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Everything posted by MarkAnthony

  1. Ordered in a way to bias those that are less famous, although Sam and Max would be first anyway; [B]1.) Sam and Max - Freelance police[/B] "My mind is like a swirling miasma of scintilating thoughts and turgid ideas..." "Me too" [B]2.) The Brak Show[/B] "But remember...three hams, will certainly kill him..." - Randomicity to the extreme, Brak would never have made it as being evil =) [B]3.) Aqua Teen Hunger Force [/B] (Number one in the hood G) - One of the many relatively recent shows to the Adult Swim line up - all have great humour and can be watched and fully understood even whilst otherwise intoxicated [B]4.) Harvey Birdman - Attorney At Law[/B] Took Space Ghost's advice in a change of carrier, it paid off =) [B]5.) Downtown[/B] I cant justify this one... I just like the atmosphere it creates. [B]6.) Space ghost coast to coast[/B] [B]7.) Powerpuff Girls [/B] (Producers are fans of The Big Lebowski, gotta love 'em) [B]8.) Sealab 2021[/B] Great remake of the classic, with some of the greatest humor around. [B]9.) Earthworm Jim[/B] ...Grooviest show around, dragged on in the second series but Hyper Hyper Psycrow made up for it... [B]10.) Simpsons[/B] Probably deserves to be here, Doh! I could list so many more great shows, but these deserve to be mentioned more, mainly as many people have not seen them, would be great to own my own tv channel in order to get them to the masses =)
  2. Id have to say I pity Vicious from cowboy bebop. He had no family of his own and had to be taken in by Spike and thusly into the syndicate (implied information), lost the woman he loved (at least in the physical sence) to Spike also, who also appears to be his only friend, Is downtroden, untrusted and oppressed in the syndicate of the Red Dragon (noone believed him when he said Spike was alive and the tone used to him is untolerable) and mostly because he reminds me of me, so much anger in him... From Bebop again id have to say I feared Pierot le Fau, for the obvious reasons - A manic all powerful crazy looking guy with the mind of a child? (Children are the spawn of all evil and have to be taught not to be, but thats another story.) I'd have to say I admire Geagan from the LupinIII series, I only wish I could take such a laid back view on life as he has, he wont die until a ripe old age =)
  3. Wow that?s great, impressive skills and really sets the ambience with the cross sketching and use of two tone off colours. I?m saying this only for the sake of saying something now, its far better than anything i could do; the midsection of the body looks too out of whack, she appears to have a lack of figure around the lower stomach area to her upper vaginal area (for lack of a better word) it appears too flat and around the waist the curvature seems the same, almost as if going from one angle of view to another, Im struggling to describe what i mean, who knows maybe its just me... or maybe ive just been going out with too many fat women recently... xD Actually she looks scarily like my ex-gf... I hope this wasn't drawn from life =P
  4. I generally have the appearance of a typical anime character and to cosplay many I would have to put in little effort (my nick back in college was manga guy because of this) with this in mind I probably would, especially if it was for a laugh. ...However id have to agree with roxybudgy that most cosplayers you see on the internet look very little like who they set out to be and just make themselves look stupid (no offence meant to anyone) I would hate to be classified amongst the same.
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