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Everything posted by Posthumous

  1. does anyone have cheats for Megaman 64?besides infinte money?
  2. No there is no SSJ4 Gohan hes only 50% saiyan and u have to b Pure saiyan to reach SSJ4.Thank You.
  3. Cibo's pic is the final form of Bebi Vegeta and WarGreymon01's pic is the regular Bebi Vegeta.
  4. Dragon Ball Goku Krillan Kame-Sennin Dragon Ball Z Goku Gohan Vegita Trunks Goten Dragon Ball GT Goku Vegita Gohan Trunks Goten
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by piccolo [/i] [B]Who will win? 1. Fist Power 2. Word Power 3. Brain Power 4. Your choice... [/B][/QUOTE] 1.Chi-Chi 2.Chi-Chi 3.Maybe Bulma 4.Chi-Chi
  6. im just wondering why Coola wants revenge on Goku.Goku didn't kill Furiza Trunks did.Weird?
  7. i liked Brolli he was cool especially in his SSJ1 form.his hair was cool
  8. I think u mean the part where hes with Gokuu and They fight Furiza,Cell,King Cold,and the Ginyu Force in HELL(HFIL in the american DBZ).
  9. My is tha Dragon Ball one(s) I have all of them.
  10. congrats i think im a longggggggggggggggggggggg way to catchin up toya
  11. Gogeta definitly cuz he is more powerful and thereis no SSJ4 Vegito.
  12. anyone have it?if u do wut do u think bout it.herd it cums wit a Devil May Cry demo.
  13. i luv it cant wait till it comes out.
  14. im gettin Jet black.i like black its cool
  15. my opinion is Neon Genesis Evangelion or Bubblegum Crisis 2040.Gundam sucked.
  16. when gohan got all crazy over radditsu and headbutts in the chest[SIZE=1]but then gets knock out[/SIZE]
  17. yea boo great saiyaman i mean wuts with that name for COL.Thats sooo dumb.He should of sticked tothat ''Golden Fighter'' guy thingy.:mad:
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