Okay, I am in serious need of a title for my "manga". I'm the worst with names, and naming the comic is the hardest part for me. So, a little help would be very much appreciated. I'll give you the summary and see what you can come up with.
A sad young girl is forced to leave her deadly silent life behind when her ?twin? brother, Alarum, begins to descend slowly into madness. She begins a pilgrimage into the strange realm known only as the Otherworld, a place of bloodshed and darkness. With only the help of her childhood friend and newly acquired ?nexus hunter?, Requiem must solve the mysteries of the otherworld ? and her own existence ? if she wants to save her brother before she too is lost to insanity.
Basically one of those silly little dark, mad, random comics with lots of BLOOD! ([B]I[/B] should be the one locked in the mental hospital) So, anyone care to help? ^^;;