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Everything posted by Hevn

  1. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Hey, DeathKnight... thanks for that. I'm actually thinking now how wiser I am compared to them... I'm not that wise but I think I have a more kind and pure heart than them. Also, I am not yet that bold to set them straight. Maybe I'll wait until I can make my own money and have my own roof before I can speak my heart out to them. But until then, I'm gonna have to sit here and learn more. And CHW, my family is close to yours. Only it's not just the paternal grandma but the whole paternal family side except for my grandfather (he was a nice person whom I didn't have the chance to get to know really well since he died last year, oh well) But yeah, maybe the source of it all is my grandmother, she hates my mom for being a Christian and she has favorites when it comes to her children. (surely my dad isn't one of them) She totally manipulates the life and every decision her children should make. One reason for not leaving is my cousins, I love my cousins ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Oops... I knew I should've read the rules about this one. It just keep on slipping in my mind. Sorry about that...I'll fix it right away... Oh... and thanks... you're the first mod to actually correct me about anything. That's one precious memory to add in my list. Lol. ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]It's nice of you to reply to that dramatic rant of mine. But, really, I'm more concerned not with my immediate family but with my relatives. And I need to tell you I can't just walk away ignoring them because marrying my dad is like marrying his whole family. No decisions in our family can be made without them. I owe my education to them. I also know for a fact that they are hopeless. I can't change them coz they can't be changed. They've been tried and tested by a lot of people already. The worst thing I can describe them would be "crazy hopeless fallen angels". Lol. (I don't have the guts to say "devil")[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]I know... they're family and I really should give them more consideration. But what if you have tried everything to make the relationship with someone (with several ones in my case) in your family work? You get along so well one day and then the next day you just despise them all. You tried to shrug it all off hoping that someday they'll change they're uber not nice attitude? You can't fight back because you know that they won't ever understand. And to think they're older than you and they're you're dad's sisters or whatever. You're relationship with them is so difficult and requires high maintenance. I'm 20 and I learned a few years back that my happy-as-a-fairytale's-ending family, including relatives, is a wreck and something I can't be proud of. And they're so old they won't listen to us younger ones. And in the end we are the ones paying for the wrong things they've done. One day, should I just go off alone and leave them like they never existed? Life like that could be sad when I think of happy memories Ive had with them. Back then, when I was too innocent to mind all things that's happening. But now, underneath all those smiling faces... you just know that everything's not alright and the sadness won't ever fade away. [COLOR=Purple]Now the fun part... I need help.[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. Hevn


    [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B][spoiler] Did you notice how the aliens were nicely done? I think the effects and elegance they did to it was really fascinating. From what I remember, the aliens were just looking for any information about humans. I may be wrong in saying that they need David for their research and how he reacts to situations. Anyhow, David is special and equally important to them because he is the only living proof that humans did exist... or robots closely related to humans...or whatever ^_^x Lol. They don't need to blow up the earth I guess... there was nothing to gain from it anyway. I guess they're just really interested in the human species. ^_^x[/spoiler] Also, the movie's story is one that people won't forget that easily coz it just touches the heart. I guess that's what's impressive about it. Loved this one: [spoiler]"Keep me safe"[/spoiler][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. Hevn


    [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]The movie was good. I loved every bit of technology there is in that movie. The movie's concept of the future is exciting and makes me wanna live a long time to be there when those technologies come forth to existence. I admit I cried in the ending considering what the boy had to go through but it just seemed a little "out there". [spoiler] Aliens? Not really my type for non-fiction. I think they're the ones who spoiled the movie.[/spoiler]. But I guess they pulled it off because of the feeling the scenes give to viewers . I just thought they could've delivered the ending more realistically. ^_^x Visual effects? Excellent.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Colors...i love what you did to the letters. Purple sets the mood of your wallpaper. Good job ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [QUOTE=James][color=#707875] Also, have you ever had that common dream where your teeth are falling out? Apparently a lot of people have that one. I hate that dream. V_V[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Now that you mentioned it, I remembered I had that dream and I was really horrified when I woke up that I was shaking. There were just blood everywhere and my teeth just keep on falling of for no reason. Recurring dream of falling is very common to me too. I see myself looking over the stairs and suddenly falls down in what seem like an endless darkness. Weird dreams made me buy a dream dictionary so I could interpret it... that book is almost always right though ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]I fear the unknown. Like death, when I die I don't know where I'm going or where my soul is suppose to go. Probably because I don't know the way to heaven or hell. It's like going in a dark alley and you don't know who or what's in the end of it. Sometimes I just want to feel secured of death like before I die someone could give me directions or whatever ^_^x Like an unknown virus with un unknown cure. Hell, that makes me wanna stay in a secluded 4-wall room when an epidemic of it occurs...though I'm claustrophobic. Maybe that's why I fear commuting to places when I don't know the directions... same applies to going to countries with no map... you just get lost.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]I don't know Mermaid, but I'm sure she's daisy in Mario and big Kirsten Dunst in Little Women. Samantha Mathis ^_^x Interview with the Vampire Bed of Roses Windtalkers[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. Not sure... Christopher Lambert? Bulletproof Monk Anna and the King Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
  12. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]See my sig... yeah, that little 100x35 black 3D animation thingy. I did this one for as a button for myOtaku. I actually explained it there how I did this but hell I'll say it again anyway. I love taking freebies on the net, especially 3D animated gifs. So I took scraps and recycled it to form this button. I actually think that it's not that perfect since everytime the butterfly flaps its wings (and at the same time the animation restarts) the rain just go down too hard. I wanted to have the rain pour down softly. What you guys think? I'm hopefully going to do more 3Ds later on... ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B][SIZE=1]EDIT: Not in my sig anymore, here ya go...[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://img17.exs.cx/img17/2129/hb.gif[/IMG]
  13. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1]I have to agree. The last one is nicely done. Very creative, unique, and sweet. I love it really.[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Ryan Phillipe!!! Here ya go: Mask of Zorro Desperado Evita Easy, ne?[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [SIZE=1][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Hey Leon, would you have killed her on the spot?" Tanya asked Leon as the two of them were about to enter each of their room. "Yeah." Leon proudly said and walked in his own room. Tanya propped herself down her bed as recent events she witnessed troubled her. She was not intentionally eavesdropping though. Zeddrick and Jalena had a tough night but her following days would be even tougher for her. She wondered if Jalena will get the same treatment had she failed to kill a target. She even wondered if she has the guts to do approach Zerverius herself if she ever screwed up. Man, she's in a big mess. Leon's answer cut through her. He was smiling when he answered but there was coldness along with it. It was amazing how some of them could really kiill without feeling anything. While some, like her and Zeddrick, have their own restrictions.[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen][I]Big Brother was right... the government is dirty.[/I][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
  16. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Walking down Wizard of Oz's yellow brick road with Disney characters greeting me along the way. I saw Mickey Mouse, Donald and the others painting their houses. They were cartoon but I am not. And sadly I didn't get to have the ruby slippers. It is memorable because I was about 6 or 7 and Disney drove me nuts and high that time. ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [quote name='Dragon Warrior']he told me we shouldn't be friends anymore because of some weird reason, like it was too much commitment to be friends. WTF? Good guy, but I can't help but feel a bit pushed away when he did that O.o[/quote] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1]Maybe you weren't sexy enough that time? Lol. ^_^x[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
  18. Hevn

    O Fortuna

    [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B][COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][B]WARNING: Too dramatic... tissues' all around![/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] Czarina released Haiovi as soon as he relaxed. "And the Queen said...?" She asked in a superior manner as the man in front of her arrayed himself up. "Nothing... all she did was think to herself and send me away..." She saw truth in his eyes but she was displeased of the news. Finding no more use of the man she threw him a bag of 50 silvers and sent him away. Haiovi happily took it, walked away, and resumed his singing in an even happier tone. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][B]Tyberay - Mansion of Lady Montague[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] "You do not need to take this all upon yourself my lady." "Oh Callus, I would've understood if it was only the Baron for many times have I warned him that he was being too careless of his actions...but hear me he did not. And his wife, his children, his entire household! They were all mercilessly slaughtered and that is unforgivable!" Czarina shook with every single word of hate that spilled out of her mouth. Callus slowly walked over to where the lady nervously sat and placed a gentle hand upon hers. The feeling soothed Czarina as if she is comforted by a supportive father. "There is no use, nor time, for revenge. The movement is revolting even more carelessly now with all that happened. With no one to guide no more... who knows what they'll mindlessly do?" The old man replied as-a-matter-of-factly but the words only seemed to make the lady crumble more. Czarina stood up and walked by the window. "But I'm afraid I'm lacking in spirit. I couldn't risk more lives and when this movement is pursued that would be impossible...when the movement pushes through more innocent people will die and you know, of all people Callus, that that would weaken me more than anything..." she ranted. "The people believe in you my lady. Death is a risk they are will to pay. They knew that from the very beginning but they know they won't die for nothing. Prove them so. Tyberay is in need of you now more than ever that if you lack in spirit they'll give theirs to you, for you...and for the future of our land..." Callus sentimentally explained maintaining his manner and composure while giving his lady courage. Czarina stood quietly for she knew what is coming ahead of her. She has no choice.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]I'm surely signing up for this RPG... I'll do it later but I WILL sign-up. I just love Dante andplots like this. Meanwhile, I'm not taking any spot yet so others can have the chance to choose who they want. But please save any spot for me from the "Ones". [COLOR=Purple]EDIT: I'm backing out... so sorry. That was really bad of me. I just think this might take up a lot of my busy time. Anyways, I can still consider if it happens that you will lack people to join in. Just PM me ^_^x[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]I wasn't able to see the attachment... and yes that thread was REALLY spammy... and I kept on reading "Silly Bucket Boy" as "Silly Sucket Boy"... that I don't know why ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]If you think about it... a lot of books or novels are being turned into movies nowadays. People would rather watch the movie than read the book since the movie only takes a few hours while reading the book can take days to finish. Like me, I enjoyed Lord of the Rings but reading the book never crossed my mind coz it would waste a lot of time and considering that it really is hard to understand some of the words written in there. With Harry Potter it's not the same though... I'd rather read the book then watch the movie for extra fun. For some reason I think books turning to movies have an advantage. People who don't like to read tend to read the books if they're really fanatics over the movie. Because of the internet... people would rather read online literature than read the actual books. For me, literature won't die because there are a lot of ways for it to adjust in this changing world. This Literature forums of OB is one proof of that... the Adventure Arena is another. You see literature can come in many different faces and may get to us in many different ways... so it just won't die ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Eeh? Me familiar with a few... so I can't brag unlike most of ye... but if I ever learn and get fluent in Japanese... I think I'd be better speaking the language instead of writing or reading its alphabets... I think? no...I hope ^_^x Sadly basic Japanese was taught in our school as an elective but I chose French over it... yeah... the bonjours and the au revoirs... I was insane over french for a term...[/B] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][B]*Brainwashed* *Say bye bye to previously loved banner*[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]... I wonder how long will this banner last in people's sig?...better count the days...[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Oh I see.. now I get it ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]I love the lyrics. It uses basic words but the feel of it is really soothing...maybe because of the words you used for rhyming. I suppose it already has a tune since it's a song right? If there is, is there any chance I can hear it? ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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