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This Hurricane is obviously One of the worst i Have heard of Last Year 4 hurricanes hit the carrebean This one was worse than all 4 put together Last thing i have to say The US cant even cope with this because they've spent to much money trying to bring democracy to Iraq. People of New Orleans My prayers are with you
Israelis forced out of Gaza by their Government
Genzo replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
To me, a Palestinian who has been denied his homeland all of his life, the Israeli withdrawl from Gaza Represents the Ultimate GOOD RIDANCE. I am so happy that the Palestinians can finally move around with ease, reopen the destroyed airport and seaport and rebuild them, no longer fear the radical settlers that poision their drinking water and spread chemicals on fields used by shepards for grazing. At the same time I also realise something else, to all of those who say to me that I dont need a homeland to be happy, I have this to say: GIVE THEM YOUR LAND, MY LAND IS NOT YOUR TO DISTRIBUTE TO ZIONISTS YOU FACIST PIG! As soon as the Airport re-opens I will be able to visit my father much easier. for this i have one people to thank, Hamas, PIJ, PFLP, DFLP, PFLP-GC, Fatah and all the other resistance movements that have made our dream of having our own nation a reality. Death To Israel, Zionism and all those who support them -
To start off with my first post in a long time on the boards... I FULLY AGREE WITH THE EXECUTION OF THE TWO HOMOSEXUAL TEENAGERS AND FURTHURMORE I ENCOURAGE THE IRANIAN GOVERNMENT TO CONTINUE SUCH PRACTICES AS I AM IN FULL ACCEPTANCE WITH THEM. In my opinion, Homosexuality is simply, a crime against nature, against humanity, and against God. Now I don't know how many of you are athiests, (you life is pointless by the way) but i believe that if you fear god and love him and wish to gain his pleasure, DO WHAT HE SAYS. Homosexuality is a sin in Islam and i Do not appreciate infidels such as your self, trying to impose your secular way of life upon a system that i find to be perfect. And since Homosexuality is a sin and i am a muslim and BELIEVE that my religion is right, I believe it to be appropriate for homosexuals to be executed, only if found of commiting homosexual practices. These two teenagers committed homosexual fornication and hence they paid a dear price for their actions.
Marge: Homer, are you going to ignore Grampa for the rest of your life? Homer: No, just for the rest of his life! Little Debbie: Dr Frink, is the Space ship going to be ready for the performance tonight? Dr. Frink: I have visited the future and yes, it well be ready. Principal Skinner: Well Wille, I'm off on vacation. Make sure that the school is spotless when I come back. Wille: Sure thing, yeh silk wearin' croquet playin' buttercup! Wille: BONJOUR! yeh Cheese eatin' surrender monkeys! Ralph: I bent my wookie! Homer: What do you think of the new area code Carl? Carl: I don't know. the 6 is closer to the 3, which is a conviency, but the 9 has less to do with Satan in this religious world of ours.
Israeli forces massacre protesters in Rafah
Genzo replied to DBZgirl88's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]What bothers me is that you have no problem with 'constantly killing Isrealis'. If this mentality is telling of the Palestinean population, this might be where the problem lies. [/color][/size'][/font][/quote][COLOR=DarkGreen]No its Not. the problem lies with the ZIONISTS. get that through please. its not our fault. I do not want to sound like a child but seriously, they started it. And it is my duty as a Palestinian to finish it. You can't really blame Palestinians for hating Israeli citizens too. Afterall, they are sucking all the benefits from our land.[/COLOR] [quote name='DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms] Out of curiosity, where did you get this information? I ask because it would be entirely in opposition to the Isreali national interest to do so. I sense propoganda.[/color][/size'][/font][/quote][COLOR=DarkGreen]That's my point. the Propaganda goes against us. Israel has so far killed more palestinians then those who died in the WTC on that fatefull day. And whats really funny, Israel is an ally, a person you think can be trusted. even as I type away, they are planning some sort of take down of the US so that it can achieve its goal of being a world dominate superpower. That is why they must be stopped! As for the source of my quote, I have read on several known news website INCLUDING BBC, CNN, and Aljazeera. Notice that they are not all arab news networks, so its not propaganda. No offense but...OWNED![/color] -
Israeli forces massacre protesters in Rafah
Genzo replied to DBZgirl88's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]That's such a convincing argument...except there was no nation, Palestinean or otherwise, in the land that is currently Isreal. Perhaps if Palestineans hadn't constantly killed Isreali civilians, then more Palestineans would be able to live peacefully in Isreal. [/color][/size'][/font][/quote]Umm... No offense but we constantly killing Israelis? You always hear about a suicide bomber, but you don't hear of the massacres that happened in Lebenon, in Jenin, Hebron, and Nablus. They stop Ambulances from taking the wounded civilian/refugees to make sure that they pass away. What do you think of that? If you got shot and I flattened the tires of the ambulance that was supposed help you sustain life, you would not appreciate it, would you? The person who made this quote against me, I would like him to give me his email so that I can send you a video on MSN that proves that I am right and you are WRONG! -
Israeli forces massacre protesters in Rafah
Genzo replied to DBZgirl88's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkGreen] The UN has never given the land of the palestinians to the israelis. they were a young and prosperous union at the time, created in 1946. The British under the rule of John balfour declared that Palestine would the homeland for the Zionist movement following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in 1917. Thirty One years later, Britain lifted its horrible Mandate on Palestine. 3 days later on the dreaded day of May 15, 1948 Zionist Gangs with the Help of the remaining British Soldiers captured the Minority of Palestine. Israel is not the homeland for the jews. Even in their own Faith it has been told to them that they shall roam the Earth forever as punishment for what they did to Moses after he liberated them from the Pharoh Rhamses II. They have commited atrocities beyond forgivness to my people I'm palestinian too) they will not be allowed to continue on this path of destruction. their leader is a war criminal. The leader before him is a war criminal. The Zionists are the threat to world peace. They are the terrorists. Not Hamas, not PLA, not PIJ, and not Alaqsa Martyrs Brigade. I do not believe that liberating your nation is a terrorist act. As for the civilians well they should have thought twice before they stole my grandfathers home and robbed him of the future he had with his children. they do not have the right to take Palestine. They will not continue for much long. They already know that they have lost. They know that they did not weaken us with the assasination of The Shiekh Ahmad Yassin or the Shaheed Abdel Aziz Al-Rantissi. How would you feel if you were woken up at 3a.m. in the morning with a bunch of soldiers armed M-4A1 assault rifles telling you that you have three minutes to get you and your family out of the house so they demolish it. You and the rest of your family watches in horror as a bulldozer demolishes everything you worked for, and everything you held sacred, then the bulldozer driver comes to you and tells you that you have to pay the bill for his service?! Its not something that you would hold as a happy gesture. Everyone tells us that Palestine does not belong to us. But, it belongs to some Russian immagrant that came here after the collapse of the FSU, so he has more land rights than a man whose family has been here for centuries. You can not understand our pain. Afterall the Natives were robbed of their land by your ancestors. If I was a True Jew, and I followed my religion as I have been instructed to, I would stay clear from the Middle East. For Matter how much i pray, how much Torah i read, how many holidays I attend, how many days I spend in the Sabbath, I would never be forgiven by my lord because I would have defied the rules set down from him to me. That is why true Jews live in Canada, Europe, Russia, and the U.S.A. Jews have been denied the "Holy Land" by thier lord as an everlasting punishment for straying from the right path sent down to them from God to Moses and His brother. If you believe so strongly that they deserve a homeland to live in, give them yours. Do not t force me to give up what I love so dearly and treasure so deeply. My Home Land-Palestine.[/COLOR]