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Everything posted by Posthumous
[color=teal][size=1][b]Well if you want ultra-rare powerful monsters and extremely weak common monsters than LOB(Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon) is for you! If you need lots of fusions and a monster that takes like a bijillion years to get out than MRD(Metal Raiders) is for you! If you want alot of magic and ritual cards than MRL(Magic Ruler) is for you! If you want lotsa traps and high powered monsters than PSV(Phaorohs Servant) is for you! If you want the best cards get LON(Labirintyh of Nightmare) Period.[/b][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1][b]Uhh....where's zeh banner?Is it those kinda codes that you say "I'd tell(in this case show a banner) you, but then I'd have to kill you" things. Please post the piccy of the banner...[/b][/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Xra [/i] [B]I'll play 2 Melevolent Nuzzlers on Gearfried(3200) and have him attack.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=teal][size=1][b]OOC:Ever equip card you play on Gearfriend is immidietly destroyes, please edit it... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shinji:Boy I better take a break... Shinji goes around gazing at deuls and such...he decides to go to the bar. Bartender:How many times are you keep coming back? Shinji:Hahaha, I'm just bored Bartender:So what would you like? Shinji:You serve coffe here? Bartender:Sure Shinji:Ok give me a large cup with milk and sugar. Bartender:Here you go. Shinji:Thanks Shinji wondered around by the pool and heard bouncing sounds... Shinji:Wonder what that is........HOLY CRAP!............It's a freaking gymnasium!I love sports! Shinji decided to take a break from deuling for now to play basketball...After that he went into the pool just sitting, floating there doing nothing, it looke like he was sleeping...[/b][/size][/color]
Anime Anime Around the World: Anime in Brazil
Posthumous replied to Yu Yu Hakusho!'s topic in Otaku Central
[color=teal][size=1][b]WTF!? They get Shaman King and DBGT?They didn't have that in the US. I'm thinking about moving to Brazil....[/b][/size][/color] -
[color=teal][size=1][b]When snow starts melting, flowers starting bloom, birds singing, yeah the good lif*BOOM* Oh...great yeah just rain on my perfect day... When I start going outside and playing footie and more...But then again summer is much better.[/b][/size][/color]
Art Ginny shifts gears (AKA, not cute monsters or monsters period)
Posthumous replied to GinnyLyn's topic in Creative Works
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]I warn you, this only took about 45 minutes, so it's messy looking. [/B][/QUOTE] :eek: :eek: [color=teal][size=1][b]It's not good to lie...haha... I like it, and how can you call that "messy", sure as heck be "fresh and clean".[/b][/size][/color] -
[color=teal][size=1][b]Shinji is confused...not knowing what is happening on this cruise... Deulist:Hey you! You look easy!Let's deul Shinji:OK, how many locator cards? Deulist:3 Shinji:Okay Shinji:I play Gemini Elf in ATK mode!I end my turn. Deulist:I play this in face-down defense mode.I end my turn Shinji:I play Death Koala in defence position!Since you have 5 cards in your hand it inflicts 2000 LP! 4000/2000 Deulist:I sacrifce my card for Summoned Skull, since my card was WOBF I search my deck and shuffle Shinji:He could have another Summoned Skull...hmph I play Amazoness Swordswoman in DEF and play a face-down card. Deulist:I play Monster Reborn and Reborn your Death Koala!Now you lose 2000 LP!I also ATK your monster say bye bye! 2000/2000 Shinji:You must not know it's effect then...Any monster that attacks this monster get hit itself destroying you Summoned Skull! Deulist:Argh... Shinji:I sacrifice Amazoness Swordswoman to summon Dark Demon Gazzeto, it's effect gives him double of the monsters sacrificed to play this card so it becomes 3000.I ATK!And play Hinotama inflicting 500 LP's! I win! 2000/0[/b][/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by chaos_79 [/i] [B]ooc:Hey what about me i have 4 locator cards. _____________________________________________________________________ [/B][/QUOTE] [color=teal][size=1][b]OOC:So far this is the only deul I counted to your locator cards, since you didn't tell how many you got from your first deul.Also people those ranking lists are from yesterday.Sorry Solo must've missed your post ^.^;I'm not posting any more rankings on locator cards until the end of ths RPG, if you want to know PM me.[/b][/size][/color]
OOC:Locator Cards 1.Ryan-25 2.Shinji-22 3.Arkis-21 4.Xion-19 5.Ryo-17 6.Hermes-9 7.David-5 7.Will-5 9.Solo-0 Please people, be low on the locator cards you win per duel...11,14 are WAY too big for one deul...Let's make this RPG last... [color=teal][size=1][b]Shinji thought about going and hanging out at the bar...but remembers what Yugi told him... Shinji: (opens door) Excuse me? Yugi:Yes? Shinji:Remeber me? I have 20 locator cards... Yugi:Great, please down. Yugi:Since your deck was influenced by mine I'd like you to have this cards... Shinji stares at them... Shinji:I've never seen these before? Yugi:Those cards are Magician of Black Chaos and Chaos Ritual.Use them. Shinji:Why thank you Yugi! Yugi:Might come useful against me... Shinji:I shall continue, I'll see you later... Shinji couldn't beleive what happened, he was amazed.The great Yugi giving him cards...All he needs is 8 more locator cards...[/b][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1][b]OOC:Tigervx, last time I checked you had 7 locator cards... ----------------------------------------------------------------- Shinji had a nice rest and was ready for some duels... Shinji:Okay who shall I duel....Wait Joey might be up for a duel! Shinji ran near where Joey was and asked him for a duel. Joey:Okay let's go! Shinji:I'll play Vorse Raider in ATK and a face-down card.Go. Joey:I'll play this card face-down in defence and a face-down card.hehehe Shinji:I'll play Mystic Clown!ATK Mystic Clown! Joey:Right into my trap!I flip Michizure! Shinji:ATK Vorse Raider! Shinji-4000/2100-Joey Joey:Gah...I'll play Ultimate Offering to bring out Red Eyes!I play Metalize with it to make it Red Eyes Black Metal Dragon!ATK! Shinji-3100/1600-Joey Shinji:Darn!I play this face-down in defence.Go. Joey:ATK Red Eyes Metal!Ha destroyed! Shinji:That was my Witch of the Black Forest!I search my deck...And shuffle.I'll play La Jinn in defence and Utimate Offering to bring upon Summoned Skull and I equip it with Sword of Deep Seated.Now 3000 ATK! Joey:I play De-Spell, de-spelling your magic card! Shinji:No! Joey:ATK Dragon! Shinji-2300/1600-Joey Shinji:I'll play my other Ultimate Offering to bring upon my Dark Magician and Buster Blader!I now fuse them for Black Paladin! Joey:No! Shinji:I also equip it with 2 Axe of Despairs!4900 Shinji:ATK! Joey:Gah.... 2300/0 Shinji:I'll take 4 locator cards.[/b][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1][b]I hate war, I'm against war.We can't have peace, why can't we have peace? What happened to freedom?Freedom of Speech.People can't protest a war without getting arrested. What happened in the years 1992-2000? Nothing.Now we are going to start a war.Pfft. What happened when Clinton was in office?Bush just f***** it all up.I know about the Cold War and stuff around 10-15 years ago.But when did(Iraq) do to us afterwards?Nothing.BTW right now I am living in Turkey, the country north of Iraq.[/b][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1][b]Shinji returned to the normal world still confused.What happened? Shinji:Whoa... Shinji walks towards the pools and he see's Ryan and Joey... Shinji:Hey guys... Joey:Where were you? Shinji:I don't know there was a kid with white hair... Ryan:Wai...wait kid with white hair... Joey jumps up surprised:YOU WERE SENT TO THE SHADOW REALM! Shinji:I remember that guy mumbling stuff about it. Ryan:Wow the Shadow Realm... Shinji:I need to get some sleep... Ryan:But it's still early... Shinji walks away... Then someone bumps into Shinji and swipes 5 of his locator cards. Shinji:Get back here you SOB Kid:Let's duel! Shinji:Gah...okay 4000/4000 Kid:I place Parasite Paracide into your deck and place two magic cards face-down! Shinji:I play De-Spell and Nobleman of Extermination!Destroying your 2 magic cards! Kid:No not my 2 Insect Barriers! Suddenly the kid runs away... Shinji:Ryan, Joey help..This kid's stolen my locator cards! Joey:What da, get over here ya brat! Joey jumps and misses the kid.But Ryan catches him... Ryan:What are you trying to do? Kid:HELP THIS GUY'S HURTING ME! Guard:Hey let go of the kid! Shinji:But he took my locator cards! Guard:Give back his locator cards!NOW! Kid:Okay *sniff* The kid starts running again. Shinji:Wait Guards!He only gave me back 2 of my locator cards! Guard:Get him! Without noticing the Kid runs right into Joey... Joey:Got ya now punk! Guard:Get the locator cards! Shinji:Thanks guards and Ryan and Joey. Joey:No prob. Guard:Here The guard hands Shinji his locator card plus the kids (8)...[/b][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1][b]It's a nice banner but I like your current one better ^^! 8/10[/b][/size][/color]
1) What do you collect? [color=teal][size=1][b]Yu-Gi-Oh![/b][/size][/color] 2) How much of the item(s) do you have? [color=teal][size=1][b]Over 500 cards along with DDM(Dungeon Dice Monsters).[/b][/size][/color] 3) What is your favorite out of all the items? [color=teal][size=1][b]Black Paladin...[/b][/size][/color] 4) How long have you been collecting it/them? [color=teal][size=1][b]Since 1997.[/b][/size][/color]
[size=1][color=teal][b]There's none by where I live(heh) I hold my own little unofficial tourney's for fun.[/b][/color][/size]
[color=teal][size=1][b]Wow now that's what I like to call "a peice of art".I like alot.The fading is cool,and the text is great. 10/10 Keep it up![/b][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1][b]I don't really beleive in luck.If I was Irish I probably would. Or if I win the lottery...[/b][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1][b]I like that, it's sooo cute ^.^ Keep it up Ginny![/b][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1][b]Shinji just got out of Yugi's office and kept wondering why? Shinji:Hey Xion! Xion:What's up Shinji:So how many locator cards do you have? Xion:7 Shinji:Me too. Suddenly a dark force took over Shinji.He had been sent to the Shadow Realm and Yami Bakura was waiting there for a deul. Bakura:Hehehe so we meet... Shinji:Where the hell am I? Bakura:The Shadow Realm of course, Now I challenge you! Shinji:Sure... Shinji:Hmmm...I play Ryu-Kishin Powered in DEF and I end my turn. Bakura:I place this monster face-down Shinji:*Hmmm must be an Electric Lizard* I switch Ryu-Kishin Powered to ATK mode and play Vorse Raider!Attack the face-down moster Ryu-Kishin!Gah! I was right.Go ATK Vorse Raider! Shinji-4000/2900-Bakura Bakura:Hmph...I place this monster face-down.I end my turn Shinji:I play La Jinn in ATK mode.I also play Ookazi and Hinotama.ATK Ryu-Kishin.Darn a Morphing Jar.*discards hand* Shinji-4000/1600-Bakura Bakura:I play White Magical Hat with Axe of Despair.Now ATK his Ryu-Kishin Powered!I play Change of Heart taking your Vorse Raider and I attack your La Jinn! Shinji-3500/1600-Bakura Shinji discards:I sacrifice Vorse Raider to play Summoned Skull!ATK! Shinji-3500/1100-Bakura Bakura:I place this monster face-down.Go Shinji:I play Man-Eating Tresure Chest!Attack the face-down monster!No it's Man-Eater Bug!They're both destroyed, but don't you remember Summoned Skull? Bakura:NO! Shinji:ATK! 3500/0 Shinji:I'll take 3 of your locator cards...[/b][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1][b]OOC:Chaos how many locator cards did you get from your duel?I'm keeping record. -------------------------------- Shinji:Boy am I tired, chasing rare hunters are hard.Phew only 23 more locator cards. Shinji asked if he could have something with caffenine. Shinji:*Yawn* Yugi Moto:Excuse me, but are you Shinji Shinji:Yes. Yugi Moto:Come to my office Shinji:So what's up Yugi:I hear you how Dark Magcian and the great Black Paladin? Shinji:Yes, why? Yugi:I too have those cards.Come back to me when you get 20 locator cards, I'll have something for you. Shinji was surprised...Yugi Moto...[/b][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1][b]Same thing happened to me awhile back, but Gohan a.k.a Sky3 helped me out. It happens lots of times.[/b][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1][b]Shinji:Well there's nobody looking to deul ???:*whispering*Hey you... Shinji:Huh? What the... ???:Let's deul... Shinji:Rare Hunter eh? Let's go Shinji made some ajustments to his deck adding more Noble of Crossouts, and Exterminations. The LP counter reset. Shinji:Go Neo the Magic Swordsman in ATK mode!I also place this on the field face-down. ???:I play Jar of Greed.And place this on the field face-down. Shinji draws a card:I sacrifice Neo for my Summoned Skull.I end my turn. ???:I flip Graceful Charity!*Yes only 2 more peices!*And I play this face-down and Aqua Madoor in DEF Shinji: Damn!I thought that was a trap!I play Card Destruction and another card face-down!Now I ATK! Shinji-4000/1500-??? Shinji:Why are you holding off?! ???:Why I have Exodia that's why. Shinji:Exodia, but there was only one person with Exodia!I flip De-Spell! ???:No not my Graceful Charity! I also place Mystic Clown.ATK Summoned Skull!Now Mystic Clown ATK his LP! 4000/0 ???:Argh...*runs* Shinji:Hey get back here!*Shinji notices 2 locators cards on the ground.*Must of dropped them...[/b][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1][b]Ryan had just walked out of the room... Shinji and Xion:What happened? Ryan:Nothing really Shinji: Don't lie! Ryan:Seriously it was nothing.Go ask Seto himself. Xion walked over to Seto... Xion:So what happened? Seto:What are you talking about? Xion:What did you tell Ryan? Seto:That is none of your buisness...*Seto walks away* Shinji:What did he say? Xion:He just walked away...that stubborn fool! Ryan:Well I'm off to see a deul! Shinji:I'm off to, gotta find someone to deul...[/b][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1][b][i]Shinji had caught up with Xion and they talked...[/i][/b][/size][/color] [color=teal][size=1][b]Shinji:I saw Seto Kaiba escorting Ryan to that room.Must be something important. Xion:Who cares? Shinji:How 'bout we go hang out at the bar and watch some duels? Xion:Fine Shinji:So what have you been doing so far? Xion:Nothing much... Shinji:I got 4 Locator Cards after beating Mako.Watch out if you deul him, he's got a great arsenal of Aqua-type monsters. Xion:Yea,yea whatever.I'll kick his butt! Shinji:I hope so, but he only has 1 Locator Card left.Which means you won't get much if you duel him...[/b][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1][b]This is a pointless topic... please don't make topics like this...[/b][/size][/color]