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Everything posted by Aanallein

  1. [QUOTE=DeathBug]The only person who could really say if it matters is ralph Bunch himself. I would grant him the right to determine how hes' remembered, by race, nationality, or what have you. However, I'd also grant everyone else the right to decide for themselves how to remember Mr. Bunch.[/quote] Very true. But that is just a relativity issue. I mean, if you wish to think that if you robbed a bank it was moral and right. Then that is your own thought. That is all that matters then right? So there is no guidelines of morality and thought process. That is to assume there is no societal control over thought and what not. [it is a bit vague the response, but time is running short, and I would like to address everything.] [quote name='DeathBug']Depends; do you mean equality of opportunity, or equlity of result?[/quote] Well, I assumed we were talking in terms of equality of result. [quote name='DeathBug']Explain, please.[/quote] Well, we have such laws in America as affirmative action and what not, that seem to be taken advantage of by those who it helps. I mean, there are a bunch of little laws and discrepancies in the law that I can research if you'd like. PM me about it. I just feel that it destroys the equality of opportunity and result. [quote name='DeathBug']Nice call; that's already what the law says.[/quote] Best way to go then eh? It may be the law, but that doesn't matter, it is how I follow it. [QUOTE=DeathBug]I've lived in Europe, and I will say this: pride in your country is not an American-specific trait. The french, British, Spanish, german, believe themselves to be the best, and take pride in (most parts) of their long history. If that is defined as arrogance, then just about every country is.[/QUOTE] It is not only that. I know that nationality exists throughout the world. If it didn't then countries would not be so self sufficiently strong. I know that I myself am arrogant, it is nationality and pride to the extent that it is a flaw. There is nationality mixed in with the never wrong attitude. I know it exists in other nations, maybe it is just me, but I think it is rampant in America. Don't get me wrong. I say that I am part of the problem as well. But meh. It may just be me as I said.
  2. Wrestling is a sport I've always wanted to try... never got into it though. Through Highschool I have played a number of different sports. I've lettered in Soccer my Freshman and Sophomore year and Football my Junior year. I've also lettered in hockey my four years of highschool. Then I've lettered in Golf my freshman year [didn't really count though... everyone lettered] and in Track and Field my Sophomore year. My favorite sport has been hockey. I'm currently actually seeking a career in Canada this next year where I will be playing Juniors. I think that sports are a very good way to keep people out of trouble and to incourage competition, especially in academics.
  3. Seeing how this is going to be moved, instead of me making a new topic/thread, I figured I could hijack yours for a second. I've just started on this banner thing, and my first attempt is what is below. [IMG]http://img31.photobucket.com/albums/v93/Aanallein/Prognosticated_Bereavement.jpg[/IMG] I'm sorry if I offended you Wave of Death by hijacking your topic. But seeing how I am using it, I will rate your banners. For your first one, I think the text needs something to bring it forward a bit more, make it more readable. As for the rest of it, I'd give it an 8. It is very well done. As for the second. I just don't quite know. I don't like it very much, but that is just personal preference I think. But you did put the effort in making it and that gives it high marks.
  4. Well, I'd like to say, from the male perspective, I think that for guys to sit and tell their girlfriend about their pick up moves and their tactics, that they tend to analyze what he did to "get" her. It only leads to bad things. Another thing, as far as a relationship goes, I'm all for honesty, but I don't buy into the "completely open" idea. I know it is nice to think you know everything, but there are parts of you your boyfriend doesn't know and their are parts of him you will not know. That is just the way it goes. As long as their isn't any lying involved, then I can't see where a problem develops, you still can have respect for each other and have a great relationship by not being completely open. Yet, I'd have to refute myself slightly, by saying that there is a certain level of openness that needs to be. Well, that's just my feelings on things. :shrugs:
  5. [quote name='wrist cutter']Sorry if your comment was just some joke or something, but I see a lot of this crap and my school and it pisses me off. Some people just don't realize how good they have it here in America.[/quote] Oh I agree, I made no such accusation of the fact that people don't realize how good they do have it. The United States is one of the best places to live in the world as far as civil liberties go, but that was not the point in the least. But I do understand your standpoint. There is a lot of Americans who have disrespected their nation and their freedom with many of their actions. As I said before, I support our country and I will be behind them no matter what road we go down. But that does not blind me to some of the things I think we should work on fixing.
  6. Of my kit-kat bar? Hell no. I want on the goodie chocolate for myself! Anyways, to be on topic, what do you mean by that? In general philosophy, any idea of Equality can be refuted. It is nigh impossible, whether by a higher beigs invention, or just by our own selfs. You know, it would just be nice if you could have argued my statement instead of giving an exasperated one sentence response. If it is for the United States comment at the end, it was a comment on American arrogance. For that I do honestly believe exists. I am an American myself, one of which who feels that Bush should win the election, and that the war in Iraq was justified. Yet, I still think that Americans hold an arrogance that puts them above many others. They don't believe they are the owners of the world, but they feel they are high up on the totem pole. Anyways. Care to elaborate?
  7. Well, it seems you've written a bit of poetry before, you lack the classic errors of being too simple in the individual lines and too complex in the meaning itself. I wonder is the narrator saying this because a partner died? Or left them? I'm just curious.
  8. I've seen some good movies posted up here, such as Shrek and the Brotherhood of the Wolf, but I suppose I'll have to go with my list. A Walk to Remember: This movie was so heart wrenching. I'm a big time athlete, and to be turned about by this movie, it was just something I enjoyed. It is a great story and a wonderful movie to watch. I recomend it to anyone. The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly: There is no way you can refuse the title of top movies to Clint Eastwood. His movie was a great time classic. It is just one of those movies that will live for all of eternity. LoTR Trilogy: I put all three of these together, because they were once written as one book, later broken up for reading purposes and production purposes as well. I give honor to Tolkien's world and the greatness that Jackson brought from it to the big screen. Those are my picks for the top movies right now. Although, this list is always changing. One that will never change though is A Walk to Remember. It is my top movie.
  9. I'm with instramen on this one. Needles are bad. I definately do not like them Sam I am! Not in a boat, or with a goat! Or in a box! Or with a fox! I do not like them here or there! I do not like needles Sam I am! Yeah... Enough of that. I kinda like those small butterfly tattoos girls get nowadays. But not normally. Depends if it fits the persons personality or not.
  10. Well, I love this thread. What I find attractive in a female: First off there is the legs. I love long, able legs. Next is flexibility. There is nothing more attractive than a flexible girl. Finally, I love the eyes. Someone needs to have a deep color and pools that carry me away.
  11. Well, as to pose my resonse to the original post, I would have to go with the first option. Does it matter who resolved it? I mean this in the context of his heritage, race, and country background? I doubt it does. As of equality? What is equality? You can't have it. It is an idealistic idea that falls quite short of success. The civil rights movement did what it wanted, except now, I feel that the movement has gone so far as to need to be worked in reverse to even the playing field in other directions. As for people being turned away from public or private institutions because of their appearance and accents... I say for private they can be turned away as much as they wish. That is the perogitive of the private institution. As for public, I say they can turn them away with resonable cause or threat. But as I said. Equality is not attainable, even in the most educated and cultured countries of the World. Oh yeah, and in the United States.
  12. Alright, all you GameCube goodies out there, what is the best things to get for the system now? I've been traveling and not able to get much this past year, or follow the new games coming out, what should I go out and buy to update my collection? Any surefire must buys out there? Or are we in a lull for good games?
  13. God, that looks great! I haven't really heard much about the game, but I mean, it looks like a worthwhile buy. You said it is going to come for all systems? Good, then I'll have another thing to add to my GameCube, of which is the best system (FF should be brought to this console). I'll be waiting for more updates on this. As I'm looking to update my game collection.
  14. Zell was a cool character, I liked his story line and his fighting ability was well done. As for other characters I have liked I don't know. I'm rather impartial, as all the characters have always been well developed, that is what has made the game so great. So, my pick is Zell. I just felt I could relate to him more than any other character.
  15. You know you are easily amused when... 1) ...kicking clumbs of dirt is an endless activity. 2) ...you make lightsaber sound effects for every movement of your arm. 3) ...you realize you can have your own lightsaber battle with your arms from the sound effects in statement 2. 4) ...you look through millions of online quotes just to pass the time. 5) ...you think that having a personal commentator for life would be the best thing in the world. 6) ...you walk around the school randomly walking into walls just to get people to look at you. 7) ...you try and count how many raindrops fall on your hand during one rain storm.
  16. Well, I would like to step up and formally introduce myself. As you may notice, I am known as Aanallein. As for specifics, I go by the name Peter and am excited to be a member of this forum. As this forum is such a great source for me to find out just exactly what Anime I should and should not buy. I unfortunately don't have the ability to watch any on tv and am forced to buy what I see, so I think this is a great chance! Anyways, I'm just babbling now. So, I'm just saying hello. Oh, and let me ask, where is everyone from? I'm from the States in North Dakota.
  17. Most definately the first was the best. I loved the original and still sometimes pull out my old Genesis and play it. I really enjoyed it. Although, 2 and 3 were also good. As far as the best character... I don't know what it is, I've always been partial to Tails. He is the faithful kid sidekick that just loves his hero Sonic.
  18. Hmmm. I think the title should be reworked, but that's just me. As for the game itself, it isn't my style of game, but I do know of several people who I'm friends with that would enjoy something like that. It almost reminds me of the Sims really. Know what I'm saying? Other than that, it is a new twist to a new sports game. I think if you can get more in depth there are actual producers out there that might take a look at an idea such as this.
  19. [quote name='terra']I suppose that was pointless except I got to complain about how they don't show anime on the four channels I get while here (New Zealand) ... :p[/quote] New Zealand is so beautiful! That is my dream place to live actually. As far as Case Closed... I only have 10 channels or so, and none of them carry anime. I get so frustrated when I can't see anything I want. But as terra said, I can just live vicariously through the rest of you! :)
  20. Wow, you all have been rather up on the Anime scene. I started watching it way back in the day, but I don't have cartoon network, or any resources to acquire materials to watch dvds or movies. I wish I could watch a lot more. But of what I've seen my favourite thus far is Ghost in the Shell. That one was great.
  21. I used to use that exact deck Cruizr, except minus the the 3 Dark Blades and one Dancing Fary and two Mystic Elfs. Although, I didn't fair very well. I blame it on the fact that I'm a very unlucky person. I never got the right card at the right time. Have you used it much? Faired well? God. I haven't played this damn game in so long. Mayhaps I should get back into it.
  22. Well, first off I'd like to say, this place is looking rather spiffy. I do enjoy what I've seen and applaud the artists here, they are very talented. With that said I'd like to get on to my request. I'm in the process of composing a story and I would like an identity to hold and picture. So, I have a character all decked out into demographics to make it easier to get to know the character. That will follow below. My request is, can someone work on an image for him? Whatever you don't see in the description, use your own creativity for. Thanks. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Name: Marcel Feagler Age: 23 Race: Human Gender: Male Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Ligh Brown Height: 5'8 Weight: 173 Personality: Marcel is a passionate man. Anything and everything he does has a certain fervor to it. Marcel has a very strong moral system, but it doesn't coincide with most others. He'll do what he thinks is right no matter what the situation and no matter what the odds. Appearance: Marcel is a studly looking fellow. He wears tight, brown, leather pants. Ones that emphasize his sexy booty. His shirt is a white puffy shirt, like that pirates wear. He always has a bit of a smile on his face and is a good guy to have around during a party. History: Marcel is a youngin' still in the prime of life. He was born and then abandoned in Austral. There he grew up on the streets in a small band of orphans who picked pockets and made their living off of that kind of stuff. [OLIVER TWIST! YAY] Anyways. Once he reached 17 he was out cast from the group for being too old and now makes an honest living as a free loader. He finds the prettiest, and richest women of the area and gets them to house and feed him. What a life eh? Occupation: Free Loader Weapon Type: Quarter Staff
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