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Everything posted by Hevn
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1]Here's a very fresh precious (and probably sexy) moment of mine: Using sexy DW's sexy banner...after being sexily brainwashed by the sexy DW.[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Just wondering... what is the reason why "Member" is the highest rank non-moderators/admins get? Other forums got "Senior Members" or something like that, depending on the number of posts I guess. ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]*Searching for my little diary of embarassing moments* "Got it!"[/COLOR] Have so many I couldn't list everything here. I'm a pretty clumsy girl ^_^x Every other day I trip on my high heels. Luckily I never get my face on the ground. I miss steps down the school stairs most of the time too. One time my bestfriend was talking to me but she wasn't really looking directly at me then she just heard a scream. When she turned around I wasn't there anymore, I was on the ground picking myself up. :D I will never forget those times when I always..and I mean ALWAYS spill drinks on tables with my friends. Luckiliy I found a boyfriend who's as clumsy as I am... heheh... he spilled cola in one of our first dates... :laugh: More to come...[/SIZE] [/B] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]I prefer subtitles over dubbing or rather I don't like English dubbing. Like in Ruruoni Kenshin, the English voice totally made me go O.O. It just doesn't sound right. i would prefer dubbing in our country though. Dubbers in our country are really good. But nothing will really make me watch dubbing over subtitles. After so much reading below the screen I just watch the replays so I can totaly concentrate on the animation. Not that I'm having trouble with the words and the screens. I guess I just got used to it already. ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman] Trust me, I did that once to another guy and I felt pretty bad about it. Yeah, so he made comments about my chest size. But I could have told him that the reason I was breaking up with him was because I thought he was a jerk instead of acting like one myself[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1]True that. And I forgot to mention my ex also bad mouthed me after that. I felt I deserved it but I finally had the guts to tell him in his face why I broke up with him. He was mad though... :( [/SIZE] [/B] [/COLOR]
[quote name='Harry']For the people that are telling her to make him break up with her, that's such a stupid idea I can't believe you said it. First of all it makes her look like a ***** in front of all her friends/his friends. Second of all it'll most likely make him despise her. And all for what? Because she can't say "I don't want to be with you"?[/quote] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1]I'm sort of feeling guilty or something... ^_^x I didn't say it is such a good idea. I even think it is a selfish idea and I feel bad I sort of did it. What I'm saying is it is reality that a lot of people ar doing this and people are getting away from it. For most men they hardly know it's been done to them. That's how cruel some girls can be I admit. Besides, noone would know that she made him break up with him anyways unless she tells someone about it, which I doubt she will coz as you said it will make her look like ***** in front of people. As I said, it is not such a good idea and I sarcastically said that in my first paragraph. :sweat: [/SIZE] [/B] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Name: Hevn [COLOR=Purple]Age[/COLOR]: 18 [COLOR=Purple]Gender[/COLOR]: Female [COLOR=Purple]Appearance[/COLOR]: Later... [COLOR=Purple]Net Appearance[/COLOR]: [URL=http://www.tbs.co.jp/chobits/old/chara/img/i_kotoko01-l.jpg]Here[/URL] ...she's tiny like 8 inches only [COLOR=Purple]Bio[/COLOR]: Nobody knows her real appearance. Even her fellow hackers. [COLOR=Purple]Other info[/COLOR]: She's blind. She goes through the whole hacking process with wires attached in her head and really advanced machineries. [COLOR=Purple]Who you are[/COLOR]: Hacker ~~~~ Is the whole blind thing acceptable? Sounds odd even for me. ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='Mad Acer']or you could just start being a total ***** all the time and try to get him to break up w/ you.[/quote] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B] :laugh: Been there, done that. You could make him be the one to break up with you. It's one option people do so that it won't be theire fault if people ask what went wrong in the relationship. That would also give you all the right to date or go out with anyone you like including his bestfriend. Easier said than done though. I did it the wrong way. I was giving my ex the silent treatment and he have no idea what was happening. He finally broke up with me. I did it all because my feelings for him was not there anymore and I'm starting to like one of his friends. I couldn't make a move with his friend out of respect or him. After the break-up, I learned his friend returned my feelings and after 3 months he was already boyfriend. I never talked with my ex since we broke up and though he and him are still talking... I'm sure they are pretty uncomfortable with each other. Okay enough of me, I guess its true that when a girl breaks up with a guy, the girl normally would not tell the truth as to why she is breaking up with him. You have a choice to make up a lot of excuses or you could tell him the truth. Either way, his heart will break. You also have to consider wether you're deciding to push through with a relationship with his friend coz that would be risking the two guys' friendship. In a nutshell: Break up with him if you don't love him anymore. God...Me and my mouth says a lot for what should only be a one sentence comment.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]Me having problems too with myO. A certain quiz in my manager can't be deleted since last night. Now I have two same quizzes showing up on my site. Appreciate all help. Thanks ^_^x[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Get Backers should definitely have a second season. The ending is just a bit too quick. I never knew how many episodes there was until one day, when I was watching an episode, it finally ended. I was like O.O and wished there was more of it. My idea for its second season would be fighting with the gods of Mugenjou. The story of the so-called gods was also very limited that I never understood them well. The makers of Get Backers left me with curiosity about them and how exactly powerful they are. The arabic looking guy in the end who called himself a god of Mugenjou even left a hanging statement. [SPOILER]"Are they (Get Backers) a threat to us who call ourselves the gods of Mugenjou?"[/SPOILER][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]Tanya's kept squirming around uncomfortably under her bathing suit. [COLOR=SeaGreen][I]I need to get out of this stupid little suit.[/I][/COLOR] "Heh, look Tanya... there goes YOUR target. About to get HIS." Zeddrick smirked. "Please. He's a sushi chef and i'm a racer. I learnt that the combination is rather odd and the professions all mixed up." Tanya defended herself, moving uncomfortably under her bathing suit. "Oh c'mon T, you've been prying on him since we were at Angels'" Leon said. "Yeah? So what? That means I see him sexy or something? Puhlease, his fish doesn't even match up to my wheels! He's just a familiar and common face in the underworld." Tanya glared as she was staring to get irritated. She turned to Jalena. "Hey Jalena, you know I could've just researched everything about that Wollaber." "Yeah, that would save Blake from hitting on a really hot redheaded chick." Leon stated as he looked at Zeddrick with a smirk. "...and keep Tanya from getting jelly." Zeddrick finally added. Both guy laughed they heart out. "You know Nemesis, I could kick your ass right now and throw you right inside Disneyland. I'm sure Jalena would favor that..." Tanya said as Jalena slightly grinned to show her confirmation. "..and after that, I could also tell Tsunami how you, Leon, thought of Wollaber as a nice hot lookin' chick. That would make her reeaally want you as boyfriend. Now if it would be alright, Jalena, i'm going to excuse myself so I can get away from these stupid jerks and change." "Suit yourself Princess. Hey, 'stupid jerks', she spared you but I won't so quiet down." Jalena finished as she concentrated on Blake's performance. Tanya walked out smiling as she just nailed Leon and Zeddrick.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Talk about "COOL"! :laugh: That's it, i'm making a new folder in my PC especially for your Otaku Shop goodies. Keep `em coming... you're a legend DW![/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='Hayashi Hansuke']I came from Manila in the Philippines (if you know that!).[/quote] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1]Finally! Someone from my country! That makes two of us. I was thinking I'm the only one here... Where in Manila are you? Funny though, you're myOtaku vitals says the wrong thing... what was that all about? Balmon! Yes, 18 is THE big day for girlies. But I never had that big day coz it's too girly. And it's "Filipino" :lecture:. I just thought you should know. ^_^x[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=G/S/B Master][COLOR=gray][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic] If you want read the story of Kuja's last posts on OtakuBoards, click these following links: [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=10953]Kuja's Story[/url] [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=11179&page=2]Kuja's Ban/Lawsuit against James and Adam.[/url] This pretty much concludes why he got banned. lol. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B] [SIZE=1]My reaction may be a year too late but heck I'll say it anyway. That was amazingly unbelievable! :whoops: Now I can sleep smiling. :modrod:[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=G/S/B Master][FONT=century gothic][size=1][COLOR=gray] -When Kuja got banned and got fired from the mod staff W00T!!!! -Sage created Final Fantastic Survivor [/COLOR][/size][/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]A staff was actually banned? That story I would like to hear. And i'm gonna have to start looking where that Final Fantastic Survivor thread is. ^_^x Just so you guys know, these are the two things that attracted me to OB: -The RPGs in the Adventure Arena -Dagger... no, not Dagger, but her quality posts which was the start of finding more quality posts from other members I only joined two message boards in my entire net life and is only active in one that is, OB. I find OB addictive. Thanks to the unpopular thread of Get Backers in Anime Lounge which was the first thread I ever saw on OB ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Late! Late! Late! :o I hate having to watch these cool movies a week or two before its showing! Anyways, my expectations were overly fulfilled. I thought this second Spidey movie is going to go down the drain... assuming there are a few successful movie sequels. My dad was like imitating Spiderman [SPOILER]when he ran out of webs[/SPOILER] The movie was hilarious too... [SPOILER]especially the elevator scene and the "Raindrops keep fallin' on my head" part.[/SPOILER] Ok, I admit Tobey needs drama acting lessons. He sure doesn't know how to cry. His face even contorts weirdly when he tries drop those few tears. I also didn't hope that the movie's last scene would of MJ's face. They couldv'e ended with a shot with Spidey flying towards the camera or something like the one in the posters. [COLOR=Purple]Rating would be 5 of 5[/COLOR]. ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [color=darkblue]Fixed your spoiler tags. You kept writing [/spider] instead. --Manic[/color]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Unlike most of you, I haven't had any anime dreams. But I have to admit thinking of anime bishounens keep me awake at night. I often do anime daydreaming too... only I am an original anime character (That's why I love the Adventure Arena...you get to be unique). I wonder what side effects anime dreaming OR daydreaming can do to me... besides eating up two hours of my sleeping time... :( [/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]I've been here on OB for a month and have fallen deeply in love with it. The people, the anime, the RPGs, arts and literature... they're are all great! Unfortunately, I haven't been around to see the previous stuffs you guys have been doing so I wanna know. I've seen the Otaku awards and am hoping to witness it the next time it will be around. I've witness Kill Adam 2 being a really popular RPG. Dragon Warrior being a really funny guy with vast unique ideas (referring to OtakuCards and Otaku Shop) ...and I won't forget the outstanding admins and mods. For all of you, new members or not, mods or admins, post in why you're here at OB. What makes OB special? Any funny, naughty, wierd or memorable moments? threads? posts? or even quotes from other members? You can provide links if you want. I wish all newbies find this thread interesting coz I know I would. ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1]Anime is mostly popular to men in our country. While anime has been going on since god knows when, it only became THAT popular when they actually aired YYH on a local channel a few years ago. By the time the anime is being shown, men of varying ages cannot be found outside but are inside their homes watching YYH. That was the dawn of anime for them. But I can still say that girls who like anime here can be counted. And just FYI guys, when you like anime here...the word "nerd" or "geek" won't even surface in the mouths of people. Good ne?[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]I'm claustrophobic too. I suffocate when inside a sold four-wall room. I hate tunnels and I'm scared of being in an elevator alone. I was afraid of weird looking clowns before also because of the movie "IT". In addition, it made me arachnophobic too (but I just can't help loving Spiderman) but, then again, I fear creepy crawlies. Anything that crawl gives me goosebumps. Putting it altogether... I hate being stuck in a closed tunnel where I had to crawl my way out with some really big spiders running after me. I used to have dreams like that before.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='G.D. Ryoko']Big ones aren't all that weird, I should know, I'm a 36C going on D. No actually I'm a D. And mine don't fall out.[/quote] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]I was actually talking about those as big as a person's head.You're D. That's good...very good. Now all I need to worry about are those with sizes D and up.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='G.D. Ryoko']It's really annoying though that popular girls have no sort of bodyshpae or anything and they can get any guy they want.[/quote] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1]I think it's because when a person looks at another person, they see the body as a whole. You don't just look at the breast or the hands or the butt. Man, you don't get a girlfriend because she has nice hands. Then again, how you carry your body and yourself is probably a plus factor in attracting guys.[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[quote name='Chaos]If they were [i]strong[/i'], they would get over or pass the problem. A weak person succumbs; a strong person conquers.[/quote] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1]While this statement is entirely true, it still doesn't justify the fact that the world would be a better place without them. It is a reality that people kill themselves over something so small while it is idealistic that the world would be a better place without weak people. A world with only strong people? C'mon.[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [quote name='Chaos']If you want to bring God in this, know that, then, God does not dictate us, because of free will. It's in the Bible that God is a pacifist lord and has sworn not to interfere with humankind again after the great flood.[/quote] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1]I know of free will. I never said anything about God dictating us. And God didn't say He wouldn't interfere. Please recall the covenant.[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [quote name='Chaos']Please, leave the religion at the door. It has no purpose in any form of life.[/quote] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1]It's not religion. I don't even believe in religion but I believe there is a God who is kind and merciful enough to love and defend weak people. He said so to Gideon and to all of us "I will be with you" when we feel inadequate.[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [quote name='Chaos']I make the world a not a better place to live in because of realist views? Pfft. Enlightenment starts with disregarding all idealistic views, friend.[/quote] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1]Well, do you really think the weak should perish? Can't weak and strong people live together in the same world?[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [quote name='Chaos]You make a good point that "It is reality that some people are unlucky to not be taught how to be strong." Sadly, it's a good point for [i]me[/i]. You just admitted that not only are people taught to be strong and those that are not are left behind, but you also contridicted that even though God makes us [b]us[/b'], we can still be changed, tossing aside the notion of "Fate."[/quote] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1]Free will and fate are such nice and contradicting issue to discuss isn't it? My replies to you are short and explains little because I'm afraid saying anything beyond what I have said would be really off topic. As a matter of fact, what I have said here are off topic.[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[quote name='Chaos']If someone kills themselves over something so small, then they are too weak-minded to even have been born. The world is a better place without them. And yes, I have no shame. I say this because it is a fact. I would go in to a long Darwinism rant, but I've made my point.[/quote] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1]A LOT of people kill themselves over something so small. Heck some people do suicide when they fail in school, when they get heart breaks, and a lot more simple and stupid reasons. It does not justify that they are weak and even if they are, no one but God would know if it is entirely their fault and that does not justify that the weak should not be given the privilege to walk the face of the earth. God chooses who lives and from what I know God gives people, weak or strong, the chance to live. The "Strong shall live and the weak should perish" attitude of yours really makes the world not a better place to live in. God made each person different. Weak people do exist! It is reality that some people are unlucky to not be taught how to be strong.[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] :nono:
[B][COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]One true fact: God's intention for creating sex is not just because of reproduction but so married people can feel their unity (being one body) and enjoy the pleasures sex can give. God did made sex for the pleasure of the human flesh but it has restrictions.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Aaaahhh... big ones are way too weird. I wonder how those girls who have 'em are able to carry it everyday. Wonder if it will ever fall out... :laugh: Small ones are rather not too nice for me. If I had them I'd normally just be satisfied but if there's money and I don't really have nothing to lose I'd go for an average one... not because I want other guys to be attracted or not because my guy wants it but maybe it will help in boosting my self confidence... coz it would look nice on most dresses... ok that was just lame, ne? My final say is it doesn't matter. Love yourself for what you are and don't mind what everyobedy else says. If a guy says he loves you he better love you for who you are and not for how big or small your breast is. That's just too stupid. I also have to add I thought of something else when I saw this thread's topic... "Sizes, do they really matter?" :D [/B] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]