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Everything posted by MischiefEclipse

  1. Hmm, this is kinda funny. I was just talking with some of my freinds about how much internet relationships bug me. Not totally creep me out... I just don't understand how they could ever work. A few of my freinds have been a part of a long distance relationships. One was talking to another induvidual online, and that did not work out at all. Another one of my freinds is now in one and talking to someone in another state over the internet, but also phone and email w/ pics and such. I haven't said how weird it is to them, to avoid hurting their feelings. I just don't think there's anything tangible in a relationship like that. I mean, you can't even eat dinner with them or go see a movie, let alone hold hands. Is it just me or does that Ehomemaker guy, or something like that, just REALLY bother anybody else? you know, the web matchmaker site with a TV commercial. And that old guy. Oh whatever. Cliche out, everone!
  2. [QUOTE] Exactly!!!! It is just a suggestion! But then why won't they let you go without one in many theatres? That is what people have been saying all along, that they are basically just guidelines, and are something that shouldn't have to be enforced in the ways they are. But they are an issue. If they are just guidelines, no theatre should have to completely restrict someone from seeing a rated R movie. If theatres around the nation don't follow the so called restrictions, why bother enforcing them at all really? It gets people confused or upset. A 10 year old won't walk into some freaky, bloody movie, they have more sense than that. But a teen will. They know what they will be seeing, and if they so choose it, they will see it. [/QUOTE] Lawsuits. People are sue-Happy now-adays. Even if a child won't [I]want[/I] to see a horrow movie, as you're saying for some reason, the point is that he could. Seeing as how the movie theatre is where the movies are shown, they are very potentially liable for any ill affects a child's parents could blame them for. It seems that people are suing bussinesses for more and more stupid reasons. So that is why, no matter the inconvience to someone's everyday life, it is a good idea for the movie theatres to do this.
  3. The being accompanied by a parent rule is just a suggestion. The choices vary from Theatre to theatre on how they will conduct things. Personally, I have seen a movie theatre not care who gets into an R rated film at all. I have also been to a theatre that simply asks for permission of the parent for their child to see the movie. And I have been to theatres that require some adult buy your ticket and be in the theatre with you. Each movie theatre decides what it wants done in terms of kids seeing restricted films. So, I hope that everyone can clearly see that the movie theatres' restriction polocies are not an issue here. :eek:
  4. I think almost everyone raises good points. It also seems, however, that a few points use the belief that some people view these R movies differently. Which is one reason, I believe this is so, that the MPAA is there. A lot of people don't see kids getting bothered by movies that the MPAA sais is not right for that age group. So a parent may think, "Wow, this rating system dosn't apply here." A thought such as this one could very well lead to others like it, meaning that that parent becomes more lenient overtime, thinking their child has seen it all, so more of the same couldn't do any harm. Now, this is not the case for many people, seeing as how some people i know really take the movie rating system to heart. Leniency is not neccesarily rienforcing the things portrayed in, as generaly seen, innapropriate movies, but its not telling the kid No, either. Highschoolers may think that those movies that they really would like to see, but aren't allowed to are nothing compared to what they see at school. BUT! Did you ever think to ask why school is full of sexual acts, violence, and swearing? Could it be because the kind of movies, video games, and music that they weren't technically allowed to watch and listen to, were watched, played, and listened to by them anyway? Ooh... a pattern. Although, I'll tell you that the movie theater restrictions can bee an almost painful inconvenience. But, hey, they don't want to be sued!
  5. Wow, goth music? I'm not sure if this is correct or not, but i think "gothic" music can be found in several genres of metal. Now, I know nobody who is gothic, but those bands that you mentioned, Meggido, are awesome. I've listened to nightwish's stuff and I guess thats the most gothic stuff I've heard. (?) Sounds like you might really appriciate metal. Evanescence, Otep, Tool (which in my opinion is the best rock music in a really long time, though not everyone likes them) , Slipknot, and maybe Korn if you like Cradle of filth (which is beyond troubled) . Not all of those are technically metal, but i like 'em all too, so might be companion genres or somthing like that. Theres really a lot of stuff you could look into, so google it! or um... you know, don't. Sorry, I'll stop now.
  6. Hmm, as far as the PS hardware, like gameshark, I'm not sure that works on the PS2. I have tried, one kind didn't fit, but the memory card one really wonked out my freinds system... If i remeber right... Personally, I'd wait the year or so for sony's next game system. (when does that come out?) I'm also disapointed because trading in a playstation or N64 (nobody cares about Nintendo anymore *cry*) at any of the places i know of only fetches like 20 bucks. Its sad. Wow, Who'da thunk that people would wait till now to buy a ps2? No offense to anybody... Anyway back to the point! Keeping your old games is a good idea, but keep the old hardware. I also heard a rumor about Xbox 2 not being compatible with the Xbox now's games or anything. (sorry! I know this is a PS2 thread but i had to.)
  7. Odin, riding on a painfully slow speed bike, finally had arrived at his destination. "Oh, hey man! You that Nexe kid?" "Yeah," said Odin. "I'm just looking for a quick job and, Um..." "Yes? Repair garage? Snapple Machine, parhaps?" "Yeah, is there a rapair station anywhere near here, that is, if anything can be salvaged from this hunk of junk." "You're an idiot, you know that?" said the man, as he was turning towards the door. "And you need a vigilante job? Well, I beleive..." After both of them got inside, they settled down at a table in a bluish, mattalic room. "Ooh, a bluish, mettalic room..." said Odin "Ah, yes, we have a few newbie jobs. Um, have you ever worked as a vigalante before?" Odin, idly tapping the table, simply responded, "Nope. But i have done a few assasinations." "Oh, yeah, I guess you do look like a badass. Ahem, sorry. Lessee... can you fly a Mycto-copter?" "Oh! Yeah, actually." Odins interest was finally starting to show. "Okay good," said the Vigilante coordinator, while shuffling papers around. "It [I]looks[/I] like we have a two phase strike mission. It involves stifling the Domos' control." "Hmm, I can handle killing a few Domos. This for Riteous lightning or something?" "Nnno. Its some mutant cry-for-help kind of thing, or whatever. The mutants would like a little less **** coming from Domo, sooo, they're paying a lot for assasinations and supply line attacks." "All right." ...................................................................................................... "Haha! Look at his hair," snickered one of the strike crew's immature ********. Odin was finally flying the chopper. But he was stuck with three other people. Actually, people wasn't the word Odin had used. He had said (in front of them, too), "You mean to tell me that I have to execute a high skilled opperation with these, these Bucktoothed **********!?" And he [I]was[/I] expected to fly with these seemingly senile young bastards of men. So that was that. Well... "You stupid a** drugged out, lunatic *******!!! One more comment about me, and I'll blow your ********* BRAINS OUT!!!" Said Odin, standing up and advancing towards their seats in the back. "Okay, okay! Sorry, AND YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN FLY THIS THING!!! QUICK, GET BACK TO THE-" *BLAMM- KCHHCK* Odin fired his plasma gun, and with a surprising amount of blood, one head had exploded. "HOLY ****!!! WHAT THE-" And the chopper crashed. ...................................................................................................... Odin awoke to find himself sprawled on the dirt and looking up at someone's face. "Hi ! I'm Orange! I guess you need some help?" said Orange, cheerfully.
  8. When asked his views on removing all penalties for marijuana possesion and use, President George W. Bush simply replied, "Rock on..."
  9. "ffmmnmmmnnn- THERE! Damn fire." Odin finally makes the fire. "Almost Dusk!? ****! And you!" He chucks a rock at his silver bike."YOU WORTHLESS PEICE OF ****!!!" The bike falls over, revealing a torn up underside and the other side filled with bullet holes and plasma burns. Odin sighs deeply, and, seemingly relaxed, sits down on the log. "That was no 'skirmish.' What the hell [I]WAS[/I] Domo doing. Oh, riiight, they're [B]Domo[/B] . What the hell did i really do to them? Sweet angry jeezus, I have GOT to calm down. Deep breath... *sigh* deeeep breath... *sigh*." And the Nexe boy sat on the log. Suddenly, a very blurry figure appeared by the fire. The sillhouette of a rodent slowly took form. "Aaawww. A squirrel! Hey, want some food? I bet you're- HEY!!! You little-" "Chippachuka!!!" "Come back with my ****** bag you little ****!!! GET BACK HERE!!!" Odin catches up with the animal. He and the very strange rodent fight over Odin's bag. The squirrel bites Odin's hand. "AAAAA!!! YOU STUPID LITTLE DUMBASS ********* ****!!!!!" Odin, with quite some effort, got the mortar ready, and in a blind rage, fired near where he thought the squerrel would be. "Oops... ****... hand bloody, head pounding... ARRGGG... *deep breath* ****! I hope noone saw that damn mortar- ARGG- thing..." Odin passes out.
  10. Tech TV has a show called "Anime Unleashed" Its a show with animes that have to do with high tech stuff. Most of those shows I had never heard of before, but they're awesome. I think Tech TV still shows it... I can't think of any other channel that shows anime. :eek:
  11. okay, here mine is, need any changes? :( Name: Odin Nexe Sex: Male Age: 17 Race: Cyborg Hair: Shoulder Length, Jet Black, with Long Green Bangs Eyes: A Deep Metalic Red Skin: Bronzed Build: Medium Clothing: A light brown cloak with a large hood, it stops at the top of his foot, exposing his mangled black, heavy duty Domo boots. Under the cloak, Odin wears a T- shirt, with a dirty red equipment vest. He wears red, knee length shorts. Cyborg attachments: As far as his cyborg upgrades go, Odin is equiped with a powerful mechanical left arm, complete with shock-stunner and a makeshift mortar, and a cannon, as well. He has a heavy duty, metal right shoulder. most bones in his legs are backed up by a flexible metal framework, similar to those in feild robots. His brain also has electrode attachments, for advanced and faster brainworkings, which are powered by a Xanathite power pack (in his spine). WOC: Besides his built in weapons, Odin prefers short range, powerfull guns. He does not like melee weapons, but will of course use them in a pinch. Vehicle: A sleek, silver, very reflective motorcycle from the Domo faction. Side mounted long range light cannon. Speed- Excelent/Manuv.- Very good /Armor- Poor Bio: From a high position Domo Gaurd's son, to an outcasted outcast, Odin pretty much hates everyone. He's still quite sane, but he want to take out his anger on everyone. Afterall, he's been stuck with all this filthy Cyborg s**t all over him. From an accident during an evening of fun in a hovercraft race with his "freinds", Odin's only hope for survival was to go Cyborg. Well, that night of drunk'n fun was the last straw for the local Domo Gaurd. After everything else he messed up, he was banished to the desert. But befor he left, he took a few things, namely the bike. Political Alignment: Currently none, but subject to change. Reputation- Robotica: Despised AML: Despised Domo: Uterly Despised (except by his father) Righteous lightning: Trusted, Gets some jobs. Vigalantes: Trust, Gets some jobs. MFBL: Mutual trust Prospectors/Merchants: Bussines Note: Odin is the total bastard antagonist to most of the heroes.
  12. :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
  13. Okay! I'm sure everyone's glad to hear from me again... nnno :( So, a messed up game would be A flight sim! BUT, heres where it's original, It's the developement stages of airplanes! So, you might play as an independant group thats trying to make the first airplane. Maybe you could design your own original crazy plane ideas. Hmmm :smirk: Tell me what you all think!
  14. OK!!! A different different kind of game... Ready? Nurse, The Check In. So, you start as a nuse in training. Then from there you can choose different carrer plans. Like doctor stuff. You go to medical school. Then get an internship, and on. OR! You can join the army. Then you can help wounded soldiers. OH! that is different. It can be good... maybe. :eek: ok, not that great. But i made it up really fast... OK, thats enough.
  15. Well, I've not had any experience with girls and this kind of problem but... If therapy dosn't work for sure, try self esteem boosts! :) Like sports, for example. Or artistic things, like poetry and painting, whatever works. If not, then I am very sorry for the lack of help.
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