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About Hisui

  • Birthday 08/13/1990

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Well, I'm only thirteen, and I'm just going into high school.
  • Occupation
    I don't have a job, yet. ^_^

Hisui's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. Has anyone ever thought about anime crossovers? There are a lot of anime crossovers in fanfiction, but what animes do you think would be nice to see together? Or maybe anime crossover couples? For example, It would be interesting to see Sailor Moon and Yu Yu Hakusho crossed because Yoshiro Togashi and Naoko Takeuchi are married. For crossover couples, two of my favorites are: 1. Vash(Trigun) and Misato(Evangelion) they're both outgoing and funny, but serious when they need to be. They also both get drunk easily :laugh:. Lastly, I think they're personalities fit. :) 2. Quatre(Gundam Wing) and Ami(Sailor Moon) They both are really nice, and are very much similiar. Post your opinions!
  2. One dubbed anime that I can't really stand is Sailor Moon. Compared to the Japanese version, it is really bad. Also, Inuyasha,Ranma 1/2, and yugioh dub isn't to good. Some dub that I think is okay, are Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, and Outlaw Star. Mostly anime on Adult Swim are the better dubs, in my opinion.
  3. I haven't seen much of Get Backers, and I've only read a little manga. But so far, I really like it! It's really funny, and all the characters are really cool. BTW, how has everyone seen so much of Get Backers? I thought that it just got licensed. The only way I saw it was fansubbing(before it got licensed of course.)
  4. I think I was about 6 or seven when I saw my first anime. It was the first season of Sailor Moon on Cartoon Network. Sailor Moon dub is really bad, but I was little, and it got me into anime. :D
  5. I have seen a trailer for advent children, but it didn't say anything about theaters. I also have heard that it's coming out in June. But, I'm so sad that it's going to be only one hour. That's not enough for me. :( But, maybe cloud will get to see aeris again...people say that he might see her in the lifestream.
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