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Everything posted by Posthumous

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kaola Su [/i] [B]Who is that? I mean Sora from what?[/B][/QUOTE] [color=brown][size=1]The one is Lan's banner is Sora from Kingdom Hearts... It's is simple, but appears so...not-simple.[/size][/color]
  2. [color=brown][size=1]Anyone notice that alot of the manga in Shonen Jump are released after the anime appears in America, or already has? Kenshin just started, and there's rumors about it coming out in Graphic Novel form...My opionion would be to add manga that American's have never heard of.Anyone else think they should do this?[/size][/color]
  3. [color=brown][size=1]That's phunny...I like it, make more, make more! I want to see more![/size][/color]
  4. [color=brown][size=1]That is great...The pointier usally does make it look younger...I like the eye, it looks so badass...The thing I don't get is the "one potato, two patoto etc..."[/size][/color]
  5. [color=brown][size=1]Waya sat angry in a chair, still thinking about the luietenant.*That insignificant bahstard...If he knew how much anger I possess he wouldn't even speak to me!* Waya got up and started walking again.*So, I wonder what I'm going to do...* He heard talking in a room...*Hmm...I wonder what's going on...* W...ha..t..'s....go...in..g..on..? "What the?! I must be dreaming!" said one of the soldiers in the room. "HE actually TALKED!" "I...gu...e...ss..y...ou....fou...nd...mor..e.abou..t...me...eh?..." "Yes." Waya looked around, and kept wondering... "A pilot named Evik brought back the enemies pictures, that's what's going on." "So...on..e..pil...ot...sur...viv..ed..." "Correct" "Hmph...whe..n..am...I...goi...ng...ou...t...you'll...nev..er...succ.e..d..wit.h...the.se...amat...ue..rs...[/size][/color]
  6. [color=brown][size=1]Sex Machine....It's too catchy to forget, trust me.It's just the two words of the song that stays in peoples minds.[/size][/color]
  7. [color=brown][size=1]I HATE being alone...I can't stand it when someone isn't near me.Although I am almost always alone, I can't take it.I usally go out somewhere, where people are.[/size][/color]
  8. [color=brown][size=1]The second one looks much better than the first.Only thing, make it 5 pixels smaller.It's too big for OB. 8/10[/size][/color]
  9. [color=brown][size=1]I love this album.Coldplay is by far my favorite band...A Rush of Blood to the Head is one of the greatest albums I have ever heard."Clocks" and "The Scientist" are my favorite tracks.[/size][/color]
  10. [color=brown][size=1]I don't find anything about it funny.It's just a bunch of stuff put together, and some game on in the back.[/size][/color]
  11. [color=brown][size=1][u]Actors[/u] Jet Li-He's got that serious attitude while acting.He is so relaxed while doing his moves. Rowan Atkinson-He is so damn funny.I loved his shows [i]Bean[/i] and [i]Blackadder[/i], they were just too funny to not watch. [u]Actresses[/u] Zhang Ziyi-[i]Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon[/i] was marvelous, and she's one of the reasons why.She just acts so badass.She's hot too.[/size][/color]
  12. [color=brown][size=1]You're not supposed to bump threads.It's alright, but as GreatDeitylink said, a couple of the letters are messed up.You should try to fix them up.[/size][/color]
  13. [color=brown][size=1]"They're so cute, it's [i]scary[/i]" Meh, gave it a shot.[/size][/color]
  14. [color=brown][size=1]Aww... how cute! The Des Leg Clinger looks funny.I like the little Auron plushie. bajillion/bajillion[/size][/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]Well, alot of the time I end up writing a post then deciding it's not that important, and closing the window. I'll only post if I feel what I'm saying is worth reading[/B][/QUOTE] [color=brown][size=1]Same thing happens to me...It's weird... Well to put it in a sentence, I post because I can, actually I post because it might be something I like, or I have an opinion on the topic.There's a 1001 reason why I post, but I can't remember them all...I try to put things in a simplier way, but not always.[/size][/color]
  16. [color=brown][size=1]A boy, sitting down with a pale face...He had a notebook with a pen...the boy didn't talk...A Zeon soldier walked by him, not knowing who he was.The man spoke to Waya, but he didn't respond.Instead he picked up the notebook and started writing...He wrote..."You must be new, not knowing my name, or who I am...I won't tell you who I am, but rather tell you to ask someone...The'll tell you who I am." The boy stood up and walked away.The man thought to himself...what is HE?! The boy smirked... "ARGH, how did they destroy our suits!" said the Lt. Waya walked by the Luietenant and was writing...He wrote "Maybe sometime you'll let me go out there eh? hahaha..." The Luietenant had an angry look on his face..."Ha like that'll ever happen.You can't even pilot one! Waya turned around and glared at him..[/size][/color]
  17. Name:Waya Tengi Age:20 Alliance:enemeh! General Bios:A boy raised to hate everything, even himself.He was born of Earth in a scientific lab seeking to go into space, and one day destroy everything.He didn't have a normal life as most kids do...He was 'strange'...He had never been to any educational school or anything...he never talks...He had never seen his actual parents, but was raised by enemy forces.He has a short-temper.He was taught how to pilot a mobile suit at the tender age of 9.He hasn't stepped into a mobile suit since then...but now...it's time... Mech description:Rig Contio [img]http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/v/zmt-s34s.jpg[/img]
  18. [color=brown][size=1]I'd be the "stupid psycho butcher who's been here for a while now"...yeah[/size][/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OtakuSennen [/i] [B]"IMHO"?.. In my hobo's opinion?.. -_- Hikaru no Go? No Hikaru no Go...! I don't want any more game manga filling the pages of Jump[/B][/QUOTE] [color=brown][size=1]"IMHO" stands for "In my humble opinion, learn your internet language foo! HikaGo is possibly one of the greatest peices of manga...It wouldn't matter if it were a game manga.It would be great if they added it to the american Shonen Jump, HikaGo finished in Japan anyway.[/size][/color]
  20. [color=brown][size=1]I might get a job after I return home...I used to be a cashier. Oh and people might have school and stuff.[/size][/color]
  21. [color=brown][size=1]I too, have de-ja-vu all the time.I like it...it's weird...you feel like something happened at that moment before...[/size][/color]
  22. [color=brown][size=1]I know what you mean.It's a great day to play footie outside.La la la la playing! *two hours later*...AHH HELP ME I GOT WEST NILE! Mosquitos suck.[/size][/color]
  23. [color=brown][size=1]Ever since I joined I've had a little "crush" on MsyticBabe...*blushes* And *GaLxY-GiRl* too...[/size][/color]
  24. [color=brown][size=1]IMHO, I think Naruto is the best manga since Yu Yu Hakusho...Kishimoto has such "style" and humor with great action and put into that one manga.Just like Yoshiro did with YYH. Hikaru no Go has gotten licensed by Viz...if I don't see it in Shonen Jump by the end of the year...I'm going to take a toilet paper roll at throw it at the Viz peoples![/size][/color]
  25. [color=brown][size=1]You should make the text gradient with red and blue, if your program has that.It's nice for a first banner.[/size][/color]
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