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Everything posted by Humaru

  1. The most recent album I bought was the Ocean Eyes album by Owl City. That guy just rocks at playing piano. I want to play like him one day and Im trying harder every chance I get.
  2. [SIZE="2"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I agree about this year's weekend wasn't as exciting as years past. I saw the dunk competition and felt like I could do most of those dunks myself. I love the comment made by Kenny "The Jet" Smith as Shannon Brown dunked his last dunk. He cracked me up when he said "how about DONT Let Shannon Brown dunk.com" To me, the dunk competition was a let down and that hurt the other events. I really liked the All-star game though. It had some great oohs and ahhs. Dwight Howard was really cool to watch as he went coast to coast and threw down a sick dunk. You can really see how guys go back to playground style as they play really well together. I wished CP3 and the other guys were healthy though...the game would have been cooler. As for the dunk competition, get those super athletic guys who take off from God knows where. Next year I want to see guys like Dwight Howard, Josh Smith, Andre Iguodala, Rudy Gay, Lebron James, D-Wade, or even Derrick Rose dunk. Those guys can fly and are very creative at times. Ive decided that I am going to the next two All-Star games: Los Angeles and Toronto. I plan on moving this summer to New Mexico so getting to LA would be easier then coming from South Carolina. And as for the Toronto one, I have family who would love to go to Canada. All I have to do is get to Baltimore. I just got a crazy idea...maybe we should all get together and hit up the NBA All-Star weekend. It would be cool to meet more fellow Otakus and we could hang out doing something we all enjoy. Im just talking out loud though.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  3. I love having a Dreamcast. I play it still from time to time. It had some pretty great games that you couldnt really play for any other system. I really limited myself to playing only few games constantly. My favorites goes like this: [B]Power Stone[/B]: This game was sick. It was very creative and I love beating people down in it. I got really good. Probably the best Dreamcast only game during its time. [B]Marvel vs Capcom 2[/B]: The single greatest 2D fighting ever. Bold statement......I know. [B]Sonic Adventure[/B]: My favorite 3D Sonic game. Great music, gameplay,and controls. [B]Project Justice[/B]: It was a sequel to the Rival Schools game but it had a great selection of characters.
  4. Hey I dont know if there are many basketball fans out there but I've got to tell you...the NBA and basketball in general have really occupied a piece of my life. I always look forward to the NBA All-Star weekend. There are so many funny and exciting events from the Celebrity game to the Slam Dunk contest. This year's weekend was not as great as previous years but it had its moments. I guess this thread is for basketball lovers. Share your thoughts on the All-Star weekend and the NBA. I am surely up for discussionon any NBA topics.
  5. Yo Zen. I couldnt find the site I wanted to make a good avatar so I just tried this one. It looks decent. The text on the banners can be switched into a different style. Those fonts were the only Western style words on my site. Any modifications....just let me know. Avatar: [attachment=14597:1/1/9/5/9/26940.attach] You have to click these for the actual size. Banners: [attachment=14598:1/1/9/5/9/26941.attach] [attachment=14599:1/1/9/5/9/26942.attach]
  6. Ginger Ale really is the best thing for you. The stomach virus can be tricky depending on the person who has. When I had it I ate graham crackers and drank Canada Dry ginger ale. Water was really helpful because of the fluids I lost. My worst sicknesses were the strep throat(Ive had every year now for 6 years...including this year. It sucks) and the stomach virus. I dont have to explain the pain and torment I went through with that...I hated it and I just had not too long ago. I went to school....(dont ask why)....and had to blance the trials of getting to a bathroom in time and trying to attend class. Worst week of mylife.
  7. Really I can say honestly that I like almost every type of music. The ones I dislike are country and its similarities. Bluegrass or anything like that just dont fly with me. I listen to a bunch of everything though. As long as it sounds good.
  8. I thought of another villian that I liked in a video game. Seymour Guado from Final Fantasy X. He was never an easy foe to beat because of his stupid immunities. I loved that he was so smug no matter what the situation...even if he was losing. He made it seem like he was the best darn thing to happen to Spira. He also had super cool hair....which was awesome. Wish I had hair like that. [IMG]http://www.studentsoftheworld.info/sites/jeux/img/426_seymour%20presentation.jpg[/IMG]
  9. How old was I? 14 years old. Ahh the good times. What was your daily life like? High school. being a nerd...a cool nerd. sports and rotc! -Would you give a warning, or an encouragement? I would give myself both. As a warning: I would say dont waste too much time liking that girl she ends up changing no matter what you think. Start exercising...its good for you, you stupid freak. If you want to do something then just do it...dont be afraid of what others say to you. Spend lots of time with your friends because they wont always be around. Plan YOUR FUTURE NOW!! DONT WAIT!!! And bet that the Red Sox are going to win the World Series and the Detroit Pistons will win the NBA championship....trust me I know who will win. Start playing music now...dont wait until youre 16 like I did. During your late Junior year/ Early Senior year dont beat around the bush with the girl you like...just ask her. Trust me she will say yes. As encouragement: You are a cool guy but be cooler, dont be so sparactic, just be yourself. Practice tennis more and more and more. You're gonna be great but you could be way better. Practice makes perfect for music. Invest your money so you can be rich. Study hard. -Would it be about your life then, or your life now? It would definitely be about both today and then! -Would your younger self take you seriously? (What kind of test might you employ to prove your identity?) My younger self would believe me because my 14 year old mind was very animated. I could prove it by showing myself where I hid my most prize possession at that time.
  10. For movies Ive watched the Happening and The Mist. Both of which I was very dissapointed with. The Mist was getting good for a while but the ending sank the whole movie for me. As for the Happening....it was just lame. The plot was dumb and the movie got started way too fast. I like when the movie builds up to the killing. For tv shows....Ive been watching Scrubs on Comedy Central alot! I love that show...it is so much like real life except for the doctor part. Of course not many of many are aspiring doctors but I feel that most of the show wasnt even about a hospital. For the record I hate Carla, because she always has to be right no matter what even when she is dead wrong. I lvoe it when someone sticks it to her...especially Turk. JD is great, Turk is great, I can stand Elliot(for a short while), and Dr. Cox is great. The side character are always funny as well.
  11. The villian I love the most comes from a fighting game. Of course there are a lot of villians to love in fighting games but this one really stands out to me because of the his cool finishing move. The one Im speaking of is Ultimate Rugal from Capcom vs. SNK 2. He is smug and rich. He "collects" things that interest him a lot. He is also in possession of something called Evil Energy. This power is what drives him to be great and better than all others. To become Ultimate he had to absorbthe Dark Power from Akuma. He did it by stabbing Akuma with his hand and just draining that mug. I thought it was beast wathcing that.....until I had to fight this guy!!!! he was moving so fast and blocking everything I threw at him. It took me a lot fo tries to finally figure him out. And just as Im about to kill him, he starts to glow and stabs me with his hand and then this green energy just starts stiking me like lightning. I was dead within seconds. But once I beat him I could harness his power for my own and so I have. He is now in my stable of fighters to kill just about anyone. [IMG]http://media.strategywiki.org/images/8/8a/CVS_Ultimate_Rugal.jpg[/IMG]
  12. GBA- Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Always finding myself intrigued by this game even though I already know whats gonna happen. PS2: NBA Live games and Smackdown vs Raw 2009 I love basketball and can never stop playing it and the same goes for wrestling. Wii: Rock band 2 and the newest Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Have been playing Rock Band and just got the FFCC game. It looks great.
  13. Music is so prevalent in my mind that I couldnt possibly pick a favorite band. That subject should come with an asterisk beside because it is always "subject to change" I guess I can list some bands that I couldnt stop listening to: Kanye West Hillsong United Jay-Z Linkin Park(old Linkin park) Beetles(they finally broke me) Blink-182 Coldplay Ludacris Nas The Game Eminem Lil Wayne Wu Tang Clan (and all the members seperately) David Crowder Chris Tomlin The Fray Matt & Kim Michael Jackson George Clinton Mos Def Too many great artists with so many hot tracks. I wish I could list them all.
  14. I couldn't even believe Kanye pulled a stunt like that. I guess the thought of everyone forgetting him finally got to him so he had to do something to get back into the headlines. Im not a Taylor Swift fan at all and lets be honest Kanye is way way better on the musical level. Also I want to say that Taylor Swift( a country musician) won a VMA....come on they dont even play country music on MTV. They dont really play anything on MTV anymore but especially not country music. This just goes to show that MTV is not trying to get music back like other music tv stations. I dont even know why they still have VMAs. Sorry just had to get that rant out there. Im very disappointed in what MTV has become and what they have done to the tv stations they own. Back to Kanye....what he did just adds the fact that his erruption as a hot artist has straight to his head. But the thing is everyone says Kanye stop acting like that but then goes out in public and buys his albums. If they really wanted Kanye to shut up then they would stop buying his albums. I love Kanye West's music and I dont care what he does in public or anywhere because what he is doing doesnt affect my life at all...its just entertainment really. I think thats all I have for today.
  15. Simply the nerdiest thing I have ever done is openly and loudly played the Duel Monsters game from Yu-Gi-Oh in the schoolyard of my high school. A friend of mine and I got the crazy idea and then we just made it happen. It was just like the show....we called out our moves really loudly and had those crappy duel disks toys. We even had some friends cheer us on as if it were a real competition. I lost the duel but it was still fun to make a fool of myself for the sake of laughter.
  16. Writing definitely does it for me. I like to write my own stories(usually anime based). In fact my last class was an hour ago and I have trouble staying awake in there so I continued working on the 3rd installation of my story. Drawing also help but dont work too hard on the drawing or you will draw too much attention to yourself and get in trouble. Also try chewing gum...if your brain is focusing on a task then you wont fall asleep!
  17. No matter how much you want it to.......the roadrunner will never be caught. If something goes wrong in the world of tiny toons.....buster always has the answer. Doug was just a normal kid with a weird view of life. He overexaggerated everything that was wrong with him. The main character of any cartoon talks to themselves way too much. Cartoon character girls always talk about shopping and getting new clothes but still wear the exact same thing every single day.
  18. Lately I have been listening to "Daylight" by Matt and Kim and the Hello Good Friend album by the Rocket Summer. These two artists are really cool and I can relate alot of what they say to life. The Daylight song is my alarm now and i always wake up happy and as for the Rocket Summer I really just like the lead singer for his sweet piano skills and unique voice. Also I just got the latest Hillsong United Album and Ive been really listening to that alot for practicing my music and all.
  19. These are the pics of my character. I understand that they may be of characters fromother animes but I didnt have a chance to draw my own character. [url]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r223/Arctic_Fox_Hoshi/My%20RPG%20Characters/Jacques.png[/url] [url]http://i648.photobucket.com/albums/uu205/piuning/My%20Favourite%20anime%20characters/untitled2.jpg[/url]
  20. [SIZE="3"][B]Your Superhero name- [/B]Brink [B] Your known identity-[/B] Drake Ukic [B]Your powers-[/B] Multi-personalities (based on random characters from books, games, and television) [B]Your background-[/B] a complete nerd in disguise as a popular kid. Was pretending to be cool at school, church, store, etc but once I was home i would lock myself in my room and just play video games and read comics and graphic novels. After two years of faking as well....my parents divorced and sent me to this reform school where nothing cool was allowed. After awhile the constant put downs and insults finally caused something in my head to snap and I became all the characters I so foundly adored when my life was "normal" [B]Why you think Aquaman sucks-[/B] He sucks because when the bad guys come to attack in a city or something he is completely useless. Also, everyone is always looking for the lost city of Atlantis and he knows where it is but wont tell anyone....what a loser. [B]Your Archnemesis-[/B] Those stupid teachers/drill sergeants that cause me to be who I am. [B]Your Personality-[/B] Always different. Im rarely myself because my powers kick in at random times and I can never control them. So usually what you see is what you're gonna get. I seem to have about 6 different personalities ranging from the calmness of a wise sage to the bravery of a valient warrior to the foolishness of a young kid.[/SIZE]
  21. [quote name='Magus'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][b]Sportscenter[/b]. Detroit Pistons is number 8 so far for the playoffs. Idiots. I still can't get over why Joe Dumars decided to trade Chauncey Billups for Allen Iverson. That trade makes no sense to me.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Yeah I totally agree with you. That was one of the dumbest trades in the NBA this year.
  22. Recently I broke out my old Nintendo games and I stumpled upon a game i had a lot of fun playing when it first came out. The game is Yu-Gi-Oh: The Falsebound Kingdom....and I know I know its Yu-Gi-Oh but this game is actually different from the other titles. This game is basically a strategy game(ha go figure) but instead of playing the actual card game on the screen the battles take a Final Fantasy like theme. Each character has 3 monsters they keep with them and they battle and travel with each other as you would in Final Fantasy: 3 on 3, turn based. The only kicker is that you only have to have more points at the end of the battle to win...you dont have to kill all of your opponent's monsters to win. [spoiler]The story is about Yugi and all the main characters getting stuck in this virtual reality game and have to fight their way out. This guy traps them in the game and wants to detroy their minds(I dont see why any character in Yu-Gi-Oh wanted to settle things over a card game.) Anyway you can either be take the route of Yugi, Kaiba, or Joey and you use strategy tactics to win each battle by taking bases and defeating enemy generals or marshals as they call them in this game.[/spoiler] To my dismay I remember why I like this game so much. I really got into it even after all these years after retirement from the game of Duel Monsters (haha). The game provides what I always wanted Yu-Gi-Oh to be. The strategy behind the game was fun but I wanted more than that when i played. This game answered that call when i got to pound on Joey with Kaiba by wiping him away with some Blue Eyes White Dragon blasts. [COLOR="Blue"]Humaru, lets remember those spoiler tags for plots and things of games. Some people haven't played it yet and would rather figure out on their own. Thanks, ~K[/COLOR]
  23. I know there has been tons of threads on this show but me and a friend of mine were talking about this show the other day and realized how funny this show can be. For 15 minutes of animation alot can be said that makes many of us laughing our pants off. So I just wanted to know what you guys' funniest moments from the show are. I have seen lots of funny moments so I have to list at least 5. You guys can do the same if you want or you can just list one. 1. Hand banana( just the whole episode was hilarious) 2. The Super-toilet that sucked in carl. The noise Carl made was flipping hilarious. 3. What santa claus said after he got burned to a crisp. (When I get better....Ima beat the (explicit) outta that little meatball.) 4.the japanes speaking alien was hilarious also. 5.And of course MC Pee Pants. all his episodes were downright side splitters. The first one was the best though cause of the cool rap he came up with.
  24. I would be an earth bender because I could bend almost everywhere i could possibly be. Unless I was hurled into the air like 50 feet...i could bend all the earth around me for sure. Metal has earth materials in it and I could bend that too. also riding boulders sounds really fun when it comes to getting to school on time. and if I wanted to....I would just bend earth around everyones feet if they tried to diss me.
  25. [quote name='Zen'][size=1] [color=royalblue] Well you're no fun. [/color] [color=white] Step Up 2: The Streets[/color][/size][/QUOTE] I agree Zen, she is no fun....Will Ferrel is hilarious! Have you seen Semi-Pro or Step Brothers
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