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About Knightmare

  • Birthday 07/05/1986

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    Uhhh... What do you mean by "few"?
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  1. [FONT=Verdana][COLOR=SlateGray]Name: [B]Ken Takeda [/B] (Japanese) Face or Heel: Super Ultra Mega [B]HEEL[/B]! Gender: [B]Male[/B] Stage Name: [B]The Reaper[/B] Height:[B] 6' 5[/B] Weight: [B]245[/B] Finisher manouver: [B]1. Soul Reaper (Uses a lot)[/B] - Like the Walls of Jericho, but the old one, where he puts his knee in the back of his opponent while turning and leaves it there to create more pain. [B]2. Reaper Driver (He uses it to prepare his opponent for the Soul Reaper) [/B] - Like the screwdriver, begins like a suplex, but ends as a sitting, not kneeling, Tombstone piledriver. Strategy: [B]Submit [/B] or Die! XD Description: [B]Wears a white skull mask with no chin, the mask has red eyes, you can see Ken's chin. Long black hair tied in a ponytail, black wrestling tights, white elbow and knee pads, white wrist bands, medium build, black tanktop with a white image of the green reaper and 2 scythes crossed, black boots with a white stripe on the side. [/B] Entrance Attire: [B]Wears a hood-like cape that covers his whole body, only revealing a little bit of his face, has a Scythe on his right hand. Is the closest thing to Death you'll ever see XD[/B] Tag Partner(s): [B]None[/B] Statistics: Strength: [B]6[/B] Endurance: [B]5[/B] Charisma: [B]2[/B] (He's way too heel lol!) Speed: [B]5[/B] Recovery: [B]4[/B] Submission: [B]8[/B] I'll probably use another wrestler but not now, I'll edit this post later. I hope this begins soon![/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Verdana][COLOR=SlateGray]Great! I'll be accepting sign ups all the time and we'll begin in this same week. 0ber0n the Neko, sorry to ruin yer anime lol, but I saw that anime last year, so I thought everybody had seen it xD [Gomen] and about yer chara, it looks a little GM, maybe you could just tone him down a bit, but anyways is good as it is, due to the fact that he is a bad guy! (I'm a bad guys fan), also, if you by any chance get to fight Hao, you'll get yer arse kicked xD, Hao is the single strongest Shaman of all, and I still haven't post Hao's data, but I will! >=D He has a new form and some other surprises, I will post some of Hao's new minions. That'll be in the future, coz I'm otta time, gotta work! [B][FONT=Verdana]Hao's minion No. 1![/FONT][/B] Name: Kazuki Ryuuzou Alias: Dragon Fist, The Fiery Dragon. Appearance: [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/ne/kazuki/Kaz1.jpg]Here.[/URL] Personality: Merciless and Vindictivel, only seeks supreme power, hot headed. Bio: Studied in the Takeda Clan of Ninjas as a kid and was expelled by the Clan Leader, because of his lack of honor at the age of 13, and he decided to train on his own, he trained for over 8 years perfecting his own martial art. Then he met Hao who saw great potential in him and made him one of his minions. Style: Great Kazuki's Dragon Fighting Style. Dragon Art. Dream: To see Hao crowned as the Shaman King. Weapon: Shinobigatana, his legs and fists (Gloves). Spirit's Name: Ryuu Lee. Spirit's Alias: The Great Dragon. Spirit's Appearance: [URL=http://www.tuco.de/home/bruce_lee.jpg]You guess it! Click![/URL] Spirit's Personality: Quite and relaxed. Spirit's Bio: He was a great fighter and never lost a match, once he was fighting two men, one of them took out a gun and shot him four times, he managed to dodge three of the bullets but the last one hitted him in the head, he still seeks for revenge. Kazuki was fighting a group of men while he was still perfecting his technique and oversouled with him to help him, cause Kazuki reminded him of himself, they trained together and created the Dragon Art style. Later I'll post some more. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Verdana][CENTER][B].:. D R E A M S .:.[/B][/CENTER] [/FONT] [/COLOR] [FONT=Verdana][COLOR=SlateGray][B]"Do you believe in ghosts?"[/B] [COLOR=DimGray]- Sha·man (shämn, sh-) : 'A member of certain tribal societies who acts as a medium between the visible world and an invisible spirit world and who practices magic or sorcery for purposes of healing, divination, and control over natural events.' Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy] A Shaman is the link between this world and beyond.- M.O.[/COLOR] [B]"They don't care if you do"[/B] [B]Prologue:[/B] Five hundred years ago a tournament was held, like every 500 years. Not any Tournament, this tournament decided the future of the entire planet. This Tournament is called: "The Shaman King Tournament", every 'Shaman' from around the world participated but only one was the winner, Asakura Yoh (u). He defeated his twin brother Asakura Hao at the finals. The winner of the SKT could emerge with the Great Spirit itself and do anything he wanted to. Luckily, for us, Yoh asakura wished to live peacefully, and so he lived in peace. It's been Five Hundred Years since the last Shaman King Tournament. It is time for a New Shaman King to be crowned. The powerfull Shaman Hao is back, like every 500 years, and the few practicants of the old and forgotten art of Shamanism must fight again to avoid the destruction of the human race. The Preliminars take place in Tokyo. Every shaman from around the world must go here to show their skills and see if he is worthy of entering the Shaman King Tournament. Get ready..." Okay, now for those who haven't seen the anime or manga, Shamans fight with a Spirit, a ghost with who they oversoul (Fuse their body with the Ghost and they become one, adquiring the ghost's abilities). Later, we will learn how the Weapon Possession works. Choose your Partner Spirit and let's began. [B]- This is what I want from you:[/B] Name: Your character's name. Alias: How is your character called by others. Appearance: How does your chara look like. Personality: How does your character reacts in front of others (XD). Bio: A few lines about your character's life. Style: How does your character fight. Dream: What would your character wish if he wins the SK. Weapon: What your character uses to fight. This is really important for the Weapon Possession, please don't get overboard. Spirit's Name: Who or what your character 'oversouls' with. You can have a real dead person (like Bruce Lee, or you could kill anyone, lol, and use that person as your ghost, like The Rock or anyone else (I hate that guy...)), or you can just create one. Spirit's Alias: Go up. Spirit's Appearance: How does he look like. Spirit's Personality: Go up. Spirit's Bio: A few lines about your Ghost's life, when they were alive. Here, you should write how your character and your ghost met. [B]Rulz:[/B] You can't use any of the actual anime characters as your own, neither as ghosts. But you could have a relative. I need someone from the Tao family, better if it's a girl, but works either way. You can't have a Asakura Family descendent. No one can use Hao, but you could be one of his 'minions', or you could just be on his side. [B]Hao's Objective: [/B] All that Hao wants is to create a world entirely of Shamans, that would have to kill ordinary humans, like 99% of the human race. [B]Xtra:[/B] It's been 500 years since the last tournament, but don't make it as if it is a advance future, imagine it's 2004. [B]My Sign Up:[/B] Name: Kenjiro Takeda. Alias: None. Appearance: [URL=http://www.dvdanime.net/images_critiques/jaquette-front-732.jpg]Here[/URL] Personality: Relaxed and lay back. Cold even if he's never very serious, only serious when it comes to his favorite activity, Fighting. Hot headed. Bio: His Family follows the way of the Ninja and Shamanism. His mother was a Shaman who had a Samurai Spirit, she was killed by Hao. His father is/was a Ninja, whose location is unknown. He wants to avenge his mother's death but knows Hao's strenght and looks for a way of improving his techs. He hates the ninja part of his life because he says that his Father (Kyo Hattori) is a coward and didn't do anything to save his mother. He denies the 'Hattori' name and uses his Mother's last name. Style: Ninjuutsu and Goshindo Aikijiujitsu. Dream: None, only wants to kill Hao. Weapon: Katana and Long Spear. Spirit's Name: Hanzou Hattori Masashige. Spirit's Alias: The Great Lancer, Hanzou the Ghost. Spirit's Appearance: [URL=http://emulazione.multiplayer.it/gameover/frame/images/phanzo_hattori_6.jpg]Here[/URL] Spirit's Personality: Quite and strategist, always listens to his shaman, even if he sometimes has to tell him to cool down. Spirit's Bio: He is the head of the Hattori clan, direct ancester of Kenjiro by his Father's side. He was 'given' to Kenjiro by his mother when he was born, Hanzou trained Kenjiro since he was a kid in the Ninjuutsu art. I'll be accepting sign ups till next week. Anything else, PM me.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Verdana]"I'm I blind?" Kenjiro opened his eyes. "Nah, it's just real dark" he said when he saw a red round light coming his way. "Where am I? What happened? Where are the others?" Kenjiro asked himself. "They're just probably watching me in my disgrace and laughing... Nah! That's what I would do, not them" Kenjiro said smiling, something he hadn't done in a long time. "Oh, my eyes hurt..." Kenjiro complained. "You worry about your eyes, when you should worry about your life!" A strange voice coming from the direction the light was, said. "Wh-Who're you?" Kenjiro said nervous. "I'm Luka. Welcome to my graveyard. Light!" As Luka said this final words, candles that were sticked on bodies on the walls lit. "Nice trick..." Kenjiro said while looking around and seeing everything decorated with dry-rotten-corpses. "That explains the smell" Kenjiro thought, then looked up and saw a red caped man with white hair coming his way. "Mortal." Luka said while throwing the red sphere he had on his hand at Kenjiro and hitting him on the stomach and making him fall to his knees. "Agh! I didn't saw it coming..." Kenjiro said spitting some blood. He got up and saw Luka right in front of him. "Ho-How did you...?" Kenjiro said before Luka grabbed him by the throat and slammed him twice in the floor (That's a chokeslam xD). Then he picked him up and tryied to slam him a third time. "Aren't you going to struggle?" Luka asked. "I can't... You're just too strong..." Kenjiro answered and started to kick Luka in the arm he was holding him with, he kicked Luka 4 times in the elbow till it broke, forcing Luka to release him. "Hah... Hah" Kenjiro was breathing hardly, he was bleeding by the neck, Luka had hurted him with his long (Nine Inched) Nails. "Agh!" Luka screamed as he putted his own arm in place. "What are you...?" Kenjiro asked shocked. "First I'll beat you real good, then I'll drink your blood while you're still alive" Luka said showing his long Fangs. "Va-Vampire...?!" Kenjiro asked scared as Luka started punching Kenjiro in the face while he tryied to cover his head with his arms. Then Luka grabbed him by the face, hurting him with his long (Nine inched) Nails and making him bleed, Luka slammed Kenjiro on the wall and let him fall slowly to the ground. "This fight isn't fair. I'll let you use any weapon of this warriors you see on the ground" Luka said walking backwards. Kenjiro saw a long old spear in a deadman's hand and got down and grabbed it, but before he could get up Luka kicked him in the ribs, making him bleed more from his mouth. "You thought it would be that easy?" Luka asked. "For a second... I kinda did." (lol) Kenjiro answered getting up. "Come, strike me!" Luka shouted charging a red sphere with his left hand. "You won't hit me again with that!" Kenjiro shouted picking the leather helmet Leon was holding last time he saw him, and blocking Luka's attack and sending it right back at him hitting Luka in the face with the red sphere, the helmet was destroyed instantly. "You bastard!" Luka yelled as Kenjiro stabbed him with his spear on the heart and pushing him to the wall. "P-Pain, but you won't kill me that way! HAHA!!" "Aren't you already dead?" Kenjiro asked. "Well... Kind of..." Luka answered. "Then you'll die for good!" Kenjiro shouted while taking out his spear of Luka's chest and turning it, stabbing Luka with the wodden part, but being this shapless he had to put lots of pressure on it. "Ahhhh!" Kenjiro scream as all his wounds started to bleed even more. "Nooo!" Luka screamed while licking Kenjiro's blood off his nails. "Your blood tastes bad anyway..." Luka said while turning into a sucked-body. Kenjiro removed his spear and the Luka fell to the ground. "That was a lot more fun than serving coffee..." Kenjiro said falling to his knees. "I can't remeber that freaking healing spell!! I'll die from this wounds if I don't cure myself fast..." Kenjiro said dragging his own body trough the hallway, leaving a track of blood.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Verdana]"Thank you... I hope we meet again" Ken said as he turned to the door. "You're welcome and... We will" X said before Ken got out. Kenjiro walks the alley while looking at this device thing X gave him. He starts turning the object in all directions and thinks: "Do I have it upside down? Damm!" He leaves it in one direction and keeps walking. "I hope this is ok..." he said before the signal got stronger and a beep sounded repeatily and every step louder. "Looks like its working... This annoying sound could wake the dead" He said to himself. Then he saw something and yelled: "Gin, is that you?" [/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [FONT=Verdana][COLOR=SlateGray]Kenjiro sees the man holding a gun against him. "You wish to destroy me?" He asked the man. "It's my duty!" The man replied. "What are you waiting for?" Kenjiro said as he turned his face down. "W-What?!" The man asked surprised. "If you wish to die so much--" The man was interrupted before he could finish his sentence. "Wait!" Gin shouted. "Who are you? And What is your bussiness with this assassin?" The man asked. "I'm Gin, and I don't really know him... I just don't think is fair for you to kill him just because he is an Android!" Gin said putting herself in front of the man. "Move or I'll shot you both!" The man said. "Let the man do what he came here to do" Kenjiro said to Gin. "No matter what you did, he has no right to kill you" Gin replied. "I went berserk and killed my creators once... Then I went bersek again and killed some humans who were taking care of me... The third time was different..." Kenjiro didn't finished whatever he was about to say when Gin asked: "You went Berserk?" Kenjiro then answered: "Yes. There is a problem with my Mother chip" "A problem with your MC?" The man asked surprised. "Can't you fix it?" Gin asked. "I'm a unique model, the only person who knew all about my functions was Dr. Dentha, who I personally slashed in two by the way" Kenjiro answered. "So, What will you do?" Kenjiro asked.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Verdana] [B]*** TSTS COmplex C-003 ***[/B] [B]D A T E : April 8th, 2961. F I L E : 'The First 'SA' Android.'[/B] Scientists are gathered around some "newly ensambled" Android. "SA-001 is Complete" "Is perfect!" "We should begin with the testing" "W-Where am I...?" [B] *** Testing Grounds. Location: ??? **** D A T E : April 10th, 2961. F I L E: 'Testing.' [/B] A guy with military clothing and black hair lays on the ground with a snipler riffle is observed by a group of scientists. "Fire!" One of them shouts. And so the guy fires at multiple targets. "He passed all the tests" A scientist said. They all go near the military guy and congratulate him. "Well done, SA-001. You passed" The elder scientist said. "Thank you, Sir!" The military guy quickly said. "Now, let's see how you do with-- Wh-What are you doing?! Put that gun do--! *Bang!*" He yelled at the Military guy as he received a head shot from him, before he could deliver the object he was holding. "What the--?!" The other Scientist couldn't believe what they just saw. "001, Reset your program!" A scientist shouted to the military as the guy picked up the object the dead scientist was holding. "He's gone Berserk! It most be his Mother chip! Let's destroy it!" Another scientist said just before the military guy activated the object, of which a bright blue laser came out. "He has the Laser Katana, and he seems to know how to use it! Run for it" A scientist said before running away. "SA-001, Code: Stealth Assasin 1357, Activate Self-destruct program! Now!" The Military guy looked up at the screaming Scientist and slashed him with his blade, then grabbed his Sniper riffle and shot the running scientist in the head. After that, he fell on his knees" "W-What have I done?" The Military guy thought and ran away. [B][End of Recording] *** City of Gaia ***[/B] "Memories persue me... I need to run away..." Kenjiro said while walking the lone streets and right before he crashed head first with a person, or that was his impresion. "I'm sorry... I wasn't looking..." He quickly apologized"[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Verdana]>< OOC: Someone else follows.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Verdana] [B]Name: [/B] Nero Jinn-ichi von Nekro. (Call him Jinn xD) [B]Age: [/B] 17 [B]Apperance: [/B] [URL=http://www.buynshop.com/images/products/alca-8130.jpg]Here[/URL] or see attachment for his red eyes. He's 6'5 fts tall. [B]Element: [/B] [B][COLOR=Indigo]Dark[/COLOR][/B] [B]Brief Background: [/B] Jinn never had parents. He was raised by his grandparents since his parents died at the age 1, in hands of some bandits. His mother wrote his name in a golden tag, and he keeps it as the most valuable treasure in the world. When he was 8, grandparents died due to some extrange illness. He lost it all, and he grew with a grudge against the world, he started training in order to be strong and survive. He studied the dark arts with a misterious man called Draghignazzo Vassago untill the age of 13. Since then, he's been working as mercenary/hitman for a living, people refers to him as 'Shin-ichi', instead of Jinn-ichi, and/or 'The Reaper'. [B]Weapons: [/B] Fists and legs, and a Black Blade 5 Ft Katana called [B]'Soul Reaper[/B]'. The [B]Soul Reaper [/B] gets stronger with every person it Jinn kills, it is said that it absorbs the soul of whoever dies by it, and also its wielder's... [B]Personality: [/B] He's not the most friendly person in the world (lol), he doesnt talk much, hates humans, he's very calm, cold and always thinks before acting. He has never killed a women, he gets nervous specially with the pretty ones. (Fact: He has never talked to a woman who isn't his grandmother) Let me know if I made a mistake, k? [/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Verdana] [B]Name: [/B] Kenjiro Takeda. [B]Age: [/B] 18 [B]Gender: [/B] Male. [B]Personality: [/B] Very proud and negative, he is the pessimistic of the group, always finds a 'but' in everything, when someone has an idea he always says: "It won't work". Laid-back but quiet, sometimes craks a joke but he prefers sarcasm (He loves sarcasm), he doesnt look very friendly, but deep inside (Very deep, lol) he cares about people. Gets really angry when someone touches his hair (Don't ask...). [B]Appearance: [/B] [COLOR=SlateGray] [URL=http://theotaku.com/dothack/pictures/hack_sign05/image_02.jpg]This[/URL] guy.[/COLOR] [B]Bio: [/B] [COLOR=SlateGray]When he was a kid, he wanted to be a Magician, he always liked magic, but as he grew, his dream was shattered by his Father, who always told him to get a real job. He works a night shift at a Coffe shop and doesnt get much money for it. He never liked to work. When they went on the trip, he was not interested in what other kids were doing, so he sat next to a tree and started "looking for some peace" (Sleeping), before he could count his first sheep, saw the other 'kids' with the relic, he felt some curiosity (Something rare in him) so he came closer to them and then... You know what happened. He's not very interested in returning home and his 'Crappy life' like he says... Let me know if there is something wrong. [/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR]
  10. Are ye deleting this or not? I'm not gonna post for nothing... I really wantta join. Hope you understand.
  11. [FONT=Verdana][COLOR=DimGray] Name: Dark Magician of Chaos. Callsign: Chaos Attribute and Subtype: Dark / Spellcaster Appearance: [url]http://www.cardhaus.com/images/ioc-065.jpg[/url] Affiliation and Rank: None... Reports to: Himself. Weapon(s): Magic Rod. Weapon(s) Ability: Spells are Stronger. Special Ability: Strong Magic... He's a magician for Rah's Sake! History: As a kid, used to live in a colony of magicians/spellcasters, his father was a really powerfull Dark Sage, but it was killed right in front of him, with his other relatives and friends, by a unknown force, he doesn't know the force's name, but if he sees him, he'll recognize it. After that, he just wandered the "World" improving his magic, doing anything to survive. Due to his low self-esteeme, he think he is very weak, and is always looking for ways to improve his magic. [******************] That's about it. If there's something wrong with my chara been a wanderer, let me know. Or, if there's something missing... KPT.- [/COLOR][/FONT]
  12. [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Verdana] I want in! I want in! [Calm down, Jack-A!] [*******] Name: Kenjiro (Call him Ken) Age: 3 (Looks 19) Gender: Male Race: Android Appearance: Long black hair (Ponytail), red/black alternate eyes, blue jeans and a dark grey sweter, brown boots, has a large black leather belt. Reason for volenteering: He was built as a weapon, for infiltration and extermination in some underground military opposition lab, but something went wrong and he becomes bersek due to an operational problem in his Mother chip and sees anyone near him as an enemy, so in order to clean his conscience (For all the people he killed) he thinks the best way to amend his sins is helping humans. No one knows when he'll become berserk again... Weapons: 1) Laser Katana (In the belt) 2) Lasers Blades come of his elbows, makes larger when desired. Skills: Martial Art Skills (Goshindo Aikijiujitsu) and other Android attributes. (Super strength, endurance, etc.) PD: Let me know if there is something wrong, k? [/COLOR][/FONT]
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