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Everything posted by Tien

  1. I live on the edge of south east london. Right on the border between Kent and London. Near Greenwich
  2. Who else thinks John cena is entertaining and funny as hell? He's the only reason why I watch SD! Oh, and the Undertaker as well but John Cena is funny, I think he's the next Rock.
  3. I never did like DaBlackGoku, though this is a first I've heard about them spreading the AF rumour. Anyway, it doesn't really surprise me.
  4. Woah, go on hoilday? That's abit quick, you haven't even met each other. Tell her that you should wait until you seen each other face to face.
  5. I rarely come on the internet nowadays. =/ I still do visit OB sometimes, whenever I'm bored. heh, things move too quickly for me. o_o
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkness [/i] [B]Thanks for the words of wisdom Solo. I actually talked to Dee on the phone, Sunday night. I just sent Kay an IM a second ago telling her that I apologize and I'm really sorry. Now I'm done. I've done all that I can really do, so now I just have to wait and see how things play out. My only concern is that Dee likes to keep **** going, and will probably fill the other's head until she herself gets over it. She has caused me alot of drama in the past, and I value all of my friendships, but I realized today that if she never spoke to me again, I can't say that I'd be overly upset. I don't like unnecessary drama, and she likes to donate it generously(sp?). But I'd rather have everything work out foe the best, I just know not to let her mess around with me. [/B][/QUOTE] Hm.....I'm guessing Dee and Kay must know random guy cause you wouldn't exactly believe someone you don't even know that he said something horrible about you.
  7. If I could go back into Time, I would sort out everything I done wrong in the past.
  8. That's pretty dumb swearing infront of a teacher. Most of my teachers are fine. Whenever they tell me to "shut up" it's usually as a joke.
  9. I have help with iB hacks. I know PHP and CGI. :D
  10. More active members the better. I rectnly started posting as I saw the the link at the bottom on my favourites list. o_o
  11. I can't believe it, England are now out of the world cup. Brazil 2 - 1 England. Micheals Owne's goal was good. Sloppy defence by Brazil, But Rivaldo and Ronaldinho scored which made England lose. Germany and USA are going to be playing soon. My prediction is germany, but you never know what happens in the world cup nowadays. =D
  12. Wow...first man on Mars. That'd ought to be exciting.
  13. I am partly addicted. But I can do other things also. If I'm bored I go on here and talk to people. I am in a fairly close online group, kinda cool. But I am beginning to get more online seeing it's a week break from school.
  14. Brazil barely beat Turkey. They were lucky. Italy beat Equador easily. Argentina beat Nigeria. Spain easily beat Slovenia. I recokon Germany or Italy will win.
  15. I have the occasional arguement with my mother. Though not too serious.
  16. I don't get that many tests and if I do, they are usually made up from the teacher, which is good. I usually suck at Exams/Tests. Though most of my work is fairly good.
  17. Frecnh and Spanish seem hard.I always get muddled up with them.
  18. Tien


    It's too cold to get any type of Sun Burn here. XD
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]What the heck is up with people now adays? Why the hell do we have to fit this perfect image of someone who doesn't give a crap about you, and if you don't fit that image everyone hates you for some damn reason that makes no sense? What the hell is up with people today and judging someone upon appearance? It pisses me off! I am tired of it! I have officially every friend except two at my school for not fitting that image then telling them how truly STUPID this whole thing is? Do you guys have to put up with this at your school...or is my school just screwed up? Sorry for this rant I just wanted to see if I am truely alone in this struggle or are there other strong people who resist this annoying habbit of humans? [/B][/QUOTE] There are always one or two idiots at schools which judge people and think they are better than everyone.
  20. Here are my results. # 1 James "Smarter AND more powerful than you" # 2 Kuja "Kuji - Wuji" # 3 Sepiroth " Cool" # 4 Noryoko Angelcry "The Ultimate Gamer" # 5 Cera "The Cynic" # 6 Forte "..." # 7 Transtic Nerve "Gackt!" # 8 Tminoc "Legendary Spammer" # 9 Ginnylyn "Digimon Goddess, Watch out for her mod rod" # 10 Shyguy "Sorry, you should have tried harder" # 11 Babygirl "Jedi Master" # 12 Newbie "My power level is higher than yours!" # 13 Queen Asuka "Otaku and all around nice person" # 14 Lady Macaidoh "One of Adam's Angel's" Cool, me as got a James.
  21. Cool, seph is getting married! Good luck anyways!
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