love it anyways.) It's just awesome. n_n [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Heh, unfortunately the thread was asking for favourite movies- make sure replies are on-topic, and also that you can add as much detail to them as possible- incredibly short posts are deleted as spam on OB. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b][/color][/font]
  4. I play DnD. I'm usually an elven druid. n_n I put a lot of points on charisma, int, and wis. I like to do all the magics and healings. Plus, I get a kick out of being all seductive and what not.
  5. I heard about that. That's going to be real interesting to watch. Maybe I'll see if I can pirate an episode or something.
  6. I like the series too! I first got into it when I saw the pilot episode that I got from Newtype USA. I bought all seven volumes. And I can't wait to get the Twighlight Tales. I was kinda surprised they made that, but not completely. The series is only seven books. n_n
  7. It's an awesome anime! The only parts I didn't really like was when [spoiler]Rem died (but that was cruical for the storyline) and when Wolfwood died. I cried when that happened. I wanted him and Millie to have kids.[/spoiler] =P I would love for there to be a second season. :D
  8. How do I unsubscribe to a thread?
  9. [color=navy]My favorite character is Squall from FFVIII. He was full of angst, had a cool scar, wore a really cool jacket, and had an awesome weapon. His hair was really pretty too. :heart:[/color]
  10. [color=navy]Hmm....I would like to have Duo Maxwell as my roomie. He's so cute...and I have a crush on him. He seems lighthearted and fun-loving. I think me and him would make really good friends if nothing else. But I don't think many places allow co-ed roomates... I wouldn't want Ryoko. She's cool and awesome, but she's soooooo messy. And I think she drinks too much. I have no idea who I would want as a roomie...there are not a lot of anime girls that come to my mind that would [i]actually[/i] be a good roomie... I would have to read and watch many moons of anime to really figure it out[/color]
  11. Wow, that is really good. But, why are all the soliders women? it's very interesting. maybe some background information would be useful.
  12. I think a chatroom would be very unique to a site. Pretty much all forums don't have chatrooms. Adding a chatroom onto the board would make this very different. It will be cool.
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