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Everything posted by Thanatos

  1. remembered his anger managment courses and resorted to...
  2. However, he didnt realise that brittney spears also entered the contest, meaning george had to cheat by...
  3. There were cannibals lining the rivers edge, meaning they had too...
  4. The curse can only be reversed by...
  5. Sadly enogh, i was also a thundercats fan. I even wanted to be a thundercat but my mum said i couldnt until i was eighteen. Thankfully, that fantasy has vanished. I also used to watch programmes like Mr Bean repeatidly. I dont know why, but you never seem to get bored of shows as a kid. There was a show which left me slightly disturbed though, and that was postman pat (its english, you might not have heard of it). There was a line in the introduction song that said "greeting people as he meets them", and i always heard it as "eating people as he meets them". Plus, i had to put up with a duvet with his picture on *shudder*. There were also some really obscure shows which i used to watch in South Africa, but i cant even remember the names. Well, im gonna go unearth my old thundercats videos.
  6. Mine too was an ARTRI, which beloonged to my brother. I cant remenber the name of the first game i played, but it was some skiing game. Chances are the name was actually skiing, they never seemd to have very creative game names. I think we also had Pac man, but skiing was the main time consumor. I remember competeing alot with my brother, but he always won (well, i was about 5), until the day the console broke and we threw it out.
  7. I dont find that movies make me cry, but i do get really angry at movies, mainly ones based on wars. 'Apocalypse Now' would be a good example. There are parts in there were innocent people are killed and i guess its the fact the movie was based on real events that i hate so much.
  8. Okay lets give this a shot, but narrowing thwm down is really difficult and im probably gonna change them later. 1. Scrubs - Everything about this show is funny, the only thing that i dont like is that they havnt released a DVD version yet, and i missed some of the early episodes. Waiting for that DVD... 2. Coupling - in case you havnt heard of this, its a british sitcom and is another one of the comedy master-pieces. Every show has a really funny senario and all the characters are HILARIOUS. Especially Geoff, if you dont laugh at him then you must be clinically dead. 3. Futurama - forget the simpsons, futurama is far better. Put a 20th century guy 1000 yers into the future, add a one eyed alien, alchholic robot and a mad professer and there you have it - the perfect comedy. Only thing is, i hear the stopeed making the episodes now. Idiots.
  9. My favorite is probably my current history teacher. He's really good at getting people to feel enthusiastic towards the work. Plus, hes also a excellent guitarist and sometimes does a great solo at the end-of-term assemblies. He never sems to lose his temper either. I also like our physics teacher, hes funny and somehow gets the students to like physics. He also plays the harmonica and again does solos sometimes. Although his hair does give our class a strong susupician that he might actually be jesus... Well, we asked him and he didnt exactly deny it.
  10. I think its sephiroth. Hes really cool in a dark and evil kinda way. The main thing that makes him the best is his awsome sword. Everyone should try fighting him in kingdom hearts (emphesis on the word try). In this fight he uses all sorts of cool moves. After that, i would probably say Auron because, once again, he carries a awsome sword and i like his calm and serios attitude. I feel i should also mention my most hated charater and that would be, without question, zidane. I mean, 10 minites into the game you want to see him plummeting down a ravine or something. I hate the guy.
  11. hmm... okay then. 1.Gotta agree with Ryan, kill bill is the best movie of all time. I mean, what other movies have soo many samurai swords. Admitadly, quentin tarintino is quite a strange guy, but I like the weird way its filmed, and the fight scenes are awsome. Waiting for vol.2. 2.LOTR trilogy. its just impressive, the way that they turned the wide expanse of the book into a movie. That, and Liv Tyler. Kinda depressed that theres no more of the movies to look forward too, but kill bill should keep me occupied. 3. Monty python and the holy grail. In my opinion, the best of their movies. Funny no matter how many times you watch it. The best bit has got to be when king arther is fighting john cleese as the black night. seriously, u gotta see it for yourself.
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