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miss april

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Everything posted by miss april

  1. I would have to say: remember Voltes V, YuYu Hakusho, & Dragon Ball series! Unfortunately, I really hate seeing those replays! Sorry about that... :animesigh
  2. The correct spelling is Tenjou Tenge. You might say that it released a month ago but you were wrong! It is released few years ago but the network didn't continue the show because it had extreme violence & nude scenes. I had to say that it only continued on one cable network on midnight or late midnight. Fortunately, I had watched the story, but I really been disappointed because [spoiler]Maya's brother, Shin and his girlfriend had died together in the ending... Aya's not there when it happened :o[/spoiler][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][INDENT]I added spoiler tags to your post [B]miss april[/B]. When discussing something that would spoil the show for someone who has yet to see it. Always use spoiler tags. Easy instructions on how to use them can be found in the sticky how to post in anime lounge. ~indifference[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. I gonna vote for the following anime characters: 1. Maya (Tenjou Tenge) 2. Ami (Sailor Moon) 3. Chidori Kaname (Full Metal Panic) 4. Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach) 5. Sarutobi (Naruto) 6. Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)
  4. [FONT=Courier New]I watched the series and the two OAVs of Eva, it seems that it reflected about the futute life of Tokyo. Unfortunately, what I hated most in the ending is what happened to the three pilots: Shinji, Rei, and Asuka. [spoiler]Reset the world form the very beginning.[/spoiler] But if I reviewed this one, I give it 4 of 5 stars. It might be a great story to talked about! Mada mada dane![/FONT][COLOR=DarkRed][INDENT][SIZE=1][B]miss april[/B], I put spoiler tags on your post for the simple reason that when discussing something that could spoil it for someone who has yet to see it, always use spoiler tags. For quick and easy instructions on how to use them just check the sticky on posting in the Anime Lounge. ~indifference[/SIZE][/INDENT][/COLOR]
  5. miss april here. I might have to discuss about this show from tv asahi. I am recently watching this live on Animax Asia, but it is two months late from the original showtime in Japan. It shows every Friday (same in Japan), and replays on weekends. I had started to watch this on last February this year, the 20th Aniversary of Music Station Super Live (2006), then by popular demand, Animax had showed Music Station Live on March. I am really watching this show eversince. I had also listed the artist and songs they had sung live. The only thing missing in my Freewebs site is the 16th and 41st performers on 2006 Music Station Super Live. :animeangr I remember Utada Hikaru while I watched her Flavor of Life - Ballad Version live. :animecry: It is a nice song, and I downloaded it immedietely after watching it, together with Arashi's Love so Sweet. My bro also liked Hikki's latest song. Sorry, I might posted this long but I am still happy to accept replies from you! Arigatou gozaimasu! :animeswea
  6. miss april here. I have been suffering this damn problem after logging in to myOtaku, my private messaging in my backroom. It sez this way: [QUOTE]You have (1) unread private messages. Last PM was sent on: 12/31/06[/QUOTE] The reason I had post this one is no one ever give an action on this problem! When I open my PM, I deleted it immedietely after reading it last January of this year. The next time I logged in again, the message always appear on my PM backroom, even I refresh the site. It supposed to be this way in my PM: [QUOTE]You have no unread private messages.[/QUOTE] Please get the treatment on my problem immedietely... I badly had this problem for 5 months! I had posted this before but no one seems to care for this one. Please check my backroom, if you're the site admin of myO... :animecry: Thanks for taking some time reading this. Mada mada dane!
  7. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]You have problems in that one?[/FONT] I might say that there are some tricks on how to customize the post settings or in introduction. For the table settings, I would recommend you to go to this site:[URL=http://www.htmlbasix.com]HTML BASIX[/URL] and go to the page table maker under code generator drop down list box. Instructions: 1. Enter main table details. For the image URL, you must put in there so that the columns are covered. If you have Javascript or whatsoever, enter it there. This is your main table. 2. Enter left column attributes. For this one, it depends on the image you put it there. You can leave these blank if the image is in the left. 3. Enter right column attributes. Same as #2, but in your case enter some details in the right, usually table contents. 3i. For the table code on your right column, go to Advanced Table Generator. You must put 1 column and 2 rows and generate! You can put the details in it. 3ii. For scrolling table, go to Scrollbar in table to make one. Put the details in the table. And leave the big box blank! 3iii. Paste the code in 3ii in one of the rows in 3i. And don't forget the $body! 4. Generate your code. If you find it uneasy, repeat the same procedure above to get the exact code you have. If the image doesn't work, find an alternative one to see it in the post. Reminders: the transparent code is #XXXXXX WARNING: Be careful on what you put in the codes, or you repeat it again from scratch! Hope this will help! Mada mada dane! miss april ^_^
  8. [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]That was a good anime show but it look like something offensive for some religions. Maybe I also watched the first few episodes of Death Note. The first time I watched in YouTube, it is really devatating! A different God in real times, judging the people who were real criminals or something. The main character is named Light, that might be a twisting story involving the Shinigami's notebook, and the antagonist who didn't reveal his true identity, just L. Anyway, I would say that there is only one God, and it is up to you if you watch it or not! And, I am sure that it reminds me of Full Metal Alchemist. Sometimes, the airtime of these anime shows depends on the Country and Religion. For instance, Dragon Balls Z and GT, they called him Master Gorgeous instead of Mr. Satan.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=2][COLOR=Blue]You mean the background image you have is supposed to be fixed while scrolling??? To make the background fixed, go to Edit Styles under My Account and there, you type "fixed" in the empty box of Change Main Background Color, and the background is fixed on one scroll! This answer I give is possible, some users recommend fixed backgrounds better than the repetitive ones. You can check myOtaku site of mine if you need a sample. On the other hand, about the different background for the guestbook & the site itself, some users used CSS for different background & customised layout for their myOtaku site, very much different from the default layout. For the guestbook, it can't be changed, whatever you put on the colors in your site, it is still the same as the two table column - menu links to the left. BTW, I am a Computer Science graduate so I knew some of the basics, not the CSS. If you have any comments on what I wrote here, you're welcome to PM me! Mada mada dane! Good luck! miss april :-)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I had been wandering why my PM board is having a bug or something. It sez that I have 1 PM dated DECEMBER 31, 2006. But when I looked in my PM board, it's not there! Is there a virus or a bug in my PM board??? Can someone help me in this problem??? It must have no PM on my messaging box. Please make an action ASAP on removing the notice of 1 prvate messaging. I really don't have one new PM for months. T_T :animecry:[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [FONT=Courier New]Moshi moshi! miss april here again. I really have noticed that some users in myO are currently using CSS to customize the site. :animenose Today I am still planning to make my site a lot better, but I really don't know what CSS stuff was been put to make the results work. My problem is: I had put the CSS codes in the site but it turned out to be a little bit smaller and messed up in the post section. I really need the name of the CSS websites available or the guidelines for the CSS codes. (I badly needed it! :animecry:) I had found one site for myOtaku CSS layouts but it seems unavailable for now. Just I am asking all readers to find the solution for the CSS layouts for myOtaku, CSS codes, or CSS source website is better! Mada mada dane! [/FONT]
  12. Sorry, I haven't been here for a long time... [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]I was having a problem on my site because it's too large to browse. there are two scroll bars in my site (one below the contents & other one at the right) and I really don't know how to update my site. I had suggested that I must make the links on the left table dissappear and replace it with my own image links - I'm still developing my own![/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Is there a better solution to make my site better??? I really need help!!![/COLOR][/FONT] miss april PS - I really need the codes for that one! PM me at myOtaku:miss april if you had one! :animecry:
  13. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Garamond]Okey, I have some headaches about watching television because of the replays... You know that some of the animes were watched few months or years ago. Oh, I wish that everyone must be watching all of the animes in the list from Japan but there were some limitations of watching those in certain countries, like here in the Philippines or in USA, perhaps.[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]There, I have seldomly watch TV, I am waiting for the basketball to be aired live. I am also waiting for a new anime to come in my country. [/FONT] [SIZE=4]Now it's your turn, what will you gonna do when you watch one of the animes replayed on air? You can reply it here immediately without some offensive words....[/SIZE] :animecry:
  14. :animeangr I have some problems that I can't make it well... When I use the table tag, it causes me some errors. Can you please tell me how to avoid it?
  15. I would refer Fushigi Yuugi, anyway... :animecry:
  16. How many animes do I watch...? maybe a hundred and more coming! How about how many animes do you like? However, the fav anime may be something competitive for everyone reading this... What if you were in my own place, chossing what do I need... Anime titles were very helpful in our lives... So, today's thread... what was your fav anime and why..? Sip a coffee and again... think of the possible ways to answer me... my b-say is near... :animecry:
  17. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][B]Hello therre... Sorry I wasn't able to log on for a long time....[/B][/FONT] February is heart month and many anime love moments are here again.... So what's your most compassionate moment you watched or experienced? [U][FONT=Courier New]All I have to say is the most romantic scene...[/FONT][/U] Now I have watched some anime scenes.... very sweeeet.... One of my favorites is the Chidori - Sosuke scene in Full Metal Panic! Here Sosuke was granting his deal with three guys but Chidori came to save him... Sosuke and Chidori walked together in a nice place... It found out to be funny because Sosuke was blushing to Chidori, who was wearing a Kimono... :wigout:
  18. Today is the day or the Rok animation. Starting this day (October 11), Ragnarok will be watched in my country, the Philippines... in ABS-CBN and in other countries by TFC. The story of this phenomenon RPG turns in the Swordsman (Roan) and his group composed of Assassin (Iruga), Merchant turned Alchemist (Maya or Ma chan), and other three characters (jobs in the game) : Acolyte turned Priestess (Yufa), Hunter (I fogot her name, here it is: Judia), and Magician turned Sage (Takius). If you know or don't know how to play Ragnarok, this would change the life of more ... Here in the Philippines, Ragnarok is the best RPG ever....
  19. [FONT=Comic Sans MS[COLOR=RoyalBlue]]From Miss April, I would like to thank everyone who replied in the thread "Favorite Anime Movie". So for today my next post is about Anime Series...[/COLOR][/FONT] [SIZE=3]If you ask me about this, my favorite anime for today is Dragon Ball Z... I have watched many anime series, maybe a hundred of those mentioned things... I also like all of them but I voted Dragon Ball Z as one of the best animes I have watched... :babble: [/SIZE]
  20. Maybe, I like the songs of Inuyasha and many more to have.... I also listen to other musics like Hunter X hunter, Gundam Wing.... :ball:
  21. [FONT=Century Gothic]Samurai Deeper Kyo, an anime with a two characters in one person... Kyoshiro Mibu...[/FONT] Many things that have the same as the previous anime, Samurai X. Kyo, as in Demon Eyes Kyo, was searching for his body and his spirit was inside Kyoshiro. Meanwhile, Kyoshiro was a herbal medicine doctor that had changed his life forever by the risen Demon Eyes Kyo. The bounty hunter, Yuya- if I remember- was searching for her older brother's killer. The three, I mean two got together for the mission. They also met the other man, Benitora... Enemies were searching for Demon Eyes Kyo... So, What do you think, guys?
  22. Unfortunately, Ben Moody was not in the band anymore... :wigout:
  23. Are all of you were familiar in this poem? If not, here's some info I would like to give to all... Desiderata was written in 1927 by Max Ermann...Am I spell it right? It is all about the lives of the people and their attitudes... If you want to read the poem, simply search for Desiderata and there you are! Read the poem... for judgement...
  24. [COLOR=Magenta]The Pilipinos had watched this anime Tokyo Underground... I think that some of you had reached the climax: Rumina as the Wind Ambassador... How come that the other Ambassadors were attacking him?! :flaming: Is this the war of the elements?[/COLOR]
  25. Okey, I would like to know how many anime series and movies were played in every country. So I remember that I like the Hunter X Hunter OAV but I couldn't finish the OAV becoz of the network... So what was yours?! :D
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