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Everything posted by Hevn

  1. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][COLOR=Purple]Anime, anime, anime[/COLOR]! I love drawing anime characters but really have no time for it. I love [COLOR=PaleGreen]music [/COLOR] everything except alternative rock. I like anime music especially classical. I also play the piano and is hoping to play an anime score someday. I'm into 3d [COLOR=Plum]graphics [/COLOR] so anything made by Pixar is really good for me. I like good animation and just about anything that has to do with graphics (photography, digital video...) I'm into simple non-linear video editing using Adobe Premier... not professional though. I'm really sensitive when it comes to graphics... and sounds, so I like good sounds. [COLOR=SandyBrown]RPGs[/COLOR]... i love RPGs... Final Fantasy, Suikoden...etc. Fanfics, interior designing, fashion... I'm also into [COLOR=Pink]movies[/COLOR]... humor, romance, fiction, investigative... On [COLOR=DarkOrange]the other side[/COLOR], i'm into life teachings, books that have really good content about life, i'm into interpreting dreams, astrology, angels, vampires... well there's a lot more and i think this lifetime is not enough to do all these things... but... I entrust them all to the Lord... no, i'm not religious, just a believer. and in addition to the english lesson... i'm not into grammar that much but i am into spelling and, um, lots of "..." when writing.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Heh...first thread... Well... i've been seeing them in commercials of AXN and was thinking if it could be really magic. I mean come on, the last time I saw people making other people float was from "The Craft" movie. So is this witchcraft or just plain devil works? I want to hear your opinion on this one. Also, if you got facts/credible information please share too. Remember to specify where you got the info though.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1] My favorite anime should have... Interesting and original concept and story but it must not be too long or too short. I like those having their own worlds, including customs, architectural design and fashion styles. Well developed types of characters/races, each having their own distinctiveness in personality. Superb and consistent animation, design, and effects because I love :love: animations. A little bit of humor with punch lines, romance in between, drama that will touch my heart but won't make me cry, and action...lots of `em. Adventures, adventures, adventures! ...and yeah don't forget a good musical score! Animes: Top 1 would be [COLOR=Purple]Final Fantasy[/COLOR] for animation, characters, story, score, world, and adventure. Top 2 would be [COLOR=Purple]Ruruoni Kenhin[/COLOR] for characters, story, drama, and score. Top 3 would be [COLOR=Purple]YuYu Hakusho[/COLOR] for characters, story, action, humor, adventure, and score ...that should be enough.[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1]People might not agree with some of these pairings... i mean... Duo and Quatre look more like brothers...no offense though... [COLOR=Purple]Duo and Wufei from GW[/COLOR], though there are a lot of Heero and Duo fans, I think the Duo and Wufei pairing is more exciting since there are more rants from Wufei and annoyance from Duo. There'd be war of the pick up lines when their around. [COLOR=Purple]Ginji and Ban from Get Backers[/COLOR] also do good... Ban being dominant and the other submissive. Both like food and they are just compatible and kawaii in a lot of ways. [COLOR=Purple]Kurama and Hiei[/COLOR]...a very traditional couple. Interesting biographies, good fighting skills, Kurama a houseman and Hiei... well killing stuffs out there. ...still thinkin'... will edit if there's moer ;) [/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=1]This one really confuses members, ne? I have to choose several.... [COLOR=Purple]Himura Kenshin[/COLOR] because, well, he might be good for a family man and as I have posted before, his values and discipline is quite impressive. [COLOR=Purple]Chang Wufei from Gundam Wing[/COLOR] because I think I could've rocked his world...and also, I love his sense of justice. [COLOR=Purple]Koenma from YYH[/COLOR], well that is whenever the gorgeous young man escapes from that tiny little brat. I love him because his pacifier is just so kawaii! And finally... [COLOR=Purple]Midou Ban from Get Backers [/COLOR] could really be a knight and shining armour for me... and maybe cute Ginji could come along too... ^_^[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
  6. [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Our 6 travelers entered the south gates of the city of Crystal. The city was rich and splendid yet quiet and peaceful. They started the search for the one who wields the ice element but the people of the city seems to know nothing of what they are talking about. For them, it was nothing but a legend. In the woodead area just outside the east border of the city, Tera stood meters afront a strong tree in a stance concentrating and passing her energy to her sword, hEvN. hEvN started to get cold in Tera's hands. When her arms started to shiver she threw hEvN with a shout and it hit the tree. Cold ice started creeping and covering the tree and in a moment, it broke like a glass and collapsed. Tera walked towards it and picked up hEvN. "It was too strong today." Back in the city, while the element wielders are out for their search, each heard and saw a tree in the east part of the city slowly turning into ice and then just crumpled away. "It's him!" Reis shouted and the rest knew what it meant. They all darted towards the direction and found Tera about to hit another tree with hEvN. "You mean 'It's her'..." Calandra spoke noticing that Tera is in fact a girl. When Tera sensed them she started running speedfast from them and into the city. "So they finally found me..." Tera spoked to herself. Tera got away and somehow Reis and the others doesn't exactly know why she is running from them. There was no sign of her anywhere in the city so they seeked the help of the ruler of the city.The ruler of the city welcomed them along with his wife. They told him of their agenda and of the ice weilder they saw. The face of the ruler of Crystal contorted. "I know nothing of what you speak. That story has long been a legend in our city. Now if there is nothing more I can do for you please leave our city now." he spoke monotonously. "I'm coming with you." A voice said. The figure Hiding in the dark behind a column slowly walked to the city's ruler. "Tera..." the ruler's wife spoke. "I'm coming with them father whether you like it or not. I have long asked you why I am like this, why I have these powers... who i really am! So I practiced with my ability everyday even if you forbid it because I know that I will need to use them somehow someday! Now the time has come, now there are answers to my questions. And they have it. I just don't understand why you have to keep all these things from me!" Tera shouted in rage. Reis and the others stood in quiet. "They kept it from her? That is so sad." Kyra whispered to Proto. "Yeah, and that's why she ran from us, she thought we were her father's guards!" "You are not leaving this place and I won't have you questioning me again!" Tera's father shouted back. "Terrus stop it!" Tera's mother said to his husband and walked to Tera. "I am sorry Tera. Please forgive us for not letting you know. But the time has come and I know that you have to go even its hard for me. Just please don't ever forget us. We love you so much." "I will never forget you mother, you have always supported me and I will always love you. I will come back." Tera hugged her mother for the last time and started to walk away with her the others. "If you leave this place Tera, you can never come back." her father threathened. Terra stopped and thought for a moment. She loved Crystal so much and she needed to come back for her mother, she loved her mother so much. But she had no choice, she has to know who she is. Maybe someday her father will understand that. With that decision, she started walking away. Outside the city.... "Sorry about the commotion back there guys, family problems... so I heard back there that we needed one more from Kurupt right?" Tera smiled and said. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: sesshomaru 3's turn!
  7. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]Let's see, the storyline of [COLOR=Plum]YYH[/COLOR] is great, the animation of [COLOR=SeaGreen]Fushigi Yuugi [/COLOR] is wonderful, and the idea behind [COLOR=Pink]Get Backers[/COLOR] is amazing. But I think my favorite of all is [COLOR=DarkOrchid]SamuraiX[/COLOR] with Himura Kenshin. This anime is just superb with its fight scenes, storylines, and animation. In addition to that, the character profiles are interesting and well done. The concept of the whole anime is full of imagination teaching us values of discipline, honor, good conscience and just plain happiness.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][COLOR=Black]Name[/COLOR]: Tera [COLOR=Black]Element[/COLOR]: Ice [COLOR=Black]Xenosins[/COLOR]: Shiva [COLOR=Black]Appearance[/COLOR]: the pic below only with blue hair with white strikes extending below the shoulders, blue eyes and realy white skin. [COLOR=Black]Weapon Type[/COLOR]: elbow length sword [COLOR=Black]weapon[/COLOR]: hEvN [COLOR=Black]Upgraded Weapons[/COLOR]: Snow hEvN, Ice hEvN, Crystal Hevn [COLOR=Black]Special Ability[/COLOR]: Hevn's Hail (sends a hailstorm made of frozen crystal that attacks all enemies that will leave their muscles numb for a matter of time) [COLOR=Black]Evo Form 1[/COLOR]: Eyes and hair turn white, hair grows longer [COLOR=Black]Evo Form 2[/COLOR]: evo form 1 + grows black wings [COLOR=Black]Evo Form 3[/COLOR]: evo form 1 + grows large white angel wings with ice shield encircling her[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]The HP movies aren't really supposed to be so much like the book. Movies are a lot different since they have to take into consideration the climax and plot, and the opening and the ending. It just has to have an X factor when doing the movie. It has to appeal to both readers and nonreaders of the book. The movie was better than the old ones since they added more humor. [spoiler]They also improved Harry's wand and I loved what they did to the Maurauder's Map.[/spoiler] Now regarding the firebolt being shown in the end, i think they made it that way to create a more exciting ending. I mean, the ending in the book doesn't really have a say when you place it in the movie right? I think it is for those who haven't read the book. It will probably leave them with a more nice and probably amazing feeling with regards to the ending. As for the stag, all movies have mistakes right? I have no doubt that this is one of those. For the nicknames though I'll say they made a very big mistake not showing it in the film. It is a really informative chapter in the 3rd book ne? Dumbledore isn't that bad for me though. He was the first one i noticed. The elegance of the old Dumbledore was gone and the new one was quite more funky. I loved his line when [spoiler]Harry and Hermione came back after saving Sirius.[/spoiler] His manner of speaking also seemed to be faster than the old one. It seems like he got younger. And by the way Amity, the birds are called Hippogriffs.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=2][COLOR=Plum]For a movie addict this took me a while to ponder... on to my list! (no order)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Purple]Labyrinth[/COLOR][/B]. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]My all time favorite children movie. I haven't seen it for years and I'm just dying to see it now. It's a better version of Alice in Wonderland. It's not cartoon though there are characters like [spoiler]a pirate dog, talking trees and everything childish.[/spoiler] There are also scenes [spoiler]like mazes and confusing stairs.[/spoiler] Hence, the title 'Labyrinth. Stars Jennifer Connelly and David Bowie.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Purple]LOTR Trilogy[/COLOR][/B]. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]When the movie ended I was like "This has got to be one of the greatest movie I've ever seen". I cried watching the whole ending and I didn't even care whether I sniffed so hard in the movie house. The only thing I didn't like is how it gave Arwen so much recognition. I heard she was not so special in the book. The score and effects are great. The actors are great. The sceneries were great and almost unique.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Purple]Pirates of the Caribbean[/COLOR][/B]. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I love what Johnny Depp did in this movie. his character was one that I can never forget. The scores and visual effects were superb. [spoiler]I enjoyed the fight of Captain Jack Sparrow and Captain Barbossa in the ending where there were the moon shines in the cave's holes and they just transform from skeleton to human.[/spoiler] The story was not too complicated and yet not too easy. It was nice how comedy, adventure and fantasy were put all together in this film.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Plum] I was wondering whether I'll put Harry Potter in the list or not but I think I liked the book over the movies. The movies were amazing but not as amazing as the book.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I've seen it yersterday! It shows earlier in our country. Well I really love the book but I go to see the movies so my imagination can really work its way with the characters and settings and all. For the first movie, the experience was great since it was the first time Harry is depicted in the flesh. Imaginations roaming around and it's just wonderful seeing the characters moving! The second movie was a little off. Nothing was new and it certainly bored me a little. No spoilers this time. Just a review. But the third movie is just so different from the other two. Alfonso Cuaron, the new diretor gave it a really different touch. There are new sceneries and the opening and ending was different but gave a touch of the previous ones. The ending credits was very creative. The characters were okay. The storyline based from the book is a little twisted though. Some parts that should have been shown earlier was shown in the end. (I'm not going to tell what!). The drama was too short too. I remember myslef shed a tear in the end part of the book but the movie didn't do that. All in all, I say Alfonso Cuaron was superb. I hope the next movie is even better.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][U]Physical[/U][/COLOR] 1. [B][COLOR=Purple]Eyes[/COLOR][/B]. It must glow. I'm dreaming of a mint green glow so i want green eyes. This gives a snow cool effect. 2. [COLOR=Purple][B]Hair[/B][/COLOR]. Just like everybody else. The hair gives meaning to the face. Without a proper haircute, the face just looks, well.... 3. [B][COLOR=Purple]Body[/COLOR][/B]. Probably the least(but still!) I would look for in a guy. He has g0ot to have a sexy body. Fit, not too muscular. 4. [B][COLOR=Purple]Eye glasses and a killer smile[/COLOR][/B]. Add it to the rest of the above-mentioned items willl definitely turn me head over heals. I think guys with eyeglasses are cute... [COLOR=RoyalBlue][U]Personaity[/U][/COLOR] 1. [B][COLOR=Purple]Respect[/COLOR][/B]. Knows how to respect women. I'm more into "Girl Power". It's like a commandment to me. 2. [B][COLOR=Purple]Manners and sophistication[/COLOR][/B]. He should look well in formal gatherings so that means his manners and etigquette should be formal and yet comfortable. 3. [B][COLOR=Purple]Humor[/COLOR][/B]. He should make me laugh. 4. [B][COLOR=Purple]Conversationalist[/COLOR][/B]. I should be able to talk with him even for hours. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][U]Turn Offs[/U][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Purple] Bad[/COLOR][/B]. Anything beginning with bad... bad hygiene, bad mouth, bad friends, bad....
  13. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Now that is one tough question... of all the animes i would have to say my favorite character is [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Himura Kenshin[/COLOR][/B]. This is an unbiased choice since i would normally choose based on good looks... well anyway, i like kenshin because he is very disciplined and yet still breaks little rules sometimes. He's got good humor, is very helpful around the house and is good with the kids. (isn't that a description of a perfect husband? ^_^)[/COLOR]
  14. My song list is at home so maybe I can get back to you later tonight. I only remember that the title of the opening song is [B][COLOR=Indigo]Bomb of Smile[/COLOR][/B] since it is in english, all the other titles are in Japanses I think so I can't remember them. Hope this helps though...
  15. Animax is available for Asia. It is a channel specifically showing animes only. Hope this helps.
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