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Everything posted by Rei_Man

  1. All the activity at the other sid of the hangar was just a blur in the corner of Dale's eye. He was completely focused on the machine before him, and no amount of noise or movement, until....... [I]Well?[/I] "Huh... What?" His awareness of his surroundings suddenly seemd to return to him, almost as if the machine had, for some reason, numbed his other senses. Was it testing him? Dale still couldn't make sense of the fact that it could talk, never mind the possibility of....... [I]Dale![/I] "WHAT!!" Great. The thing even knew his name. It obviously wanted something....... and it was only then that Dale noticed the small platform that had descended from the machine's body. It was made even more obvious by the green lights flashing around the edge, but Dale had somehow managed to miss that as well. He took several steps towards it, but suddenly recoiled, realizing that he hadn't been walking completely of his own will. [I]Well? Don't tell me you weren't listening.[/I] Dale had to get rid of some tension. This was really starting to get wierd. "Wow. You're really full of tricks, aren't you?" [I]Dale, please, just get in.[/I] Dale stepped onto the platform, which subsequently rose into the body of the machine, revealing a small chamber with a pilots seat and ..... from the looks of it ..... nothing else. "Wait a second .. er.. whatever you are, I'm no pilot." [I]The name's Qestrii, and trust me, you'll be fine. I'll guide you through it.[/I] He hesitated for a moment, but eventually he headed towards the seat. [I]I'll explain on the way Dale, but we have to hurry.[/I]
  2. Dale hadn't had time to find Tom after the explosion, for all he knew he could dead. But for some reason, Dale just wasn't bothered right now. All around the room the others were joining up with their ..... MechAnima's? ...... something like that. Whatever they called them, they certainly were different. And there were still a good number of them scattered around the room. "So, which one's mine?" No one was really paying enough attention to reply, so Dale just resorted to whispering his response. It was probably better that way anyway. Still, he couldn't blame them for ignoring him. This was definitely an ... awkward situation, but there was something more to it than that. Something that couldn't really be explained. It didn't even seem to make sense. Dale could have sworn, as he was trying to figure out what that 'something' was, that he sensed something moving behind him. However, it wasn't until he heard a gentle, rythmic hissing sound that he turned around. "What the ... ?" His gaze was met by that of something resembling a giant mechanical snake. Or a worm? ........ no, definitely a snake. Either way it was big. "Wow. Is this one mine?" [I]I guess you could say that.[/I] Dale couldn't even answer back. This was really strange. First He comes face to face with a huge snake-thing, then it tries to talk to him? This was the wierdest Valentine's Day he'd ever heard of.........
  3. "Dale. Da-a-ale..." There was no real need to turn around. After all, he'd deliberately turned away in the hope that Tom would give up before even considering bothering him. He'd already figured it wouldn't work, especially on this day of the year, but there's never anything wrong with hope. That is, until it runs out. But until it ran out, he was perfectly willing to just sit there. "Dale! ........... HEY!" He new perfectly well what was coming next, and, as he expected, Tom suddenly pulled the headphones out of his ear. It would just take a few more seconds, and...... "Wow Dale. You really listen to this stuff?" ...... right on cue. Dale quickly turned around, to find Tom looking at him with the usual smirk on his face. "Right. Like yours is any better." Tom's smirk quickly faded. Dale had made sure thathe had a mouthful of food before turning around, with half of it now splattered across Tom's new shirt. "REAL mature Dale. You should rea-" "I know. I should really stop taking advantage of idiots, but hey, it's never gonna happen." "You know, you'd keep more friends if you didn't talk." Dale shrugged, "Like I said, never gonna happen." Dale swallowed what was left of the food in his mouth, and leaned back into the seat. It was becoming painfully obvious by the look on Tom's face that his hope had just ran out. He braced himself for what was about to come. "So, Dale..." Tom folded his arms on the table, and pushed down on them as he leant over the table. "......how's the love life?" "I new you were going to say that." "Well of course. It is Valentine's Day, isn't it? Well Dale? Any Valentines yet?" "I wouldn't know." "What, the whole broken locker excuse again?" Just that instant, Dale made the fatal mistake of glancing past Tom towards a table at the other end of the cafeteria. He recognised a couple of them. Sora Avian was one. Even someone as unpopular as Dale couldn't go around the school without knowing her name. Then there were two guys, one of which he vaguely recognised, though not by name, and another one who was completely new to him. But he didn't really care about that. The last person was a different matter though. He felt quite ashamed that he didn't even know her name yet. "Tough luck Dale, looks like you got the wrong girl." Dale, who had been trying desperately to remember the girl's name, looked back to see that Sora had left her seat, and was walking towards him. She must have noticed him looking over to the table. "Loser." He would have felt incredibly uncomfortable, if not for fact that the guy who'd been sitting across from Sora looked just as confused as he did.
  4. : Pilot Sign-up : [B]Name:[/B] Dale Meireson [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] About 5'9", long black hair and green eyes. Medium tan with a relatively fair complexion. Average build, not particularly muscular. Wears; black, long-sleeved top, with the right sleeve falling down to his wrist whereas the left sleeve is cut off at the elbow; Loose fitting jeans, darkish blue, full length; Plain grey trainers. Also wears a pendant around his neck, on a faded silver chain, with a small emerald set in the centre. [B]Personality[/B]: Comes off as being quite arrogant at times, with a tendency to act recklessly in situations when he should know better. In reality, has little confidence to speak of, a total sum of 4 'friends', and nothing resembling what one would call a 'fighter's spirit'. [B]Bio[/B]: Born to a modest home in the suburbs of Sandon, he would say, looking back on his life, that it had been nothing special. He lost his mother when he was born, and was lucky to survive himself, but he never saw it as the miracle that his father made it out to be. He was alive, just like everyone else. And his mother, he had never even known her. All he had to know her by were the stories his father would tell and the pendant that she left to him. Of course, he did eventually have a mother, when his father remarried six years ago, but he never really got along to well with her. Not by any fault of her's, he simply wasn't used to having anyone apart from his father there to look after him, to tell him what to do. After two years, the marriage fell apart, and they divorced. His dad was never quite the same, he never showed Dale the same sort of attention that he used, and their relationship too began to sour. Shunned by his own father, Dale tried to get the attention he desired from his friends, and in doing so turned them away. Since then Dale's life has just stayed the same stagnant pit that it was four years ago, with his approach to it being the only thing that has changed, his search for attention becoming more and more desperate. [B]Crush[/B]: Elizabeth Walker, though he'd never admit it to her face. [B]Weakness[/B]: His attempts to draw attention to himself tend to bring more negative results than positive ones, so practically everyone in school either hates him or ignores him. So he tries again..... and again..... [B] MechAnima[/B]: Cobra [B]Name[/B]: Qestrii [B]Personality[/B]: Reclusive and calm, Qestrii is an obvious contradiction to Dale's personality. Though very understanding of others, she is still coming to terms with her own existence and the fact that she is truly unique. She choose Dale in the hope that they could both help eachother to better understand and be at peace with themselves. She uses this special bond to support Dale where he would usually fail, especially in the heat of battle. [B]Appearance[/B]: Qestrii is matte black on top, and silver on her underside, along the entire length of her body. 10 green energy rings run down her body, at equal intervals, which are usually concealed by protective plates until she has coiled around her opponent. Her body has a very slight scale pattern on it's surface, only noticeable when light is shone on it from the correct angle. Her eyes are bright glowing green. [B]Abilities[/B]: Like the creature on which she was based, Qestrii's main offensive and defensive strategies comes from her ability to trap an opponent using her body. Once coiled around an opponent she can either crush it, tear it apart with her powerful fangs, or disable it with an EMP field generated by the energy rings running down her body. Her only long-range attack comes from a pair of light energy cannons mounted on the crest on each side of her head. [B]Special Abilities[/B]: [B][I]Constriction[/I][/B]: In the event that her opponent can not be disabled by the EMP field, an energy blade can be formed at each energy ring, slicing directly into the body of her enemy. With an accurate twist of her body, she can then slice her enemy into pieces. [I][B]Venom[/B][/I]: Like the cobra of the beast world, Qestrii can use her fangs to inject poison, or in this case a nanomachine virus, into her trapped opponent. If it can not be stopped this virus will attack and destroy many of the motor and control connections inside the enemy machine, leaving it completely, and often permanently, disabled. [B]Weakness[/B]: If it can not capture an opponent in its grip, with its limited weaponry it stands little chance of defeating it. Not the fastest of the anima either.
  5. I'd have to say that I prefer the company of friends to family, on the most part. Really, it's not quite as much of a [I]listening[/I] thing, but more of a 'the more time I spend with someone, the easier it is for their habits to irritate me' kind of thing. It's not exactly as if I listen to my friends any more than I would my parents. If I'm in a bad mood with my parents, I ignore their advice. If I'm in a bad mood with my friends, I'll ignore their advice too. That's as simple as it gets in terms of the listening factor. As with the irritation thing, there's a big difference between the 2/3 hours you spend with your friends at college and the rest of your waking hours spent with your family. Personality quirks are [B][I]so[/I][/B] amusing. :rolleyes:
  6. This is an idea that came into my head a few weeks back, and has slowly changed and evolved since. It's an RPG set in the near future, 2038, on an Earth torn apart by war. The two factions in the war are the Eos Government, an order formed by the unification of all nations, and the Akhra Militia, a large force determined to shape the world as they see fit. On its formation Eos was divided into 3 regions, West (America, Canada, etc.), East (Asia, Russia, Australia, etc.) and Central (Europe, Africa, etc.). The Akhra have been steadily invading Eos-controlled territory since their emergence 4 years ago, and now occupy almost all of Central Eos, Former Europe now practically being under their complete control. The remnants of the Central forces battle the Akhra on land, with the few pockets of resistance that remain, while the East and West forces attack by sea and sky, unfortunately with no significant triumphs. As the war continues, the Akhra continue to develop more advanced weapons and technology, giving them an almost unfair advantage throughout. -------------------------------------------------------- [I]Eos Government Publication 00763 – 27/06/2038 The Akhra Threat – Recent Events The siege of London came to a shocking climax yesterday as the contingent of Akhra soldiers surrounding the city broke through it’s last remaining defences, slaughtering all who stood against them. The city, which was the capital of England before the formation of Eos, has been under constant bombardment for the past two weeks. An estimated 80% of the population have been killed or seriously injured in the violence, and the city itself has, for the majority, been reduced to rubble. Despite several attempted engagements by what remains of the Central Region Military, this latest defeat has left practically all of Old Europe in the possession of the Akhra militia. With many of the Central Region ports now under Akhra rule, it is only a matter of time before the West Region falls under attack – recent surveillance suggests that preparations are already under way. Though Russia’s Army, with the nation having declared itself a free state, is still putting up heavy resistance on the Eastern front, it’s defences will surely fail within the next few months, exposing the presently unaffected East Region to the onslaught. Some small pockets of resistance still exist inside occupied territory, but no force strong enough to halt the continuous invasion effort. However, we must insist that the general public do not panic. The EWDB and the Military are doing all that they can to develop new weapons and strategies to defeat the Akhra invasion. Civil unrest would divert our resources from the warfront, and put you, the people, in unnecessary danger. Stay calm, stay focused, and we will succeed.[/I] ---------------------------------------------------------- Though I have a pretty clear idea of the history of the war, the plot's still being worked on, and it may take a couple weeks to get it right, so I would expect this too soon. I've already decided to divide the story into 4 chapters. The first three, though they will be running one after another, will be set in the same period of days/weeks, on three different fronts, with different charcters. Here's the basic idea at the moment; [B]Chapter 1 - (Title undecided)[/B], will take place inside enemy territory. An attempt to destroy one of their 'superweapons' and its production facility. [B]Chapter 2 - (Title undecided)[/B], will take place on the frontlines (somewhere in Central Region) [B]Chapter 3 - (Title undecided)[/B] No idea at the moment, help appreciated. [B]Chapter 4 - (Title undecided)[/B] The final part, a culmination of the other 3 chapters. Though it will take place on the frontlines, it will take into account the events in the other fronts aswell. As of character design, my character for the first chapter is completed, others are still pending. The character sign-up sheet will be pretty much the same for chapters 1, 2 and 4, with only minor differences. As 3 is a complete mystery for the moment, the signup could be different in the end. Weapons will be modern (guns) on the most part, though characters will be allowed to carry a melee weapon as a secondary weapon. Unlike my last attempted war RPG, player characters will be of the Eos Military alone, and not the Akhra. Hopefully, I'll soon have a bit more to go on, in which case I'll add another post later. Any extensions/changes to information already here will be edited into this post, so be sure to check this post occassionally if you're interested. Hopefully, if all goes well, I should have another update ready for the weekend. (If anyone has any ideas regarding the 3rd Chapter, feel free to PM me)
  7. The dock official exhaled loudly as his back hit the wall, the impact drawing cracks in its surface, and fell to his knees gasping for air. As he stood, his right arm limp and bloody at his side, the girl pulled him forward, raising her spear for another strike. As her eyes glared viciously into his own, he began to tremble with uncontrollable fear. As she leaned forward to speak, everything behind her seemed to fall into darkness. "I'll ask one more time, where are they? I suggest you answer honestly." "Who? I don't know what you're on about!" "Do you want to die?" A sadistic smile flashed across Elissa's face as the official stuggled hopelessly to break free of her grip. Digging her fingers deep into his shoulder, she forced him into the wall heavily, further deepening the cracks. "Three, maybe four of them. About my age. Difficult to miss, even for an idiot like you." "I don't know!! Do you know how many peope your age come - " His words trailed off into an anguished scream as Elissa dug her nails deeper into his flesh. Plunging her yari into the ground, she placed her free hand on his forehead, slowly grinding his head against the already unstable wall. "Think harder. There are others here who could help me. And if I don't need you anymore -" Elissa paused for a few seconds, letting the obvious conclusion sink in. Seeing that her methods of persuasion seemed to be taking effect, she quickly continued. "Well? Do you remember now?" "There were three of them. There was something ... strange ... about them. You could see it in their eyes." Pulling him slowly away from the wall, she whispered quietly. "And? Aren't you forgetting something?" He answered in a slightly less pained though still frightened tone. "I don't know where they are now," He lifted his left hand, pointing towards a small gift shop, a large crowd lingering nearby. "But I saw all three head off in that direction, one after another. That's all I know." Elissa took two steps back, dragging the official completely away from the blood-stained concrete. Letting out a small yelp as she tore her fingers from his shoulder, he rose weakly to his feet, standing two inches higher than Elissa. Elissa took one further step backwards, and smiled sadistically. "Thank you for your help. I hope the funeral goes well." "What?! You wouldn't -" Drawing a katana with her right hand, Elissa brought the blade into a rising diagonal slash across the official's chest, silencing him. Continuing the slash into a backwards spin kick, she lashed out with her right heel, sending the man through the wall and bringing it crashing down on top of him. Sheathing the katana and taking her Yari in hand, she allowed the shadows that had obscured the scene to disappear, and wandered off towards the large crowd. Within less than a minute, she heard screams behind her, as blood began to pool around the heap of shattered concrete. "Ha! Better to make my presence known early!"
  8. [B]Project Name: [/B] Project Houha-2 [B]Name: [/B] Elissa Lockeheart [B]Age: [/B] 19 [B]Gender: [/B] Female [B]Appearance: [/B] About 5'10" with long, flowing dark-blonde hair. Her eyes are light green, with slight hints of brown in parts. She is of a quite slim build. She wears dark clothing - long black jeans, and a chinese style shirt - high necked, sleeveless - with a white around the top of the neck and just below the shoulders. Generally prefers to travel and fight barefoot. She carries the yari on her back, and the two katanas hang from her waist in their saya. [B]Transformed Appearance:[/B] Hair turns jet-back, and eyes change colour - turn to dull/dark red, which shimmer like hot embers. Colour fades from skin, becomes very pale. Dim red/purple aura appears to surround body, and shadows gather around her feet, to the extent that they cannot be seen even in bright daylight. [B]Personality: [/B] Quiet and cold, Elissa has a disturbingly bitter, spiteful personality. She lives for herself alone, and fights to win in battle. Anyone who stands in her way rarely lives to regret it. Some think that this is the result of her enhancements and connection with Rakuhouha, but others claim that she has always been this way. Since the experiment took place, she has shown an increasing desire for power over time. [B]Home Colony: [/B] UK Zero [B]Battle Specialty: [/B] Close range [B]Weapons: [/B] [URL=http://www.mantisswords.com/japanese_yari.htm] - [I]Yari[/I][/URL] [URL=http://gungfu.com/cart-htm/swords_samurai_steel_blade.htm/swords_emperor_series_big.jpg] - [I]Twin katanas [/I] (can only use one in normal form)[/URL] [B]Physical Ability:[/B] [I]Top speed: [/I] 79mph [I]Max Arm Strength: [/I] 1.7 tons [I]Max Leg Strength: [/I] 3.1 tons [B]Special Abilities: [/B] - Demonic transformation - Speed increase - Improved reaction speed/reflexes - Slight telekinesis/ability to manipulate shadows - Can create illusions of the mind - More skilled with the Yari in normal form, and the twin katanas when transformed. [B]Spirit Partner: [/B] Rakuhouha
  9. [quote name='Fall']Either that, or we're gonna have the high-tech machines and technology that will be able to stop the world ending at all... the way technology's going these days, it won't be long before we're living on the moon.[/quote] I seriously doubt that any technology, present or future, would ever be able to travel prevent the end of the world. Even if we could interfere with issues involving the planet itself, there'd be no way of preventing the eventually death of the Sun. If the human race still exists billions of years from now, the only way of avoiding that would be to settle in another star system, on a planet that could support life. Even if nothing kills us off before then, even if we did manage to find such a planet and to colonise it, the same fate would certainly await that world aswell.
  10. Ok, maybe I did go a bit overboard in that last post. Sorry 'bout that. :sweat: I didn't mean to say that we're all on a sadistic quest to destroy everything, so, if it sounded like that, I apologize. I guess I meant to say that we've been quite careless at times in our handling of situations, embracing certain aspects of technology with open arms before examining carefully their problems. And it was probably cruel to blame it on the human race as a whole, since it's the corporations and businesses that sell it to us who tell us it's safe in the first place. And its corporations and businesses that chop down forests, etc, etc. But unfortunately it's the people with money who have the power in this world. And I think everybody's more stupid than they're willing to admit, even myself. So shoot me. And the whole 'irepairable' ozone thing was down to a lack of research on my part, so apologies for that too. So yeah. I guess I was a bit too ignorant there. Woopdi-doo, I'm an idiot!!
  11. Well, whatever causes the end of the world, I think it's pretty safe to say that it'll be by human hands. We've only been on the planet for an extremely small fraction of it's existence, yet our species has single handedly caused more environmental damage than all others past and present. Though most of the damage can be repaired, some of it is inevitably irrepairable. Take the ozone layer for example, which has been almost completely depleted over parts of Australia. And yet many people still remain ignorant to such problems, clinging onto the idea that humanity, as a whole, is the most intelligent, socially advanced species on the Earth. If we are so 'superior' why has the planet suffered more as we have supposedly 'advanced'? Other 'inferior' species have maintained a perfect balance with nature since the introduction of life to this planet, taking and giving only what is necessary to survive. Humanity, on the other hand, has taken much and given back little, bathing itself in luxuries at the expense of the world around it. So yes, my opinion is that, if anything, [I]we'll[/I] end up destroying the planet. And if that's the case I hope we all die with it. Good day to you all, and sleep well.
  12. Name: Iulia Paoen Age: 23 Description: Shoulder-length dark red-brown hair, tied back into a knot during flight, but otherwise kept loose. Piercing green eyes. Stands at about 5'9''. In missions she wears a white and dark green full-body flightsuit (main body = white. Two vertical green stripes run down the front of the suit, down the centre of the body, along with on down the back. Two stripes also run down both arms, from the shoulder. On the left hand the stripes converge and and end at the wrist, on the right hand they continue to the tips of the two middle fingers. A single thick stripe runs down the side each leg, ending at the ankle. The collar of the flightsuit ends at the top of the neck.) In her spare time, she wears simple, loose clothing, usually dark green or turquoise in colour. Her clothes usually feature long sleeves and high necks, and expose very little other than her face, hands and ankles. Race: Human; Carida (recently destroyed) Ship pilot expertise: Modified A-Wing - Fixed blaster cannon mounts, as opposed to the standard pivoting model; Concussion missile tubes refitted to hold 2 ion cannons (1 each tube); Single concussion missile launcher fitted externally, mounted on underside, dead centre. Expertise: Former Covert Ops agent; Espionage and Infiltration. Bio: Iulia was born and raised on the planet Carida, in the like named system, during the Emperor's reign. On a world allied with and controlled by the Empire, even after the death of the Emperor at Endor, the Paoen family were one of the rare few who secretly supported the actions of the Rebel Alliance, and later, the New Republic. At the age of 16, Iulia left the planet onboard an Imperial arms freighter, on the pretense of attending an Imperial Academy, and knowing that the New Republic were set to intercept the freighter mid-route. From then on, she managed to talk and charm her way into a NRI training academy, graduating and rising through the ranks just as quickly. Intelligent and adaptive, Iulia quickly became one of NRI's top agents, and was placed in the Covert Operations squad, working alongside others like the Rogue's and Wraith's. Hearing of her past experience' and understanding the necessity of a CO specialist in the group, General Cracken was quick to assign her to the group. Her home planet and system was destroyed one year ago by the Jedi Kyp Durron, using an Imperial superweapon, the Sun Crusher, to cause the explosion of the system's sun. Thus Iulia has a resentment towards most Jedi, as one would expect. However Iulia has recognised that the acts of one do not necessary reflect that of the others, and has decided to put her differences aside with Edel Hawke, understanding the need of a Jedi in preventing similiar disasters that could occur in the future. However, Iulia is not a Jedi, and can not calm her emotions easily, so sometimes her feelings break through to the surface.
  13. Name: Tifa Lockheart Age: 22 Game: Final Fantasy 7 (Advent Children) Side: Sony Appearance: [URL=http://www.adventchildren.net/media/screens/jul16/img19.htm]This[/URL] and [URL=http://www.adventchildren.net/media/screens/jul16/img18.htm]this.[/URL] Weapons/Items: Fists: Metal Knuckle - though a very simple weapon in nature, Tifa's physical strength alone easily makes up for it's weaknesses. Feet: Steel capped boots - as above Level 2 Ice materia + All materia: Speaks for itself - capable of casting Ice or Ice2 on multiple targets. Bio: Along with Cloud Strife, the members of Avalanche, and others, Tifa fought to save the world from destruction at the hands of Sephiroth. As a group, they suffered great losses, first through the death of Aeris, and then through the apparent loss of Cloud, at which point Tifa temporarily took charge of the group. After Cloud was found again, Tifa helped him to overcome the Mako poisoning in his body, and to break through his false memories and the lies of Sephiroth. Tifa fought at Cloud's side until the final battle with Sephiroth, successfully defeating him and preventing the destruction of the planet. Now, I've decided to use the FF7AC model of Tifa because, let's face it, she looks a lot better. Hope that's Ok, and if not I'll change it. (sorry about the delay with finishing the Bio, I've been away for three weeks)
  14. [I][B]11 reasons why you should support me and oppose them.[/B][/I] 1) Look into my eyes....... you are feeling sleepy....... sle-e-e-e-e-epy...... :sleep: 2) They're trying to manipulate and brainwash you!!! What, me? NO!! This is hypnotism, there's a difference! Honestly... 3) They eat small fluffy, similiar animals. I'm normal, I ate some chocolate. Your chocolate, I know, but that's not the point. 4) PiroMunkie: He mispelt monkey!! ON PURPOSE!!!! Evil! Evil!! 5) DragonWarrior: That hat is like so-o-o-o last century. 6) That isn't tea your're drinking. 7) PM'll burn you all!! Just look at the name!! 8) I say so. And no-one can resist my sexy TV dinners. :confused: 9) I'll be emotionally scarred if you don't. You'll hide in shame for the rest of your life. 10) I came up with more reasons than their supporters did!! 11) See reason 1.
  15. Oooooo..... too many things.. [B]Noisy eaters, or people with terrible table manners[/B]: My parents used to say I had terrible eating habits, so now it really gets on my nerves when; People eat loudly, and you can hear the food slopping around in their mouth People burp at the table, or cough directly at someone else's food by accident And so on... [B]Bad drivers[/B]: Basically just whenever somebody I don't know in a car I've never seen before does something completely idiotic that put's others at risk, or is just particularly annoying. [B]Arrogant people[/B]: Possibly the most annoying type of person in the world. Includes; People who demand respect but refuse to give it. 'Perfect' people. Most celebrities. [B]Nosy people[/B]: Anyone who interferes with anyone else's personal business and life. I think the media is particularly bad for this, prying into every aspect of celebrity's personal lives, making their life hell. Small things, I'm not so bothered about, though it can still be annoying. [B]Nose blowing[/B]: It's disgusting!! I prefer it when people just sniff. [B]Bad parents[/B]: Those occassional gems that you find on the bus or in the supermarket. Those people who think the only way to control a child is by shouting in their ear and threatening to slap them. [B]People who refuse to shut up when you're trying to watch something[/B]: My mum is terrible for this. It can get really annoying, especially when she starts trying to work out the meaning of the film, in a religious context, half way through. [B]People who refuse to shut up in general[/B]: Those times when someone just goes on and on about something over and over again, regardless of how many times you try to change the subject or tell them to give it a rest. [B]People who lack any diplomatic skills[/B]: People who think that their rights are the most important, and who think the way to resolve all arguments involves excessive use of one's vocal cords and fists. People who are quite happy to do something but hate it when someone else does it. [B]People who complain too much[/B]: Self explanatory. And yes, I do annoy myself. Woooo....... I think I'll shut up now. For my own safety....
  16. I currently remain undecided on the matter, and shall remain undecided. Going with both sides? Not my style. Going [I]against[/I] both sides is more like it. Sure, somebody'll probably kill me in the process, but hey; that's what life is about! (I have some very mixed up ideas) Besides, the middle-person position is already taken. *sobs* [I]And so the Independent Revolutionary was born.[/I] Just for the record, I prefer Piro to DW. That is all. I am off to make my own evil, er.., I mean very very agreeable, plans. Yes..... agreeable.....:shifty:
  17. Well, the thought of "what am I really afraid of?", or something along those lines went through my mind only a few weeks ago so, here I go... I suppose my greatest fear would be losing someone that I really cared about, as in one of my (future) children or my (future) wife. Knowing that there is absolutely nothing I can do to save them, having them die in my arms. If it was only a friend I think I would probably be able to deal with it over time, but someone that close to me.......... I just don't think I could handle it. Eek..... I really hope that nothing like that ever happens to me...
  18. Oh yes....... I remember now......... back in the days when the bathroom door did not have a lock on it*shudders*.... 1. There was this one time several years ago when I went to the toilet, and my bestfriend (at the time) all of a sudden came barging in on me. It was very embarassing, and to him very funny. I actually suspect that it was a fiendish plan instigated by him and my brother, but I suppose I shall never really know. 2. Last year, I somehow got into a conversation about how high me and some of my friends could kick. And, quite foolishly, I decided to try and demonstrate my limits. I accidentally put way too much force into my kick, and so when my leg reached it's limit, there was still a lot of power left in it. As a result, I fell backwards painfully on my sensitive rear end. I laughed, whereas my friends were a little concerned that I might have hurt myself at first. Well, needless to say I was a little sore for about a week.........
  19. Yes.. though I've never actually seen the inside of the girl's washrooms, this was supposedly the case at my old school. And considering the state of the boy's toilets, they must have been pretty damn messy. I don't really have any ideas as to why this was this was the case, so I'll just agree with Rachael's statement, as it sounds pretty understandable.
  20. [QUOTE=Dan L]In Stoke the bus service used to be called PMT buses (that was the company's actual name, not just a nick-name for it- now it's First PMT as it merged with First Travel) Legend has it the buses only came around once a month[/QUOTE] Yeah, and I'm glad I don't have to put up with them for a few months now. Other things I didn't say; I can play the guitar too, though at the moment I only play chords really. I did art at GCSE level, but dropped it after some issues with my art teacher. I still like to draw, but yeah. I'm hardly the most creative person in the world.
  21. I'm kind of confused as regards to the actual mechanics of internet relationships, especially if the two are long distances apart........ Also, it wouldn't really work well for a person of my ethics and personality. I find it difficult enough express my feelings in real life, but if I try to type them....... Oooo boy. Impossible. [I][B]Dan[/B][/I] - You didn't miss the Internet thing in the initial post because it wasn't mentioned in the initial post. I think this is concerning crushes and stuff of any form. Either that or I've made a mistake too......... hehe..... :sweat:
  22. I'm from Stoke-On-Trent, England - a city generally thought to be extremely crappy, to which I must agree. I don't have a job right now, firstly because I only just finished high school (UK terms), and secondly because I don't want one for a little while longer. I'm about to move on to college in September, but until them I'm pretty much a free man (or boy, whatever). At college I will (hopefully) be studying Maths, Chemistry, Biology and Psychology. I haven't taken Psychology before, but it sounds interesting. Here's hoping that I'll get to mess with people's heads.....BWAHAHAHAHA!!! ......................so yeah, that's me. Oh yeah, and though I don't live in Canada, I've been to Toronto on holiday before. Cool place. Beats my city's crappiness without even having to try.
  23. Saddam: "Look! A plane!" All: "Wha-?" Saddam: "Haha, suckers!" *attempts to escape*
  24. I once get Ultima weapon, FF7, to kill himself (by accident of course). It was the final battle, and in a last ditch effort, it cast Shadow Flare on Vincent. Vincent, at the time, had the Reflect Ring accessory equipped. And so it was that Ultima Weapon was fried by his very own signature attack. Happy days..... Okay, so that wasn't really that insane. If I can remember anything better, I'll add it on later. But, neh, this'll do for now.
  25. [quote name='satan665']If the movie is released on DVD and is popular, indie theatres might pick it up and play it. You can project DVD's on a movie screen even if they don't release a "film" version.[/quote] Is that even legal? Besides, achieving Aeris' L4 Limits is far from impossible. I'm only at the end of Disc 1 (second run-through) and I have her L4 plus most both of Cloud and Tifa's L3s. It just takes time and devotion. Lots of it. And I must say that the official site trailers, both Japanese and English, are totally amazing. Like Sage said, if you havent seen them already, take a look. I don't care whether it comes out at the cinema first or just on DVD, just as long as it gets a European release.
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