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Everything posted by Hevn

  1. [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Mental bullying does hurt people emotionally. One harsh word and you get all quiet and think low of yourself. The fact is other people don't think of what they say and just blurt it out even though they don't really mean it. But I also listen to whether those bullies are telling the truth about me or not because only I know the real me. For me this is the worst type of bullying and personally people who bully little children and especially women suck. But I also have to add that sharp words does hurt me but I don't let it get the best out of me. I learned to believe in myself no matter what other people say. I live my life according to how I want it to be and not how others want it to be because I am responsible for my own happiness.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
  2. Hevn


    [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]I love music... all kinds actually except for alternative rock. RnB, classical, oldies, pop... anything that is music to the ears. I listen to music depending on my mood coz I'm a pretty moody person.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]Never read one... got trauma when I was a kid... I watched Stephen King's IT back when laser discs where the thing. The scary clown face got me scared to death (...I was young and clowns were suppose to be funny...) well the movie may not be too horrific nowadays but the spider in the end made me fear spiders the most... In addition, I can still see Carrie's face when she kills in the movie, the eyes and everything gives me goosebumps...[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
  4. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Ah... sex... got curious when I was 5... no really I cannot remember when I learned of this but it surely was when I was below 10 yrs. old. Worked my way through tv and books (well there were also fanfics...). I learned words as I was growing up and I think I know a lot about it...homo and hetero. I wouldn't deny doing it several times but I just quit and am trying to wait after I get married because "regret" is something I've been feeling for years. It's not bad to know about sex and it's not bad to share what you know but it's also not bad to control yourself until the right time. Besides we never know when we are mature enough to do it. We just think we do.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]He looks way better off when he was doing the Thriller video... I mean, why go white? His current image is really turning me off and sometimes proves the lack of sincerity in the meaning of his songs but hey I wouldn't deny that he's a phenomenon in the music industry. He's a great entertainer and his songs are unique. In a nutshell, I love the songs but not the man. All time favorite (and made me even cry when I was a kid) is Heal the World, Man in the Mirror and They Don't Care about us. Oh and his music videos are very original too. Some are simple while some are really extravagant but all are pure original. ^_^x[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1]I was thinking about Get Backer's Kadsuki Fuchoin of the Strings who uses well... strings inside bells. Along with that is Kakei Jubei's Flying Needles. Its amazing how strings and needles coincide, ne? Another is Hunter X Hunter's Gon using his favorite fishing rod and Hisoka's card techniques. Final Fantasy's gunblade is pretty original too and just as famous as Ruruoni Kenshin's reversed edge sword. As for magics well I still need to research on this. What do you guys say? Unique and original, or maybe weird, weapons and magic from different animes are a big deal right now to me. I mean weapons, like swords and staffs, don't really become unique when given a name or go together with powers. (Except maybe for Get Backer's Dr. Jackal who's swords are inside his body... ok enough about GB) But some animes do take time and lots of imagination in creating memorable accessories. And that I want to hear about. On the otherhand, elemental magics are really basic, so traditional and goes way back the history of anime. Dark, light, fire, earth, etc. Summoning can be really tiring too...dragons, beasts, and Final Fantasy's Bahamut and Shiva. So what makes a weapon/magic unique? Name a few if you please ^_^x[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]I promise to do this later... have so many things to do first ^_^x Name: Age: 99 Appearance: (Make sure their appearance fits their race) Warrior Type: Celestial Weapons (max 3): Special Ability: Magic (max 2): Realm: Fantasy Realm Bio:[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. Hevn

    Unbalanced World

    [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Aurora ran skipping people and things blocking her way. "Oh no... I'm late again. Father's going to give me a sermon again." Surprisingly, noone was around when she arrived at the temple so she decided to visit her brother's grave which was at the cemetery behind the temple. "How are you today brother?", she talked as she knelt down and touched the name of his brother etched in the stone. "You're late." Father Gestro came behind her. Aurora jumped up and apologized while scratching her head. "But I have perfected the Divine Prayer Spell! I practiced so hard last night and I finally got it! Hope that makes up my being late..." She waited for a shouted sermon but Gestro was quiet. "We won't be having our usual lesson today Aurora." He said. "Huh? Why not?" She said confused. "Your ability of wielding the Light element has developed so much. And now the time has come to properly use it. This note came to me today." Gestro handed the note to his apprentice. Aurora smiled and thought [I][COLOR=Purple]A chance to fulfill my promise to my brother[/COLOR].[/I] "I know what you're thinking. This is a chance to make your promise to your brother. But in the course of your journey you'll learn that there is more to this than that promise. This is a journey for the future of the remaining ones that you love." Gestro explained looking intently at Aurora. "I'll do my best Father! No matter what! And i'll be coming back here to tell my story to you and the kids at the orphanage!" Aurora smiled cheerfully, hugged Father Gestro tight, which was unexpected by Gestro, shouted goodbye and left. She arrived at the Fountain of Control and saw two other people but was too shy to interrupt them. She decided to sit down and wait.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]...the Chief together with the princess!!! All of them looked at each other and the Chief said...[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [SIZE=3][SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]...swimming towards the cannibals. The cannibals looked at them thinking if they will eat them or not... The licked and tasted and said....[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE]
  11. Hevn

    Unbalanced World

    [SIZE=1][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Name: Aurora [COLOR=Purple]Age[/COLOR]: 18 [COLOR=Purple]Description[/COLOR]: see attachment [COLOR=Purple]Bio[/COLOR]: She and her young brother grew up in an orphanage. She worked taking care of little children in the orphanage. When she turned 13 she started visiting the temple where the old priest, who got fond of her intelligence and kind heart, trains her of light magic from novice to advanced. When the planet became unbalanced her life restoring spells became useless on the time she needed it the most...to save her brother from death. Because of her brother's death she vowed to restore peace and help the wounded. On the other hand, she's really kind and sweet especially to the children but her anger rises whenever she sees innocent people being slayed or hurt because it reminds her of her brother. [COLOR=Purple]Weapon(s): [/COLOR] Staff, cross perfume locket containing holy potions [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19684[/IMG] [COLOR=Purple]Element[/COLOR]: Light [COLOR=Purple]Magic[/COLOR]: [COLOR=Purple]Rejuvenate [/COLOR] - Heals/cures [COLOR=Purple]Holy Seal [/COLOR] - Increase defense of party [COLOR=Purple]Banishment [/COLOR] - Strong light damage to enemies [COLOR=Purple]Side[/COLOR]: Good[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
  12. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]Name[/COLOR]: Hevn (Real name unknown) [COLOR=Purple]Age[/COLOR]: 31 [COLOR=Purple]Gender[/COLOR]: Female [COLOR=Purple]Personality[/COLOR]: She keeps her private life a mystery to everyone else but her relationship with everyone is good. Despite of her wearing elegant but showy (with plunging necklines) clothes she has gain the respect of a lot of people who knows her. A true feminist, hates stuck-up people and those who have no respect for women and children. She can be sweet and thoughtful when not working but is silent, decieving, deadly and professional at work. One thing though, she never kills innocent people and even tries to kill less. [COLOR=Purple]Appearance[/COLOR]: People can always see her in business attire with blazers, mini skirts and high heels. For everything else, there's always designer clothes, fitted and plunging. (See attachment) [COLOR=Purple]Bio[/COLOR]: Unknown to everyone else, Hevn is the only unspoiled daughter of a rich businessman in England. Her mother died a long time ago. Her father is always at work so as a growing teenager she busies herself into a lot of things. She is educated and intelligent. She even learned five different languages of which includes French, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese and German. She has everything to keep her in good shape and even studied different types of martial arts for self defense. Soon her father went bankrupt and was assassinated so she seeked revenge. She learned to befriend different people of utmost importance and even unimportance for connections using them to know the mastermind of her father's assassination. She became a silent assassin at night, searching and slaying people involved in her father's death, and at the same time a police investigator by day. She was recommended to George by one of her connections. George said she needed her because of the connections she had and to cover up their bad deeds from the police. Also her vengeful heart can be of use to him. On the otherhand, Hevn needed George because he is powerful but she didn't really care being fired. Hevn stopped her work as a police investigator to keep George from finding her and instead worked as a language teacher in a university for two years... until George found her. [COLOR=Purple]Abilities[/COLOR]: Her connection is powerful. From dangerous, clever and powerful people to simple bartenders, dealers, and nurses. She is also a good researcher and can seek secret information of the deepest kind. She works in silent using guns with silencers and poisons. A queen of disguise whether it be a waitress, doctor, or even dog trainer as she makes sure noone suspects her as a killer. She leaves no mark or trace wherever she goes. [COLOR=Purple]Weapons[/COLOR]: Gun with silencer. Cross perfume locket containing different poisons to kill, paralyze, and put victims to sleep. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19684[/IMG] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope she's alright. I got her from Get Backers witha few alterations ^_^x[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Well I agree to everything that Dagger said. You'll have to watch at least 10 or so episodes to really be interested in it. As for me, I got interested when I found out the similarities from YYH and more when I found out their creator is one. I also want to add that I think Kurapica's character is more complicated than Kurama's. The red eye thing just amazes me and the chains... well need I say more. Anybody got confused with HIS gender? I did at first heh. Get Backers and Hunter x Hunter? I've watched Get Backers and, yeah, it really passes for a shounen-ai anime and it's obvious who gets who.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Haven't seen any thread about this but if there is its ok for mods to delete this. Who has seen Hunter X Hunter? I'm currently seeing it now. I just think that the whole "hunter" idea is very original... or is there any anime like it? This really got my interests more than YYH. I personally love Killua for the great assassin that he is and of course Kurapika coz he's so intelligent and his power is really cool. I also have a question coz I heard that [spoiler] Hisoka is Gon's father [/spoiler] is this true? anyway just PM me for the answer or reply with a spoiler tag. Also how many episodes are there?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
  15. Hevn

    Anime Music

    [SIZE=1][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]That would be anything from Final Fantasy. All songs from RK. Opening songs of YYH, HunterXHunter(Ohayou is just so cool), Chobit(kawaiii!!!), and Boys Be. I also love anything classical versions of anime songs especially Magic Knight Rayearth's.[/B][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]See that word under my name? It says [COLOR=Purple]"New Member"[/COLOR]. And i haven't been treated like how you said you were treated. Before I even signed up I already read the rules, the faqs, and completely studied and loved this entire forum which I visit everyday. Maybe this place is just not for you and I will really appreciate it if you stop insulting it.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]...and when you get to have kids they'll be wanting to move out when you ask them to do house chores. So what if you're brother is lazy? Do you want to be like him? Believe me... laziness is one of the 7 deadly sins... better tell him that... And by the way, house chores do burn calories...[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Just be yourself. Who cares whether you're in or out the crowd? In the end we can only depend on ourselves and the crowd won't really matter.[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
  19. [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Whoa...things got a little off topic in this thread. Well I really love Get Backers ad I just can't skip this one. [COLOR=Purple]Animation[/COLOR]: Amazingly lovely. You don't get to watch a good animation like this everyday. The quality of animation all throughout the series is wonderful and consistent. [COLOR=Purple]Characters[/COLOR]: Very original. It's superb how each character was given much details and different personalities, styles, and weapons. I especially loved the idea of Kadsuki's string weapon. Who would have thought strings and needles could be used as important weapons? [COLOR=Purple]Story[/COLOR]: Not too easy and not too complicated. Interesting if you're into computers (like me!) It's where Technology (Makubex, Archive) and nature (Ban's Snake Feature, the Beast Master) coincide. [COLOR=Purple]Ending[/COLOR]: Sudden. The last mission was very abrupt. I recommend having another season of this anime.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
  20. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1]I might try comedy once in a while... not sure if I'm good though... well, here goes... Name: [COLOR=Purple]Jiji[/COLOR] Gender: [COLOR=Purple]female[/COLOR] Age: [COLOR=Purple]17[/COLOR] Description: [COLOR=Purple]A cute happy-go-lucky and perky teenager. Jiji has blue eyes and short blonde hair in a ponytail. Always wears mini skirts and sneakers. She loves the color pink and uses it everyday either on accessories or clothing. Description fits almost exactly from that witch girl from UltraManiac. She is an artist.[/COLOR] Biography: C[COLOR=Purple]oming from an average family, she convinced her mom and dad that she is old enough to be independent, including living on her own So she moved out to Apartment Building C...which is 3 houses away from home.[/COLOR] Reason For Moving In: [COLOR=Purple]Charlie. Just Charlie.[/COLOR] Idiosyncracies: [COLOR=Purple]She has been stalking Charlie so she decided to move in and get closer. She loves everything about Charlie except she's overly jealous of Charles. Loves to bake cakes but all of it end up tasting like steak. She gives this cake to other female tenants so she could go in their room and investigate on any signs of relationship between Charlie and them.Thinks of Charlie's insults as professions of love. Pushes Charlie to change his scarf to pink. In a nutshell, she's an annoying love nutcase. She also has a good memory and uses it to draw people in their very weird angles like while they are angry, picking noses, crying, etc.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1] OOC: [COLOR=Purple]Alright, Cysword gave a better idea... here goes but still PM me if it looks ugly... ^_^x[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I don't get it... where in Taos should we start looking for our shrines?", Kyra complained to the others as some of them started to talk at the same time and things get really noisy. "I think I have an idea where my shrine is...", Tera interrupted. The others stopped and looked at her. "I've seen it in a dream. Over and over I dreamt of it but I didn't know what it was before.", Tera continued. "A dream? Well, where is it?", Calandra asked confused. "Well...there were ice everywhere, no people. With all the ice that I saw they probably can't survive there. And then there's the glacier ice cave 700 ft. below, a cathedral of blue ice...", Tera explained. "Trine...she's talking about the Ice Forest of Trine. The coldest island up north." , Tyris interrupted and explained. Everybody looked at each other. "Yeah, sounds obvious. She weilds the ice element and the shrine is in the iciest part of Taos... good mind work. So mine should be near the hottest place in Taos?" Proto added. After a few more conversations they packed their things up and parted ways. Tera travelled all the way up north past sheets of ice, snow, hails and icebergs. She arrived exactly north of Taos and stopped. "Exactly just my dream.", she uttered as she looked around. She started climbing down the ice cave and reached what seems to be the entrance of the shrine. It's just a dark cave ice but way ahead is light coming from a clearing. She walked near it and on an elaborately designed ice altar she saw her evolution orb. She slowly picked it up and turned around stopping at the center of the vast clearing. "This is all too simple...", she thought remembering what the Elder said. [COLOR=SeaGreen][I]Capture the evolution orb, which are guarded by evil, but strong monsters.[/I][/COLOR] Before she knew it, she was surrounded by monstrous and deformed crabeater and leopard seals. Sharp fangs dripping with saliva met her eyes and all she can think of was attacking them using Hevn's Hail. But then the real boss came out. An evil and messy emperor penguin standing 6ft tall. She fought it but she was exhausted from the previous fights. Tera fell to the ground but after using up all her energy she gave it one final shot. She picked up Hevn and concentrated all her energy to it. The shrine started to shake and Tera felt power and energy entering her body which is now covered with blue aura. Little did she know that shrine's force is reacting to her powers so in one swift move... she threw Hevn to her enemy and aimed it right through its chest. The boss quickly turned into ice and exploded. Tera passed out and rested before starting her journey to the Broken Temple.[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
  22. [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]Yeah, I think we have a problem. The seven deadly sins are: [COLOR=Purple]Lust Wrath/Anger [/COLOR] - you missed this one out [COLOR=Purple]Envy Greed Sloth Gluttony Vanity/Pride[/COLOR] - you made this one into two separate sins, and it seems that vicky already got the Pride sin... so what now? ^_^x [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/B]
  23. [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hi, I just wanna ask how I can attach a file to a new post that has been attached to a previous post. Is having the same attachment in several posts possible? Thanks.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
  24. [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Thanks for saving the spot! ^_^x Here's my sign up... Name: [COLOR=Purple]Rose de Vil[/COLOR] Code Name: [COLOR=Purple]Vanity[/COLOR] Weapons: [COLOR=Purple]decorative silver dagger and cross perfume locket which contains perfume potions in the 4 hands of the cross[/COLOR] List of perfumes: [COLOR=Purple]Rejuvenating Perfume [/COLOR] - heals/increases beauty and charisma [COLOR=Purple]Mirror Perfume[/COLOR] - makes victim do eye contact with Vanity while she creates illusion in his head [COLOR=Purple]Steel Perfume [/COLOR] - add 50% armor/shield (remember she is Vanity) [COLOR=Purple]Rose Perfume[/COLOR] - spreads poison to body through the skin, victim dies in an hour (see attachment for pics) Armor: [COLOR=Purple]a strong leather corset armor built in her dresses [/COLOR] (see attachment) Description: here...sorry for the large image [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19687[/IMG] Changes: [COLOR=Purple]In the earth, she indulges herself in all the useless but beautiful things and ways of world. She wants to be human so she will be known throughout the earth as the pinnacle of female grandiosity, and overdressing, slaying any human who runs for competition or those who doesn't give her the worthy praise she commands. The only thing holding her back to be human is the fact that her kind is superior to humans.[/COLOR] I hope the name's alright...Please tell me if there's something wrong though... [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
  25. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]I've seen Balir Witch 2 and it looks more of a movie than the first one. The addition of video effects made it look more like a real scripted movie. Also, the second movie has a "story" than the previous one. [COLOR=Purple]To end it all, the rumors are not real.[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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