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Everything posted by Posthumous

  1. WHAT!? Megumi Hayashibara is the composer for the song ''Just Be Conscious'' from the Slayers movie and also ''Forever Dreamer'' ''Until Strawberry Shebert ''Space Lonely Soldier'' ''Sakura Saku'' ''Raging Waves'' and alot more she even did voices for lots of anime movies/shows.
  2. i jus love her song like this one!
  3. mostly everyone is right when i wuz 11 when DBGT came i thought GT stood for Goku and Trunks(hey i was stupid bak then)then bout a year later i found out it was Grand Tour.
  4. 1. Goku - 42 2. Bulma - 46 3. Vegeta - 45 4. Chichi - 44
  5. Posthumous


    yeah manga means comic
  6. Yeah MJ rules My fav MJ songs Ghosts Beat It Scream U Rock My World Smooth Crimanal Thriller and the rest of his songs.
  7. Soccer is my fav sport, but i dont watch it i just watch sports shows that give u tha scores.
  8. i have PSone PS2 N64 Atari Jaguar Atari 2600 Gameboy Gameboy Advance Virtul Boy NES SNES Intellvison
  9. Gohan when he was 11.He was much stronger.Yea im sure he got straight A's.It would of been much smarter to go SSJ2 when he was fighting Dabura.:drunk:
  10. I live somewhere near Turkey(country).I travel sumtimes
  11. sumthin's wrong how come there that big smiley face there instead of the D?Weird?!
  12. TV anime:well i just can't pick 1 Dragon Ball Bubblegum Crisis 2024 EVA Trigun Cowboy Bebop Ghost in the Shell Ranma 1/2 Gundam Movie:DBZ movie #13,#10 and Fatal Fury.
  13. anyone seen it?if u did do you like it?
  14. Name:Jion Weight: 220 Height: 6'11'' Race: Sayain Info:Hair turns Blue when SSJ1 and SSJ2 has a Sword.Can turn SSJ5.
  15. its Nov.18 the date it comin out.I herd they did that to have more time to translate more games[SIZE=4]Remember I just herd that it might not b true O.K[/SIZE]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Treble [/i] [B]Yeah Nintendo is a console that is all based on a gaming console. The Dvd is just a special feature that was included in the other games consoles.Like others if you wanted a dvd then just get the dvd itself. Anyways Nintendo plans to bring out the Panasonic version of the Gamecube sometime next year which includes the Dvd.This is the Gamecube forum you should know better than just giving bad comments about it.If you have something bad to say about a console then keep it to yourself or like Defcon5 said talk to the wall. [/B][/QUOTE] Right on dude!wooooooo Gamecube rules!!!
  17. Posthumous

    Eh Oh.

  18. i dont like any of the boy bands i like Linkin Park,Aerosmith, and U2
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