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Everything posted by Posthumous

  1. Eye of tha Tiger and every Daft Punk song Daft punk rules!!
  2. 1.Mystic Gohan or Olibu 2.SSJ2 Gohan 3.Krillan
  3. i like Pikkon's clotes specily his pants
  4. i like Chang Wufei and Milliardo Peicecraft
  5. Hero/Gohan and Goku Villian/Cell,Buu,and Bebi
  6. yup i memba that.those were the good days
  7. Matrix,Rocky 4,Dragon Ball Z Movie #12.
  8. im sooo sorry for u(jus wanted to say gota jet that i could fly to where eva those ****** terrorists r cuz i wanna kill them cuz 5 members of my fam where in the WTC when the two planes hit :( :(
  9. im very veryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryvery sorry dude:( :( :( :( :( :( :(
  10. i wanna join i wanna join i wanna join!!!!
  11. mine r Cali Mztik flame puikr many dynk korn jokl mitch juicebox help Toto
  12. I start with the face then i draw the head around it then i do the hair.I do the upper body the i choose how wide the neck should b.the i do the lower body.Then i just add sum shirts and pants.
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