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Everything posted by Deathsite

  1. So far for me its [U]Enders Game[/U] by Orson Scott Card, i normally dont like sci-fi books but enders game is a different story. Just recently i started reading Stephen Kings The dark tower series, its very epic and i plan on read all 7 books as soon as i get a chance. My favorite Author though is Shermin Alexie a Spokane Native American, he does alot of short stories and poetry and he has also written the Motion Picture "Smoke Signals" which is has his stories from [U]the lone ranger and tonto fistfight in heaven [/U] you should check him out [url]http://fallsapart.com/[/url]
  2. Wow thanks for the in Dept Coverage, i still think im gonna get it, im jsut playing alot of other games right now theres jsut not enough hours in the day to play them all, and besides my laser for my ps2 is really ****** :mad: i keep getting disc read errors which is really lame but once i fix it dragon quest is definity on my must buy list.
  3. Squalls Lion Heart from VIII with max strenght can take jsut about any thing out definitly my fav.
  4. Im sure most of you have never heard of this game but it is great ,1 of the first RPG's ive ever played called Crystalis for the NES. I dont konw why i love it but it is diffently int my top five. So if you have a chance and like really old school games DL on a rom for the NES is is definitly the best.
  5. [FONT=Tahoma]I am a big fan of rpg's and Square Enix and i was wondering whether or not if i should get the new Dragon Quest,I've never played any of the other Dragon Quest's and I bet i am missing out alot, i just wanted some feedback on some who have played it and some who havent before i get it. And i hear there is a Final Fantasy XII playable demo another thing i am also looking forward to. [/FONT]
  6. I am about to go to Ipsens Castle and all my characters are at lvl 44 and under and i would like to level up ALOT before i go on and since I got Cids Mobile Airship I can go anywhere now. Where is a good place to level up my characters before i move on??
  7. Am i the only one that owns the game seems like all you have only played once or twice, for me i beat the game. I love this game it was fun, i think of it as a max payne in the western era becasue of the dead eye function that slows things down just max payne. There is only one downside i can think of , my brother beat it and unlocked almost every thing you can unlock but for some reason his file got erased not once but twice now i dont know if that is becasue of the game or his memory card or what but its sucks for him,but overall i liked the game and everything it was awesome.
  8. I have a favorite sonic game that is not on that list i played it a gameworks ,i forget the name but it is a fighting game like tekken but it has all the characters from sonic its a fun game but i think its only i arcade but i dont know...
  9. Is there anywhere else besides cartoon network where i can watch really cool anime. Just a few years back i had no idea what anime was untill i fliped to cartoon networks toonami and started to watch Gundam Wing, i loved it i saw all 49 epidsodes and now gundam is my favorite show ever, and just recently i started wathcing Trigun i love that show almost as mutch as gundam, and cowboy bebop and all that and a little bit of inuyasha but i am sure there are lots of great animes out there, but when and where can i find them
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