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Everything posted by Hevn

  1. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][COLOR=Plum][B]Time definitely heals[/B][/COLOR]. Go out and do loads of fun stuffs with your friends. Go for an adventure and do something new or spontaneous. Go steal a McDonald statue for a day! (Lol. Sorry, a friend told me some highschool students made a silly prank and stole KFC's Col. Sanders) Heh, yeah. And in time, you'll tell yourself what were you thinking and you fell for that stupid person.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Aye, [COLOR=Plum][B]crying is a good thing[/B][/COLOR]. No one can go through life without crying. I mean, you should've cried a lot when you were a baby...err, right? XP And from what I remember, Soujiro cried too, didn't he?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][B][COLOR=Plum]I'm afraid to think that there's no safe place.[/COLOR][/B] Two years ago, a girl was mercilessly stabbed around 40 times at our university by another student. And to think security is a bit tight already. Sometimes, churches are not safe. Either are our own homes. So I think what it all comes down to is, we should always be aware of our surroundings and be responsible for taking care of ourselves. We [COLOR=Plum][B]can't entirely depend[/B][/COLOR] on our school or churches or other community for our safety.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Wow. I can definitely see Nakata's touch in that trailer. Now I'm looking forward to [COLOR=Plum][B]The Ring 2[/B][/COLOR] more than I did. I'm expecting it will be really good because he's directing it. I want to see his magic with a bigger budget. I love Ringu, but I was only mildly impressed with the American version of it. I love how 'disturbing' the video was though. [COLOR=Plum][B]Constantine[/B][/COLOR]..hmm...not really looking forward to but I'm very curious about it since last year, lol. Like Mr. Azazel said, he's my biggesr "if" too. I just hope it won't look too Matrix-ey. [COLOR=Plum][B]Charlie and the Chocolate Factory[/B][/COLOR] I'm seeing..the trailer looks yummy and tempting..and colorful and I haven't read the book yet >>[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Hmm... yes. I remember it was Ramadan when you wrote this...and I was actually not logging on AIM so you said I was missing, lol. I love the [COLOR=Plum][B]Examinator[/B][/COLOR]. ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. Hevn

    Stalker Songs

    [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Lol. Okay, this is the only song that I can think of. I know it's a Christian song and I hope not to offend anyone. [B][COLOR=Plum]*is a Christian too*[/COLOR][/B] I just think it's very clear that this is a fun stalker song if not for the Christian aspect attached to it. ^_^; [CENTER]~~~ [B][COLOR=Plum]I Will Follow Him[/COLOR][/B] I will follow him, Follow him wherever he may go, And near him, I always will be For nothing can keep me away, He is my destiny. I will follow him, Ever since he touched my heart I knew, There isn't an ocean too deep, A mountain so high it can keep, Keep me away, away from his love. I love him, I love him, I love him, And where he goes, I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow. I will follow him, Follow him wherever he may go, There isn't an ocean too deep, A mountain so high it can keep, Keep me away, away from his love... I love him (Oh yes I love him) I'll follow (I'm gonna follow) True love (He'll always be my true, true love) Forever (Now until forever) I love him, I love him, I love him, And where he goes, I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow, He'll always be my true love, My true love, my true love, From now until forever, Forever, forever... There isn't an ocean too deep, A mountain so high it can keep, Keep me away, away from his love ~~~[/CENTER] You sang when you read that, didn't you, didn't you? XP [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. Voices of a heart that was never alone. It has always been that way. I kiss a guy, thinking he's the one... loving him perfectly and undoubtedly. Then I meet another, break my promise of forever. My heart is numb to their hurting. It's a cycle. Then you came... and I felt confused, unsure... scared. Will you be like them? A wounded past.
  8. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Yesh! The monologue part is awesome. I've always liked those things, heh. Really [COLOR=Plum][B]dark and cryptic[/B][/COLOR]. It's going really well, Ms. Meth. Keep it up ^_~[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]I love this thread and I intend to breathe back life into it ^_^ [B][COLOR=Plum]Narrative Description:[/COLOR][/B] It's the perfect night. Venus is dreaming while Valentino awaits... for love to finally fill the air. [COLOR=Plum][B]Art:[/B][/COLOR] [URL=http://artpad.art.com/?ibf9xnp4od4]http://artpad.art.com/?ibf9xnp4od4[/URL][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Really cool chapter. I like the [B][COLOR=Plum]autopsy scene[/COLOR][/B] too...especially the part with the lungs and the rib. [B][COLOR=Plum]And keep the length just like that[/COLOR][/B]. You know too lengthy stories turn me off, lol. But yeah, knowing it's you I'll probably read it anyway. ^_~ Oh, and I'm guessing it's (uses spoiler tags too) [spoiler]Legacy[/spoiler]. XP[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][B][COLOR=Plum]I say create a whole new story. *nods*[/COLOR][/B] You know how James made Kill Adam based from Kill Bill? It's kinda like this too. Same concept, different story, different characters. Of course, the Phantom stays, lol. I know creating a whole new story is bit difficult to do but I think it will work. Oh, and Methuselah's idea about the songs is really awesome too. ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][B][COLOR=Plum]Love is a little bit of everything![/COLOR][/B] ^_^ It's a bit of happiness and sadness, and giving and sacrifice. It hurts and it heals. It's sweet and it's bitter. It's silly and confusing and incredible. Love is lazy. Love is effort. It's honest but it lies too. It's imperfect, it's pure, it's blind, it's true, it's sexy, and I could go on forever but, really,[B] [COLOR=Plum]love is all [I]that[/I][/COLOR][/B]. [COLOR=Plum][B]*corniest post ever*[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][COLOR=Plum][B]*is more of a follower than a leader*[/B][/COLOR] My follower side loves to follow instructions and when I know the basics of things already, I step forward and try leading using my own strategies and stuffies. As a leader I'm quite [B][COLOR=Plum]obsessive compulsive[/COLOR][/B] as I want plans and things really organized and well thought of. I can't work alone. I'll always need the opinion and ideas of others. Yeah, that's all I have to say.[B] [COLOR=Plum]*disappears in a poof*[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [QUOTE][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]And yes, Alan and Hevn are married in this, think of it as 10 years into the future.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE][COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][COLOR=Plum][B]^_^;[/B][/COLOR] Coolies! I like the concept and it's cool how you named the departments/offices/units/etc. I'm okay with the absence of comedy cause it works well with the theme. *nods* Well done. Looking forward to the next chapters. ^_~ [COLOR=Plum][B]*gives you oreos..wipes fingerprints off it*[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]Softdrinks!!! ^____^ They make your tummy big, heh... except for [B][COLOR=Plum]Mountain Dew[/COLOR][/B]! That's why I love Mountain Dew. The Code Red is good when it's really cold, otherwise it tastes like syrup medicine thingies. Eyuck. As for Coca Cola, I love [B][COLOR=Plum]Vanilla and Cherry Coke[/COLOR][/B]. I love how Vanilla Cokes have some sort of ice cream-ic aftertaste. [COLOR=Plum][B]Barg's rootbeer[/B][/COLOR] is definitely in my list of favorite soft drinks..or soda to some..or pop.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]I believe that [B][COLOR=Plum]Valentine's day isn't only for lovers[/COLOR][/B] and such. Every Valentine's day, my aunt, who's single, would give flowers or little gifts to family members. My bestfriend once gave me a message in a bottle kind of thing and another one gave me a card. You can't give up on love because, I repeat,[B][COLOR=Plum] all you need is love[/COLOR][/B]. Not necessarily a lover's kind of love but yeah, there are lots of loves out there. You can even get a pet and share Valentine's day together ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [quote name='Japan_86][COLOR=Navy']This may seem pretty stupid, but I really get entertained when I make my video game characters go around in circles. I just get really really happy when I do that. >_>[/COLOR][/quote] Hee...I do that too, lol. In RPGs, instead of running, I sometimes make my characters walk around normally in cities. I sing and dance to Outkast's Hey Ya with my sisters. >.<
  18. Come now, guys. Those things aren't uncool because this is OB. A lot of people here read, write, draw, and watch anime. Although Panda's karaoke might be uncool to some, I err.. do it sometimes too. I watch dubbed Korean soap operas...the love story ones >.>;
  19. [QUOTE=Kurai Ookami]My mother always told me that unless I become rich and make a name for myself, I would never be happy. She says if I'm rich than I wouldn't have to worry about anything. She also used to constantly tell me to marry someone rich. I remember her always trying to set me up with these guys...*shudders*.. :nope: I think she's wrong. I believe that I will never truly be happy until I've found a job that makes me happy. I could care less how much money I make, as long as it's enough to support myself. I could probably understand where my mom is coming from with her beliefs. But I'm not living in the same conditions she did. My mom came from a poor country and worked since she was like 5 or 6. She's been working her whole life, she's still working hard now. She just doesn't want me to struggle through life. But, yeah...I think the career is more important. :D[/QUOTE] Oh wow, we are exactly in the same position, lol, except for the part where your mom says you'll never be happy if you don't get rich. My mom also worked her whole life and has been through a lot of hardships so she advices me to marry a rich guy and blah blah blah. -.- I know life is hard where I come from and aiming for a career that I love isn't practical anymore. They say I have to grab every opportunity that comes my way. But of course, a dreamer like me won't settle for anything less than what I want. If this place can't give me what I want I can always try and go somewhere else. Sure it's not that easy but I'm determined to find a way ;)
  20. I need help raising babies, regardless of their sex. u.u Anyways, we need boys to pass on the family's last name, lol. And baby girls are fun because we can dress them up and make them cute and pretty with ribbons and pigtails and pink dresses and err..yeah, heh.. I personally enjoy being a girl. ^_^ Also, I'd like my first baby to be a boy... maybe because they tend to have a more sense of responsibility or something. Plus, they can protect their little brothers or sisters. But really, I don't care. If they were my babies, I'll love them unconditionally for sure. (Even if my baby boy wants to be a girl or vice versa >.
  21. That was really cool. I really love the foggy green hue you added. The concept of using the [B]{[/B] sign is just awesome. I lik how you made it non-foggy or something and the words (and font!) are just perfect. Kudos to you and to sweet Juu!
  22. [B]-Lone toddler crying in a shopping mall.[/B] I'd stare for a while to see if anyone else would approach the little thing. If not, and I'm with my mom, I'd definitely let my mom do the talking/helping. I'm not really good with hushing up crying kids. They don't seem to understand me, lol. [B]-First person at the scene of a car accident.[/B] Definitely will call for help first. I'm sure there'll be people around even in the middle of the night so I'll tell them about it and ask for help. [B]-Person drowning.[/B] Shout for help and jump in! I think this is one of those times that I'll feel really useful. XD [B]-Obviously upset person running down the street.[/B] Err...nothing really. Maybe hide. I'm far too scared with commotions like that. >.< [B]-Injured animal.[/B] I'd help...with some assistance from other people. I don't think I can take seeing any animal soaked in blood though. [B]-Elderly person having trouble crossing a busy street.[/B] I will help of course... if they want. [B]-Person shoplifting.[/B] I dunno. I'd probably tell someone who's in charge if I have the chance. [B]-Smoke coming from the upper windows of an apartment building.[/B] Call for help! Call for anyone! FIIIIRRE!!!! >.>;; [B]-Drunk fumbling to get his car keys into the door of his car.[/B] *is scared of drunken people* [B]-An older person trying to reach something on the top shelf in a store.[/B] Err... I'll ask someone to help. I'ma bit small to reach that high >.> [B]-A woman/girl being harassed by a man who seems to be her boyfriend.[/B] Oh, right. Now this will depend on what kind of harassment he's doing. I wouldn't deal with this on my own. I should ask some testosterones to do the helping. But really, I wouldn't know for sure how far I'd go to help in times of unexpected trouble. Who knows... I might do something more... heroic. ^_^;
  23. Did you read the posts in this thread? James already said it's not a remake of Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory but an adaptation by Tim Burton of the original novel. Anyway, I have to admit I was creeped out by the music, lol, and by Johnny Depp. I didn't even recognize it was him until I saw his name on the screen. I trust he made a good. He chooses weird roles, anyways, and by far he's good at it. And I think it was from Mr. Azazel's site that I read that one of his inspirations for the role's Marilyn Manson. I was attracted by the colours too, can't help it, heh. And who can resist chocolates?
  24. [SIZE=1][B][COLOR=Plum]What is it?[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Purple]OB Anthology[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Plum]Why was it nifty?[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Purple]The abode of most of the best threads on OB. It's a place where talent, humour, silliness, and everything else come all together to make our hearts melt, laugh, shudder, and even go "WTF?!"[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Plum]What is it?[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Purple] n00b Hunter[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Plum]Why was it nifty?[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Purple]Probably the first OB/myO Parody to have a M-VL thread rating. It's humor, violence, wit, and action all in one awesome series.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Plum]What is it?[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Purple]55 Fiction[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Plum]Why was it nifty?[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Purple] I agree with what everyone else has already said about this thread. The idea is unique, the posts are witty and entertaining, and it also poses as a challenge to some writers.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Plum]What is it?[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Purple]Alan[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Plum]Why was it nifty?[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Purple]I feel that his works/contributions on OB are to be commended. He has improved well (as Siren said) and entertained us all.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Plum]What is it?[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Purple] Bombu[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Plum]Why was it nifty?[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Purple] Aye. What Shinmaru said, plus he's one of those people that cracks me up apart from Charles and Sara.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Plum]What is it?[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Purple] OtakuFiles[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Plum]Why was it nifty?[/COLOR] [/B] [COLOR=Purple]Desbreko's fun and interesting site full of OB's silly chats. It's a yummy slice of OB's history in one coolies site.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Plum]What is it?[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Purple]Dagger and Solo Tremaine[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Plum]Why was it nifty?[/COLOR] [/B] [COLOR=Purple]I don't often go to Anime Lounge but I think they're really doing a great job in keeping that place err.. clean. We all know that, like the Otaku Lounge, the Anime Lounge needs a great amount of attention because there can be loads of spam and spammers there. I admire how Dagger and Solo often gives people a chance to correct their unruly posts and threads plus, they work really fast and efficient! I believe they're two of OB's special assets.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Plum]What is it?[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Purple] jblessing[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Plum]Why was it nifty?[/COLOR] [/B] [COLOR=Purple]I seriously think there is no OB or myOtaku or theOtaku without him. He's [I]that[/I] important people. He's nifty and anyone who disagrees with me will be shot.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Plum]What is it?[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Purple] Mimmi[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Plum]Why was it nifty?[/COLOR] [/B] [COLOR=Purple]Her name is sugar to my ears. Dear Mimmi never fails to brighten up people's days with her chocaholic myO. She makes us... happy. ^_^[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Plum]What is it?[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Purple] myO layout's Hackability[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Plum]Why was it nifty?[/COLOR] [/B] [COLOR=Purple]Lol. The way people work around with myOtaku's layout is just fascinating. People remove their borders, put image buttons on their page's left column, use iframes on their profile intro... and I even know of this one guy who killed his avatar box and placed it somewhere else. =P[/COLOR] ~~~ Finally done.[/SIZE]
  25. Lol. I swear, you are the coolest Sara. I just have to say that over and over again. Yes, take heed. There are a lot more bishounens out there. She might even love them all at the same time. Now [I]that[/I] would be real problem.
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