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About kemushi

  • Birthday 08/04/1988

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    kemushi chan

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I'm a proffesional graphics artist
  • Occupation
    Proffestional Graphic Designer and Movie Editor

kemushi's Achievements

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  1. "Where Eyes Meet" -A simple love, a simple feel A fallen hope, and soul to steal. The newfound voice and bated choice Partake of then a love thats real. :tasty:
  2. No no no~! Do not listen to these blasphemers!!! xD "Shoujo High School"? do these people know what that meaaansssss "Girl" high school or "Virgin Girl high school". -______-;;; c'mon people. Yes well. Lets listen to me because i say so: The girl Shouri『勝利』 is quiet, timid, and an overall sweet person who keeps to herself. Others whisper to each other as she enters the classroom, or whenever they see her, wondering why she buries herself in her studies. They whisper of how she never speaks, of how she's pretty, but could never have the oppurtinity to fall in love because she'd never look past the brim of a book. She never told anyone. Never wanted to fall in love as it was. Never grew close to any person, never in her dreams wanted to be touched. A gym teacher grabs her by the shoulder. " Shouri! Your up next! Hurry and mount up the balance beam!" A memory at his touch. Now we see her as a young, innocent girl of eight years. And the most precious thing, her innocence was raped from her. She's crying, and perhaps dying. Unnable to see herself in the mirror with pride. She must suffer, but somehow learn to accept herself in a world of men; if her own thoughts and memories let her free. ^-^ the end! Lol sorry about the angst, its just how most of my stuff goes. Hope you likesss.
  3. Guh-huh-huh ;_; Boy i'm WAY behind schedule, seeing as how the rerelease was origninally scheduled to be in two weeks. Lol the h3ll it is~! I haven't even finished all the animations and video clips. Whatever. until then, here are some of the images i've worked on and sketched as preliminaries, and soone of the original sketches. there's also a bit of hte animations and movie clips (the resolution is REALLY low) Its about 11 seconds. xD
  4. "...Oh, and I also want to say that this is a "comic" not a "manga," as I don't feel my style's quite anime ..." Let me clear this up for you. Manga does not mean japanese, animation type drawings. 'Manga' is the japanese word for comic. Just like "sushi" is the word for raw fish, and "tsunami" is the word for a big wave. For someone reason people have gotten the idea that "manga" means big-eyed anime style. WRONG. >
  5. :tasty: First of all: Creative idea~! Have you already begone the preliminaries or begin on this project? I just wanted to give some insight on what might help the story. You said Buru-su-kun? ^_^; In japanese "-su" is not a suffix, so you do not add it at the end of the name. If its part of the name, it would be "Burusu-kun" ^.^ keekee. Thought u might want to know. Also, You said that this power comes from the palms of his hand? Perhaps rather than that, he summons them through some instrument, like perhaps if he writes/draws the image in an ancient book the runes come to life and form the spell-beasts; or perhaps after chanting an incantation his figments come to life? You may not want to steer into direct *appear-from-nothing* relationships, because they become compliated in the explanation, which only futhers the issues of plot ^_^;. Though, if you keep with this idea, you may want to give a big history check as to how this power came to him and how it works. ~Ke-chan
  6. :tasty: Forgive me Miss K' if break some posting rule >_>; I'm new at this. Lol but anywho, I'm working on the storyboards and scripts for the next chapter of my manga "EverEyes". The plot of this chapter will be introducing a character (melissa) and her past as a blind girl, learning to fall in love. Yes, its sappy but necessary in its own way. ^_~ Once the manga's released you'll all see. I need a name for the guy though...I was thinking along he lines of "Nicholas" or a sweet name that rolls of your tongue, yes? No silly fantasy names like "Vladmir", no short nicky names like: "Tom/Thom", or "Matt" or "Mike" or whatever. :D any suggestions?
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