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About Rei_Man
- Birthday 03/10/1988
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I'm me, just like you're you. At least I hope you're you. Either way, I still don't have a clue who you are.
FDFP! Founder, Leader and so on. Shame it doesn't actually exist :P Oh well, at least I don't have to worry about administration and the like.
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Well, I'd have to agree that [B]yu-yevon[/B] is the easiest final boss ever to disgrace the world of final fantasy. Of course [SPOILER]you don't have to bother wasting items on the thing, you just cast reflect on it and give it a good-old-fashioned beating with yuna's celestial weapon.[/SPOILER] And yeah, the final boss in [B]Z.O.E.[/B] is a little disappointing, but that was less of a boss battle and more of a [SPOILER]'Jehuty gets her *** whooped by a superior orbital frame' scene. Besides, it made beating Anubis in the The 2nd Runner (which was, in my opinion, quite a difficult battle) that little bit more satisfying.[/SPOILER]
Writing Less Than Hero [PG] Scorp Corp take heed!
Rei_Man replied to Raiyuu's topic in Creative Works
Gah, boring holidays with boring parents can be so incredibly boring. And it made me miss this... Damn. Well I liked the idea, and if the rest of the story's like the first part - congratz in advance. I know you wanted some more good guys in this, but if you [I]could[/I] get me in I'd be very, very grateful. Very. So, yeah. Who wouldn't want to be depicted as an evil super-villain bent on taking over the world? Umm..... don't answer that.... -
I think I posted in something like this a while back. Oh well. I hate; [I]Bad parents[/I] - the ones that walk around supermarkets screaming at their children. Especially when they shout at them for crying, when it was their shouting that made them cry in the first place. [I]Taxi drivers[/I] - Everyone that I know does. Heck, maybe some even hate themselves. [I]Racists[/I] - They just do my head in. Period. [I]Headaches, colds, and all other minor ailments[/I] - You get rid of them, but a few weeks later, you get 'em again. [I]n00b language[/I] - Pretty much speaks for itself. Quite badly, I might add. And many other things that I won't go into, partly because they've been mentioned by so many people before me, but mainly because I just can not be bothered.
Oh my... my boredom seems to have gotten the better of me. You know it's pretty bad when you run a search for 'muffin' on Google image search. Heh... oh well. [URL=http://www.geocities.com/fictitiousturnip/muffinman.jpg]The end result.[/URL] [URL=http://www.geocities.com/fictitiousturnip/megamuffinman.jpg]And another.[/URL] I think I went a bit overboard with the text, but at least it only took five minutes.
I'd say I'm a follower all the way. You see, my introvert personality doesn't really provide a great basis for leading a group in any situation, good or bad. Plus you have the fact that on the most part I'm just too plain lazy to spend my time gathering up followers in the first place. That said, I'm not the sort who'll just follow any given person because they're popular or what-not. Even a lazy introvert can tell a good leader when he sees one, and would rather follow someone with some measure of intelligence than follow a popular moron.
Well, I'm definitely looking forward to an improve MapMaker. The one in TS2 was alright, but it just didn't work particularly well in setting up custom missions. I made one attempt at a serious custom level, with all the mission items, keys and stuff, but I pretty much gave up after that. In the end I just maded an insane arena full of turrets, headache-inducing lighting, and monkeys with flamethrowers and grenade launchers. Totally insane, especially when you've got ten of them trying to burn you to death, each respawning 20 odd times. Plus the purple 'n' green flickering lights made it pretty much impossible to see them. But yes, I'd say that this one looks far more promising. To be able to create open-air maps aswell would be interesting, and vehicles too? Wow. Though I'd like to know what the purpose of the remote-controlled cat would be .... heh. One question though, can the underground and open air elements both be used in the same map?
Ah, what I would want is to be able to create/manipulate objects with the power of thought. For example; 1. It's a hot day, and you need something to cool yourself down. So you think about ice-cream and - [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]Phwoosh![/I][/COLOR] - there it is. 2. You're stuck in a long boring battle with an evil super-villain. So you think about a 15-ton rock and - [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]Phwoosh![/I][/COLOR] - bye-bye Mr. Evildude. 3. You're an evil villain, and you want to conquer the world, but then realise that it'd be much easier to just create your own world. So you think about an earth-like planet and - [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]Phwoosh![/I][/COLOR] - you've got your own ickle world to rule. Rock on. But the question is, what to call the power? Psychogenesis sounds cool, but the word's already taken. Hmm........
Heh, I don't even know when I got into it. I've had some sort of games system for pretty much as long as I can remember, and I thank my brother greatly for that. But, though I can't exactly remember when it was, it would have had to be the old NES classsics. You know, PaperBoy, MegaMan, that sort of stuff..... ....Admittedly, I wouldn't dream of going back to those sorts of games in this day and age, but yes - they're the ones that introduced me to the world of gaming. Oh, and it was Final Fantasy 7 that introduced me to the wondrous world of RPGs, when my brother borrowed his friend's PSOne. Thanks again, Dan...
Let's see now, who would I want with me on a desert island ...... hmm ....... [I]The logical view:[/I] Oh yes, [B]all those people mentioned by others[/B], who have certain skills that would aid me.... I mean the group.... in getting off the island. I might not know them very well, but hey - whatever gets the job done. [I]The social view:[/I] Preferably I would want real-life friends over OB members, but if I had to make a choice I'd probably choose [B]Sarah(...)[/B]. OK, I haven't got much to base this decision on, but she seems nice enough from the.... erm.... one time I've talked to her. :sweat: The one person I would definitely [I]not[/I] want would be my brother, [B]Dan L[/B], after all - he's my brother. Things might go OK at first, but I doubt that'd last very long in a life-or-death situation. [I]The entertainment view:[/I] Hey, does anyone know if I can register my PS2 as OB member? No?! .....Oh well, I could always [B]spend my days beating n00bs to death[/B]. Hurrah! [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] [I]Why you wouldn't want to be stuck on an island with me:[/I] Trust me, this would be a very bad idea. I'd probably get extremely bored within the first hour or so and just sit on the beach looking at random things. Once that stage passed I'd probably start poking you at random intervals, saying that I'm just checking whether you're alive or not. After that I imagine I'd just lie there looking up at the sky, coming out with random phrases or attempting to start barely-philosophical discussions from things I saw on a college friend's folder. And, if all else failed, I'd cover the entire beach in sand-doodles. [I]Why you might want to be stuck on an island with me:[/I] - I'd laugh at all of your jokes no matter how good/bad they are. - I'd follow every order/request with a quick 'Whatever', and work hard for at least an hour before descending into the above patterns of boredom. - I can't cook, but I'd tell you that I could. - I have a basic first aid qualification. Can't remember most of it, but it's there. - My shoulder will always be there to cry/munch on.
Dale stared out into the desert, sand blowing up into his eyes. Squinting, he could just about make out the lights on the old Syon base in the distance. He turned around and walked over to the cargo ship's boarding platform, and pressed a blue button next to the gate. "Are you sure you can't get me any closer?" "Positive. That area's restricted airspace; no civilian craft allowed." He glanced back over towards the base, then at the metallic form in the sand behind him. "I guess this'll have to do then. Thanks anyway." "Happy to help." Dale released the button, and the voice cut out. He took a short step back, as the gate closed and the boarding platform started to slowly rise into the hull of the ship. As the ship shot off back towards SS3, Dale turned his head to look at the machine. "Qestrii, let's go." [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] The hangar was just like he remembered it, not like there was actually that much to remember. Plain metal walls, a small door at the back, big one at the front. Nothing new. The MechAnimas were the only things that had ever made it special, and that was the same as ever. With Qestrii set down in the corner, there were at least six others in the room. Dale recognised most of them, Desh, Amatu, Blaze, Apollo and of course Deviryn. And in the midst of them was one he hadn't seen before, an eagle MechAnima from the looks of things. Though Dale felt slightly uncomfortable around so many memories from the war, and began to tug at the black wristband again, he was glad to have the chance to see the other pilots, his friends, again.
Well, I had a somewhat weird one last night, though I'm not sure if it's quite in the same league as some of yours. Anyway, I can remember this one very well right now, so it's a long one. [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] OK, the earliest point I can remember, I was standing looking out a window in the middle of the night. Someone else was standing next to me, though I honestly can't remember who it was. Right, so all of a sudden I look up, and see one of those really stupid looking UFOs that you sometimes see on TV programs, shaped kind of like a bell, and just hovering and spinning. Then it flew off, and I started talking to the person next to me. It went something like this; HIM: Wow! Did you see that! ME: Nah, it's a fake. HIM: How can you tell, hmm? ME: Just look at it! It's a [insert obscenity] fake! The UFO disappeared into the distance, and then this incredibly bright star appeared high up in the sky, then shot down over the horizon, staying the same intensity all the way. I was totally convinced that [I]it[/I] was the real UFO. And started argueing my point to the person next to me - the problem being that he hadn't seen it. I kept on telling him that it had to be a UFO, it was twice as bright as any other star or planet in the sky. All of a sudden a light exactly like it appeared where the last had disappeared, and I pointed it out, yelling at the other person to look. But it turned out that one was just a car. :sweat: HIM: [laughing] Nice UFO, Alex. ME: Shut up. Then it went into another part, where I, along with many others, was camping out in a field. We didn't have tents or anything, just a couple of caravans between several hundred of us, so most of us were just sitting and sleeping outside. The thing that made it most awkward, however, was the fact that it took me two/three days (as far as my in-dream memory serves) to find my clothes..... Yes, quite strange indeed. After that, it somehow made another leap (there was stuff inbetween, I just can't remember any of it) to me walking down a StarWars style corridor with two of my friends, and another group of three infront. I somehow know that we're fighting in a tournament, and am trying to decide which one I'd stand a chance against. As the door opens and the others walk through, this one guy from the other team just turns around and looks at me with a smile on his face. He starts to talk; ME: Umm....what? HIM: Do you know Arbic? ME: Arbic? HIM: It's a variation of the Arabic language. Do you know it? ME: (completely confused) No.......why? HIM: (grins) Because I do. Without it, you don't stand a chance. That just left me extremely lost and confused. Why would knowing or not knowing a rarely-heard-of language make any difference in a fighting tournament? I pushed that thought aside, and walked into the arena. So, there I was, the guy just staring back at me with that stupid little smile on his face. The bell rings, and the match begins. He starts walking towards me, hands at his side all cowboy-style. I just stay where I am, and whip out a pair of sais from behind my back. Extremely small sais - I've seen bigger nails in my life - but sais nonetheless. The guy just stops, and looks at me; HIM: What the..? Where did you get those? ME: (I shrugged, not actually knowing myself) I made sure I was prepared. It's in the rules, you know. HIM: Ha! But you don't know Arbic, do you! I just gave him a concerned loo, then ran forward and we started to fight. We just kept on fighting until I managed to push him to edge of the arena. I tried to stab at him with one of the pathetically-sized sais, but he grabbed my hand and stole it from me, blabbering on about how I was going to lose because I didn't know Arbic. When he stabbed at me, I grabbed his hand and kicked him in the stomach, forcing him off the edge of the arena. He grabbed onto the edge as he fell, trying to pull himself up. I was in the process of kicking him repeatedly in the face when this girl ran over, asking for some help in finding a lost friend (I remember the girl from a point earlier on in the dream, though I'm not sure exactly where/when it was). All of a sudden the guy just reaches up with his free hand trying to grab the girl's - well I'm sure you can figure it out for yourself - so I pick up my other pathetic sai and stab it through his hand. He pulls his hand back, looks down at it, then up at me. The girl walks away. HIM: Sorry. Couldn't help myself. Remember....... Arbic! ME: You [insert obsenity]!! I kick the guy in the face a few more times, and he stabs me in the leg with the sai he stole from me earlier. I kick him again, and again, and again - but the guy just doesn't budge. So I grab his leg and, while still kicking him in the face, start pushing him off the edge. It works, and he falls off. I heard a slight thud, looked over the edge, and then the dream ended. [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] The strange thing was, most of it seemed to make sense at the time. Except for the whole "Arbic" thing...... I've got more but, after the length of this one, I thing I'll save it for later. What can I say, it was just fresh in my mind.
Typing away on the keyboard, Dale tried to run the simulation one last time - successfully. At first everything seemed to be going well, but in a fraction of a second the field collapsed. The readings soared out of control, then all of a sudden plummeted into the negative scale. Another failure. He sighed, and leaned back in his chair, staring up at the blank and unimaginitive ceiling. Researching new technology was always a hit-and-miss kind of thing, so it hadn't been too much of a surprise that the last few simulations had failed. If nothing else, he could at least be glad that it was [I]only [/I] a simulation. Sighing again, he opened another window. On the live feed from the repair station, Qestrii looked exactly the same as she had done five years ago. Of course, there is always much more to something than what the eye alone can see. Dale shifted uncomfortably in his chair, fiddling with the black band around his wrist. "If only..." "Dale?" He quickly closed the window, bringing up the simulation screen, and turned to greet his work-mate. "Hey Celle, what's...." He caught a brief glimpse of red behind her back. He'd completely forgotten that it was Valentine's Day; five years to the day since the attack. "....up?" The young woman smiled lightly. "Oh, nothing really. Just comin' over to see what you're up to." "I'll bet. You know, I can see the box from here..." Celle blushed for a moment, and was about to respond when she was interrupted by a loud beep from Dale's computer. She used the short distraction to regain her composture, laying the red box gently on the desk. "Mail, huh?" "Looks like it. Let's see....." He didn't recognise the address, but picked up a familiar name the moment he opened the file. "Sora....?" "Who's Sora?" He stared at the screen in confusion for a second, then turned back to Celle. "Oh, just an old friend." He smiled, biting his lip slightly. "Err.... sorry, but this is kind of... well... personal? It's nothing about you, but..." She nodded silently, the usually light-hearted expression on her face. "Don't worry about it Dale. We'll talk later, okay?" "Yeah, that'd be great. Oh, and thanks for the chocs." "No problem." She laughed, walking back to her desk. Dale quickly read through the e-mail. "A tournament? With the MechAnimas?...." He fiddled with the black band as he read through, coming across a list of all the others he'd met five years back. The ones he'd fought alongside. He wasn't sure whether he wanted to go; he wasn't even sure if Qestrii would be ready for something like this..... But, in the end, he decided to give it a shot. He keyed in the number for the SS3 spaceport. "Hey there........Oh, of course. Dale Meireson..........Yes, that's correct. Right........... Now, I understand this might seem a little strange, but could I book a private flight to Earth, Sandon City?..........No, a cargo freighter please.......... That'll do fine......... Passengers? No, no. Just me and some cargo........"
Joel sat at the desk in his quarters, slouched over his desk, when a knock came at the door. He instantly straightened up, but refused to turn around to meet the visitor. "Sir Vuleire?" "Yes." He responded, irritation in his voice. This soldier had visited his chamber countless times, yet the fool still had to confirm his identity. "What is it?" "The royal banquet is about to begin. All knights of the king are required to attend." Joel frowned, still with his back to the visitor. "I am busy. Please leave." "You are a knight, correct?" The visitor replied, with a hint of sarcasm.... or arrogance.... in his voice. Joel was infuriated, and toyed with the idea of charging the soldier with insubordination. In the end, as it was by the king's order, he decided not to bother. Still, the idea was quite appealing. He sighed and lifted himself out of his seat, bowing quickly to the lowly soldier. "Very well, I shall attend." He stepped towards the door, but the soldier refused to move out of his way. "All knights are also required to wear [I]armour[/I] at this occasion, sir. I'm afraid you will have to change out of your..." The soldier glanced down at Joel's rather overdone outfit and struggled to hold back a laugh. "....robes." Joel glared at the man for a few short seconds, then stood silently. To Joel's annoyance, the soldier did exactly the same. "Well, if you wouldn't mind waiting outside." The soldier bowed sloppily, then turned to leave, closing the heavy wooden door behind him. Joel could have sworn he heard a burst of laughter from the corridor, but he really wasn't in the mood to check. He opened his wardrobe and dragged out the ceremonial armour set. He let it fall to the floor with a heavy thud, then started to undress, muttering to himself in disapproval. ------------------------------------------- Joel stepped out into the corridor, fiddling with the latches on his chestplate. The soldier, who had been leaning against the wall half-asleep, stood to attention and waved his hand in the direction of the banquet hall. "This way, sir." Joel mumbled something quietly, drawing a sharp glare from his subordinate. The soldier quickly realised his mistake, and stood completely upright in a failed attempt to hide it - forcing Joel to smile. "Lead on."
[B]OOC: Sorry about being out of this for so long. Thanks to everyone for keeping my character involved, I owe you one... or two....three? Umm... yeah[/B] :sweat: "Hey, M." Carl stood waiting outside the operation room, leaning against the far wall. M peeled off the surgical gloves, covered in blood, and tossed them into the nearest waste chute. He looked up as soon as he heard Carl. Unlike most other times they'd talked, he wasn't smiling. "What's up?" Carl briefly glanced through the observation screen, then turned back to M. "Well? Did you find anything?" M nodded slowly, obviously deep in thought. "Yeah. I don't quite know what to make of it yet, but...." "But what?" M stood silent for a second, then shook his head and looked at Carl in a slightly more relaxed manner. "Don't worry about it for now. I'll go over it with everyone at the next meeting." Carl tried to look disappointed, hoping to persuade M to tell him there and then, but it didn't work. M just folded his arms and smiled. "You know, you might want to try that on someone who [I]can't[/I] read emotions." Carl shrugged, and smiled back. "Neh, too easy." Carl turned on his heel and started walking back down the corridor towards the living quarters. He was just about to turn a corner when he heard M's voice call out from behind him. "Carl! Don't forget to sort out your report!" Carl grunted disapprovingly, then rushed around the corner. He hated writing reports. [B]OOC: I assume the 'virus' mission will be going deeper into the president's daughter thing, so I'll go for that one. If ot, I'll go with it anyway. And again, very, [I]very [/I] sorry for not posting in such a long time.[/B]
Name: Joel Vuleire Age: 23 Height: 5'8" Weight: 170 lbs Gender: Male General appearance: Though Joel is relatively muscular, by the standards of most soldiers he is still less than average. His eyes are dark shade of gray, and his light brown hair is tied back neatly at the base of his neck; falling to the middle of his back. He rarely wears armour - usually for ceremonies and battles alone - and generally chooses to adorn himself in a selection of robes; occasionally going a little over the top to stand out from the crowd. With very few visible scars or injuries, some wonder whether he has ever fought in a real battle. Occupation: Knight. Serves under the King, though his loyalty is questionable. Bio: Joel had always lived the easy life. He was born into a well-endowed family in a small town in the outskirts of Arawn, and was brought up as a knight in service of the town's governor. He learned everything he knew from the old man. And of all the things the old man nurtured in Joel, the greatest of them was greed. When Damion overthrew the old king, the town and its governor refused to submit to the usurper, drawing the attention of the new king's merciless army. This clearly went against the principles that Joel had been taught - it would lead to no obvious benefit or profit - so he set about 'preparing' for the invasion. As the army drew near Joel took the life of his former master, riding out to present the governor's head to Damion himself. And thus he entered into the service of the new ruler, as his home town burnt to the ground by his own hand. This sudden betrayal, though it had certain benefits, meant that many in the army did, and still do, question his loyalty to Damion. He had betrayed his lord and his family in order to gain the favour of the winning side, therefore it is understandable to assume that he could do so again if the tides changed. As several of his piers have noted, he makes every decision based on his own well-being. Lady Ashrel has remained suspicious of him ever since he joined her army. I hope this is OK. If not, just PM me and I'll change it.