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Everything posted by Posthumous

  1. Burt Bacharach - Rain Drops are Falling on My Head I heard it on this commercial like 4 years ago (back when I was in the US). It's be stuck in my head for all these years and has been killing me with my own insanity!!! Ahhhh! Anway, here's the lyrics (so it might get stuck in your head too): Raindrops keep falling on my head And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed Nothin' seems to fit Those raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling So I just did me some talkin' to the sun And I said I didn't like the way he's got things done Sleepin' on the job Those raindrops are falling on my, head they keep falling But there's one thing I know The blues he sends to meet me won't defeat me It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me Raindrops keep falling on my head But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red Crying's not for me Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin' Because I'm free Nothing's worrying me.
  2. I heard that a 25 year period is starting. It's about how for 25 straight years the U.S is supposed to get hit with 4,5 major hurricanes every year. There were 4 major ones this year and lets just hope this cycle doesn't begin.
  3. I remember, it was in 7th grade. I was on the school's footie team. It was muddy and hard to run. I broke the opposing teams offside trap and just sprinted to the right side of the pitch. I was like "Pass, pass!!!" I got to the edge of the 18 yard box and someone finally passes it to me. I winded up and slipped and embarssingly slip of a buch of mud and missed the ball. Luckily I chip the ball to a teamate and he scored. It was bad and embarssing for me, but I couldn't stop laughing. And one time I acciedently ran the wrong way when I was signaled by the coach to go the other way. Didn't really matter to me though, because my reputation was king in middle school because of my skills ;)
  4. - Reading a Calvin and Hobbes strip I've already read a million time. Like that one where Calvin asks his dad where babies come from, and his dad say Sears. Then Calvin goes "I came from Sears!" then his dad say "No son, you were a bluelight special at K-Mart, almost as good, but alot cheaper. *starts cracking up* - Have phone or AIM convo's with myself - When my brother steps on the ball and falls - When the neighbors kid kicks a ball at my brother, then he gets mad - That one time my brother fell down the stairs - When I caught my brother watching "Sagwa : The Saimese Cat" on PBS
  5. From that list I'd say Bleach. Because some humor and action mixed together is always great for me. But here are some of my favorite manga's Hikaru no Go :- Had no idea what go was before i read this. You'd expect a manga about a board game being boring, but this isn't, which got me interested. All this intense action coming from a simple board game. And there's also great stuff off the Go story like personal problems with the characters. Get Backers :- I've only read the first volume so far but I'm loving it. What isn't to love from this manga. There's alot of action, plus it's hilarious. And it isn't one of those young teens manga, but meant for older teens. I can't wait to get the second volume. Bremen :- Alot like Get Backers, except it's musically based which is okay. I had never heard of this manga before until a friend reccomended it to me. I was pretty skeptical because I had never heard of there being any rock-and-roll band manga's out there I thought the idea wasn't that great. But the humour and crazy antics drew me in and I was liking the manga more and more after every page.
  6. Posthumous


    Mostly softish rock to trance/techno are my faves. Bands like Dashboard Confessional, The Streets and Paul Oakenfold is what I usally listen to, depending on my mood. And I get my music from either the music store or Napster.com
  7. Here's the original yearbook :- [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=7697&highlight=Yearbook]Yearbook[/url] Maybe we should have the same things from that yearbook in this new '04 one? Just a suggestion.
  8. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Yes, it was France v. Brazil in the 1998 World Cup Final, France won 3-0. Yeah, I also thought they would win, but you can't really say that they would've won like the did 4, or 6 years ago. They had different players back then. Deschamps, Karembeu and on. They had a different coach also. Alot can change in little time an thats what happened with France going down, and Greece becoming good.[/FONT]
  9. It's amazing how France lost to Greece. Is the legendary nation falling? They started screwing up after Santini became the new coach. I'm so happy he's left to manage Tottenham Hotspurs. IMO, France should bring back Lemerre. He was a great coach. Either that or get a coach that isn't from their country. Charistaes(sp?) Is a great foward. Greece has a good attacking threesome (Charisteas, Nikolaidas, and Karagounis), although their defense is okay, I was wonder how they held up against a France attacking force consiting of Henry, Trezeguet, Zidane, and Pires. Their goalkeeper has done a great job today in front of net. He made fantastic saves, to keep France scoreless and get a clean sheet.
  10. Boy, Becks is horrible at penaltys. He's like Clarence Seedorf. Missed against Turkey in the Euro 2004 qualifiers, missed against France, and now missed against Portugal. Imo, he's very overrated and I can't believe players like Nedved are never mentioned. Nedved IMO, is alot better than Becks, but Spice Boy always gets in the news. Nedved was the best player during the European Champions League in 2003, what did he get? A European Player of the Year? that's it. I agree David James isn't the best keeper, but he's the most experianced out of him, Walker, and Robinson. Robinson is a very good keeper, but doesn't get noticed like Nedved. It's still 0-0 between France in Greece at the '55th minute. Hopefully France can score...
  11. Germany haven't been able to beat Czech Republic since defeating them in the Euro 96 final. Currently France and Greece are at 0-0 at 23 minutes. Anyone have predictions for this match? Czech Republic have become a football superpower the last year. They have and awesome midfield with Pavel Nedved, Tomas Rosicky, Karel Poborsky, and great strikers Jan Koller and youngster Milan Baros. IMO Baros is the best striker in-form in Euro 2004. He's scored 3 times already and is spectacular. Now I hope Liverpool start him more often.
  12. This is kinda weird...Over at another forum everyone says that England defender John Terry was obstructing Portugal keeper Ricardo. I agree, after watching a clip. If Urs Meirer was on Portugals side, don't you think he would've done a little more than disallow a goal which was cleary a foul?
  13. So, you made one yourself this time eh Domon :smirk: It's nice, but I would change the font if I were you. That font doesn't look good with that picture. I suggest using the Denmark font in bold. It'll make it look better.
  14. Mztik_Gohan10 - Came from my obbession with DragonBall and the number 10. I was younger back then :smirk: Psyco - Was obbsessed with this anime about this psycho. Took me about a month to notice I spelt "Psycho" wrong :rolleyes: Hatake Kakashi - Comes from my obbsession of Naruto and Master Kakashi and all his funnyness. Man I have alot of obbssesions...
  15. I fear people who say they have no fears. That's just weird. Anyway here's a list of SOME stuff I'm afraid of. Dying - I always think about this...Like what's going to happen...Will I be able to come back... Creepy Crawlers - I've always been afraid of spiders, bugs anything that has more than 2 legs and/or is slimy. Heights/Falling - I never climb anything. I hate being high up in the air, it just terrifies me. I also fear falling for some apperant reason, not sure why...
  16. I get sick alot, but usally only just a runny nose or coughing. I don't like missing alot of days of school, although I think school is just an excuse for our parents to relax once in a while. If I miss a day of school I know I'm missing alot of stuff. Same thing with work. There's never anything to watch during the morning/early afternoon on TV. Except for stuff like Baby Looney Tunes of course. My mom is always doing something where she doesn't pay attention to me. So I could just do some other stuff like play games and she wont care. I also like to just sit around and think about current events with myself. For some reason I never talk but if it's just me and one person, I talk alot. I just missed 3 days of school because of an ear infection. The pain was like someone cutting of my ear. P.S Please put more effort into a post Yisan.
  17. Ever since I was born I wanted to play football. I wanted to be the greatest footballer of all time. Right now I still carry with me this dream. This dream that I will fulfill. Every day I was outside with my father just kicking a ball around. Rain, Snow, the sky falling. No matter what I wanted to play. Around 1st grade I wasn't too serious about it. I just kicked a ball around. When I was 9 or 10 I was getting into the full game. I was tackling, heading and taking at least 30 shots/free kicks a day. My father was a great player but never made it professinally(sp?) He's been my coach and still is since...well since I can remember. I also played alot of street football. This helped my ball control. I also play futsal once in a while. Around 13 I was able the bend a ball like a banana. I could cross the ball right onto a players head. I would be able the take shots from 30 meters and score. Now, I'm playing with the Turkey Under-21 squad and we're doing great despite our elimination. I WILL fulfill my dream. I WILL become greater than Ferenc Puskas, Eusebio and Pelé...
  18. [color=blue]It would be great to live in a Hikaru no Go world. Alot of my Go matches that I have are boring, because there's nobody to play with. But in HikaGo the battles are so intense and make your adrenaline rush. Also they change clothes, unlike me of course. I'm sure my mother would like it if I actually changed clothes like they do in HikaGo :p . It's also cool being possessed by a ghost that loves my favorite board game. I'd want it to be a humorous ghost, not those scary ones that just send chills down your spine. Another one would be Naruto. It would be pretty fun killing people and eating ramen...Ah, the good life. But seriously there's alot of fighting in Naruto, which I love to do. It would be awesome being a ninja, fighting the bad guys, and eating ramen of course can't forget that :smirk: .[/color]
  19. If you had read the the top part of my first post I had put that my deck is centred around my Bahstard Blader, Black Magician, and [b]Black Paladin[/b]. As he gains 500 ATK for every Dragon on the field and in the cemetary. I do apoligise, I had mixed up Bahstard Blader's effect.
  20. My new deck. I know what you're saying, wh does he have a bunch of Spellcasters, but mixes it with Dragons? And doesn't have many Equip cards? That's because I base my deck around my main three monsters, Bahstard Blader, Black Magician and Black Paladin.I have 7 level 4 Dragons so I can get them on the field to activate my Bahstard Blader, and Black Paladins effects. Note : They're all Japanese Monsters (x20) Black Paladin Black Magician x2 Bahstard Blader x2 Skilled Black Magician Death Demon Gazzeto Amazon Swordswomen x2 Blood Vorus x3 Baby Dragon x3 Witch of the Black Forest Sapphire Dragon x2 Sea Dragon Warrior of Darkness x2 Magic (x14) Proof of Dragon Destruction x2 We Shall be Your Shield Amazoness Phalanx Double Magic Stealing Goblin x2 Earthquake x2 Sword of Deep Seated x3 Unicorns Horn x2 Trap (x10) Drain Shield x2 Sealing Wall of Light Miraculous Revival x3 Sticky Pit Trap Pineapple Bomb Reactive Armor Judgement of Anubis EDIT : I just noticed that my deck didn't have Fusion in it :toothy: That's good I didn't duel with it yet.
  21. Posthumous


    Ah yes Trance, I love it. I don't know why but for some reason 4 years ago I had listened to a Trance song and liked it. Before Trance, I was an avid fan of rock music, but I like Trance better because it's more soothing to me. I started listining to more and more of it. Some of my favorites include Paul Oakenfold and DJ Tiesto, both great DJ's. It's like some cream pie when listening to Trance, soft and soothing :p. But Trance can be very loud and resemble other genres like Rock, Hip-Hop, R & B.
  22. I live in Istanbul, Turkey, imo one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I was also born but moved to America, but now I'm back in Istanbul. Football/Soccer is very popular where I live, so there's a bunch of big stadiums, I've played in the biggest one in Istanbul which has a capacity of 56,000 :) I love to play football and I play for the under-18's at the biggst club in Turkey, hopefully I'll get better. I don't think I'll be moving anywhere because I love it where I am, you people should visit some time :P
  23. Heh, not posted in a while ;) Anyway, back on topic. There are new Yugi and Kaiba Starters coming out. They will have a bunch of new American cards. Including Black Luster Soldier and Kaiser Seahorse. The decks are set to release late Febuary/early March. There is also a new Malik Structure Deck out, I'm deffo getting it :D [IMG]http://static.zoovy.com/img/hotyugioh/-/structure_marik_2[/IMG] [IMG]http://pictureposter.allbrand.nu/pictures/Bazzer/EvolutionDecks.jpg[/IMG]
  24. Tom Jones - It's not Unusaul Reminds me of when I first met my girlfriend. I was walking down the street and the song was playing at this electronic shop. I walked in and saw her there...
  25. First kiss eh? Well...I don't really kiss and tell, but my first kiss was the greatest thing in my life...next to my Nike Geo Merlin football of course :) . The kiss wasn't intended. I guess I just tripped "acciedentely" and my lips fell on hers. It was like something let me do something I really wanted to do..*cough* She was suprised but she like it...Now we make out alot :)
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