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ssj babe

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Everything posted by ssj babe

  1. hey i'll sign up Name: Roxy Age: 120 Gender: Female Race: Elf Group: in the band of merry elves Appearance: Dirty blonde hair with hazel eyes. Bio: umm hold on let me think.... Powers: invisibility (become invisibly to the naked (hehe) eye) Metamorphisis(able to change into animals only) ability to fly(can fly sky high)
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj chic [/i] [B] how the hell did my sister get on!? O.O what computer are you on?! AHHH! I THOUGHT I LOCKED U UP IN THE DOWNSTAIRS CLOSET! AHHHHH!!!! SATAN RETURNS! erm.... *takes out a shotgun and shoot sister* bam.... [/B][/QUOTE] *bullet misses her and hits the nearest wall* u missed me. ha ha ha ha...... wait... thats not funny
  3. um... this is kinda stupid. but its so stupid that it is funny. heheh...heh
  4. just follow these simple rules:lecture: : 1. be urself 2. smile alot 3. b polite 4. suck up to whoever teaches 5. say hi to ppl 6. b nice
  5. I have been wearing contacts for um...... 3 months........... They don't hurt at alll when u put then in ur eye. what i do is i put the solution on the lense then stick it on the side of my eye. blink a few times and then u could see!
  6. i would never date my best friend because usually there like a brother or sister to u depending if they r a girl or a boy. would u ever want to date ur brother or sister?? i don't think so
  7. omg!!! i that was so funny! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. um..... cough...ur pic is um..... ok....i guess.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B]I wish for, Britney Spears under my tree on Christmas Day! [/B][/QUOTE] *cough* her??! shes fake!!! and ugly!!
  10. Post all of ur christmas whises here or just post what u think ur going 2 get. remember don't spam!:wave:
  11. have u noticed that there are 2 loves the old one and the new one and whenever u click on the new one the old one pops up. Why???
  12. 2 tell u the truth online love isn't real. i tested it last week and i am still testing it today. i made up a screenname on neopets since this kid is always on it. i wanted to see what he would say if i were to act as if i loved him. all he did was lie and say things that were not true.
  13. *closes door after bryan and locks it walks over to amber* soo
  14. *looks at bryan* roxy: someone must be pmsing:rolleyes:
  15. *roxy walks in and sits down on a chair. looks at amber a laghes 2 herself at how bad she looks with an apron on*
  16. My fav actor is Zonna Norman. she played in one of the many versions of a mid summer nights dream. she is so pretty and could act very well a little like me!
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj chic [/i] [B] i think i musta been high or sumthin then...:therock: [/B][/QUOTE] lol thats funny shes just mad cause i said she wuz fat (which she really isn't of coarse!)
  18. there is someone up in "heaven" whatever u want 2 call it and u may call that "thing" god or whateveer but thats all i believe in.... not adam and eve or ne other stories i just believe there is someone who watches over all of us nomatter what he is called he dosn't take ne sides like being a christian god or a buddists god or a catholic god.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj chic [/i] [B]i well....i tried to jump over a set of hedges (bushes) and i...well...lets just say i didn't make it and i was stuck flopping around on the top for.......3 hours....then the bush broke...callapsed.....and i ran like hell..... thats cause ur fat............j/k
  20. this is a regular . i ran and hit the glass door and it hurt. what else did i do..........hmmmm lets cccc. i flew over a bush when i wuz playing tag. and i also flew over a ball cause my friend triped me. i think i am actually good at flying now! i steped on my cats tail and he went "rarrrr" < (however u spell it) ..... and i tried to jump over him but he ran into me and i fell down the stairs...............another time i put on those fake cat ears on a headband and i looked at my cat and pretended 2 be one and i was near my room door and i was on my knees and he got really mad cause he thought i wuz an intruder and he jumped on my face and he scratched me so i bit him and we fought 4 about 10 min. until he quit.
  21. in florida it never snows(obviously).actually it did snow once in the 70's but i wasn't born then. i have never even seen real snow!!! my mom says its bad and lots of things go wrong on really snowy days *looks out window desperatly 4 ne signs of coldness*
  22. ive read that somewhere ...... maybe in 3rd grade or 2nd....... sumthin like that
  23. Name: Roxy House: Slytherin broomstick: Firebolt Position: Chaser #3 Team: Slytherin
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