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Everything posted by Posthumous

  1. [b]Snowboarding r00x00rs!!1!! I LOVE to go snowboarding anytime I can.It's just all the adrenline that pumps thru your body.I like doing all those madd tricks.I love grinding though it's just so cool.[/b]
  2. [b]LISTEN UP! THERE IS NO SUPER-SAIYAN-JIN LEVELS OVER 4! Every single web-site with pics that say "SSJ5 Goku!!" and etc.. Are all FAKE![/b]
  3. [b]I can't remember that eppy but I'll say Angel's dice was 3 and Devil's Dice was 5 What card did Joey draw that beat Esper?[/b]
  4. [b]Which set is that card from Devlin? I just can't find that card.If you don't know what the Dragon Head Y is I'll post the pic.It's in the Union's Advent set.[/b] [IMG]http://www.yugiohworld.com/ocg/ocg22/302005a.jpg[/IMG]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Devlin [/i] [B]I bought this thing that had two packs of Pharoh's Servent and two individual cards. One of the individual cards is in Japanese. (but it's set up like an English card) Can someone tell me what it is. (name, sub-type, effect). All I can tell is that it's level 5, dark, it has an effect, and it has 2000 ATK and 1500 DEF. [/B][/QUOTE] [b]I presume that that is Dragon Head Y. It's part of the XYZ Dragon combo[spoiler] Seto uses latter in the series[/spoiler].[/b]
  6. [b]Name-David Rodinmagerfin Age-14 Specialty-Fire Description-5'6 Black Hair Blue Eyes.Short sleeve shirt with vest and shorts with almost 10 pockets. Attitude-Likes-Fire Pokemon,PC's,Food. Dislikes-Water Pokemon,Old stuff,soda. Team- Quilava Arcanine Houndour Charmander Rapidash Vulpix[/b]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zero-Sama [/i] [B]Okay, So, i need some help. I was wondering if someone could explain to me in an easy to undestand, idiot lway of thinking? Currently I have both the Yugi and Kiaba starter decks, But i cannot understand the instructions on how to play the game. i need someone to explain to me EVERYTHING about the game in, As a said before, An easy way to understand. Please help this idiot standing in the sea of Dumbassness..... [/B][/QUOTE] [b]OK, gonna take a while for this post.Probably my longest. Ok, lets see. Q.How do you destroy a monster and inflict damage A.I'll give an example. If your opponent has a La Jinn(1800/1000) on the field and attacks a Neo the Magic Swordsman(1700/1000)in attack mode on your field.Neo is destroyed and 100 Life Points are inflicted since the difference between 1800 and 1700 is 100.But if you have Neo in defense mode, he is still destroyed but no life points are inflicted. Q.Magic,Traps....? A.Magic and Trap cards are a special way of adding attack and/or defense points to your monsters, or being able to destroy monsters or other magic and traps. Cards like Dark Hole and Raigeki are used to destroy monsters on the field. Trap cards are played face down and can be flipped up at certain times.Such as Trap Hole can be used as an opponent is attacking. Magic cards are usally based for raising your monsters stats.Such as "Sword of Dark Destruction".If you play on a Dark Magician it's attack goes up to 2900, but it's defense falls to 1900.Some Magic are used to revive monsters or control them.Moster Reborn is used as a revival card.Change of Heart is used to take an opponents moster for a turn. Q.What are "Staple Cards"? A.Staple Cards are cards that are HIGHLY reccomended to have in decks.Change of Heart,Raigeki,Pot of Greed are just some Staples that would make a deck better. Q.What about "Restricted Cards"? A.Restricted cards are one were you can only have 1 or 2 copies of.Exodia,Moster Reborn,and Dark Hole are only a couple,There are MANY more. Q.I need more info? A.Check [URL=http://www.theotaku.com/yugioh/]theOtaku's page[/URL] or go to the official website at [URL=www.yugioh-card.com]Yu-Gi-Oh-Card.com[/URL] There you go...Hope you have fun with the bestest card game EVER! ^^[/b]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Valick [/i] [B]as soon as Mztik_Gohan10 changes his structer deck to a starter deck of his choice we will start. [/B][/QUOTE] [b]I already posted next to it saying they're the same thing.[/b]
  9. Posthumous


    [b][i]Silver walks around Battle City looking for a duel...[/i][/b] [b][i]Silver finds an amatuer duelist[/i][/b] [b]Silver:Hey, you. Duelist:Me? Silver:Yeah you. Silver:You wanna duel? Duelist:Ok, but I'll warn you, I'm good. Silver:[i]Draws-Blood Vorus,Summoned Skull,Sword of Deep Seated,La Jinn and Soul Release.[/i] Silver:You go first Duelist:I play Kojicocy(1500/1000) in ATK! Silver: phht.. I play Blood Vorus(1900/1200) with Sword of Deep-Seated to raise its ATK to 2400!ATK Blood Vorus Duelist-3100/4000-Silver Silver draws a card-Jinzo Duelist:Argh..O.k I place this face down. Silver:I sacrifice Blood Vorus(2400/1700) to play Jinzo(2400/1500) in ATK.ATK Jinzo! Duelist:Hah I flip Trap Hole! Silver:Humph..Amatuer...Once Jinzo is on the field all Trap card effects are negeteted... Duelist:NO! Duelist-700/4000-Silver. Duelist:No I can't win!Argh...I forfeit..... Silver:Here you can have this*hands card*-Black Magician...I already have 4. Duelist:Thanks mister! Silver:Call me "Silver".[/b]
  10. [b]Those pics look awfully similar to the ones on [URL]www.mahq.net[/URL] But anyway, nice review.I liked it alot ^^.[/b]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by chaos_79 [/i] [B].His name is Strings I think.[/B][/QUOTE] [b]Arkana's japanese name? Arkana's japanese name is [spoiler]Pandora[/spoiler].[/b]
  12. [b]I just found the STRONGEST Japanese Level.4 monster! It's called "Magical Armor EXE" It has an ATK of 2400 with a DEF of 1400.It comes in the limited edition "Master of Black Magician" packs in Japan. Here's a pic-[IMG]http://www.yugiohworld.com/ocg/ocg26/303021.jpg[/IMG] It's effect is This card cannot attack during the turn it is Summoned, Reverse Summoned or Special Summoned. During your and your opponent's Standby Phase, remove 1 of your Magic counters from the Field. If you cannot, destroy this card. It's not a GREAT effect though.[/b]
  13. [b]I agree, they were[spoiler]to get their feet cut off.[/spoiler] They is already something like this post [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?threadid=20196]here[/URL][/b]
  14. [b]Question-If they made 4 more decks, which characters would you like to see? I would like to see-Bandit Keith,Espa Roba,Mai, and Malik.[/b]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B]Monsters: 20 Dark Magician Dark Magician Dark Magician Dark Magician Girl Dark Magician Girl Android Psycho Shocker Magician of Black Chaos Magician of Black Chaos Skilled Black Magician Skilled Black Magician Skilled Black Magician Penguin Soldier Magician of Faith Magician of Faith Magical Warrior - Breaker Blood Vors Blood Vors Magical Marrionette Magical Marrionette Cyber Jar Magic: 14 Curtain of Black Magic Cyclone Cyclone Distressing Choice Cost Down Cost Down Thunderbolt Jar of Greed Raise Dead Change of Heart Ritual of Black Chaos Ritual of Black Chaos Difusion Wave Harpie Feather Sweep Traps: 7 Mirror Force Black Power Stone Black Power Stone Magic Jammer Imperial Decree Seven Tools Magic Cylinder Total Monsters: 20 Total M/T: 21 Total Cards: 41 [/B][/QUOTE] [b]Now that's what you call a real Spellcaster/Fiend deck. I like what you did.The Black Magician Girl can get LOTS more ATK if you have the right cards out, It comes to 3500.Good for a lv.6 I would take out the Seven Tools, but other than that the deck is perfecto.[/b] P.S Don't double post Circéus!
  16. [b]There has been no news on Mai, Bakura, Weevil, and Rex Raptor decks coming out.There are only 4 Decks and that's it. Seto and Yuugi structure's are TONS better than the starters. Seto and Yuugi structure's AREN'T coming out in Febuary,Labyrinth of Nightmares the set is coming and Feb.[/b]
  17. [b]I HATE Valentines Day(and no that doesn't mean I don't have a girlfriend). I think there's no point in it, just like Halloween.Valentines is just pointless....[/b]
  18. [b]Just go to the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?threadid=20652]Yu-Gi-Oh CARD Advice Thread[/URL] and post there.[/b]
  19. [b]Sorry I didn't see! Dont kill me!*shudders*[/b]
  20. [b]Name: Dirk Moussia Age:19 Clan:Bird Animals bonded with:1-A hawk Weapon Of Choice (optional):Sword Description (or picture whatever you prefer):6'0 190 lbs green eye and blue eye. Short Biography:Was born 3000 years ago but became immortal at the tender age of 19.All he lives around are birds and nothing else.Known for his quick speed and agility with his sword.He sometimes hunts for big animals when he's hungry.He doesn't remember his past but can see into the future.[/b]
  21. Posthumous


    [b]Name:Mikael Roiénférgér(Mi-Kale Roy-end-ferger) Age:25 Appearance: 6ft,brown hair with a blonde streak through the middle,green eyes slender and well built. Bio:A rookie on the lesser task team.Both of his parents died when an unknown oil tank exploded.He never really knew his parents since they died when he was only 2.A rookie who makes many mistakes but say he will be a great member in the future.A more of a pacifist(sp?) human but will only fight for his country.[/b]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Circéus [/i] [B]Besides, the actual strongest Spellaster, as noticeable in my list, is the Cosmo Queen. [/B][/QUOTE][b]But Black Sage is Lv.9 2800/3200 DARK Spellcaster. If you are talking about the strongest [i]non-[/i]ritual/fusion/effect monster tha yes that's right.[/b]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Even dumber America: Elects Bush as president [/B][/QUOTE] [b]EVEN DUMBER Bush runs for President A very well-known TV star in Argentina invited a group of archeologists to her TV show, as they had recently found some dinosaur fossils in the south of the country. When told this, she asks (really amazed): oh, I can't believe it!!! Were the dinosaurs alive???[/b]
  24. Posthumous


    ryo please don't just post a one-lined post for something like this.Your suppose to make a story out of it. [b][i]The next day Yugi goes to the same place he met Silver.Silver was there[/i][/b] [b]Silver:Finally you're here, been waiting for over an hour. Yugi:Let's DUEL! Silver draw 5 cards-[i]Trap Hole,La Jinn,Witch of Black Forest,Black Magician,Black Magician Girl[/i] Silver:I play La Jinn in ATK mode and end my turn. Yugi:I play Neo the Magic Swordsman with Black Pendant and ATK! Silver:I play this card face down in defense.[i]Draws a card-Trap Hole[/i] Yugi:Go attack Neo! Silver:Ha! you triggered the Witch's effect![i]searches deck...pick Summoned Skull[/i] Silver:Go Summoned Skull!ATK! Yugi-3700-3500 Silver Yugi:Ha!You get ATK 500 direct damage points from my Black Pendant! Silver:[i]Draws card-Ultimate Offering[/i] Yugi:I play this card in DEF position[i]Mystical Elf[/i]I end my turn. Silver:I play Ultimate Offering and play Black Magician Girl!It gains 300 ATK for every Black Magician in my hand,field and graveyard! Silver:I ATK your Mystical Elf with Black Magician Girl!And Summoned Skull ATK's you directly! Silver:[i]Draws card-Trap Hole[/i] Silver:I also set this down.END TURN Yugi-1200-3000 Silver Yugi:NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yugi:Yes! I also play Ultimate Offering and give 100 LP to fuse my Curse of Dragon with Gaia to make GAIA THE DRAGON CHAMPION! Yugi:I ATK your Black Magician Girl! Silver:TOO LATE *flips TRAP HOLE!* Yugi:No not Dragon Champion! Silver:ATK! Yugi 0-3000 Silver Silver:I'll take your Black Magician and your puzzle card! Silver 2-0 2 puzzle cards Yugi-No Not my Black Magician Katsuya:Yo Yugi, remember the time you gave me that Time Wizard?Well I never repayed you back. Katsuya hands Yugi a card Yugi:Where'd you get this Black Magician?!! Katsuya:I found it on the ground near a shop. Yugi:Thanks Katsuya you're the best![/b]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by WuFei Chang [/i] [B]I paid £25 for the three tributes for the gate guardian. [/B][/QUOTE] [b]I say the Gate Guardian is worthless like Exodia.You're going to spend the whole duel trying to get out the Exodia/Gate Guardian monsters out and before you know it you lost. Also Gate Guardian takes [SIZE=10]8[/SIZE] tributes to play.2 for Suijin,Kazejin and Sanga and + the GG also take's 2 tributes.[/b]
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