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Anime Empress

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About Anime Empress

  • Birthday 11/17/1988

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  • Biography
    I love anime and manga and love 2 draw and create my own characters and storys!
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  1. Sounds very good to me. ^_^ I love fiction. Plus with this story line, you can create a back story that'll keep it going. So you learn more about teh main character as the story goes along. ^-^
  2. Hi there! i've been haveing troble with myotaku account ever since the redeisgn (p?) of the main site. My profile info page only has the introduction on it, and thats all. There isn't even a "save changes button"!! I can't change anything now. Is this the same for everyone or just me? Could somone fix it for me? Everything is gone but the intro... EDIT:..hmmm..guess I'm not the only one..
  3. Oh! I love bleach. ^_^ It's getting pretty interesting...not to meantion it was good from the start. I like the cell job. The art style and all. It's pretty cool. XD
  4. I just love the feel and curves of it all. It looks full and I'm not keen on the blood but I will say it's not bad! ;) Very well done! NEAT-O!! LOVE #2! So pretty! And #3 is great too! Keep it up! :)
  5. Yeah! Finally! I heard something about COA/ff but that was a while back and I didn't hear a thing ever since! I didn't know if I'd been correct or not. Oh goodie! So glad! :love:
  6. Hey there and well done! I wouldn't have put him on a red backround with a red coat but WOW! (congrats!!!) you make it look awsome! You've painted it like a cel (well it looks like one anyway! haha!) THe shading is great! Thumbs up! How creative! So cool! :)
  7. oh I like the text balloons for some reason. Do what expresses you most though! It's what makes you the author! Very nice art to! Is it CG or PS? (photo shop) it looks neat! ;)
  8. My fav show is Naruto; however, I like FMA alot too. It has great characters I think and the history of some characters is so sad! (maybe I like it just cause I'm a girl and sympithetic towards charaters with a sad back round. Dunno. All the same. I like it. Oh! I love the present ending song to! so pretty! THe singer has a great voice! ;)
  9. THe first movie I ever saw (anime of course) was "My Neighbor Tatoroe" I remember it only faintly cause I was around 5 or so. My bro said I'd seen a show once our grandma taped for us long time ago but I don't remember; however, I didn't really start watching anime til I ws .. oh... I donno,. I think it was 12 or 13. THough I allways like it deep down! :love:
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