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Everything posted by RealHalfBreed

  1. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v331/oneodakind284/Inu-YashaHoldingTetsusaiga.jpg[/img] [color=teal]I hope you don't mind me making your first picture an attachment. It was enlarging the screen a bit. ^_^ -Syk3[/color]
  2. I was wondering if someone could make me an animated banner of SSJ Trunks?
  3. I'd like a Teen Titans banner and avatar that only has Cyborg and Raven on it. I want it to say Cyborg & Raven 4 Ever and the colors be blue and purple. Here are a couple of sites for images. [URL]http://www.comicscontinuum.com/stories/0305/03/t11.htm[/URL] [URL]http://wf.toonzone.net/WF/teentitans/[/URL]
  4. alright alright, you convinced me to continue it lol. I'm a freak about Teen Titans too lol.
  5. thanks, I'm glad that you liked them! Be sure to check back on the one where they're regular teens because I hope to have more chapters up this weekend and I have another story coming up also. :D
  6. no prob I hope you like what I put in after it. I await to her your review.
  7. Hey, these are my first two attempts at writing so I wanted to write about one of my fav shows Teen Titans and to be more specific the couple of Cyborg & Raven. They're not done yet, but I hope to have more added to them over the weekend. I would like to hear your reviews and if you have any ideas as long as they are postive towards Cy & Rae. Emotions only has 3 chapters done and Short Circuit only 1 so far, if you like them then I'll work harder to make sure that they are really good stories. [URL=http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=1893265]http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=1893265[/URL] [URL=http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=1894797&time=1086425624]http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=1894797&time=1086425624[/URL]
  8. This is a BIG request I know, but I'm on several other message boards also. My first is a Hitokiri Battousai because that is my name on one so I'd like it to be a banner where is it has Kenshin as the Battousai with the Battousai eyes from the show. With several awesome pics of him with his sword out whether they be in stance form or action form. Also have it say something dark that the Battousai would say. I want this one to be dark and mysterious. My 2nd is a Trunks banner with him doing his Burning Attack (the full picture of him, not just the face), one pic of him with his sword in action, and the one with him sitting holding his sword looking at you all in blue/light blue to add for environment. I want it to say in burning letters "You're about to fight a real Super Saiyan" My 3rd is an Inu-Yasha one for this message board hence the name. I want it to be like the others in pics and one of his human form. Preferably with him smiling. I want it to say "It's not easy being the best of both worlds" in smooth/sleek writing. My last one is a Teen Titans one with only Cyborg & Raven. I want this one to be REALLY special since my name is Cyborg&Raven4Ever. I really can't think of the details I just want it to be special. Also a Cyborg avatar with his proton cannon out that says "Boo-Ya" on it. Hope it's not too hard. Many thanks. This is all I'll be needing, I don't mind if you put your sig on it.
  9. who all besides me can't wait for this game to come out later on this year? I'm really glad it's an rpg too, I was hoping it would be in that format.
  10. so which one do you think I should get(well depending on how much I get for this month) Ruby or Sapphire? So that I can raise them up until I get Colisseum.
  11. No, you're not the 1st one that their fav is B.B. trust me, you're fall from the 1st one. But I will say that you're the 1st one that hates Raven.
  12. I'm wondering from anyone that has the game, do you need Ruby or Sapphire to play all of Colisseum? Work has been really scarse this month, I'll have enough to get either Ruby or Sapphire and borrow my friends GBA or Colisseum. I mainly wanna play the RPG mode. Which do you think I should do, get Ruby or Sapphire and borrow my friends GBA until I have enough money to get my own GBA SP and Colisseum next month or the other way around and get Colisseum now and get the GBA SP and Ruby & Sapphre next month?
  13. RealHalfBreed

    Hip Hop

    I love all types of music but I mainly listen to Hip-Hop/R&B/and Rap. I love listening to Rock also. To those who have said that rap sucks because it's about voilence and sex is mainly because in the 80's when rap started it was in the mean streets of NY where all of that was common, and the rappers that still do that are ones that grew up with that type of life. I like listening to it fits parts of my life and when I'm mad about it. I didn't have it as bad as growing up in the bronx, but it was hard and is hard being a black person (well half as the name says) living in an all white neighborhood in southern Mississippi where most of them are racist but don't do anything because of the law. Even my so called friends stabbed me in the back and I've been left with a 14 year old scar. That's why I listen to the hard rap, but I mainly listen to R&B since I sing. There are many out there that I love listening to i.e. Usher, Brandy, Joe, and probably the best female singer today Alicia Keys. That woman's voice is so beautiful it could make stone angels cry. I don't really have fav rappers since there are so many of them. I mainly love listening to songs that have rapping and singing. I still have my fav rock artists like LP, Hoobastank, Evanescence, NFG, Simple Plan and some others. My friends used to only listen to hard rock, but now they're like me in listening to anything. I have no prob with what you or anyone listens to or doesn't listen to as long as you(anyone falling in that catefory) don't bash other people for liking other things. Fav songs right now: Chingy Ft. J-Weav - One Call Away Twista - Overnight Celebrity G-Unit Ft. Joe - Wanna Get To Know You Joe Ft. G0-Unit - Ride Wit Ya Lloyb Banks - Smile Usher - Burn Jay-Z - Dirt Off My Shoulder Lil' Flip - Game Over Outkast - Roses Usher - Confessions Part 2 Young Wun Ft. DMX, Lil' Flip, & David Banner - Tear It Up Dilated People Ft. Kanye West - This Way Nice talking to you all.
  14. That's another reason I like Cyborg. He and Robin are the same in that area because he doesn't have any special powers. Robin has his utility belt whereas Cyborg's utilities are in his robotic parts. Robin has his martial arts where Cy is more like a boxer and is as tough as Robin is. Robin has his high-tech cape which is 10 times stronger than steel and Cy has his titanium armor. So anyone that like's Robin because of that has to like Cyborg.
  15. The PSP looks great, but I don't think it'll do to good going up against Nintendo. They're trying to beat Nintendo by giving the PSP more abilities than just being a portable game system, that in my book is biting off more than it can chew. I don't need nor want a protable DVD player, MP3 player, & portable video game player all in one. I think the GBDS is going to be the one to get and Sony should just stick to consoles. That's why I think Nintendo didn't do to well this past year in consoles is because they concentrated on the GBA/SP since just about every game is down right awesome, that's where Nintendo rules and they know it. I like the GBDS since it'll have customizable options like being able to design what it look like as in your computer desktop. One thing I'm wondering is will it able to hook up to the PS2 and PS3 when it comes out, also can you link up to other PSP's too?
  16. I hope it's way better than the first one. Me and my friends were really disappointed when we found out that it was only a 2-player. The graphics are awesome in how it's cell shaded like XIII and DBZ Budokai 2. I love the new show, I agree it's better than the first one since this Shredder is a complete badass instead of a coward always blaming Bebop and Rocksteady(yes, I still remember the names lol). Maybe they're doing like DJ Vendetta, in terms of the 1st one had great graphics and a storyline, but not a very interactive one and a weak multi-player selection whereas the 2nd one Def Jam: Fight For Mew York will have a story mode 3 times longer, Create-A-Player, more multi-player options, and even better graphics. Konami probably had a lot of ideas, but didn't get to use them in the 1st one due to shipment time and are putting them in the 2nd installment. It's cool that the arcade version is unlockable. I can sort of understand the one life bar for all, since me and my friends are always using teamwork in mulitplayer games, but I agree with all of you in the things that you all have said.
  17. I have 3 requests that I would like to have done. My first is a Hitokiri Battousai banner where is it has Kenshin as the Battousai with the Battousai eyes from the show. With several awesome pics of him with his sword out whether they be in stance form or action form. Also have it say something dark that the Battousai would say. I want this one to be dark and mysterious. My 2nd is a Trunks banner with him doing his Burning Attack (the full picture of him, not just the face), one pic of him with his sword in action, and the one with him sitting holding his sword looking at you all in blue/light blue to add for envoirnment. I want it to say in burning letters "You're about to fight a real Super Saiyan" My 3rd is an Inu-Yasha one. I want it to be like the others in pics and one of his human form. Preferably with him smiling. I want it to say "It's not easy being the best of both worlds" in smooth/sleek writing. Hope it's not too hard. Many thanks, I don't mind if you put your sig on it.
  18. Thank you Turdle for making me the banner. It's really great. You're the 1st person to make me one. Also, If I offended you or mad you mad or anything like that about asking other members to make one then I apologize for it.
  19. Yeah, I know what you're talking about. Superboy is one of my fav's and yes Nightwing RULES!!! It's been a long time since I read a comic book though lol. I'm thinking about getting the Teen Titans Go comic books so I'd have something to read inbetween classes @ USM. My fav comic book hero would have to be Spider-Boy though when they had the Amalgam comics. Crossover between Superboy & Spider-Man, what better combination could you have?
  20. I like Puffy AmiYumi also, I first heard them when they sang the theme song to one of my fav shows if not fav Teen Titans. I think it's cool how they sang it in both Japanese and English. I don't have any of there cd's so I was wondering if you know the song that is played during the episode of "Mad Mod?"
  21. Yeah, it is funny between those two. My fav episode between them is "Date With Destiny" too funny for words.
  22. [quote name='Turdle']i gave it a shot. didn't know if you wanted your name on it or not. if you want any changes, just let me know.[/quote] It's great, finally someone made me one. The only thing I would want changed would be Raven & Cyborg being the main two in the front with the other 3 in the back and it saying Teen Titans on it. Thanks again. The only sig I would want would be my real initials M-V-B
  23. Hey, I'm new here so I felt it would be best to start a thread about something that I love. Right now Teen Titans is my fav show. I'm just mad that CN is procrastinating on playing the last 4 episodes of season 2. Oh well, I just wanted to see who your fav Titans are from the animated series. My two are Cyborg & Raven. I know that a lot of you may disagree, but I'm glad that they're probably going to put my two fav ones together. I also sent a request for a banner and avatar if any of you know have to make them. Thanks
  24. Hey, I'm new here so since I don't know anyone yet I'm just wondering if someone can make me a Teen Titans avatar that switches between Raven & Cyborg and a banner with all 5 members of the animated seried, with the title, and the main characters on it to be Raven & Cyborg. Thanks. Here's a link to where you can find pics of them. [url]http://wf.toonzone.net/WF/teentitans/[/url]
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