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[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=1]Animals have their own behaviour. I've had a dog and cats and birds and they all have their own quirks. Cats tear up sofas. They scratch you. But they can also be really cute and affectionate. Dogs bark and can be really loud even at night. They run around and knock things over. They piss and **** anywhere too, if not trained. They bite strangers! But above all that, they're considered as man's bestfriend and can be trained very well. They can be helpful around the house too. Birds have their own attitudes too. They sometimes bite but they can be affectionate by nibbling your earlobe. As for training, cats can be trained. My previous kitties used to poop and piss anywhere in the kitchen but my current one's very disciplined when it comes to that. I only need to put sand in a litter box and she'd go there and do her stuff. When a cat's familiar with a certain place as their home, no matter where they go, they can find their way back. I've spoilt my cat but she knows what she can and cannot touch. I think it's all about devotion for training and how much you love your pet. Or maybe... cats are just high maintenance pets. By experience, I've learned it's easier to take care of a dog than a cat.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Art The Nightmare Before Christmas Bannerwork
Hevn replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=1]I haven't seen it for quite a long time so I barely remember those scenes. I remember the most important ones, though. Like the green boogie man. lol Well, I remember a lot more than that, of course. I like the one with Jack and the snowglobe. It's a nice screenshot and the focus is just right. You even got a perfect place for your signature thing. Teh last one is good too, with what you said and all. But I like the snowglobe banner more. ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1']b) I don't like his face. He doesn't have a nice face =\[/size][/quote] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=1]Lol! I wished for a pope that looks a lot like Pope John Paul. Someone who's got a baby face. Pope Benedict seems fine. There's no use on finding something wrong about him. People just need to give him a chance.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=1][quote name='future girl][size=1']You could get all sorts of diseases from a toilet seat and that balancing act we girls do just doesn't feel safe enough to me.[/size][/quote] I've perfected that balancing act, lol. It's not that I'm afraid of catching AIDs or something but, with public restrooms, you know that the toilet seats are really just not clean. For all you know, turds, piss, and blood dropped on the toilet seat. Little kids even stand on it with their shoes on. And I don't think they're properly maintained. u.u [quote name='Dagger']I like to use handicapped stalls because they're roomy.[/quote] I don't really know why but...I feel like I'm naked in roomy stalls.:animeswea [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=1]I first saw Marilyn Manson a long time ago in some magazine and damn, was I scared of him. The rumors on satanism and all that added to my fear of him. lol But then, with a lot of people talking about it here (particularly Tony, James, and Alan), I gave it a shot. I listened to a few songs and fell in love with "Rock is Dead" first. I listened to a few more and ended up liking each song that I downloaded. Unfortunately, Lest We Forget is the only available copy that I can find. I'm still out searching for the rest of his CDs. Right now, his style fascinates me and I just have to learn a more about the music, the style and everything else.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]I've never had a chance to see Hero, but I saw House of Flying Daggers and yes, it is a pretty decent movie with remarkable scenes. I particularly love the [B][COLOR=Plum]"echo game"[/COLOR][/B] and[COLOR=Plum][B] "bamboo forest"[/B] [/COLOR]sequences. What I love about this film is the stunning music and, secondly, the beautiful visuals. Although there is an excessive amount of CGI used, I think the colorful and splendid cinematography compensates for that. [COLOR=Plum][B]I give it an A for picture and sounds.[/B][/COLOR] As for the plot, I won't call it 'bad'. The plot is simple, love amidst a war, but it has great twist[B][COLOR=Plum]s[/COLOR][/B]. Towards the end of the movie, I think that the plot turned around to a completely different path. I actually should've expected it since it is a [B][COLOR=Plum]love [/COLOR][/B]story, after all. It's just that I expected a bit more because when the movie ended, it doesn't feel complete. Like, it should've tackled a bit more of the [spoiler]conflict between the government and the House of Flying Daggers[/spoiler], but it didn't. Lastly, I heard and witnessed that the dialogue lacks sophistication that can be seen in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It sort of jumps from casual to graceful and back. Good narrative could've helped this film. [QUOTE]From [URL=http://filmbrain.typepad.com/filmbrain/2004/10/nyff_review_hou.html]here[/URL]. House of Flying Daggers isn't a great film, but it hardly matters -- though the plot might be predictable and the ending a tad too overdramatic, it's a highly enjoyable, entertaining, richly cinematic two hours. Bring popcorn.[/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=Plum]True[/COLOR][/B]. Also, it's a fun watch if you like this particular type of Asian films. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]I'm lucky because the restrooms at Uni are really well maintained, so I get to pick any stall and still have a clean toilet. Restrooms at uni are the cleanest restrooms I've ever been in to. So clean that girls actually like hanging out in there. lol As for the public restrooms, I try to hold it until I can and only use them if I really really really need to. So yeah, I've been free from restroom nightmares for that past four years. ^_^ Though, I'm scared of being alone in any bathroom. The four walls triggers my claustrophobia and I've heard too much bathroom ghost stories. :animeswea[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]I totally messed up my body clock and is having a hard time fixing it. :( Not having enough sleep is bad no matter how healthy you feel you are. I know it'll have an effect on your health in one way or another..someday. As for me, I sleep too much.. and at the wrong time too. I hardly ever see the sun in the morning and I miss the fresh morning air. I wake up and, after a few hours, it's dark again. I can't say "I'm eating breakfast" since my meals are at 3pm, 9pm and 3am. [B][COLOR=Plum]It's bad. Really bad[/COLOR][/B]. :animesigh [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='Dragon Warrior']I couldn?t make it out or make out with it.[/quote] [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]I had to read that three times. lol I'm not much of a Star Wars fan but this really was fun all through out. I kinda missed your style of writing since I haven't read much of your works lately.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Lol. That was really fun to read. I've always expected superheroes to do silly stuffs during their downtime. I love your characters. I hope we can read your story soon. ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Lady Asphyxia][font=Arial Narrow][size=2] [color=black]Hating to sound mushy, but we've lost a great man. [/size][/font][/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]I agree to that. You know I've always loved it everytime he raises his two fingers shakingly, or maybe when he raises both his hands and wave it to the people. :animesmil [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]April Fool's not that big from where I am so I'm not used to it. One time, I was reading the school paper and was very interested in every news. One article said that the school found some gold under the soccer field that's why there's some digging going on. Another article said one section of the train near the school will be made exclusive for us, students. I was so engrossed with all of it while my friends are watching me. After a few hours they told me it was all a joke. :animeswea [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[quote name='Dirt][i][color=darkgreen][b]I think it's pretty easy to differentiate between the people who claim to have "become" bisexual and the people who were actually born that way[/b][/color][/i][b][i][color=#006400](in other words- the fakers from the actual bisexuals).[/color][/i'][/b][/quote][COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]There's no such thing as 'being born that way'. No one is born gay or lesbian or bisexual. You could be so straight yesterday, and even swear to yourself that you will be for the rest of life, then you could suddenly fall for someone of the same sex and discover you are bisexual the next day. [B][COLOR=Plum]You are not born with it. You discover it.[/COLOR][/B] But I agree with your feelings about these fakers, but I'll stop here because the issue is so stupid for discussion.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='Mimmi][SIZE=1']No, I'm not a petty person >>;;[/SIZE][/quote][B][COLOR=Plum][SIZE=1]She's lying. This girl turns me on.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
[quote name='AzureWolf][COLOR=blue']What I mean is, do you think when one person likes girls, that person only likes girls, or just likes boys significantly less. And then there are bisexuals, who would be in the middle of the spectrum, liking both genders equally.[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]I believe homosexuals are homosexuals. They like other people of the same sex. Heterosexuals are straighter than straight. Bisexuals don't necessarily have to be attracted (sexually or not), to both genders [i]equally[/i]. They might like girls more than boys and vice versa.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='ThatOneOddDude']I consider myself antisexual. I don't try to get dates, but I don't make a big deal about it. Nobody has ever asked me out (at least not since 5th grade) and I have never asked anyone out.[/quote] [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Lol. I don't believe there is such a thing as antisexual. And not getting dates does not necessarily mean you are antisexual. I mean, you must have an object of.. masturbation, as I want to call it. You just can't do it and think of nothing.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]I'm a wussy when it comes to scary games. u.u Resident Evil made me jump once but I was only watching while my cousin play it. I'm in charge of navigation and puzzles and stuff. I tried playing Silent Hill but when a flying thing started attacking me from the back, I panicked. lol So yeah, everything's too scary for me. ^_^;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]I agree with Karmi about cutting a few lines in the italicized paragraphs. I think you can make it short but still effective. I love the italicized part but I kinda got lost the feeling in the next part. As Karmi said, I don't see the connection...yet. Maybe you can show us that in the next chapter. Still, I think you should've made even a vague connection. [B][COLOR=Plum]It's cool nonetheless.[/COLOR] [/B]^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Do you belive in ghosts, dragons, gnomes,faeries ect.?
Hevn replied to _Hikaru_'s topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]I believe in [COLOR=Plum][B]ghosts[/B][/COLOR], though I haven't really seen one. Sometimes, I tend to believe what my mom said about ghosts: they're not really souls of the dead but minions of Satan trying to lure you of something. But yeah...religion.. *shrug* As for [COLOR=Plum][B]dragons[/B][/COLOR], [URL=http://www.dragonsarecoming.com]Dragons Are Coming[/URL] It's flash heavy and I haven't seen the entire site but it's quite interesting. I think they've found some dragon stuff somewhere. Anyway, It's gonna be aired on Animal Planet, Sunday, for those who are interested.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]I really love the way you presented this. It is also a lovely and touching letter/piece. As for the title..er... I have no idea..lonely in the heart? blood in the heart? 'I know it in the heart? ... lol ^_^;;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]I used to travel to school [I]every day[/I] and have three or more idiotic guys give me the looks and whistle at me while I'm walking. I'd gladly give them a finger while smiling. I could be fuming and whining and cursing to myself because of some loud disturbing noise in the next room but would be so polite when asking them to quiet down. I'd suddenly scream sometimes in the middle of a crowd when I'm so mad then I'd stop and continue working. Other times I'd just shut up. Oh, and I broke a ruler once into tiny pieces while trying to control my fury. I'm still waiting for that one little thing that will turn me into a yellow-eyed, black-winged [COLOR=Plum][B]half n00b[/B][/COLOR].[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]I've experienced death loads of times before. My grandfathers, my baby cousin, our dog and others. I cried a bit when they died but mostly because I felt like it was the right thing to do. I never cried over death because I felt like it. [B][COLOR=Plum]Not until my two kittens died.[/COLOR][/B] >.< When our dog died I was actually laughing a bit at my mom for crying so much. I mean, I loved the dog but not too much that I'd cry so much. Then my two sisters got kitties and somehow, I managed to get close and all lovey-dovey to them. I let them sleep on my bed and my obsessive-compulsiveness with animals' fur was slowly forgotten. Then when they died, I just felt hurt and cried so much every night for four days. I didn't know I was capable of crying like that. I mean, they're cats. I was lucky my mom didn't laugh at me. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Wonderful! I love pussies too! *snuffles them* ... >>;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][COLOR=Plum][B]Meh.[/B][/COLOR] Before I went to college I thought I had everything under control. I got in the university I wanted and the major I dreamed of getting was already waiting for me. I was supposed to take something like your computer/interactive media thing, but then along the way I started considering about a lot of things and ended up majoring in Information Technology/Systems. It wasn't that bad and I fully realized that after reading jblessing's myO once. My major will allow me to be more flexible when getting a job and I get to learn stuff about business. The thing is though, I don't think I'll enjoy an IT job. I certainly don't want to face a computer for the rest of my life. I'm even starting to hate coding and I don't want to work in a managerial position. So uh...you're not alone, lol. I believe that I won't be utilizing almost 70% of what I learned in school. I might start with a job along the lines of my major but I don't think I'm going to pursue a career in it. I also don't think that learning stops at college. I mean.. there are always new things to learn in any field so you don't stop learning if you don't want to be left behind. Oh, and it's never too late for anything. You've got 50 years to start learning and working with animals. Don't waste it doing something you don't want.^_~ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']And if people weren't forced to simply choose from a drop-down menu or something, one could have all sorts of fun with it rather than simply having "male" or "female" in its place. I mean, wouldn't it be funny to look in someone's profile and see their gender as "neuter"?[/color][/quote] [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Lol. I agree. *nodsnods* Anyway, you can't really rely on a gender profile entry. I know some [URL=http://www.myotaku.com/crandomhero][COLOR=Plum][B][U]people[/U][/B][/COLOR][/URL] who lie about it. Besides, it doesn't hurt to ask someone's gender...or be wrong about it. Well.. except maybe if a guy develops a crush and finds out she's a he, then that might hurt a bit.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]I find it hard to cope with people in group projects.[B] [COLOR=Plum]Ideas, schedules, work attitudes, and loads of other things clash[/COLOR][/B]. This is applicable whether or not the members of the group are or aren't your friends. It's difficult to work with people you don't know well since you need to give some sort of effort to give way and understand each other plus, you won't know when they'll screw things up. It's also difficult to work with people you know or consider as friends. Thing is, friends tend to forget about 'business' and treat each other as friends so there'd be some sort of special consideration when it comes to members not working and stuff. Some friends take advantage and do no work and you'll see yourself torn between work and friendship. Which is it? Dump the friend cause he's not contributing anything or keep the friend for the sake of your friendship? So yeah, I'm currently stuck with a thesis I'm doing with a group and experiencing how hard it is to have a freeloader you consider as a friend. But I've also worked with a great group once. It's fun because they're my friends and it's amazing how we work so well and did equal amount of tasks. Somehow, it's a challenge for me to work with a group. I know that I should learn how to deal with a group of people because almost all jobs in my field require working with at least one person.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]Eheh. I know Tomba. It's a fun and cute little game. The way he jumps is just silly and weird. [B][COLOR=Plum]I love the bubble gum tree land![/COLOR][/B] It looks so yummy :tasty: I never got to play the sequel though. Sucks... [/COLOR][/SIZE]