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Everything posted by Hevn

  1. [quote name='Arcadia][size=1']For a long time I thought meeting people from the internet was stupid, but then I joined a message board, so that idea kind of went up in flames.[/size][/quote] Err, me too, lol. Now I'd like to meet everyone, if that's even possible. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to meeting the following people. Alan - He's just so darn sexy. Methuselah - Because deathsnuggles are good snuggles. Shinmaru - Everybody wants a piece of him. ^_~ Juu - Asian goodness rocks. Mimmi - ..and her buns. She's the most lovable person on OB. Solo - Such a hunkie. Besides, if I meet Mimmi, he's probably just around too. XP Other people that I think would be very interesting to meet would be Panda, Aleia, Karmi, Sara, DW, Semjaza, Desbreko, Bombu, Dagger, and Godel. Finally, I'd like to meet James, Charles, Adam and jblessing. I'd probably just come up to them to shake their hands and run off, lol.
  2. n00b Hunter's alive! Bwee, I love how Solo looks, but you almost killed him with that uber smooth move you did. Cool action sequences ^_~
  3. Well, everyone already said what I wanted to say, lol. Just wanna add that my emotions got a little carried away with the story when I first read this so your writing is very effective. You know I've always told you I love the way you write your descriptions. They have some sort of sophistication to it. Very well done. I love it. *hands out oreos*
  4. [quote name='Lore][color=#4b4b79']On another note, what's up with the whole "genie in a lamp" thing? Has anyone here ever actually seen an oil lamp? I think the wish-granting department of the supernatural needs to update it's image. If I saw a lamp, my first thought would be "What the heck is that doing here?" And then I would look around for an outlet to plug it in.[/color][/quote] Lol. You're so cool, Sara. Okay, first wish is all the aid that the tsunami victims need. Second wish is world peace. Third wish is for me to have three more wishes. Yay! I'll use the next first and second wishes for material thingies like a Mac laptop and plane tickets around the world then I'll ask for three more wishes on my third on. That would give me endless wishes! (poor genie)
  5. [CENTER][SIZE=1][CENTER][U][B]Blued[/B][/U][/CENTER] [LEFT]"Dewng dllling ding ding ding dling... ding." She chuckled at her Homestar Windows opening sound. She opened AIM. While waiting for connection, she clicked on Firefox, ...pressed the myOtaku button at the toolbar, Ctrl-T, ...ticked the OtakuBoards button, Ctrl-T, ...went to Dead-Seraphim, Ctrl-T, ...then deviantArt, Ctrl--- then the screen blued.[/LEFT][/SIZE] [/CENTER]
  6. Whee. I'll give this a go. I'm particularly interested by your choice of races. Though, I'm telling you I'm gonna have a hard time which race to choose. I like the Golems, the Draconians, and the Succubis. Good job, you two, and I'll be looking forward to this ^_^
  7. [SIZE=1][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Narrative:[/COLOR][/B] The world owned serenity as it waited for the Christmastide. But the sky started to turn red, as if signalling a plague that is to come. Then wild waters came. [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Art:[/COLOR][/B] [URL=http://artpad.art.com/gallery/?i9lpnp2k4a4]http://artpad.art.com/gallery/?i9lpnp2k4a4[/URL] [B]Editness:[/B] I forgot to mention this is really a cool and interesting idea, lady A. It's pure fun ^_^[/SIZE]
  8. [QUOTE=Jung-Woo][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkRed] What makes me upset about it is the fact that crazy obsessed fangirls online try to "claim the boys". How ridiculous could that be? They're just drawings...I mean...it's amazing, they really need to get a hold of themselves.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] Lol. That's actually the same thing with other animes you know, not just in YYH. It's pretty the same thing with girls and other things too like artists, singers and crushes. You can't really take that away from young girls. Anyway, I think I posted in this thread already but I think there is no bad anime. Sure, some have ugly drawings while some have plotless or repeating storylines but all of them are enjoyable to a certain degree. Take Dragonball Z for example. I hate the animation so much but I was forced to watch some episodes (as requested by a friend because she won't be able to see it) and I did enjoy it somehow. Ranma 1/2 was good for the relaxing humor it gives. Shinchan was quite humorous to, lol. Err... that or I just haven't seen a really really bad anime.
  9. Ahey, poor Ginji trying to lose Akabane is one of the funniest scenes in Get Backers. And yes, the design of the Limitless Fortress, or Infinite Castle to some, is so amazing since it's a bit different from other animes. Also, I think that almost all of the main characters in Get Backers have great designs. They're quite unique, especially the weapons. The next episodes are great as this mission is, I think, the best and biggest that the Get Backers ever had. Not to mention the awesome fight scenes (which only lasts a good episode or two unlike YYH and DBZ, lol). You'll be seeing a lot of Makubex and Jubei, as well as the rest of the characters, in the next episodes. *winks and tries not to excite you more*
  10. Whee! First one to post from Asia! Here comes some Asian goodness for you all, lol. Anyway, as much as I'd like to say how boring this place is, I won't, because it's not. It's actually chaotic, but still livable. Maybe not your dream country but hey, I love the food here. Oh, and it's the Philippines. I'm in the middle of a city in one of the bigger islands in the Philippines.
  11. Whee. It will be the first time that I'll actually celebrate New Year's Eve at home. We always spend it at grandma's place before and though it's fun there, nothing could ever replace celebrating at home... with my kitty! Yay, it's the first time she'll be celebrating New Year, lol. Anyway, New Year's a time for round fruits. They say it brings good luck for the coming year so we always have grapes and oranges lying around the house. Then we all get tipsy after eating too much grapes, lol. >.>
  12. I've seen this and I must say what's cooler than a teenage girl having magical powers (even though she can be annoying at times, lol)? The pairings make me giggle like a thirteen year old, lol. I like Ayu because she's matured and all. This is one of those animes that is really relaxing. Animation is fine and the story, though lighthearted, is really interesting. The ending is quite shocking in a good way such that everybody lived happily ever after. I think there's only a few episodes that you can watch all of it in one day, or maybe just one afternoon. Anyway, cool anime ^_^.
  13. I agree. Get Backers' animation is really gorgeous, no? Probably one of the best animations I've seen. Anyway, I haven't seen the dubbed version but what I really love about the Japanese version is how Ginji always calls Ban with the additional '-chan'. I think that's one thing I need to hear while watching the show. I assume the English version don't use 'Ban-chan'?
  14. [QUOTE=WarCraftGOD]Im also going to go with "none of the above" b/c my favorite character from an RPG is a little known character. Fei Fong Wong (i will be suprised if youve heard of him) He is from a cult-classic game called XENOGEARS. Greay charcter twist/development too bad none of oyu have ever playe dit[/QUOTE] I played Xenogears and it's quite a cool and unique game. I did love Fei's character and how his multiple personalities/incarnations/personas, whatever it is, evolved. He's a little angsty but a reachable, down to earth, and sometimes even funny, character. Reallly lovable. Hero from Suikoden II isn't very appealing to me. At such a young age, he went through all those physical and emotional pain and he was just quiet all about it, following and obeying what other and older people said. And though he's the leader of the said army, he didn't really do much for it. His men/supporters did a lot more and it was like he was just there so the army can say they have a leader. I haven't played FFIX yet but I read about it a lot and I could say Zidane's character is also quite interesting. I think he's not much of a jerk like Squall. A cheery guy. Cheery, yeah. >.>
  15. Me! I love to travel. Unfortunately, I haven't been outside the country. It's really sad. :( Anyway, I'd like to go to a lot of places. Of course, I want to go to Europe and tour those castles like Japan said. I also want to go to Egypt and see the pyramids, lol, and China to go to the Great Wall. Hmm... I want to go to the US and maybe just go state hopping or something >.> I want to go to Japan too, not because of anime originated there but, because I love their culture so much. Then, since I'm already from Asia, I'd like to visit other cool cities and relaxing and secluded resorts in other Asian countries. AND, let's not forget Australia, because I don't want to just travel there but I'm dying to live there ^_^ Travelling is cool mainly because I get to eat different kinds of food, lol. Then there are the awesome sites and architectures. Of course, travelling would be so much better when you're with a friend or a group. And don't forget to bring home souvenirs!
  16. I can watch Chobits, Get Backers, and Great Teacher Onizuka over and over again mainly because they're fun and relaxing. As for Chobits, there's lots of funny stuff there that could ease my mood when I'm in a really bad shape. It's good to watch them with other people though so you can share the laughs.
  17. Yeah, things are just busy for a lot of people. I'm still really really interested though. And Kane, about me posting as much as possible. I can't really do that since my character's a professor but I'm thinking of cool ways so my character can butt in. And I vote on the Free Style too. It's fun that way. Now to get people to start working again, maybe you should PM the members about it just like what you planned. I think the others are not reading this thread or they're just missing it.
  18. [CENTER] Strawberry Netherworld They call us Ghosts, and we work for Death. What we do is fetch the souls of the dead. Lead them to heaven or to the fires of hell. And leave them there for eternity, with no one to tell. The Death Stimulator "Step up Mr. Pluto." A young redheaded woman in a sexy nurse uniform winked at Pluto before gesturing him to the technolized throne in front of him. It looked like a virtual reality arcade machine, only more sophisticated. He sat down as the lady reviewed his record. Name ~ Scott Pluto Age ~ 30 Occupation ~ Filthy rich businessman Personality ~ Selfishly arrogant Sin ~ Various cases of rape and murder Death by ~ Bus run down Destination ~ Hell She sneered then turned around to secure the steady customer on his chair. Leaning over, she whispered on his ear, "It?ll be over in 15 minutes. Have fun," then he sealed the man?s face. The last thing the man heard were fading stomps of stilettos then he went to irreality. Pluto found himself in a dark alley full of pauperized waifs and moochers. It disgusted him. They disgusted him. A small fry walked up to him and when she tried to touch him, he kicked her away quit vehemently. Then a woman laid out her soiled hands up to his face begging for anything but he only spewed at her. Nauseated of the stench, he paced out of the alley and ended up in the middle of a road, where a bus running fifty miles per hour ran over him. Darkness took him, and then pure whiteness. As he stood, an image seemed to form from a distance. He looked closely as it came nearer. "You?re the? the nurse." "So I am." "Where am I? Am I dead? Is this heaven?" The lady chortled. "No. This is not heaven, and this is not hell. You are somewhere in the middle of it. The Netherworld. The world of the dead." Pluto was struck with sudden fear. For a minute all he could do was stare in awe and take slow heavy breaths. The lady took his hand and led him to a ferryboat waiting down a narrow river that appeared beyond the fog. Then they sailed. "W?w? where are we going?" His heart was beating uncontrollably. "To your rightful destination." The sailing soon stopped. "This is where you get off Mr. Pluto." And he did so hesitantly. He began his journey along the thin paseo reaching a line of people. Dead people. Dead souls waiting for their final descent down to the raging inferno below them. Helpless and terrified, he waited reluctantly for his turn. Closer and closer he came and soon, in hell?s perpetual fires he started to burn. He felt heat jab through his body like thousand knives. It tore his skin. The unforgiving flames consumed his insides, his head. And for hours and hours he just burned but was never reduced to ashes. He cried and screamed, cried more and screamed more for what seemed like eternity? until the simulation ended. Pluto woke up hyperventilating, perplexed and affrighted. Seeing no one around and hardly caring, he darted out of the building. Outside, Pluto found himself in exactly the same dark alley full of pauperized waifs and moochers as in the simulation. He saw the familiar girl walking up to him. He avoided her stare and looked around confused. An old man glowered at him while the same woman laid out her soiled hands to his face. She too was fixing a weird gaze at him. Soon all of the mendicants were glaring and crowding at him. Panic-stricken and baffled, he started to run out of the alley and ended up in the middle of a road, where a bus running fifty miles per hour ran over him. "So, we meet again Mr. Pluto." I smiled sweetly. [/CENTER] Well, at least I hope you liked the story. I got the idea from a movie I saw once. ^_^
  19. Just, yeah, tell Jill your concerns and if she doesn't stop, warn her that you're telling Jack. If still she doesn't stop, tell Jack.
  20. Eee! Methuselah, I've been here since May this year, lol. I thought you've been here quite a long time before I did. Anyway, I'm...well I'm...20.Turning 21 in a few weeks. Anime, of course, got me here. Then the Arena became too interesting for me so I jumped right in and signed up. Anyway, I think anime is for everyone. I know some people in their thirties who still like anime. That in mind, I think OB is for everyone too. I think people will still be here even if they get old/older. Maybe not because of the anime, but the cool discussions and the friends they found.
  21. I remember this ends here. It sure wouldn't hurt for a second part but the story is quite satisfying by itself already. I find it difficult to choose a favorite from this series, lol.
  22. [quote name='maladjusted][color=darkslateblue'] I have a problem with the 'coolness' of bisexuality.[/color][/quote] God. You hit the nail on the head, lol. There was a time once when homosexuality doesn't appeal to most teenagers. That time when everyone stares in schock whenever someone reveals they're gay or lesbian then the next day the whole school's talking about you. Then the time came when lots of teenagers confidently declare they're gay or lesbian or bisexual. I don't know what happened. They tell everyone and anyone like it's a cool trend or something. Like being bisexual will make you different and stand out. Like they just have to [I]flaunt[/I] it. It's pure sticky crap. [quote name='Me!']You don't like homosexuality because of what your religion taught you.[/quote]
  23. I played Monopoly for the first time when I was twelve. I asked mom to buy me one because I saw some kids playing it. I think I liked it because it's a niftier version of the Millionaire's Game or something. I'm not sure of the title, lol. As I grew up and became a little bit smarter I started playing Scrabble and it was, is, and will still be the best board game for me. I started with playing with my cousins then eventually, I began playing with my aunts and uncles for a challenge. Now, I'm dying to play Literati.
  24. I just looked further down the page and saw the list of Similar Threads, lol. Anyway, of course I'm not here to partake in the currently sprouting debate, though I have my arguments in my hand right now, but just to share my opinion of it. I have no problem with homosexuality. I go along fine with everyone. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, heterosexual. I treat them just the same. For me, homosexuality is considered taboo in some places mainly because of religion. If you're in a religion and you're a devout one then you'll most probably question homosexuality. Somehow, it takes a while for some people to accept someone for who they are. You cannot blame them or yourself. Just know that there are a lot of other people with the same problem. You're not alone. ^_~
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