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Everything posted by Hevn

  1. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]And yet another attempt at comedy by me... [COLOR=Purple]Character Name:[/COLOR] Professor Ken Wu-Fan [COLOR=Purple]Anime StereoType:[/COLOR] Obsessive Compulsive Chinese Professor with occassional short-term memory loss. [COLOR=Purple]Age:[/COLOR] 22 [COLOR=Purple]Gender:[/COLOR] Biologically male. [COLOR=Purple]Appearance:[/COLOR] [IMG]http://img22.exs.cx/img22/6272/purplejacket2.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Purple]Alignment:[/COLOR] Good [COLOR=Purple]Subjects Taught:[/COLOR] - Bishieology - Creative Writing - Monster Control w/ Applied Spirit Taming [COLOR=Purple]Accomomodation:[/COLOR] Super clean and elegant apartment near school. [COLOR=Purple]Bio:[/COLOR] The youngest and cutest professor of Tokyo Academy. Ken is the most good looking professor in school that girls (and guys) drool over. Straight guys love to make fun of him though, doing things that really get on the nerves of his obsessive-compulsive side. One little thing that bothers or curious Ken are homos, male homos, especially because he teaches Bishieology. He firmly believed, and is still trying to believe, that he is straight though when exceptionally gorgeous boys give him a killer smile, and are probably trying to hit on him, make him blush. At the same time, he feels irritated of his reactions. So he exaggeratedly react in a rude, hilarious, and stupid way just to fight the feeling. Being obsessive compulsive, he has a pretty organized life that mostly run on strict itineraries. Unexpected changes in schedule (and bacteria) makes him lose his sanity. On the other hand, it is in extreme nerve-wracking moments that his short-term memory loss occurs. He hates unclean animals that's why he makes sure all monsters in his class, human or not, are cleansed up to the last germ. History-wise, he wasn't born with short-term memory loss unlike his obsessive compulsive disease. It was a curse from a Memory Fairy who lost to him in a mind game. The fairy lost her composure and gave him an uncalled-for whip of her wand, giving him a random and irreversible curse. So now when he get's really angry, he would experience loss of memory for 5 minutes. As most fairy tale curses, it has a cure. Yeah, the usual, falling in love. It doesn't matter if its male or female as long as it is true love. As for personality, he is very down to earth but sometimes rude. He annoyingly loves being mentally challenged by anybody. He's also a got a very good and manly singing voice. *drools on own character* [COLOR=Purple]Special Powers/Abilities:[/COLOR] Using his mind power to control and tame monsters (including students who act like monsters). His mental intelligence is immense but total stupidity surfaces when short-term memory loss attacks. [COLOR=Purple]Sworn Enemy:[/COLOR] Principal Gondo Okari (death to toxic vapours!!!) and Janitor Takashi (death to janitors who messes up more than the mess!!!) [COLOR=Purple]EDIT: I should've made the homo thing more clear, heh. I originally wanted him to be a homo but I finally decided him to be a homophobe who'll turn out to be a homo himself. Anyway, I edited it. Now I'm not officially saying he is a homophobe. ^_^x PM if there's something wrong again. Oh yeah, is it possible to take control of another character that completely has no connection with my current one? I'm not sure if I'm going to yet but I wanted to ask anyway.[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]- Yeah, C & H quotes make me smile so I put them on my PC's start up - Garfield... better than C & H. - Animated GIFs - Alan's Blogs - Catching people in the act of watching hentai... and denying it still - FHM ...easily amused.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]- Leaving Group Sounds' smiley page on - wristcutter or lava lamp posts start debates - Panda's pandas - Going to an internet cafe with a friend, sit beside each other, and talk on AIM - Watch a line of ants as they kiss each ant they meet - Watching Dragon Warrior's avatar[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Hmmm... I'm not quite sure if this thread is in the right forum. This could be more appropriate in the Otaku Lounge. Anways... I don't find the news of [COLOR=Purple]'a boy losing his virginity at 13' [/COLOR] shocking but I'm slightly apalled because I love Johnny Depp. Heh. Sadly, reality is there are many cases like this one. Look around the net for teenage health sites and you can see actual 13 year olds asking questions about sex and admittingly say they've done it. It's been an old case really and the issue is about as big as any sex-related issue. I blame a lot of external forces for it. One would obviously be the media. Talk about cable and reality dating or matchmaking shows. In our country, jokes and laughable conversations with sex as the main topic are widely used for entertainment. It is becoming impossible to make people laugh without the subject of sex. That is why I constantly have to explain sex jokes to my younger sister when she started asking at age 7. I personally could blame school for not teaching sex education in the early stages of school life. I find it useful so growing adolescents won't be overly curious about sex to actually involve themselves in one. Young people search all over the place looking for the right information they needed to learn about sex. Thankfully or unfortunately, they learn to use the net. The internet is another factor... people often stumble on information that is either correct or wrong. And where does it lead them? Ok... I'm running out of time here. Explain more later. Ja![/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]It's very pleasing to the eye. I love the color and the magical effect. I was disturbed by the lines above. Is it suppose to be a border? Can I say it ruins the fluidity of the whole picture? Just my opinion. If the idea of erasing the lines is not good I could suggest that you make it less sharper to give a blurry look. Ok, I'll shut up now and just say it is great ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Yeah, the helmet's one big attraction there. Shadows are fairly nice too. Good work ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][B] EDIT: Oh yeah, I just noticed the reflection of the sword in thw water. That was some detail.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Nicely done. The screen shots from OB was quite different in a good way. Amaze me more DW. On to the next one![/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [QUOTE=DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms] That being said, women were unfortunate enough to have organs closely associated with sexual foreplay on their chest, whereas men aren't supposed to. So, women being topless is a bigger deal than men.[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1] [B]How can you say 'unfortunate' when, in fact, men drool over it? And don't you tell me you're not turned on when yours is actually played with. :D But, yeah, I think the issue of toplessness is more controversial for women. I agree that it really depends on the culture of an individual whether they want to proceeed with the change or not. Some tribes or indigenous people go topless right? And when we see them, we feel no malice because we know that it is in their nature to be like that. Likewise, they don't feel ashamed of it in front of any person of any other culture.Some culture are rather conservative while some are more liberated. Think about it, the fashion industry might collapse when people wear less clothes. ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Don't worry. Once you get to see a girl that you like head-over-heels you'll find yourself doing crazy stuff you've never done before. Keep your composure and maintain the befriending thingy and don't hurry! Just take your time.... ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Cherry, Lime, and Bloodberry of Saber Marionette are some girls of both worlds. Cherry can be a little annoying with her constant clinging on Otaru. Lime is a mother figure and Bloodberry is one strong character. Still, all of them are good fighters with pure hearts who fight for a simple causes. I will never forget the ending of Saber Marionette J [spoiler]when they were all smiling as they fight. They were willing to sacrifice their happiness with Otaru for the sake of all others.[/spoiler] I think that was a very special trait of a true woman and is something to be proud of. ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [quote name='Heero Darkangel']By the way thanks for telling me about fanfics, hevn said that my thread sounds like a fanfic...now thats wierd...I want to see if i can find it...could you please give me a link to these fanfic things or fanfics...you get the drift...thanks[/quote] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]You got a nack for double-posting. Careful there... I must warn you some fanfics contain really mature content. Ever heard of yaoi or yuri? Coz you might just unreadily stumble upon one of those. So this post won't be off-topic... Some men are really just maniacs, they just grab your boobies as you past along them without even thinking. Luckily I haven't experienced that...yet. But some men, when l'm wearing something beautiful and I'm commuting (which I'm not used to since my dad treats me like a princess sometimes and even drives me all over places even at 2am in the morning) they whistle at you and make you feel cheap. Some men stare at me as I walk down the road and they smile like perverts. I'm not even wearing something sexy at that time. [/B] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B][COLOR=Purple]Sailormoon [/COLOR] - Again and again we feel girl power in this anime. The anime almost covers the different types of women. Need I say more? [COLOR=Purple]Get Backers[/COLOR] - I think every female character in this movie is a fighter and yet they don't lose their feminine touch. Women in this anime doesn't just sit back and wait for their heroes or watch when there's a big fight. Each of them treat themselves equal to the male characters both physically and mentally. [COLOR=Purple]Yuyu Hakusho[/COLOR] - And then again there are those animes with girls just sitting around watching the action take place. They act as support to the male characters or even the reason to add either dramatic, romantic, or annoying scenes that aren't really necessary. [COLOR=Purple]Chobits [/COLOR] - Well, almost all female persocons in this anime are submissive to men. It's a good anime overall but I don't see a really strong female character here. Every girl's just shy or too feminine. Except maybe for Sumomo, whose really loud, and Kotoko, who I think is the most mature persocon in the anime.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Lol. I posted without reading the first post. Your post looks like one from a fanfic.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Waking up just to watch my favorite anime and finding out that they'll cut it as soon as it started to show a 30-minute flash report of a guy who was finally freed by terrorists. They finally skipped the anime and went right through the next show... the main News Report! Why didn't they just wait for the main news program to show the news? ...that would be because they don't want to be late in reporting it considering they are competing with their rival station.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]I use Fireworks but I think it's as complicated as Photoshop. I don't know any easy to use editing program except for MS Paint. That should be the easiest though it only provides the basics. I suggest you just learn how to use those complicated editing programs. The [COLOR=Purple]Help[/COLOR] that goes along with it is not bad to read ^_^x Good luck on your editing.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Hmm... I always wondered what's inside Pandora's box... The statement-question-statement style in the beginning sounds really good. I actually wanted it to stay all through-out the poem but it didn't. The whole idea is really good but I just can't keep myself from saying that it would've been better and a bit different if [COLOR=Purple]...you kept it short using the statement-question-statement without losing the poem's basic thought.[/COLOR] Some lines are a bit superfluous too, mainly this: [COLOR=Purple]It's driving me insane just thinking about it and I think I'm going crazy[/COLOR] Well, that's just me I guess. ^_^x [/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Lol. You could write 'Elf' or 'Mage' on that field. Anywho, in line with your post I wanna add that I hate racists. And after reading the losing-job-coz-of-religion thread I remembered I also hated discrimination in all its varying faces.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]If I'm not mistaken could that have been discrimination? If that is then that was just stupid. Firing people because of their religion is not right. He should've just talked to you and the other co-workers concerned to settle the issue and go on your merry ways. Anyway, some communities are just like that. They close their minds on some things including religion. Sometimes, there's also school discrimination like when they know that you're from this university then they won't accept you. Don't worry, at least you know that you haven't done anything wrong and they probably did. Maybe you're better off in some place else. I won't ask what your religion is but maybe the god of your religion will give you something better. Keep the faith and don't let anybody put you down because they are against your religion ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Thanks a lot, I've realized quite a few months back that my dad wasn't all that bad. He's just...brainwashed. And I know that in the end he is family and that when he needed someone to be there for him, who else but us, his children, should be there for him. I mean not all sisters or brothers really help each other and I on't expect that from his siblings. Sure he's stuck up sometimes and commands "power" in the family but he's good and lately he's been changing. God, the real problem is his family. ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Yeah, mom's side of the family is better. I'm just thankful they don't intrude like what the other side is doing. Everybody from the other side just badmouths her even in front of me. I remember from the very beginning they didn't want my dad to marry her but she got pregnant anyway... 2 times and one abortion I think. They got married anyway and I'm proud of my mom coz her faith kept her strong after all the storms she went through from my dad's family. Now that I realized all that, I guess my mom's another reason to not run away. ^_^x Thanks so much CHW, you're just great and don't worry about being "The Most Talkative". It helps for some of us. ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]One of my professors actually look like Chang Wufei from Gundam Wing. We're asian so that's probably a plus. His black hair is tied in a clean pony tail too. Even the way he talks is so intelligent and his look Chinese...though I don't know if he has Chinese blood coz a lot of people in my university are half chinese... or a quarter... or [I]this[/I] percent. When I'm in his class I go staring at him wondering why he looks so much like Wufei. ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [quote name='Fall]I wake up, [i]every, single[/i'] time with a shock, jolting up to sit upright in my bed with my nerves racing like nothing else.[/quote] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Woah... It thought all the jolting-up-to-sit-upright only happens in movies or animes or anything but in real life... add up a scream while waking up. ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]The sexiness and the pug is quite an eye-turner. Maybe because it looks more like a DW work. I'm not saying the others are not good. Maybe still images are not for you coz you're always the funny and sexy guy... well not always I guess. I could be flamed for that. *remembers Piro and Alan*[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1]Sorry... I guess that was hard. It's Christian Slater. He was the one to get to interview Brad Pitt in Interview with the Vampire, one of the soldiers in Windtalkers, and the leading man in Bed of Roses with some girl whose surname is Tomei. ^_^x Here's another one to keep the game moving: Lord of the Rings Elizabeth The Talented Mr. Ripley[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B][COLOR=Purple]Vanity [/COLOR] - I hate people spending too much time and money beautifying themselves when some people actually don't have food on their table. [COLOR=Purple]Change of Plans[/COLOR] - I can manage it but the thought of it is really getting on my nerves. Especially when everything's been planned weeks or days before. [COLOR=Purple]People disturbing me when I'm watching a really good movie or anime [/COLOR] - I remember when my friends told me of this guys who just keep on talking in the movie house playing LOTR, even cheering for Legolas noisily. When people told him to keep quiet he only said: "You can't stop a fanatic!" Man, if I was there I would've made his nose bleed and drag him out. [COLOR=Purple]Waiting [/COLOR] - Almost everybody does. ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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