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    IM 5lu7

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    Im male 16 programmer/ otaku
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  1. Well at the moment nothing. But I did subscribe to NewType and Animerica for awile. I loved NewType with its right to left reading style and all its goodies. Such as a DVD with the first episode of a new series and the center folds and posters. But this is not all that NewType ofered to me oh no. There was extensive and indepth articles on the prominet studios in Japan and the thoughts of the staff on anime and where it is going. It also has very good articles on just released anime in Japan and a list of anime that has jsut come out in the states. There is also some other articles that bring a pazaz to the magazine. Then to Animerica it seems to be a more layed back anime magazine. But still dilvers for your money. And if you dont want to pay such a hefty some for a very awsome anime mag. this is a good alternative.
  2. I have seen RoD the OVA or movie whatever it is, but I am yet to see the TV series. RoD as everyone has said is a very visualy apealing anime with smooth action seens and very beautiful character design. I have to say that some of this is little far fetched but is pulled off very well by the production team. In the sense that it fits really well into the present day back drop of RoD. I hear from my friends that RoD the TV series is an awsome anime that does not have the same main character as RoD OVAs. When I heard this I was a little bit unsure of the series but the more I read up on it and hear about it, the series seems to be awsome. I personaly love the background settings they have so much detail and provide a lovely backdrop to the action. They seem to bring a life of their own to the OVAS.
  3. Well I know it was like when I was 8 or 9. First show I saw was Dragan Ball Z and I loved it the fluid action awsome stroy line I was hooked from day one. Since then I have been watching whatever I can get my hands on, even some bad thigns. First movie I saw was Akira and I was just holy **** this is awsome. I never knew anime could be that awsome till then. I then started bying the good stuff blowing hundreds on this animated crack whenever I could. I was in bliss from it, even when I travel I will wartch the local anime chanel in whatever language like Thai, French, German, Malay. And when I come home get these things for my selfyay!. Well I guess that tells how long I have been watching anime I guess well whatever.
  4. I can understand where you are coming from dagger but [color=red][i]link removed[/i][/color] is not filled with illegal material. All of the subbed anime does not stay up after an anime is licensed in the states. Also all of the material is eligable for all audiances there is no pornography or any explicet material on this site. It even has a statement about there torents. So sorry for the inconvence I caused I do know not to put up these kind of sites that you were talking about. But still animesuki should be known about and they are not an illegal site so dont wory. Thanks.
  5. First I have to say that Get Backers is an awsome anime that I stumbeled upon by chance. Thanks to one of my friends and [COLOR=DarkRed][i]link removed[/i][/COLOR] a collection of bitorent downloads for anime. This place is sweet thats how I get most of my anime now, and how I have seen up to episode 40. I wish still to see the whole series but they licensed it befor I could get the last 10 :( . But oh well its an awsome series that I need to finish. And I have to say tha one of my favorite characters is Akabane Kuroudo. [COLOR=Navy]In the future, please don't provide links to illegal material. People can always PM you if they want to know the website's URL. Thank you very much. ^_^ ~Dagger~[/COLOR]
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