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Everything posted by Humaru

  1. [FONT=Fixedsys][SIZE=2][COLOR=Red]I have to say that my 5 five favorite animes are going to have to be 1. Yu Yu Hakusho, 2. Gundam Wing, 3. Fullmetal Alchemist, 4. Trigun, and 5. Outlaw Star. Yu Yu Hakusho is in-your-face and crammed full of action. Well at least the dark tournament saga and the pyschic saga. Yusuke's spirit gun is sheer power and makes you want to control that power as well. Gundam Wing is one of my favorites for one reason, the Deathsythe Gundam. Duo Maxwell is the best pilot ever. When he [spoiler]blew up his gundam [/spoiler]I was crushed but excited as well. Fullmetal Alchemist gives me the sense of an alternate reality where you can shape your destiny with the clapping of the hands or the drawing of the circle. Scar and Hughs were my favorites. Hughs because he was cut-throat, literally. I wouldn't have fought him. Scar would rip your arm off if you made him angry and the way he killed made him like an assassin but also a brute. Trigun also was a thriller because of the cool gunpoint action. Vash was a a gentle person but could of become te deadliest man in the entire world. I also wished I had a gun like his or one like Wolfwood's as well. I crieed when he [spoiler]died[/spoiler] and I mean that one. Outlaw Star made me jump out of my seat when I saw it. Jean Starwind had to be the greatest character from Toonami during the day. When took command, it seemed like nothing could stop him. He made everybody look cool.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [COLOR=Darkorange][SIZE=1][INDENT][B]Humaru[/B], I added spoiler tags to your post. When discussing aspects of a show that could spoil it for someone who has yet to see it, always use spoiler tags. Just check out the sticky at the top of the section titled How to post in Anime Lounge for quick and easy instructions on how to use them. ~indifference[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [SIZE=4][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]Music is always great while you're killing something on a large scale. My favorite game to play with music is Dynasty Warriors. The music on this game is so awesome that I will just go to the options menu and play the music and jam on my guitar to it. My and friend have actually memorized some the songs on there. "Lu Bu's Rage" and "Onslaught on He Fei" are the best songs on the game. When the music starts I'm a whole new person as I'm destroying Cao Cao's army with the "Sword of Justice" Ma Chao "The Splendid". If you got the game try it out for yourself.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  3. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Blue]One game that should definitly be an anime is Star Ocean. Even though it's a multiple title game, the anime would rock. If only if were a reality instead of a fantasy. *SIGH!*[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed]Yes anime has made me cry. Specifically when one of my favorite characters die before the series is over. Like when Hughes was killed by the humonculi right when Mustang was coming to see him. He always brought the laughs and was the best fighter who couldn't use alchemy in the entire show. The way he slung his knives were great. And speaking of knives, I also cried when Wolfwood died in Trigun. I almost straight out bawled. I couldn't believe it. Some animes can be real tear jerkers but that's what makes the story unique and fascinting![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=3]Wow, I just got done reading the first volume of Whistle! It took me forever to find this manga and now that I've attained the first volume, I'll continue to find other volumes of this illustrious manga. A soccer manga, it's like putting chicken with bicuits, it's the perfect combination. Congrats to all who help developing this amazing manga. Has anyone else read Whistle? If you have, tell me what you think.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  6. [SIZE=3]Recently, I went back and reunited myself with my old game systems, like my Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis. I spent most of my day playing classics such as Super Mario Bros., Megaman X, Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past, and Earthbound. I also reemersed myself with the codes for these games if there any. It feels really good to catch back up with my original gamer inside of me. I mean, come on, who doesn't like to catch with those classic titles. What are some of the classics you guys out there play. And I know you play them![/SIZE]
  7. Fullmetal is one of the best animes out there. Col. Mustang, Major Armstrong, Lt. Col. Hughs, and even Wrath are the greatest characters ever. No one I think can mess with them. Not only are they crazy but they cool powers. Fullmetal Alchemist keeps it real.
  8. Humaru


    Wrestlmania had to beone the best manias since Triple H won the undisputed title. I know he didnt come up with the victory,which sucked,he left hs mark by bashing in Cena and Edge's heads. He even got the ref. To me Wrestlemania 22 was one the top manias.
  9. [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=3][COLOR=Red]I heard this amazing news and I was pysched when I saw it. I just want to say congrats to the big guys up there and to everyone here at the otakuboards[/COLOR][/SIZE].[/FONT]
  10. Well really there is a simple way to determine what is an anime and what's not. I've also questions many shows that are aniime but really aren't. The simple way is to run the shows of question through the test of the Rules of Anime. These rules should be the fine line to determine what is anime and what's not and how anime is different from regular cartoons.
  11. [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=3][COLOR=Red]I think that Mugin and Kenshin should go one on one. It would be the battle of the greatest samurais in all of the anime world. Personally I think that Mugin would win against that 2nd rate samurai Kenshin[/COLOR].[/SIZE][/FONT]
  12. My only bad habit is that when I'm listening to my music and I play it too loud. Like just a couple of days ago I got the new Eminem and Green Day cds and I was so pumped up. as soon as I got home I popped the green day cd in and I cranked the volume up to the MAX. I was home alone and didnt think I'd be bothering anyone but after about an hour of hard rock and tight raps my dumb neighbor called the stupid police on me. Fortunitly I was agreent and didn't object to the officer's statements, so he let me off with a warning. After all of this you can best believe that my neighbor will be getting a few surprises from my dogs in his back yard.
  13. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]I dont know why FFX features such a annoying character. She is so giddy that it makes me want to puke. if only Tidus could do whatever i wanted him to do. I'd leave Rikku on the island of Home and take her airship. Also I'd drop some grenades just to light the sparks of flames burning everywhere. Rikku reminds me of this one character from Inuyasha, Kagome. well thats basically who I think is the worst and annoying game character in all of the games I've played.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  14. Humaru


    [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=2][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]A great multiplayer game was Final Fynasty Crystal Chronicles. My friends and I played this game all day. We had all picked the same tribe from which our characters came from. We chose the Silkies and started our adventure. This is a lot more fun when there are 4 characters on the field, destroying monsters left and right. Seeing that we are magic folk we had many spells at our disposal. finally after a grueling day we conquered the game. This is a great game but you need gameboy advances and the link cables for the GC to play multiplayer. This is a game for the ages[/COLOR][/SIZE].[/FONT]
  15. [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=navy]Since she is 12 I think you should go with Pokemon, CardCaptors, or Sailor Moon. Not the one that is worthy for adult swim. Either of these selections would be convincing for your liitle sister. Later on if your plan is a sucess you can bring her into the true reality of manga and anime[/color][/size].[/font] This goes to my other reply. I had another idea for an anime. A good movie for your sister is Kiki's Delivery Service. [color=#503f86][size=1][b]I merged your two posts. In future if you want to add something, please use the 'Edit' button located underneath your first post. -Solo[/size][/color][/b]
  16. Anime is way to mainstream. people who aren't even fans are starting to like it. Pretty soon somebody who isn't a real fan will find the ob's and exploit it. Then every one will be on this site. This site is for a selected few who respect and love manga and anime. A test to show who really likes anime and manga is to ask them questions on animes and give them a manga to read to see if they know how. We have to stop this .
  17. [COLOR=Blue]The one anime character I could not date is Anzo or Tea from Yu-Gi-Oh. She would drive me completly crazy with her incessive talking. And everytime she talks its about friendship. I'd blow her away with my dark magician if I could. That's who I couldn't date out of all anime characters.[/COLOR]
  18. [QUOTE=Humaru]1- The Rock, he is one of most rememberable wrestlers today and has gotten many other wrestlers careers started. 2- Stone Cold Steve Austin, What's to say,he is the toughest wrestler in the entire business. 3- Bret Hart, the only man who can really teach Chris Benoit something new. 4- Chris Benoit, this man has accomplished everything from beating the Big Show to winning the World Heavyweight Championship. 5- Triple H, even though is a cheater he still has accomplished many things in his career and surprised us all after coming back from a ripped hamstring. 6- Shawn Michaels, also has achieved everything in his career, started a great group called Degeneration X, and is destined to hold the Championship once again. 7- John Cena, a shadow for awhile but uplifted to the top by defeating the Big Show and becoming the new U.S. Champion. Also has guts for sticking toe to toe with the Undertaker. 8- Undertaker, no one can beat the man even with cheating. The only man who can get up and walk away from a Cage match without visiting the hospital. 9-Edge, this young superstar is a 17 tag team champion and is a vital part to bringing down Evolution to its knees. 10-Owen Hart,son and brother of two great superstars and as seen at the PPV will put his life on the line for his job. May his great soul rest in piece.
  19. [size=1] [B]Name:[/B] Terry Guerrera [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Face or Heel:[/B] Heel [B]Stage Name:[/B] Cannon [B]Height:[/B] 5'9" [B]Weight:[/B] 168 lbs [U][B]Finish Manouver:[/B][/U] [B]Cannon Splash:[/B] It's a 450 splash going backwards off the top rope. [B]Firing the Cannon:[/B] Cannon picks the guy up like he's about to powerbomb him but he lowers his head to the ground and then just kneels to the ground dropping the guy on his neck. [B]Strategy:[/B] Knock him out. Its that simple. [B]Desciption: [/B] Doesn't wear a shirt but wears pants with dragon pictures running down the sides like Edges. Also wears a mask with fire symbols all over it. No pads except for knee pads. [B]Entrance Attire: [/B] Red Shades. Also wears an open shirt. [B]Tag Partner:[/B] Jesus Garzon [B][U]Statistics:[/B][/U] [B]Strength:[/B] 3 [B]Edurance:[/B] 6 [B]Charisma:[/B] 7 [B]Speed:[/B] 8 [B]Recovery:[/B] 5 [B]Submission:[/B] 1 For fight now I will play as this wrestler but soon I will make a different guy and my partner is replying soon.[/size]
  20. 1- The Rock, he is one of most rememberable wrestlers today and has gotten many other wrestlers careers started. 2- Stone Cold Steve Austin, What's to say,he is the toughest wrestler in the entire business. 3- Bret Hart, the only man who can really teach Chris Benoit something new. 4- Chris Benoit, this man has accomplished everything from beating the Big Show to winning the World Heavyweight Championship. 5- Triple H, even though is a cheater he still has accomplished many things in his career and surprised us all after coming back from a ripped hamstring. 6- Shawn Michaels, also has achieved everything in his career, started a great group called Degeneration X, and is destined to hold the Championship once again. 7- John Cena, a shadow for awhile but uplifted to the top by defeating the Big Show and becoming the new U.S. Champion. Also has guts for sticking toe to toe with the Undertaker. 8- Undertaker, no one can beat the man even with cheating. The only man who can get up and walk away from a Cage match without visiting the hospital. 9-have to continue later.
  21. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=4]I geuss the songs that describe are "Crawling" by Linkin Park, "Down" by Blink 182, "Jesus Walks" by Kanye West, and finally "Faint" by Linkin Park. All of them are great songs and really like. I know the words to them all. Each song plays a part in my life in some sort of fashion. 1st= Friendship 2nd=Relationships 3rd=Faith 4th=Feelings THese songs are what make up Humaru's life and thoughts[/SIZE].[/COLOR]
  22. The first game console I ever used was the NES. I first got mine when i was 4. My foavorite game probrably Mario. Today I barely see a NES. I saw a blue one a pawn shop when I was searching for a jump cable. If only the NES could of survived a little longer. Oh well now i have my new PSP and its working fine. That my first console I guess.
  23. [SIZE=3][COLOR=Red]All theaters shouild put anime in them all the time. It would make lots of money and be a greater source for anime lovers. The closest thing to anime in theater are the Pokemon and Digimon movies. I'v already seen them and they all made good money. A list of anime movies that should be in theater: Yu-Yu Hakusho Inuyasha Ranma 1/2[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=2][COLOR=Blue]The most annoying characters of anime are Kuwabara and Tea. Kuwabara: He is the ugliest thing you've ever seen in an anime. His power is kind of dumb and only thing he does is yell and complain. His only good power is that he can sense spirits. His sword is dumb. The creators should of given him something cooler like a spirit dragon or at least a spirit technique where it does involve close combat. Tea: All she does is babble about friendship and heart. The is friendship crazy. I understand that she has good friends but really she goes on and on about how YUgi and Joey should always believe in their friends. This is why I dont watch episodes of the show when Tea is the main character. If i could be in the show just 1 time I would destroy Tea in a duel and then banish her to the shadow realm[/COLOR].[/SIZE]
  25. I like anime because of the things that happens within them. The storylines make you want to write your own RPG just to see how creative one can get. I've written a lot of RPGs with my friend Brad and many others with ReFlux. Anime is one of the most amazing things. Its like watching a video game in progress without moving at all. I've got give props to all the creators out. If it weren't for them I dont what I would watch.
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