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About crobo

  • Birthday 06/10/1989

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  • Biography
    Hihi!! I be 15 and I'm from Ireland, and I like anime, yep yep. Yah that's aboot it. Oh yeah I be very strange also, well that's what peoples tell me and I believe them so spose it's true. uh yah ^_~
  • Occupation
    student mabobber

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  1. My Daddy cleans peoples carpets. :catgirl: I think it's mad cool because nobody else has a carpet cleaning daddy! well ya know, nobody else I'm aware of... He doesn't think it's so cool. He hates it with a passion but my Daddy's in his 60s... There's not exactly an abundant amount of jobs open to him. He tried being a postman for a while but it didn't work out too well. the ickiness of the hours loike!! Anywho my super daddy shall forver be the saviour of yer filthy carpets :cool: Oh and my Mammy well deserves a mention. She's got a harder job than my Dad, lookin after all of us little ingrates! She's a "homemaker" . I have 7 brothers and sisters I kid you not. So like she's had it slightly tough over the years. And it has taken it's toll, she's clinically depressed and has diabetes due to ill health. Amd bless her heart, she's still going. It's not easy for my family, but we survive cuz my parents are troopers and I's proud. ;) Aww cheese.
  2. crobo


    Ah beyblade....meh. I started wtaching this in a marathon one day cuz there was nothing else on basically and i found it great load of (insert not nice word here) The story lines are extremely ridiculous. It's beyond me how winning a tournament for spinning tops can help you with world domination.... :rolleyes: I do watch it sometimes, but that's only because kai is such a hottie! lol. I think it's funny but only because it's so stupid. And I suppose the cheesy lines and crappy storylines are what make it good, if you're watching it but not taking it seriously. In conclusion I think Beyblade can be good for a laugh but definitely not to be taken seriously. I like reading Beyblade fanfiction though....especially ones centering on Ray and Kai. Very jimmy indeedily. :wigout:
  3. [COLOR=Red][B][U]Fruits basket[/U] [I]Tohru[/I] I'd give Tohru a hug, cuz I know she'd really appreciate it cuz she's such a sweetie and she wouldn't want much anyway (yes, I know, I'm cheap ;) ) [I]Kyo[/I] A stick. He could poke things with it. Or maybe he could use it to keep Kagura off him but I like the poking thing better. [I]Yuki[/I] A sense of humour. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][U]Yu-gi-oh[/U] [I]Seto Kaiba[/I] A girlfriend. Revolving your life around a card game isn't healthy. Maybe she could keep him occupied. :love: [I]Honda[/I] A new hairstyle. The pooor boy, he gots a spike sticking oot of his forehead![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][U]Gundam Wing[/U] [I]Relena[/I] Some dignity. Don't chase guys around, wait for them to come to you ;) [I]Duo[/I] SNOW MAN SOCKS! Just cause he'd be cute in them. :excited: [/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange][U]Inuyasha[/U] [I]Miroku[/I] Some self control......I think that one explains itself...he be naughyt monkey. :box: [/B][/COLOR]
  4. Oh Oh I love the killers! When my friend really liked that song she kept walking around singing "I got thoul but I'm not a thoulder" cuz she had braces and it was funny. yup yup. ;) Oh I like mr. Brightside too. It's so catchy and addictable especially since it's on that ad for jjb sports me thinks...
  5. It depends on the kind of joke...if it's just kind of silly and in jest I'd laugh, but if the comment's totally unfunny and offensive then I won't. I don't mind when people poke fun at me because of my nationality. Most peoples think Irish are drunken jimmies (and lot's are) The Simpsons do it best. :D
  6. I heard they're bringing adult swim to toonami in the uk in november so maybe more anime will be shown on that. :cool:
  7. The lack of anime on British tv is kind of the reason I started reading manga. I mean, I can't afford to be buying dvds and what not and manga is a lot easier to come by over here, that's what I think anyways. Outlaw Star was good but they just repeated it over and over. They should have started showing something else instead of constant repeats. :rolleyes:
  8. crobo

    Sailor Moon

    :babble: [COLOR=Magenta] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]ooh i love sailor moon! It''s one of my favourite animes and one of the first i watched. I wish they still showed it, even the dub. My favourite seasons are S and Stars. I loved the ending to the series even though i know a lot of big sailor moon fans didn't. My favourite character is Sailor Saturn because.....well i don't really know why. I always seem to like the kind of tragic characters of a series for some reason.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. I'd get all my favourite girls from animes and we'd have a big girly slumber party! Minako and Usagi from Sailor moon, Miaka from Fushigi Yuugi, Tohru from fruits basket, vespa girl from flcl and Kaolla from Love Hina. We'd have a really crazy slumber party with dancing and jumping around the place and doing each others nails and hair and weird stuff. Wew'd also talk about my favourite bishies which are too too many to mention right now. :cool: My least favourite characters.......hmmmmm....I don't think i really have any characters that I hate except i find Treize Kushranada from Gundam Wing immensly creeepy. He just oozez creepiness and sleaziness, especially that episode where he's taking a bath *shudders* I think I'd just get all my girlfriends (The ones that were at my slumber party) and we'd beat him up. :)
  10. I haven't really seen a lot of shojo anime but my favourites out of the ones i've seen have to be Fruits Basket and Sailor Moon. Fruits Basket was just beautiful to me. Some of the time there wasn't really much of storyline but i think the character really just pull you in and make you watch! I was a bit disapointed with the ending (most likely becuse it meant it was over. heh) But i've started collecting the manga so i can see what happens after episode 26. Sailor Moon was one of the first animes i saw and it's just alwys been a favourite. Sailor Moon S was the best season in my opinion, because of the outer senshi making an apperance and Hotaru is one of my favourite anime characters ever! :babble:
  11. I introduced my best friend (14 years old for anyone who wants to know) to fruits basket a couple of months back, not because i wanted to get her into anime but because i love it, and she liked it immeditely. Then she went and watched loads more anime and she's a big fan now. I tried to get my other friend to watch it and she watched the first episode but she didn't really shine to it as much as my other friend. Probably because of it being too weird for her. i think she was a little freaked out by it actually. :smirk: Anyway i tink you should show them more "normal" anime because some people can get bit feeaked out by the comedy elements of some animes (In my experience anyway)l
  12. :babble: Well the first anime film i saw was Akira when i was about seven when my brother was watching it. I couldn't really keep up with it though becuse thhe subtitles were too fast for me :rolleyes: Then a couple of years later i became hooked on pokemon (like every other kid on the planet :rolleyes: ) and i watched that till i was about 11 and i realised how repetitive an wussy it was. :ball: Then i watched sailor moon one day on fox kids when my brother made me watch it and i was hooked, well on sailor moon that is. (i cried when they stopped showing it. :eek: ) I still really wasn't into anime. But then one day i saw dragonball z on toonami and i was like i like this. So i watched all of that and more like outlaw star and yu-gi-oh and now i watch lods of other stuff. I can't say i really like dbz and pokemon anymore but i wouldn't say i hate them. Oh and i'm a shameless yu-gi-oh fan (the sub, mind) so please don't kill me! :nervous: Wow that's the longest post i've ever posted anywhere. I'm sorry for boring you all. :blush:
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