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About MarkAnthony

  • Birthday 08/26/1984

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  1. Clint Eastwood, hes one of the most empowering actors around. I love some of the antihero characters he plays. I want to take this time to voice my hatred towards Ben Stiller, hes one of the most over-rated, unfunny people in existance! And Hugh Grant too! The only role he can play is a bumbling Englishman in a romantic comedy!
  2. Strangely, I got quite spooked just last night, I could swear i could hear a voice. I wasn't sure what it was saying because it was so low, low yet it sounded like it was yelling. I was going to list a load of wierd stuff thats happened to me, but none of you know me well enough to believe me so I wont. Basically every house ive lived in since i was three has been "haunted" And looking into the history of the houses, someone had died in my bedroom. (The guy who owned the one im in now looked a lot like me) Ive had people leave my house crying, refuse to go in certain rooms and whatnot, just because they are slightly/very uneased. More strange happenings than I care to list. Im moving out in less than a month. Despite my room being three times the size of hers my sister doesnt want it because she said she heard someone walking about. So night time spooks, yes, Ive had it, a lot. But i dont get as spooked as your average person, in fact, im the hardest person to spook i know.
  3. I can completely relate to MSF, having also suffered from OCD (For most of my life) and depression, in astrange twist it was depression that stopped it for me, I stopped caring about the consequences of not doing or doing certain things, life became so much easier, i gained an extra half an hour a day. This doesnt sound like much help i know, but I thought id share it.
  4. Caucasian. My dad's ancestory is Jewish as far back as i know. They all look like Italian gangsters though. Got moved to Poland then they split to the UK and Australia. My mum's is Austrian and German origin by and large i think. They were all counts and stuff a few generations back Im not sure of all the exact roots though to be honest. 5'8 Blue eyes, naturally immensely thick platinum blonde hair (its dyed in the above pic) with every other hair being black. From what part of my family tree I can follow they were quite nomadic, which makes it quite hard to tell.
  5. [quote name='maverickwarrior']And what console is this for? (I tried it on google but too many games have "hunter" in it ^^; )[/quote] The Hunter is a very little known turn based game for the psx, i think it was called battle hunter in the U.S. Its an addictive (if somewhat VERY linear) up to 4 player game, thats not quite an rpg but not really anything else. I wouldnt really reccomend it to be honest, but as far as party rpg goes it really is the best one i can think of. The best multiplayer party game ever released is by far micro-maniacs (not micro machines as most people automatically assume) But its a top down racing game. The Bishi Bashi series is a good party game also, but gets repetitive quick.
  6. The Baldur's gate and Norath titles get really old really fast, slash slash slash spell, theres no real depth to them. Go play "the hunter" =P
  7. Imagine great visuals with this; :animeblus :animeangr :animedepr Day 1: I get two rather large painfull ulcers on my throat Day 2: Two has become 4 larger than average Day 6: Insanely large ulcers now consume my mouth and throat Day 7: Go to doctors, they seems pretty sure its glandular fever gone bad. Day 13: Still bad, I am now struggling to swallow Day: 17: Ulcers fade slightly, theres now only 6 or 7 Day 18: I suddenly find my self shitting blood -_- Day 19: Decide to go back to doctors after passing not only blood but mucus Day19 - evening: Find myself in hospital Day 20: decide its probably bechets, but need to do more tests, theres no sure fire tests for certain strains however Day 21: Decide it may be cancer so i have to have colonoscopy Day 22: Colonoscopy means me having empty insides, so i cant eat for a day and a half and have to drink 4 litres of vanilla stuff that makes me vomit and defecate. Day 23: try to have colonoscopy without and painkillers or sedative - I scream like a little girl, gays have got to be nuts! Day 29: results negative, im ok, ulcers now completely gone, doctors baffelled, seem to suggest probably bechets, but no need to worry at this moment in time. Very self orientated and selfish i know, but I really felt like death incarnate, Id lost 3 stone and honestly thought i was gonna die, seems so daft looking back.
  8. Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra - Bongo Tango just changed to; Cannon Fodder theme (amiga)
  9. Times going by slowly? you have nothing to do? I think me and most of my fellow members over the age of twenty are all thinking LUCKY YOU! We would give anything to slow time down. Enjoy sitting there doing bugger all! Eat grapes, grapes are good. Dance naked in your room! Everyone is depressed to a certain extent, in the grand scheme of things everyone i know is a manic depressive, each with varying ratios of ups to down. =)
  10. Ive nearly drown a few times, I once remember swimming out at sea at about 15, next thing i remember i was on a beach spitting up water, apparently having been picked up by a passing boat. i nearly drowned at age 2 after falling/jumping in a pond At age 17 I nearly drowned after being attacked by some mad creature that stung me, I managed through sheer adreneline and agression to get to shore and home ok though. (Two days later i was in hospital on a drip) But I have all my swimming cirtificates and what not, basic lifeguard training too. These things just happen.
  11. 1.Harvey Birdman 2.Cowboybebop 3.Sealab2021 4.Samurai Champloo 5.Home movies 6.ATHF That order, i did not think that in terms of humor adult swim could be beaten, with shows like HB, SL2021 and ATHF. MTV's Drawn together proved me wrong though =)
  12. Many eons ago (possibly as long as 6 years now) I found it whilst looking for gameboy stuff or something daft. I stayed after meeting some very cool people to help me with drawing, of these only Topaz I can remember off the top of my head.
  13. I played about 6 years ago so im not sure what its like now but with tyranids lictors are your best friends =) biovores and lictors against empirial and pointy headed guys genestealers and hybrids against orcs and i never did get a really good build against space marines.
  14. [b]The largest errogenous zone is the brain.[/b] With this in mind I believe: a.) although im not personally a fan i can see why others are. and b.) it is cheating. I feel silly enough in normal sex, let alone pretend sex =)
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