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Everything posted by Humaru

  1. Humaru


    This sounds really interesting. I'm definitely going to watch this to learn more. I hope my sign in is good enough. [b]Basic Info[/b] [b]Name[/b]: Raibyr Wildstorm [b]Nickname[/b]: no nickname [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Casual Appearance[/b]: [img]http://i592.photobucket.com/albums/tt7/Sara_Shadow/Other%20Anime/hot_anime_guy-1.jpg[/img] [b]Battle Appearance[/b]: Raibyr doesn't have any armor made for a knight or anything but he does change up his wardrobe a bit. He attire looks similar to this: [img]http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb32/chibi__hinata/fire%20emblem/nasir.jpg[/img] [b]Magical Info[/b] [b]Circle Colour[/b]: Green [b]Type:[/b] Caster Magic [b]Magic[/b]: Wind Magic [b]Magical Items/Spells[/b]: Raibyr likes to use a short sword along with his magic abilities. [b]Basic Spells[/b]: [b]Speedy Gust[/b]- able to summon a small ball of wind that is quite fast. [b]Tornado[/b]- able to surround the body with a small tornado to add more force to strikes delivered. [b]Moderate Spells[/b]: [b]Mighty Gale[/b]- summons strongs winds and fires them at enemies. Attack is wide ranged and wild thus can be very dispersed in some areas of the attack. Dangerous if used up close. [b]Storm Step[/b]- summons small amount of wind around feet to allow user to move significantly faster. Nowhere near as fast as High Speed magic users. [b]Wind Blade[/b]- forms a circular blade from wind that can be thrown by the user. [b]Advanced Spells[/b]: [b]Heaven's Tempest[/b]- one of the strongest wind based magic attacks known. summons a large amount of wind and is compressed into a medium sized sphere. The sphere is then thrown at target in which it will entrap the target and tear it apart from the high force winds occurring inside the sphere. Anything that touches the sphere will also get ensnared inside the sphere. Things on the outside of the sphere feel strong wind from the attack but not enough to do major damage. [b]Other Info[/b] [b]Personality[/b]: Raibyr is a kind hearted person who believes everyone has the right to chose his/her own path. He is adventurous and always looking to discover something new. He is quite friendly and hardly ever dislikes someone unless they stomped on his beliefs. His ambitions to be a great mage drive his decisions in life as he wants to be a model person for younger generations to look at and admire. His main fault is that he can be very brash at times. He is quick to rush into something without knowing the entire situation and can say things that don't go over well with everyone around him. Usually its something stupid. But besides that Raibyr is a calm, bright person. [b]Background[/b]: Raibyr grew up in Enca as the son of two retired Mages. Both of them were part of a guild in Pergrande and had acquired a modest amount of fame during their time as guild mages. They moved to Enca once they decided to settle down. Raibyr always had a lot of friends as a kid. He and his friends would always pretend to be saving the world with their magic until they actually learned to use it actually. Raibyr always wanted to be a part of a guild and got his chance when he and a couple of his friends formed the "New Moon" guild. This new guild never really turned into much as they didn't hardly any requests. This forced them to make the decision to travel to Pergrande in search of a real guild to join up with. [b]Flashback:[/b] "Im going to be the best Mage ever. No one is going to be better than me. But to be the best I have to practice. These barrels should do," a young boy said as he held his hand out towards two barrels near his home. "Wind Magic: Speedy Gust" the young boy yelled. He released a small ball of wind towards the two barrels. He blew one straight back while the other began to roll towards the street. "Uh oh," the boy said. He stood there with a paused look on his face as he watched the barrel about to crash into some people. Suddenly a man leaped in front of the barrel and stopped it with his foot. he picked it up and returned it back to it proper place. "It's good that you're practicing Raibyr but you must learn to use your magic in a wiser manner my son. You can't use it wildly or it will be no good to you or anyone else," the man said to the young boy. "Now come, let me show you what being a mage is all about. We shall go to a more open area so no one will get hurt," the man chuckled as his son followed him. The two of them walked to an open field where the man began to teach his son in the ways of wind magic.
  2. I always try to make a list before I head out to cons. Its never betrayed me so far. Money ID (cant get in without it) Cosplay(2 if the feel is right) Normal clothes(to just chill in) Formal clothes/cosplay Camera Backpack for swag Notebook to draw to pass the time Pick (my hair can get pretty wild during the course of the day) Medicine (you just never know) Glow items (always ready to party)
  3. As Takeo sat there in the quiet for a minute, he pondered just how he was approaching this entire ordeal. It seems like everyone has their own story but somehow some of us are connected. Its strange how none of them have ever met each other but we now treat one another as equals or at least teammates. Takeo began playing again as he thought about each of his new teammates. As he thought about each one, he would play a new tune while changing the timing as well. First came Mary. Takeo played a soft springlike melody that reminded one of sitting in a nice field. Next came Jensen in which he played stronger on the keys while still maintaining a nice tune. The tune was also strong but had a nice ring to it. The thought Kaiel and Asher then came to Takeo in which he responded with a not as strong melody but still with good harmony between both of his hands. Crowley was next. Takeo played a darker toned melody which seem to speak of hidden sorrow. Next came Rhea. The melody seem to brighten up with strong tones applied to it as well. And finally came Alice in which Takeo played his best. The melody seemed to come full circle as he was coming to a close. Just as Takeo struck the last note a familiar voice began to ring in his head. He then seemed to fade into space as the voice became clearer. "Bravo, my child. I see you have strong feelings towards those around you now." "What...Who's there? Why am I even asking....why don't you show yourself...Mother." Takeo began looking around the room for anything weird. Nothing was there. "Now you don't expect me to respond to such rude words." "Well I figure you didn't really care about anything as you caused so much pain and torment." "HAHAHA I see you have been reading about me. That's good my son. learn all you can so you will learn that I am what's right for you. You belong at my side and I won't stop until i have what I want. But you already knew that." "I see you're really wanting me to join you but I'll never do it. I have no need to control anything unlike you." Takeo then suddenly felt something around his throat. He reached to pull it away but nothing was there. It was like a hand was wrapped around his throat with immense strength. "LOOK YOU INSOLATE CHILD. I WILL HAVE YOU BY MY SIDE, NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE THINKS. AND IF THAT MEANS I HAVE TO TAKE EVERYTHING FROM YOU THEN SO BE IT." The voice spoked loudly and with alot of anger. Takeo began grasping for air when suddenly the pressure around his neck had gone away. "You will not take anything away from me. You can't. I will not allow that at all." "You think you have a say in the matter. Foolish child,you're nothing but a shell of what I am. You think you're doing good with your abilities but you're actually limiting yourself. You only go as far as your mind will allow you to go. You have to expand yourself like I did. When I was through playing basic music, I commanded the wind to be my instrument and it obeyed. When I wanted all of Japan, I commanded Tokugawa to take it for me and he obeyed...just like you will soon. Haha I'cve spent enough time with you today my son. I'll take my leave but know that I'll be there watching you....you and your precious little Alice as well. HAHAHAHAHA" The voice faded away with the sound of a cackle. "NO...GET BACK HERE. You better not harm or even speak to Alice if you know what's good for you." Takeo let out a loud grunt as he realized he was alone again. His mother's words were still ringing through his head. He couldn't shake the fact that his mother was always near and that she was watching him and everything he did. And the thought of her talking to or hurting Alice was almost too much for Takeo to bear. He clinched his fists really tight and banged it against the chair. His emotions were getting the better of him so he decided to filter them through his music. Although this time while playing, he struck the keys in a very strong way. The music was so loud it could be heard anywhere in the school but Takeo didn't care as this was his way of calming down. After a short time, Takeo had stopped playing again and was just sitting there. He opened another book to learn more about his mother as he was anxious on how he could overcome something so devoted to its cause of wanting everything, including the world. The only way to find out was to learn all he could from the books and also learn to control his own powers.
  4. Takeo, Alice, Rhea, and MAry had all been getting to know each other while enjoying dinner time. They were impressed by the selections and variations one could choose but what had them most surprised was the taste. Everyone knows cafeteria food is always weird tasting. But that was besides the point. Jensen had come back inside from the rain and came up to the table where they were sitting. They quieted themselves when he got closer. "Thank you" Jensen spoke as he reached his hand out to Takeo. "For what?" "The books." "Uhh sure no problem." Takeo responded after finally shaking Jensen's hand again. Jensen then left after letting us know he was headed back to the gym. Takeo sat there for a moment with a blank look on his face wondering how Jensen got the books from his room even though it was locked. He feared Jensen broke down his door and just left it there but just assumed that he broke the lock or carded his way in. After a little while Takeo was getting the itch to play music again but he didn't want to be rude and just leave. Rhea seemed like the type of girl who would give Takeo a hard time if he got up and left, but she would mean it in a loving way. But he had to do what he had to do. "I hate to leave you ladies like this but my music itch is calling out to me and I need to get rid of it. It's been nice having dinner with you guys. I'm sure we will do this again. I'll see you later." Takeo said as he grabbed his tray and headed towards the trash can. He dumped whatever was left on the tray and headed back towards the table before going to the exit. "Alright, Takeo. You take care cutie pie." Rhea spoke as she grabbed his head and pressed it against her chest in an attempt to kill him, although Rhea called it a hug. "Hey maybe we'll come listen to you play if you don't mind." Alice added as she laughed at Takeo. "Yeah, see if you're as good as you say you are." Mary said. Takeo laughed nervously as they said they may come watch him. He was unsure if he wanted them to hear him playing. He made his rounds around the table hugging Alice, Mary, and Rhea again. Although, when he hugged Mary he felt a spark surge through his body that surprised him. "That was weird. I'm sorry Mary. I didn't mean to shock you like that." He quickly left the room before it got awkward and headed back towards the room with the piano in it. He stopped by his dorm room on the way back to check for smashed doors or a hole in the wall but he didn't find anything. It was as he ended thinking as Jensen had used a card to get in the room. Coming to that conclusion made Takeo remember about the music cards that Chris gave him for Jensen and himself earlier. He noticed Jensen didn't grab his and put it in his pocket to give to him later if he saw him. After a quick bathroom break, Takeo grabbed the books he got about his demon parent and went to the room he was in earlier. Once he got there he realized that the piano had still been where Jensen had moved it earlier. He chuckled as he sat down and began playing a small tune before completely immersing himself in his playing. He was striking the keys hard and passionately as if he was the only one in the entire building. Once again, takeo had been lost in his head as the thoughts of his demon mother ran through his mind. He kept hearing her voice saying his name over and over again "Takeo...Takeo...Takeo...Takeo." He played louder so he wouldn't have to hear the voice anymore. This was his escape from all that caused him worry but he knew he would have to face this voice one day for that is why he is here.
  5. Takeo could feel the strong emotions that Mary was holding back but he didn't want to pry too far into her life. After all, he just met her. But she was apart of the team so Takeo made a mental note to try to accept her for what she was as the other classmates had accepted him. He had been listening to what she was saying with eager ears but she seemed to not want to continue. He didn't want to force her into anything so he decided to get off of this topic. â??Well I think thatâ??s enough info for now donâ??t you think? Do you wanna go grab some food or something?â? He asked politely. She nodded without looking at him and grab her two pistols and put them on her sides again. Takeo signaled for her to lead the way as she got up and began walking out of the classroom. Before they left though Takeo wanted to say hello to this nun in the classroom. He figured he should know her as well. "Hey Mary, hold on a sec. I want to introduce myself to our new teacher." Takeo walked up to the nun with a smile as Mary stood in her spot waiting for him. Sister Merriweather noticed him and smiled back. "Hi, may I help you with something?" "Um, no not really. I just wanted to introduce myself to you. I'm Takeo." "I'm delighted to meet you, Takeo. I'm Sister Miriam Merriweather and I'll be assisting Christopher here in your teachings." Takeo flashed another smile as he began to walk away from her. He noticed the others and waved to them as he passed them on his to the door. "Hey Jensen, I got those books you asked me to get in my dorm room. I can give them to you later or you can just come by and pick them up. It's up to you really." "Thanks." Jensen responded. He grabbed Takeo's arm as he walked past him. "Psst. Hey Takeo. I see you got another one on your hands huh lady killer." Jensen whispered as the others laughed as Takeo's face started to become red. "It's not even like that man. And you might want to be nicer to the girls around here. They are stronger than you think but you should already know that judging from the punishment you take from Rhea." Takeo chuckled as he turned the tables on Jensen. All of the students began laughing as they were getting closer the more time they spent together. "Alright. Sorry that took so long Mary. We can go now." Takeo walked up to Mary allowing her to lead the way out of the door. The two began walking down the halls of the academy in silence. Takeo desperately tried to make her laugh with some old jokes but they were not working. They were passing his dorm room soon. "Hey I need to grab something from my room. It will only take a second. He walked inside and held the door. Mary had a puzzled look on her face. "You're more than welcome to come inside. I don't bite." Takeo flashed her a smile ensuring her that it was okay. She eventually followed him inside. "I might as well change my clothes since I'm here. Give me about 2 minutes, Mary." Takeo quickly grabbed some clothes and changed. His hair was completely dry now as he came out of the bathroom. He grabbed one of the smaller book from his desk as well as the music card he got from Chris and put both in his pocket. Mary was sitting on his bed looking at a book he had opened earlier. She finally broke her silence. "I see you are committed to learning all you can judging from all the books you have." "Well yeah, I was in the library like 3 times today so I figured why not. Wow I just realized I was in the library 3 times today...my friends back home would laugh their brains out if I told them that." Mary giggled a bit. "Ahh there we go. There is that smile. I knew I would get you to laugh or smile today. It's kind of a gift." Takeo said as he pretended to stretch. Both of them started laughing for bit. Suddenly a light went off in Takeo's mind. "I was suppose to have dinner tonight with Alice and Rhea. I wonder if they forgot like I did. Probably not...they are girls. Girls don't forget anything. You are more than welcome to join all of us. It would be a great way to get to know them as well. They are two very nice girls and I think you'll like them. Come on, we can stop by their dorm rooms to see if they are there and figure out the plan." Takeo opened the door for Mary as she smiled at him. They began walking down the halls again, only this time without the awkward silence. Before they knew it they had arrived at Alice's dorm room and began to knock.
  6. Takeo had been sitting in the class silently just looking around the room. His hair was still a bit wet form the pool but it was nothing of grave concern. He noticed the two new people in the room, a young girl and a nun. He was a bit confused by the nun but he figured it to be that she is here to protect or teach us in some kind of way. Takeo continued to scope the classroom, noticing how everyone was coming closer to each other and we were beginning to look like some sort of team. Soon Chris's words of a new assignment to partner up rang in Takeo's ears. He heard that he was being assigned to work with Mary, the new girl. He looked over to her to try to figure her out a bit before actually approaching her. She was staring over at Kaiel as if something had happened between them. He figured that he better speak to her now before she was too far gone into her thoughts. "Hello, what's your name? I'm Takeo." He extended his hand out to her as she noticed him walking up to her. She had a bit of a glare on her face as she just looked at Takeo standing there with his hand out. He awkwardly pull his hand back as he could tell she didn't want to shake his hand. "So...I figure since we're partners I would have to know your name." Takeo waited a moment for her to answer. She finally broke the awkward silence. "Hey, I'm Mary." "Now see, that wasn't so bad. And you'll come to find that I'm a good person or least I try to be." "You're right. I can tell from the look in your eyes that you're kind-hearted. Well let's get this show on the road then. Tell me about yourself and your demon parent I guess. All of this still pretty hazy to me but I figure I have to start somewhere." Takeo nodded at Mary as he took a seat right next to her. "Well I shall start with myself. Like I said, My name is Takeo Katsutoshi. I am a pretty calm person. I play music whenever I get stressed, bored, or just want to play for fun." He took a breath before continuing on to the stuff he knew about his demon parent. "My demon mother's name is Bai Ranmaru. She is powerful demon samurai who loved to cause pain and turmoil between people just for her enjoyment. She had an attitude in which she always wanted more and more, whether it was more suffering or more wealth. She was a very talented musician as well but playing normal instruments wasn't enough for her so she decided to control the wind for her music. Another thing I learned about her was that she was a deadly charmer. She could charm any man or woman for that matter to do anything she wanted them to do. Using this ability of hers, she caused major wars between men and their armies alll fighting to give her everything she wanted. She has spoken to me twice: once when I had a fight encounter with demons when my foster family, I mean real family was killed. The second time came when I was hear....she was whispering to me when I was alone telling me that I was going to be by her side so that we could obtain everything she wants. And so far, that's all I know of her. I've been reading these books I found in the library about her to learn more but I haven't exactly been too eager to learn everything. This stuff is still relatively new to me as well." A cold look came over Takeo's face as he told Mary about his demon mother. He seemed to lose all emotion in his eyes. "Please forgive my coldness. Speaking of her always seems to drain my spirit. But please tell me about yourself and your demon parent as well if you don't mind Mary. I'm all ears."
  7. Takeo exited the room where he and Jensen had been playing music. He passed Crowley in the hallway, nodding towards him as he passed him without saying anything. He kept walking until he arrive back at the library once again. "They are going to think I'm such a nerd. This is my third time coming to this library." Takeo chuckled a bit before entering. It hadn't been long before Takeo heard a familiar voice call out to him. It was Rhea and Alice was with her. "Well hello there, cutie. Alice and I were just about to go for a swim. She was nice enough to say I could eat dinner with you two, so maybe you could join us for our swim." "After that shower earlier?" Takeo asked. "I'm sorry, that was not what I was aiming to do" "I know. But still, It was rather refreshing. Sure, I'll go swimming, though after I do a favor for Jensen." "Then catch up with us. I've dealt with him enough today." Rhea growled. Takeo looked to Alice for answers, and she only sighed. "It is a long story. I will see you at the pool." Takeo laughed a bit as he watched the, leave the library. "Wow, those two seem to be getting along really well." He turned and ventured into the library once more to look for a book on Tayrus. It wasn't long before he found a few books on the subject as Tayrus seemed to be quite a popular topic when it come to demons. "This should be able to help Jensen out. I want to read some about this guy but I shouldn't. Jensen might not be too happy if I pry into his personal life. Now that I think about it, how am I suppose to get these books to him. I have no idea where his room is. UGHH!!!! Oh well. I guess I'll just give them to him tomorrow in class. Now it's time for me to head back to my dorm room so I can meet up with Rhea and Alice." Takeo left the library with the books and headed back to his room. He placed the books on his desk next to the ones he already had gotten from the library. He was getting ready for swimming as he began changing. It took him to the time when he got to his underwear that he didn't have any swimming trunks. He began frantically looking around his room. He found a pair and held them over his head with a peace sign on his other hand as he yelled "Victory!" He put them on as well as a shirt he found. He was about to grab a towel when a knock came to his door. The knock was soon followed by Chris entering Takeo's room. "Oh hey Chris. What brings you here?" "I just came by to see how you were doing. And to bring you this." Chris pulled out a card with a music note on it and handed it to Takeo. "This card is for our grand music hall. It will allow you entry and the ability to participate in some of the events they do. These cards are only for experienced players." "How did you know that I'm experience?" "I heard you playing the piano earlier and it was really good. In fact, give this other one to Jensen too as you both played excellent. Now onto more important matters, your demon parent." A grave look came across Takeo's face when he heard Chris's words. He sat down on the bed and offered Chris a seat in a nearby chair. Chris began explaining how his demon parent is connected to him and the abilities she possesses. "Your demon mother, Bai, was a temptress of the highest caliber. She could get any man to do what she wanted. She is the reason for all the major wars in Japan as it excites her to see destruction and to have control. She is also a well accomplished music player but due to her never satisfied attitude she sought to play the instrument no could play: the wind. A lot of her abilities have passed down to you, hence your sensitive hearing, easy grasp of music, and your charm. You've always been good at these things and she is the reason why and now she wants you by her side so that you can do these things together and cause havoc amongst the world." Takeo sighed after hearing all of what Chris had to say. "I already knew that in a way." A look of surprise came across Chris's face. "Ha, I always knew that my music talent was almost un human and my charm was also unreal as well. I just figured them to be luck and practice but it did seem way too easy. My thing is I had no idea I had my blood ran so deep with Japanese. I knew my foster mother told me that my real grandfather was japanese but I always thought she was trying to change the subject when I asked about my real parents. And now I can hear her calling out to me saying she wants me by her side. I don't want that but I feel like she won't stop until she has what she wants." Chris nodded as he put his hand on Takeo's shoulder. "Don't get angry. Your emotions will get the best of you. We will talk more tomorrow. I believe you have somewhere to be." Chris laughed a bit. Takeo realized he had forgotten about Rhea and Alice. He rushed to get his towel and came back to see Chris had left. The two music cards were on his bed. Takeo placed them near the books so he wouldn't forget them and ran out the door. He found his way to the pool finally. "I'm....(catching his breath)...I'm here." Takeo was bent over holding his knees. "Bout time you got here slowpoke," Rhea yelled. Alice giggled at the hard time Rhea was giving Takeo. The two went back and forth as Takeo was trying to explain himself and why he was late. "Alright Rhea. I think he has suffered enough." Alice spoke while holding back her laughter. They all soon began laughing as Takeo jumped into the pool. The water felt really soothing as Takeo submerged himself. He came back up shortly with a grin on his face. "I'll have to remember to never be late when it comes to you two."
  8. "Sure, I'll see you at dinner time then." Takeo uttered as he said bye to Alice. She and him seemed to have an interesting conversation. Takeo was excited about how unique Alice was. And the thought of meeting her for dinner was exciting to him as well. It kind of brought him back to the old days when he was in junior high and high school. He was always a bot of a charmer but didnt see what girls saw in him. Takeo finally ended up back at his dorm where he rested on his bed for a bit, thinking. "Ya know, hanging with Alice almost made me forget why I was here in the first place. This other side of me was the reason. I don't know how to explain it or what to do about it except learn all I can from someone who has a clue. WAIT!!!" Just then Takeo remember the note his father left him with the instructions on how to get to Cross Academy. "Maybe he put it on here...he did. Thanks dad." He looked through the note and saw the name of his real mother:"Bai Ranmaru, the Demon Samurai" Takeo's heart dropped as soon as he uttered the words in his head. All this time, he had tried to run away from this demon stuff but had to face that it was all around him. He looked over at the books he picked out but none of them had anything to do with demon samurai. He decided to head back to the library. Entering the hall, his very strong ears picked up the sound of the violin. "Thats really good. I'll have to see who is playing that later though." he said to himself. He finally got to the library where he asked someone to help him find books that could help him. He was pointed to a section where he searched for books that may help him. He found one called "Demons from the East" and began reading it in a corner of the library. He finally saw a chapter on his demon mother. He began reading more intensely as he wanted to learn more about his demon mother. As he was reading the whisper he heard when he was home began speaking to him again. Takeo jumped up from his chair and looked around but didn't see anyone around him. "I see you are reading about me, my child. Yes, learn all you can so you can come back home to me. You know you don't belong there and that stupid girl will never love you." the voice spoke. "Why are you doing this to me. Leave me alone. You haven't said one word to me until recently. Why talk now?" Takeo spoked. Others began noticing him in the library as he spoke kind of loudly. The voice stopped speaking to him leaving takeo looking like a fool. He calmed himself down and took the book back to his room so he could bring it to class tomorrow. After dropping the book off, he noticed he still had a few hours before dinner so he decided to explore some more. He could hear the violin again but still didn't follow the sound. "I better not distract that person. They seem really into what they are doing." Takeo kept walking around until he stumpled into a dark room. He flipped on the light to see nothing but a piano and a few other instruments in the room. He was immediately drawn to the piano as he wanted to clear his mind of the voice from his demon mother. He sat down and played a quick jingle to see what the piano sounded like and before he knew Takeo was lost in his playing of the piano. He struck the keys releasing all his frustration into his music as he created a harmonious tune that could probably be heard throughout the halls. But that didn't matter to Takeo really, all he knew was that he was adrift in his own imagination thinking of the things that brought him joy: music and new friends like Alice.
  9. [b]Name[/b]: Takahiro Nagamasa [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]: [url="http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t32/BlueBeacon/pic.jpg"]Takahiro[/url] [b]Personality[/b]: Very upbeat person. Always wants to do the right thing and is actually quite caring about those close to him. He has a cold demeanor for those who try to pick on others. Always has a sense of wanting to learn more and be better at the things he does. [b]Weapons:[/b] Fullbring: Harmonious Gemini. (Two shorts derived from keychains he always keeps with him.) [b]Powers:[/b] Fullbring powers: Change strength based on level on noise the user is making. The quieter the user is, the more powerful the silence sword is and the louder the user is the more powerful the uproar sword is. His fullbring is fully developed and has been that way for a short time. He is adept at bringer light as he took his skills from being a normal human and applied them. He is very perceptive as he can sense people all around him without them noticing it. [b]Bio[/b]: Takahiro was a quiet kid but had a few friends. He always did well in school but sought to do more in school. So he played soccer and practiced martial arts. Life had been going well for a kid who lost his mom when he was younger. She left him a keychain of a sword that read "silence." He remembers her always saying "silence allows one to hear all things in this world and the next." His father was killed years later by a group of muggers after he and his best friend were coming home from work. Takahiro was taken in by his dad's friend and continues to live there. His dad also left him a keychain sword but this one read "uproar." With this gift he would draw back on his father's words of "never be afraid to shout. Make it known that you're coming and that no one can stop you." Takahiro kept them with him everywhere he went as a symbol of protection. Soon after that, he began to see strange things and developed strange powers. [b]Writing Sample:[/b] Soon after moving in with his dad's friend Genkei, who Takahiro considered as an uncle, he began to noticed shadowy figures around the town. He could never quite make them out though. He chalked it up to be his imagination. As time went on, he began to feel different inside. He felt stronger, quicker, and more aware of himself. He didn't know how to describe as he told Genkei. "It's just that you're growing up Takahiro. Calm down." Those were the words Takahiro remembers hearing all the time. That still didn't explain enough to him though. He just knew it was something more to that. It came to a peak when Takahiro was walking home from school one day and saw a couple of his classmates getting attacked. He ran to help them but found himself to be no match for the group of men. He and his friends were thrown against the wall as the muggers told them to give up anything valuable. One of the muggers started getting frisky with one of Takahiro's female classmates and started touching her inappropriately. This set Takahiro off as he yelled and went for the mugger. He was faster than normal as he got to the guy before any others could stop him. He kicked the guy away. His power was growing as the other muggers tried to tackle him but they couldn't hold him down. He disposed of them as well. The muggers eventually ran away as they couldn't match up to Takahiro. After they were gone, Takahiro could see an aura around him that he never noticed before. All of his friends were shocked by his presence but were glad they were all alright. Once Takahiro got home, he hurried to his room to try and hide his appearance from Genkei. He thought he did a good job but it wasn't enough. *knock knock* "Please don't come in here. I'm...I'm...I'm changing." "It's okay Takahiro. You don't have to hide what you are from me. I already know. Let me in so I can enlighten you on exactly what's going on with you." Takahiro opened the door for Genkei and he explained to him what Takahiro actually was. He explained why he was seeing shadowy figures and what they actually were. It took awhile but Takahiro finally came to grasp just what he was inside. Genkei then began to train him everyday as Genkei himself was also a fullbringer. His fullbring was known as "Wind of Secret Wisdom" and it was based around this fan he always carried. Everytime he would swing the fan create a huge gale that circled around anything he chose. No one could hear or see what was going on inside the gale and thats where Takahiro was trained. Soon after the training, Takahiro began to see the forms of the shadowy figures become clear. He knew what they were now: either hollow or shinigami. He never interfered with them though as he figured it was best to stay away after seeing what they are capable of. About a year after training with Genkei, they began sparring with each other. Genkei would always tell Takahiro to defend himself with the thing you hold most dear. Takahiro didn't understand that at first but soon learned what he was speaking of during a rigorous training session. "Defend yourself now Takahiro!!!" "How do you expect me to do that with two small keychains?" A look of surprise came over Genkei's face followed by a look of relief as Takahiro figured out the true meanings of his statement. He lunged again at Takahiro knocking him back on the ground. "You're nothing but a weakling, you insolent runt" "Stop...calling...me...weak. I am strong and I will protect the things I love with everything I have." Takahiro grabbed the keychains tightly and they transformed in front of his eyes. The swords grew into actual short swords. Takahiro's eyes lit up but this new power already seemed familiar to him. He grabbed to the two swords and began to fight back with a stronger will. He quickly overpowered Genkei as this new power was coming to a completion. The power began to build up inside Takahiro and it started to affect him. "I have to block the explosion or all this would have been for nothing." Genkei swiftly knocked the swords away and wrapped them inside another gale. The energy was still so great that it broke down the gale itself but luckily most of the explosion was taken up by Genkei's fullbring. After the explosion, there sat the two swords. Genkei attempted to go get them but Takahiro stopped him. He wanted to do it himself. He went over and picked the swords up signaling a new start for the young fullbringer. [b]Arrancar/Shinigami?[/b]: Shinigami
  10. Takeo and Alice began looking around the school, noticing small things here and there like where the bathrooms were, what room number we were in, and the different kind of classes that were available. As they were walking past some classrooms, they noticed other students going through the same training as did moments ago with different types of demons. "Haha looks like all the teachers are crazy here." Takeo spoke. Alice giggled a bit as they continued looking for the library. They soon noticed a sign that said library hanging in the hall and followed its direction. Alice and Takeo walked into the room to find a huge selection of books. The room took up two floors. The two looked around the giant room noticing the different categories of books. There were books on everything from sports to the reason we were all here: demons. "You two must be some of the new students here. I am one of the librarians. May I help you find anything in particular?" a woman said as she approached them. Takeo looked over at Alice allowing her to decide whether to just look on our own or use the woman's help. "I think we're just going to look around to see if we find anything interesting. Thank you anyway though." Alice answered. The woman smiled and allowed the two to venture through the library. Alice looked at Takeo trying to figure him out from his demeanor. He looked back at her and noticed she was looking at him. "Something on your mind?" he asked her. "Tell me a bit more about yourself. You're a bit strange considering our situations. One minute, you're weeping as you recall your past, another minute, you staring off in space and quiet as a mouse, and the next minute, you're laughing as we had to fight hobgoblins. I can't quite figure you out." Takeo laughed a bit before telling a bit more about himself. "Well, I try not to be an emotional guy really. I've always bottled my strong emotions inside as I didn't really want to share them. Of course I was a good person but I only let a few people see the real me. When I was telling my story, all my bottled emotions came charging out and that's what you saw. I like to be calm all the time that way I'm not stressing over life. Haha. My music really helps me express myself in a manner where I don't have to talk as much." "Oh really. What do you play?" "Umm...guitar, piano, violin, saxophone, flute, and the drums. Haha. It took me forever to learn them and I missed out on a lot of things to practice. But I feel like I've seen a lot myself and thats a good enough reward for me. Every little chance I get I do something to practice whether its tapping on something or whistling. I really hope they have some kind of music area or room. I dont know how long I can stand away from my instruments." "That's cool. You seem quite talented. Maybe one day if we have some time, you can play something for me?" Takeo nodded as his face turned red. He began to rub the back of his head as he laughed through his next couple of sentences. "Haha sure I can. So you seem to really like reading as I see your interests are very dynamic." "Yeah I enjoy it a lot. You can learn so much from reading and it provides a sense of peace that I enjoy as well." Takeo smiled again as he was looking around for books as well. He noticed a few that peaked his interest and grabbed to take back to his room. The two of them continued their adventure through the huge library seeing what it all had to offer. "So now that we've both shared personal stuff and I've told you a bit about me, let's hear about you. You don't have to get personal, just let me know you are."
  11. The hobgoblins had been lashing out at students in the classroom. Apparently the teacher had a bit of crazy in him. But there was no time to worry about that. A couple of hobgoblins had begun to attack Takeo. His instincts were swift as he ducked under their initial attack and sent one of them into a nearby wall with a powerful kick. The other one was soon to follow as Takeo followed up his first kick with another strike. "I gotta say, these things are way too annoying." he said out loud to his fellow students. "Just be sure you dont get yourself hurt" Jensen shouted as he made a game out of slaying hobgoblins. "Oh you'll find you dont have to worry about me," Takeo answered as he smiled a bit. Takeo began running towards another small group of hobgoblins but this time he had a chair in hand. He swung the chair mightily as it cleared out the little demons. Another hobgoblin jumped on him and began to claw at Takeo. He defended himself with his right arm until a chance opened up. He saw the chance as the hobgoblin reared its claw back. Takeo quickly punched the hobgoblin, getting it off of him, and followed up with a brutal stomp. The sound of shattered bones and crushed organs rung in Takeo's ears. His smile grew wider as he continued to mow down any hobgoblins that came into his vicinity. He looked around the room to grasp how everyone else was doing against these creatures. He saw Kaiel practicing her penalty kicks as she was kicking hobgoblin heads everywhere. I few flew Takeo's way but it wasn't too much to worry about. He also saw Asher and Jensen beating down on hobgoblins as Jensen was going for the homerun title as he knocked hobgoblins around the room. The duo that really caught his eye was Rhea and Alice. Rhea had this huge confidence about herself as she destroyed hobgoblins with ease. Alice even had a mean streak of her own when Takeo saw her tackle a hobgoblin. Takeo laughed a bit. "Good job over there you two" he said to Rhea and Alice. They both yelled "Thanks" as they continued to fight the hobgoblins. Takeo also went back to crushing hobgoblin skulls. The hobgoblins were getting smarter as a group of them backed Takeo into a corner. His back was on the wall but he wasn't too worried. Some of the hobgoblins launched at him with a lot of force. Takeo ducked down and let them crash into the wall. That wasn't enough to finish them off so Takeo quickly smashed their heads against the wall again, only this time with forceful kicks. The remaining hobgoblins attacked him from behind but all but one were cut off by a powerful attack from what looked like a flash to Takeo. It was Crowley!!! The remaining hobgoblin attacked again after being slowed down by Crowley's attack. Crowley caught it and held out for Takeo. Takeo leaped up and brought down a fierce axe kick, snapping the hobgoblin's neck. Crowley then swung it around as if he were throwing a disk. It surprised Takeo as he feel backwards into the corner. He went to pick himself up and noticed a pair of glasses laying on the floor. "These must belong to Alice" he said to himself as he picked them up and placed them in his pocket to keep them safe. He stood up brushing some debris off of himself. "Crowley...thanks man. That was a cool move you did a second ago." Takeo spoke as he extended his hand to Crowley. Crowley shook his hand and nodded. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to return these glasses to Alice" Takeo smiled as he let Crowley get back to defeating hobgoblins. Takeo ran across the room dispatching any hobgoblins he could as he tried to make his way over to where Alice and Rhea were. Takeo grabbed a hobgoblin on his way and chucked it. "Heads up Rhea" he said with a hint of playfulness in his voice. She turned over to Takeo and saw the hobgoblin he threw. Her eyes lit up with excitement as she drove the hobgoblin into the floor with a powerful blow. "You ladies have a room for a third?" he said as he smiled at Alice. "Sure thing" Rhea yelled. "You can never have too much help" Alice added. Takeo let out a small chuckle and turn his attention again on the mass of hobgoblins. "This class is turning out to be pretty exciting if you ask me. If this is the first lesson, I can't wait to see what the rest of class is like."
  12. Takeo had been quietly listening to everyones' stories, learning more or less about the others in his class. There were quite a few "characters" present but a constant theme rung between all of their stories: the subject of having another side to ourselves, a demon side. Takeo to tap his desk with his right hand in the same manner as if he were playing a piano. He began to drift off into his thoughts soon after: [color="#0000FF"]*to himself* "I never would have thought that there were this many other people who were dealing with this same situation. I mean, there is an entire school of us. And our teacher Christopher seems to know all about this stuff. I wonder if he has a demon side as well. If he does, he seems as if he would have complete control over it. When my "powers" woke up, my anger got the best of me. Hmm years of bottling up all of my emotions just came out in one instance. Ive never dealt with emotion that well. I've always been a good person but never really showed strong emotion for anything...except for music. But thats just because it was my escape from any problems I had during life. It seems like keeping my emotions bottled up is the best thing to do here. I'm such a hypocrite...I tell others to express themselves but I never really ever do that myself. I should probably just allow people to be themselves here as I want them to do the same for me. I probably didn't start off well crying in front of all these people. Haha there goes my chance of trying to talk to all the pretty girls in here. But whats done is done. But to be sure I better not open up as much to strangers...especially when it comes to my family. Man, I really hope they have some kind of musical instrument here because in all the chaos I never really grabbed anything. I even left my favorite guitar back there. And Im pretty sure we can't just go back...I feel they would frown upon that sort of thing here. But Im sure everyone in here has left something very dear to them."[/color] Takeo slowly drifted back into the reality of the classroom and saw that almost everyone had introduced themselves. Some of the other students were beginning to bond a bit after telling their stories. Takeo had spoken to a few other classmates but didn't really go into an conversation. A few of the classmates stood out to him as some of the more interesting people. There was Rhea, who seemed to be very outgoing. She had spunk and was very kind. Takeo had never really seen such a pretty girl who wasn't conceited. Alice was another girl who stood out. Her accent caught Takeo off guard but he got over it quickly as he was never one to judge anyone. Then there was Asher, who was a straightforward kind of person. He is very direct which works out for most of us, because he will most likely be the one who will say what everyone is thinking. Others who stood out were Jensen and Crowley, who were probably the oldest of the students in the classroom or at least close to it. Both had a guarded exterior which they handled differently. Jensen was more aggressive in his guarded personality while Crowley seemed to defer from himself any chance he got. Finally there was this other girl who sat very quietly. She was one of the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She was a mystery to Takeo and probably the others as well. He glanced around the room again to look for any others that would stand out. As more and more stories were told, only about 3 students remained. He continued to tap in his desk, passing the time. Takeo figured it wouldn't be much longer until we finally figure out what one learns in Demonology.
  13. college....

    1. Lyndy


      Isn't it amazing?

    2. Humaru


      yes it is.....more time for RPs

  14. Takeo looked around the room to see if anyone else was going to stand. Others in the room kind of glanced away or looked down signaling that they didn't want to go first. As introverted as Takeo is, he worked up the courage to stand up. He got up form his chair and brushed off some lint from his sweater vest that had a CA patch on the upper right side. He was still getting accustomed to his new uniform as it was a huge change from his usual style. Takeo glanced around the room again, took a deep breath, and began to speak. "Hello teacher and hello everyone. My name is Takeo Katsutoshi. I am 22 years old. I live a few blocks away or at least I used to. Im guessing you would like to know how I got here as you probably already know why Im here. Well it began yesterday while I was having dinner with my family. Everything was going well until I began to hear this voice. No one else could really hear it but me. I figured it was nothing but the voice got louder and louder as the night continued. The voice was calling out to me saying that my mother wanted me home. It started to creep me out and scare me a bit. My adoptive father picked up on the voice as well soon and he went into his room where he kept a bunch of protective items and a spear. Soon after that the voice got extremely loud and we began searching our home for any intruders. As I was upstairs I heard my foster mother scream and I came to find my brother had been killed by some kind of demon beast. The beast came after me and a whole fight started. My father was protecting us and doing well until more beasts showed up and killed my sister." (Tears begin to stream down Takeo's face, a female classmate gets up and tries to comfort him. He settles down a bit and continues) "My father then told me to get the spear out of his room. As soon as I grabbed it, I felt this strange but familiar power surge through me. I felt instantly stronger and i wanted to fight. I went to assist my father but he had already subdued our attackers. But then some demon warrior showed and killed my mother. My father became enraged as I stood there in shock. I was almost killed as well but my father saved me at the last minute. Rage began to cloud my eyes and I attacked the demon with some strange power that allowed me to control the sounds around me. I wanted to kill the demon but my father prevented me and told me to come here...to Cross Academy. He told me that he would handle everything and that I would learn what I am once I got here. He said this place would help me. And thats pretty much my story. Im sorry for the tears, you must think lesser of me than you already did." Takeo thanked the girl who comforted him and shook her hand. He sat back down and began looking down. There were still a few tears but he wiped them away and began to listen as others were soon going to introduce themselves. He was eager to find how everyone else got here and what his strange powers were. Christopher: Thank you Takeo. I am sorry for your lost and I promise I will get you the help that you were promised. Now, on to the next person. Please don't be ashamed as you will find a lot of your stories are quite similar and that no one is here to judge your character.
  15. Takeo sat in his old room from when he was in high school and looked at all of his old stuff. Posters filled his wall as well as some of his artwork from school. It was n't particularly good if you asked him but his foster mother and father thought it should hang up in his room. As he continued looking around his room, he saw his old guitar he got when he first learned to play music. He got as a present while staying at the old foster home. He always had an ear for music and it didn't take him much time to learn how to play the guitar. As he got older, he learned other instruments such as the piano, violin, saxophone, flute, and the drums. There weren't a lot of things Takeo was good at but music was definitely one of them. He picked up the old guitar and started strumming out a tune he put together in his head. Before he knew it, Takeo had got lost in his music. His foster father, Hayato, soon interrupted him. "Come downstairs for dinner. Your brother and sister and your mom are waiting. You can play with that old guitar anytime." Takeo nodded his head and place the guitar back on its stand. He followed his dad down the stairs to the dining room where his older sister, Jun, and older brother, Rai, and his mom, Asami, waited for them. Takeo and his dad sat down and they began their weekly tradition of having dinner and catching up. Takeo didn't normally say a lot at the table but today he felt as if he needed to speak and reconnect with his family. He felt as if this was the last time he was going to see them. "Wow, you're pretty talkative today Takeo," his mom said. "Yeah bro, usually we gotta force you to answer our questions," his brother added. "I don't know. I just feel like I have lost touch with you guys and I want to make sure you know that I love you even though I don't always show it," Takeo answered. The family had continued socializing into the night. Everyone was laughing including Takeo until he heard a whisper in his ear. He looked around to see if something was near him but nothing was there. I brushed it off as nothing and got back to his family. "What's wrong Takeo, you looked spooked for a second there?" his dad asked. "Its nothing, I just thought I heard a whisper in my ear. It sounded really weird. But I guess it was nothing" Takeo responded. His dad looked concerned, far more concerned then he should be. He stood up from the table and went into his private room. No one was allowed in there under any circumstances, especially Takeo. He returned to the table with a forced smile on his face. "Everything alright Dad," Jun asked. He nodded yes and tried to continue the fun. Takeo had become intrigued and asked a question everyone had been dying to know the answer to. "Hey dad, whats in your special room that you don't want anyone to know about. I mean we're family, we shouldn't keep secrets." The eyes of the rest of family got really wide at the bravery Takeo had shown towards his father. Takeo's father took a deep breath and started to say something but the whisper came back to Takeo's sensitive ears. This time he could actually hear what the voice said. "Come join me my son. Your mother has missed you very much" Takeo's eyes got really wide. A look of fear overtook his body. He tried to answer the voice but no words were coming out. The whisper began to grow louder and louder. It eventually became a loud yell for everyone in the room to here. "YOUR MOTHER WANTS YOU HOME NOW!!" the voice cried out. Everyone had begun looking around for any person to be with them. Takeo got up and looked upstairs and found nothing. While he was up there a scream filled the house. It was his mother. He rushed back downstairs to find a horrible scene. His brother had been impaled by some kind of demon beast's claw. The beast noticed Takeo and charged after him. Hayato pushed Takeo out of the way of the beast's attack. Jun and Asami tried to run out of the room but were confronted by another demon beast. The beast lunged at Asami but Jun stepped in front of her and recieve the blow. Blood spew all over the door opening to the dining room. A look of terror and anger came over Takeo as he charged at the beast that slayed his sister. The first beast began coming after him again. Hayato grabbed a chair and hit the beast with it. The beast wasn't fazed at all as it swung its claw to knock Hayato back into a wall. Takeo had also grabbed a chair and was trying to hold back the second demon. Asami had gained some composure and assist Takeo in the best way she could. Hayato had gotten up and ran into his secret room. Takeo and his mom were doing their best in holding back the demon beast but they were not effective. The beast had them cornered and were about to strike when Hayato came charging out of the room with a sword. He lunged at one of the demons and pierced its body. The other demon looked at what Hayato had done and leaped towards him. "Takeo, go into my room and grab that spear hanging on the wall. Hurry. Take your mother with you." Hayato screamed. THey rushed into the room and saw a shrine in the center of the room. All kinds of protection symbols hung all over the room. Takeo looked around and saw the spear hanging on the wall. When he saw it, he felt a strange aura within him as if the spear had been calling out to him. His hearing suddenly got a lot better the closer he got to the spear. He grabbed it and almost instantly he felt a power surge through him. He eyes grew an even brighter green through his glasses. His mother looked at the boy she raised as he appeared to be stronger. Takeo then ran out of the room to see his father still struggling with the demon beast. "I got the spear,Dad. Now I can fight with you." Takeo said. "NO!! You must leave and get to the Cross Academy. I left instructions on what to do in my secret room." Hayato shouted at him. Takeo was stunned at the fact that he could help but his father asked him to run away. But it was for the best as Hayato flipped the beast and stabbed it through its skull. He turned to Takeo and signaled him to go get the instructions. Asami had found the instructions and had brought them Takeo. Just as she was handing the instruction over to him a large sword pierce her body. Only blood had reach Takeo's hand and face. He stood there in shock as his mother had been slayed in front of him. A large figure came from the room shaking its sword of the blood. It was a large muscular demon with sharp claws on one hand. "Now Takeo, your mother would like you at her side. I know you hear her whispers. The only thing is...that I have to kill you now." the large demon said. The demon lunged the sword at Takeo who was still frozen after the sight he saw. Hayato moved Takeo out of the way of the oncoming attack. "Snap out of it Takeo. I know what you saw was terrible but you have got to focus on the task at hand." Hayato screamed. Takeo's glazed look had left him and a look of cold anger came over him. He raised his spear towards the large demon. The demon attacked again but Takeo's movements were quicker but more importantly were the sounds Takeo heard. He could hear everything around from the smallest movement to the largest yell. He felt like he could move the sounds around and it turned out that he could. Takeo took the vibrations of the demon's weapon hitting stuff and focused it into a single source. Takeo pushed the soundwave towards the demon and blew him back through the wall. Hayato looked at Takeo in awe as the power he had kept under wraps for years was coming out and he knew it was time. Hayato stood up and tapped Takeo on the shoulder. "Go my son, you have to get to the Cross Academy. Take these instructions and go. I will handle this here. Remember us as you learn to be better my son. We will always love you." Takeo looked at his father and knew that his words were to be trusted. He grabbed the instructions and left the house. As he ran down the street, all he could hear was the roar of a demon and the proud yells of a man fighting for his family. Takeo smiled a bit as tears began to fill his eyes. "Thanks Dad, I shall do as you wish." he said to himself. --------------------------------------- Takeo had followed the instructions and ended up at a small pub. He walked inside and noticed there was no one there. He glanced around and saw a few people walking into a door. He figured that had to be the place where he had to go. He waited until they went through the door and he then followed soon after. What awaited him on the other side of the door was a wave of new sights and sounds. Takeo didn't know where he was but he just knew this was the place he needed to be.
  16. Hmm, sounds interesting. Here goes nothing. Name: Takeo Katsutoshi Age: 22 Appearance:[img]http://i671.photobucket.com/albums/vv72/funkywackyspunky96/Decorated%20images/PrinceKumarStrag.jpg[/img] 6'2", short partially spiky hair, wears a white t-shirt with some black pants. Also always wears a hoodie. (Just because they're cool) Has glasses and his eyes are a bright emerald color. Demon Appearance: [img]http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk16/BlitzHunter/darksamuraiavatar.jpg[/img] A god-like silver armor with a waist sash covers Takeo's body. His hair grows exponentially longer(down to his waist). His eye grow even brighter and his ears grow more pointy. Green flames emit from the armor on the shoulders. The armor isn't as bulky as shown... Personality: Takeo is a very calm guy. He is laid back but enjoys the things he does. He is always very friendly and very protective of his friends. Takeo has always been known for his kindness. He also enjoys playing music a lot. he is very charming, almost to the point where he can change a girl's will of liking him. He doesn't take advantage of this at all though. Weapon: Spear, it is very decorated in the sense of the design. Its really flexible to allow sound vibrations to flow through it. Power: Ability to manipulate sound. (pitch, volume, depth) Can only do it in a small area. Also can control the wind around him but his range isnt but about 20 feet. Demonic Parent: [img]http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f97/Gasmaskkiller/samurai-female-warrior.jpg[/img] Bai Ranmaru, the Demon Samurai. She uses the wind as her instrument and loves to play tricks on a man's heart.
  17. NES- Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt, pretty much the standard SNES- WWF Royal Rumble- this was the only game i was into when i got my first SNES Gameboy- Tetris, another classic Genesis- Sonic, It was really the only game i had for Sega Gameboy Color- Pokemon Red, the whole reason I even got a Gameboy Color Playstation 1- THPS, I was addicted to that Superman song on there Dreamcast- Power Stone, this game was intense. There should really be a remake. Nintendo 64- WWF Wrestlemania 2000 Xbox- I think it was Halo, hated that game ever since. Playstation 2- NBA Streets Vol. 1 Gamecube- Super Smash Bros Melee Xbox 360- Madden, Im not sure which one though. Wii- Wii Sports Nintendo DS- Pokemon Heartgold, the sole reason I got a DS in the first place Playstation 3- Call of Duty
  18. Name: Jago Kehst Age: 20 Weapons: Bo Staff- http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff121/MugenOOinfinite/bostaff.jpg Carries 2 pistols on his side and has a third hidden pistol for emergencies. Appearence: Jago has short blue hair.(sorta like Strider Hiryu) Wear normal clothing with the exception of his jacket. He also wears a blue scarf he got from his brother. He also has a gold chain he "aquried" from his former boss. Occupation: Bartender History: Jago is a traveling bartender who looks for odd jobs everywhere. He learned from his brother and they used to travel together until his brother was killed by an English nobelman. Jago ended up working for that same nobleman later on in life. he killed him and took a chain from him as a symbol of what he had done. Since then Jago has been ducking on English noblemen or military for he will arrested if he is caught. he's found a nitch in moving from place to place. Hes lucky he is a bartender because he always has a job wherever he goes. He is now looking to do some other thigns with his life and he is open to any suggestions...so long as it doesn't include going to England.
  19. Kisuke Urahara is now officially the best character in the series. Haha j/k. But he really has a great mind and Kubo has used him very well I think. Urahara seems to be the toughest character to beat becuase of his mind....he isnt strong as in spiritual pressure but he is such a great strategist. I could never really put my thumb on Urahara...he always sem to know more than what he told everyone....no matter what the situation. It seems that he knew that aizen was a traitor but he never told anyone that is a hero now. The only ones who knew from the start were the vizards and they weren't there in the beginning. He didnt even tell Ichigo. But I guess it would kill the story if Urahara said "Hey Ichigo, good luck saving Rukia from the Soul Society. Oh by the way, if you see a guy named Aizen...expose his traitorous plan to everyone you meet."
  20. [quote name='xaos' date='24 September 2010 - 07:41 PM' timestamp='1285371706' post='700744'] Well, I definitely love pro wrestling. I've been watching RAW more than Smackdown though so don't expect me to always chime in on what happened there. Not because I dislike Smackdown, it's only because for some reason it gets shown at 11:30 at night over here and I almost NEVER remember to watch it. I watch TNA too, from time to time I believe I'm the only one in my circle of friends who watch pro wrestling that still does. Well, I guess I'll start with a question then, do you think that the next WWE PPV Hell in Cell? What do you guys think of this season of NXT? Oh, and that storyline with Kane and Undertaker, how's that going since I haven't seen Smackdown in a while. Oh, and Michael Cole is getting on my last nerve. >< [/quote] I kinda like the themed WWE PPVs. Some of them are awesome and they are getting rid of the crappy ones. Hell in the Cell should be entertaining. This season of NXT sucks because that its all divas. I love looking at girls but their wrestling skills are terrible....Divas mess up more stunts than anyone. I cant wait for it to be over. As for the UNdertaker/Kane thing.....Paul Bearer made a return with the powerful urn and 'Taker kicked Kane but a little. PS The Miz is freaking awesome right now. Ive totally separated him from his Real World past....he is a legit wrestling now. Money in the Bank shouldnt have gone to him though....other guys have paid their dues and deserve a push(Christian, John Morrison, etc.)
  21. [size="5"]YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/size] WWE is still awesome. I love it way more than that WCW copycat TNA. WWE still has awesome matches and cool wrestlers....its not the Attitude Era but WWE today is pretty well managed except for a few kinks here and there.
  22. Yeah I actually went to this one....it was pretty awesome except for the Rock Band thing. Got some new swag for my collection. It was pretty fun. Haven't posted any pics yet but they will come soon enough.
  23. I just caught up on my reading today and I have to say Im liking Ichigo more and more. He doesn't seem to be this whiny hero who always feels bad for himself when things get tough. He actually sounds tough and has the power to prove it. And now when he actually says Im gonna end this in an instant I kinda believed him. And Im sooo glad that Aizen is reduced to a baby after being a ***** for so long...."I know this and I know that" was getting on my nerves. Its good to see him actually have to fight. And as I thought, hes a terrible fighter.....he just went on scaring the crap outta people and then surprising them. For those who weren't scared, he used hs clones to hide behind while he stalled for time. Aizen is such a wimp but Im sensing a great fight between him and Ichigo.
  24. Hiro had been moving for quite awhile towards Violet City. He had luckily been unseen by any assailants. Finally after along walk Hiro had arrived in Violet City. "Hmmm, Im almost to Goldenrod. I better just go straight there and avoid going to Azalea Town. So that means I need to go straight ahead toward route 36. I hope the rest of my trip isn't filled with run in with those dirty pokemon." Hiro continued into the city. He wanted to check some things out so he headed towards the gym but before he could really make it there, Hiro saw an unsightly sight.....more vicious pokemon just roaming around. He quickly ducked behind a building hoping not to be seen. He looked around to find a way to get to the gym. He saw an opening near some trees and took off towards them. He gripped to the trees and used them to cover his location so that he wouldn't be attacked again. It seemed to be working well until Hiro was attacked by an Ariados climbing down from the trees. The pokemon shot out a String Shot attack to try and trap Hiro but he did all he could to get out the way. Hiro managed to escape and sent out his Electivire. "Thunderbolt, Electivire" Hiro yelled out. The strong electric pokemon released a huge bolt of electricity directly at the bug pokemon. The attacked landed and seemed to paralyze it. Hiro though the was safe but this outburst only attracted more Ariados and even some Forestress. Hiro looked around to see how many pokemon were actually there. He was terrified to find the number in the high 30s. There was no way that he and his 6 pokemon were gonna fight against that army. So he did what any smart person would do........he booked it towards the nearest building. The pokemon gave chase to Hiro and his Electivire and seemed to be making ground. Hiro called back his pokemon and kept running. He saw a half broken window and leaped through into a broken down building. The building wasn't gonna hold back the pokemon and Hiro knew that. Hiro quickly made his way upstairs to the second floor of the building. He quickly paced back and forth thinking what he could do. The Ariados had made their way into the building chasing after Hiro. "I gotta move quickly but I dont want to be seen by alot of pokemon.....but that seems to be the only way to get outta this. Hmmm....Im gonna hate myself for this. I guess I can't check out the gym like I wanted to. Oh well. Lets fly....Charizard! Charizard......use flamethrower and set the building on fire." Hiro's pokemon looked at him confusingly but obliged. Charizard blasted a huge flame towards some torn furniture and the walls. Flames quickly started and the building began to catch fire. Hiro jumped on Charizard's back and they jumped out a window and took flight towards the woods on route 36. Hiro released his Scizor and Flygon as well. They all flew as fast as they could out of Violet City. Some Fearow spotted them and attacked. "Flygon use Hyper Beam and Scizor use Metal Claw." Hiro's Flygon ceased flying and turned to fire a beam. The beam hit a couple of the Fearow. Hiro's Scizor started striking the birds with its attack. Hiro saw a spot to land and commanded his Charizard to head towards the spot. Flygon and Scizor followed them there. He recalled Charizard and Flygon. He then began to hide with his Scizor in a nearby bush. That turned out to be a smart move because Hiro attracted alot of attention on his flight. A group of pokemon seemed set out to find him. "Ahh crap, I knew I shouldn't have done that but I really had no choice....I would have been bug food is I hadn't. Now what to do....I cant sit here forever and surely no one is coming to help me." Hiro glanced around to gain some bearings and found that he was on route 35 as he saw the top of a rest area building from his location. "At least Im close to where I need to go. Now I just have to figure out h---" Hiro was cut off by the sight of a pokemon that had spotted him.....it was a Nidoking!!!! Without hesitation the Nidoking attacked and Hiro responded with his Scizor. "Scizor use Bullet Punch and then send it flying with X-Scissor." he attack sent the Nidoking into a nearby tree. The Nidoking quickly rose and let out a loud cry. It launched a Hyperbeam directly at Hiro and his pokemon. The attacked landed short and created a small explosion. The shockwave sent Hiro into a tree right on his arm. A huge crack was heard and Hiro grabbed his arm tightly. He stood slowly and his Scizor gained a second wind. Before Hiro could let out an attack though the group of pokemon looking for him had spotted him. Pokemon ranging from Nidoking to Rhyhorn to Stantler to Vileplume had surrounded Hiro and his Scizor. "This is not good at all. and I dont have any way to get outta this without any harm. But this cant end here.....I WONT ALLOW IT END!!!! GO.....Charizard, Electivire, Hitmontop, Flygon, Floatzel." Hiro's pokemon came rushing out. They got around Hiro to protect him. Hiro grabbed a nearby stick and readied himself for the oncoming assault. "Well lets get them before they get us............Charizard Fire Blast, Electivire Zap Cannon, Hitmontop Mega Kick, Flygon Hyper Beam, Floatzel Hydro Pump, Scizor Flash Cannon!!!!!" Hiro's pokemon prepared to launch they attacks. Hiro gazed at his attackers and let ut his own yell. The renegade pokemon began to attack. It was showdown but only one side could come out on top.
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