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Everything posted by Humaru
the worst movie I have ever seen would have to be The Titanic. The whole concept of the movie was so dumb. I hate movies like that play on a real disaster but try to make it into a love story. i thought the Titanic would of been like a guy and girl film but it is a total chick flick! I dont care about Leonardo Dicaprio and his latest hot young thing. And it made alot of people in that movie look bad....shoot. Now come on the ship is flooding up to your chest and you are onb the elavator to get to safety and this is talking about waiting. Shoot FORGET THAT!!!! I would of left just like that guy did. I'll admit...leaving those people in the water to freeze was messed up. I totally was just looking forward to the sinking of the ship....I know it sounds harsh but I wanted to see how they portrayed the actual sinking of the largest ship ever!
Cooking is very enjoyable for me. I dont know what it is about cooking but it makes me feel better when Im eating the food because if its fabulous, I can say "WOW I made this." In some cases though cooking can be a big hassle, especially if you have picky eaters in your house. You have to make things the way they want it. I also hate it when someone says I make way better cookies from scratch......because it takes like forever and I just wanna say "THEN WHY DID YOU JUST SIT THERE AND WATCH ME WHEN YOU COULD OF DONE THIS!!!!!!" Sorry got a little carried away with that but for the most part cooking is definitely a passion of mine!!
I think the song that is blasting in my head and I find myself singing it all the time is called "Never Knew". It is by a band called The Rocket Summer. I heard the song on a radio station in New Mexico and I just had to know what it was called. For awhile I thought the title of the song was called something else and I tried looking it up by that title only to be utterly rejected. Finally I figured it out by listening to random tracks by the band and I found it! I cant stop singing this song....and the music is just amazingly done. Im hoping one day me and the guys can play this song for fun...it would be soo cool!
Hey out there....i dont know what it is but i get this sense that Im not the only OB memeber here at this college. There just has to be more. I guess you can say I can sense their power levels all around me. And Im not one to come to someone and ask hey are you on Otakuboards....because 8 times out of 10 i will get the reply "huh, what are you talking about" I just wanted to know if there any others like myself here at University of South Carolina Sumter!!
I think I my best concert moment was WinterJam 08....when Skillet was calling out names from youth groups around the area and they said my name and two of my close friends names and they asked us to walk down the ailse(I hope I spelled that right) with all the other kids names they called out and we sang their song whispers in the Dark in front of like thousands of peoples!!!! I loved that moment and I hope it happens again!!
Pokemon is a game I can beat in my sleep! Nothing gets past me and I win every battle that Im in and really collecting all the pokemone is easy when you have both versions of the game for example Red and Blue or Gold and Silver!!! Another game would have to be Mario Kart! Its simple enough to just hold a button down and turn ever so often!
I sorta want just music insturments or something. Im not really looking for any bands or anything, just some music oriented banner. Basic and standards for sizes! Thanks alot!!
Im going to go with Sanosuke Sagara from Rurouni Kenshin! I do recall his sword being broken once and he stopped using it really and he was called Captain Sagara for the longest! Man I hope I get this right!
[quote name='Roxie Faye'][Color=#9933cc]Boo - I didn't know you listened to Wir Sind Helden - that's pretty cool. I like them, too. (Bitte, gibt mir nur ein "o"...) I love everyone's songs, and I think the stories behind them are even better! That is, after all, what makes the song so special. ^_^[/color][/QUOTE] Hey not to be nosy but you've asked us what our specials songs are but what about yours...it only seems fair that you be able to share your special moments with us as well. Yeah I enjoy the stories behind the songs as well. Make a great thread. Great job Roxie Faye!!!
Well the song that me and my girlfriend share and laugh at is "The Scientist" by Coldplay! I know it sounds dumb but when that song plays we just look at each and laugh and sing! Partly cause we both think of the video where Chris Martin is walking backwards the whole time! But that song brought us together cause I had left my Coldplay CD in the youth room at my church and as I was walking back up the stairs to get it I heard it being played....so I sprung into action as I ran the rest of the stairs! When I got up there I saw her there listening to the song and she was walking backwards thru the room! I started to laugh and she just smiled at me and i smiled at her. Then I started to play the song on the guitar that was up there and she began drumming to it! That was my first sign that I had to be with this girl and a few weeks later on a trip to the Christmas Lights in Charleston I asked her out and she said yes and we've happy ever since!!! She probrably wont see this because she isnt on the OBs but I love you #2(her softball number) and I know you love me#11(my soccer number). We will always be the best of friends! and maybe someday even more than that!!!
Totally thought of another game when I saw pokemon on this thread!!! Another I would totally put myself in would be Pokemon Gold/Silver Version! I mean catching pokemon would be tops in my bool and going on a world wide adventure at the age of 10 sounds amazing! I mean pokemon would be everywhere like animals and I'll fianlly figure out where all the meat comes from in pokemon since they dont seem to be eatin the pokemon....they seem to be eatin chicken and burgers but you never see any cows or chickens...you only see Taurus' and Pidgeys!!!! and they also fish but not just for pokemon for fish and all I ever see in the water are magikarp, goldeens, the occasional Seaking, and of course the dreaded Gyrados that will blow you up with Hyper Beam! Man i feel like such a nerd saying all these pokemon and attacks!!! And the ability to be able to be zapped by over 100 volts of pure electicity and still live sounds pretty great too!!
[SIZE="4"][FONT="System"]Lately Ive been finding myself thinking about video games and what it would be like to be in them! I know..this is like every little kids dream to do but me being the age I am still want to be in video games!!! So I ask those of you out there willing to say...if you were put into a video game what game would you want to be placed in? Me personally i have to go RPG because the adventure and colorful characters i would meet really peaks my interest!! The game I choose to be placed in would be Final Fantasy X! It is probrably my 3rd favorite RPG!!! The scenes and characters are super awesome and the thought of going on the adventure that they went on would be cool as well!!! Of course I would do things my way instead of following what the storyline said!!! For example the love part of the storyline would probably wait for me until the end of the adventure!!! On to weapons and stuff. I am a Pike or halberd kinda guy so I think so kind of weapon like that would be mine!!! My pike would would be one handed of course and I would use shields as my defensive item! My final weapon would be called the Dragon Star!!! Ive actually drawn it on paper and I hope to upload it on the OBs soon. Just the thought though of going through life like that instead of how we go through it now, not that life is bad because my life is pretty good!!! (Totally off topic there) LOL!!![/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE="3"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Ahh for me the games Ive played for 100 hours or more...there is a list actually!! Dynasty Warriors definitely(played them all, own most of them) I think I have done alot of stuff but I still havent done everything I could possibly do!! Megaman X (I just cant seem to put the blue bomber down for long before I start it up again!!!) Street Fighter 2 (enough said) Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (by far my favorite Zelda game right in front of Link's Awakening) Super Mario bros All-stars Super Smash bros Melee Pokemon Red,Gold,Yellow versions Final Fantasy X NBA Live 07 Chrono Trigger I think thats it for now....Im working on a few others and i plan to add them to the list!!![/COLOR][/SIZE]
Truly one of the best RPGs ever! Rival to even the frontrunner of RPGS Fianl Fantasy!!! Most of the characters are cool(Chrono, Ayla, Magus,Frog)...the others are okay! The story really brings life to the game because what you do early in the game affects how the games goes on later!!! Ive tried to do all the simulations and have gotten thru alot of them but havent done them all yet!!! I just like to the interactions and the dual techs and other battle moves! In fact Im gonna start playing this game again soon but first I have to finish FFXII!!! I just got it back so Im gonna finish it!!
Im going to say that Evolution is my all time favorite because they were the true example of how a faction shold be! They had everything...The Aged Veteran, The Muscle, the Youngster with a bright future, and the The Example!! The Game was the biggest wrestler at the time and is like number two right now but the main storylines all followed him. Ric was the vet who had all the inside tips and Batista and Randy Orton were the young wrestlers being bred into the big star they are today!!! Not many other factions have done that! And it is a common thing in the wrestling business now to start factions with two big name superstars and maybe 2 or 3 small time superstars to be brought up in the popularity of te big name superstars! and also good factions hold all the championships they can! that is the main focus of a good faction because when you hold all the championships then you have bragging rights over everything and anything! And with the boss on your side you cant be stopped! and that also sets up good pay per view matches like a Survivor Series to end the faction and maybe another pay per view to have alot of championship matches! and I dont know about you guys out there but I love seeing good championship matches!!!
Dang I havent done this in awhile but here it goes: You can store an infinite amount of anything(guns,potions,money,other weapons, and treasures) inside of your own two pockets!!! The comparison between doing wrestling moves on a video game and in real life is: video game=victory real life=death and a lawsuit anything can be killed if you simply jump on its head enough times you always have to wait your turn when fighting for your life-final fantasy when you simply need to get an item from someone, you have to go on a small quest killing many creatures, stealing stuff, and tricking bad guys just to come back and find out that the guy you need the item from has left and wont be back until you do something else(this is just great!!)
Everyone knows how to get in contact with some great anime whether it be classic or new styled. But some anime is getting too childish I think. Of course there are animes just for kids, such as Pokemon or Digimon but what about Naruto or Dragonball Z. These animes in their original forms are just plain great but when they get shown to kids all watered down...they lose the impact they should make on an individual. I love Naruto as much as the next guy but Im tired of seeing 4 year olds going around here wearing bandanas with the leaf village symbol on them. At first, Im thinkin that wow...this anime is really impactful but then parents are completely clueless to the fact that their kids are watching an anime that has people getting theirs hearts punched out and heads knocked off. Im not against kids watching anime but Im just angry that kids are making watching anime more childish by the day. I ,for one, dont want some old person coming up to me and say that stuff is for kids when I have a Naruto or Dragonball Z manga in my hand because I'll tell them off. What do you guys think.
SHOOT! I just pop in a video game I'll have my mom rent for me cause Im sick, lay back and play it all day until the next day. Sometimes I pretend to be sick a day after so I can miss more school. Im good at that.
[SIZE="3"][FONT="System"]I can say that I'm proud to be a part of a small town high school called Manning High School. Its basically 4 rectangle put together in different direction. Not much happen here.....and I mean that literally. This is the most boring town you can live in. we have to drive 20 miles just to see the movies. It really sux. The halls and bathrooms are gross. They dont start off like that but as the year progresses...it gets worse and worse. So bad that no one can stand to use the bathroom. The only reason Im pround to go to Manning High is because my true friends are there. and they make everything cool. Thats Manning High for you.....all of it.[/FONT][/SIZE]
Well when I was a kid I useto watch toonami alot when I got out of school. But i also watch other cartoon channels but I noticed that Toonami cartoons or anime looked alot different then anything else on the tube. It peaked my interest so to say and I just went from there...watching basic stuff like Gundam Wing getting into like Trigun and Gungrave as I got older. Now its a part of me and my lifestyle. Go Oatkuboards!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey if you can, I was wondering if someone could whip up a Zero from Megaman X4 or X5. Zero is the best character in the game series and he always has the best attacks. Basic sizes for the avatar and banners. Font: Humaru in bright letters. Thanks and kudos goes out to the creator. That Italian love goes out to the creator as well. Italia rocks.
I dont about you but I think this version is better than the PS2 version in song range but the controller causes me trouble. One of the buttons get stuck and I cant perform some riffs. That seems to be the only problem with me. It could just be the controller I used. Anyway My favorite song on there definitely is "DEAD!" by My Chemical Romance. I have the CD and I can rock out to it on the CD Player and Guitar Hero on the TV. It's really blissful.
Over the years I've seen many an anime and some pretty crazy attacks from the characters in these animes. From Yusuke's Spirit Shotgun to Sage Date's Thunderbolt cut, the attacks just keep getting stronger and weirder in some cases. My top 5 best attacks would have to be: 1. [B]Dragonfire Crossbow[/B]- from Burning Greymon in the forth Digimon series. 2.[B]Big Bang Attack[/B]- Vegeta's classic destroy-the-world move. It would really put a damper on your spirits if you were hit by this massive attack. 3.[B]Neji's 64 Palm Technique[/B]- Just one thing......[B]64 PALM!!!! [/B] And now you're dead, score one for Neji. 4.[B]Kakashi's Lightning Blade[/B]- Ohhh...impalement, not a way a go, is it? 5.[B]Shinomori Aoshi's Kaiten Kenbu[/B]- just when you thought you were only cut once suddenly two more wounds appear on you and yuo never saw it coming. [B]OUCH[/B]!
Pie is one of the single greatest pleasures one can have. It's amazing by itself but also great with ice cream. Apple, cherry, blueberry, and [B]strawberry[/B].....just plain goodness.[B] I love it[/B].
#2: Pikachu nooooooooooooooooooo!, I cant believe you took that Snorlax fart head on. #3: Califer: What the heck are you staring at, you crazy fool? You act you never saw a wicked awesome flame before. You're lucky that I don't burn you up right now. (After short pause) Sophie: OHHHHH!!! Pretty light. (giggles)