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Everything posted by Posthumous

  1. I think about when I'm going to die.I also think about anime.
  2. My hero is Tenchi!He's my hero bcause he's a good swordsman.:naughty:
  3. Your Results Page # 1 Forte "..." # 2 James "Smarter AND more powerful than you" # 3 Sepiroth " Cool" # 4 kuja "Kuji - Wuji" # 5 Cera "The Cynic" # 6 Ginnylyn "Digimon Goddess, Watch out for her mod rod" # 7 Noryoko Angelcry "The Ultimate Gamer" # 8 Thimoc "Legendary Spammer" # 9 Shyguy "Sorry, you should have tried harder" # 10 Lady Macaidoh "One of Adam's Angel's" # 11 Newbie "My power level is higher than yours!" # 12 Queen Asuka "Otaku and all around nice person" # 13 Transtic Nerve "Gackt!" # 14 Babygirl "Jedi Master"
  4. An Anime Club an Anime club for god sakes only three people in my school i go to knows anime.Your one lucky guy!
  5. Ohh please! what next Harry Potter fasion tips!
  6. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: OMG!(drops to the floor)OMG!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  7. (This is what my mom says)OMG! It's so touching:bawl: Well Good Luck.:)
  8. My results drum roll please........ # 1 Chang Wufei # 2 Heero Yuy # 3 Lady Une # 4 Catherine Bloom # 5 Duo Maxwell # 6 Quatre Winner # 7 Trowa Barton # 8 Zechs Marquise/Milliardo Peacecraft # 9 Relena Peacecraft # 10 Treize # 11 Dorothy
  9. It was very emotional in the las ep.:bawl:
  10. Nickname-Mztik Age-15 Allowance (or income from job)-1.60 an hour Favorite Smilie (from the boards):blackeye: Favorite... Umm... Power Ranger ^_^ Time of Birth-11:30 pm Do you think the teletubbies are demonseeds? (a simple yes or no will suffice)-Yes Favorite Cartoon Cartoon-Justice Leauge Favorite Japanese Anime-FLCL(Furi Kuri) Favorite Font-Veranda What kind of pet do you have, if any? (If you said no to last question,disregard this one) What is it's name? Favorite "Grown-Up" American Cacrtoon? (I.E. Simpsons, Family Guy, etc.)-Simpsons How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood, and what did Peter Piper do with his pickled peppers after he picked them, in your opinion?-ate them?
  11. I stayed up for 28 hours my longest:sleep:
  12. I like school.School is fun!:)
  13. A good free web site builder is [url]http://angelfire.com[/url] you get free 50 MB to add stuff on the website.
  14. My fave weapon is a bazooka.But i dont think i'll us it.
  15. O.K lets see 1st one 10/10 2nd one 10/10 3rd one 10/10 4th one 10/10 5th one 10/10 6th one 10/10 7th one 10/10.Great drawings.
  16. I was reading this book on Pearl Harbor.There was(or still is)a private school named [SIZE=4]KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS!!!![/SIZE] weird huh? P.S I didn't make it up.
  17. Its still New Year's Eve here in New Jersey.Right now is 10:53 pm 1 hour and 7 mins. left.:)
  18. Hmmm.... I remember G-Force Voltron (the 80s version) Transformers (the 80s again) Thundercats Samurai Pizza Cats
  19. I cant pick:flaming: ummmm... mabye ummmmm... Captain America!
  20. My bro has one of those.He goes grazy when he make mountains with dirt.
  21. Posthumous


    For God Sakes!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: They broke ur arm!Dang how hard did he hit u.
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