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Everything posted by Rei_Man

  1. My current favourite character in SC2 would have to be Xianghua. I'm still getting used to her, but her fighting style is very fluidic, and has several useful feint moves and quick attacks. Other than that, I would go for Mitsurugi who, in contrast, has a much more rigid fighting style, with several powerful, yet still relatively fast, attacks. Then there's Taki with her annoyingly efficiently stab attacks.
  2. Damn, you people have gone off topic. Oh well. I'd say that by most definitions I'm definitely an outcast, and proud to be it. Unfortunately in this modern society it is almost impossible to avoid being stereotyped and labelled by those around you. Ideally I would prefer not to be judged in such a way, but this is the world we live in. In the current structure of society, it seems that the so-called "incrowd" is merely a tool by which is being bred a generation of braindead idiots who, unfortunately, would appear to be the basis on which society is set to "evolve". Many people choose to blame this on the incrowd itself, whereas it is actually the ignorant stance of society that has allowed this situation to form in the first place. So yes. I am very proud to be an outcast. (I apologise if I may have offended anyone with my opinions in this post. I am not saying that all who consider themselves in the "incrowd" fall into the 'braindead idiots' category)
  3. Wow, convenience. I don't have a crush on anyone at OB, I don't go for that kind of thing, but yeah - I find it really difficult myself. It's like you get that fear that you might say or do something that'd screw up your friendship in the long-term. Plus with my complete inexperience with dating anyway..... yes. Indeed. I've liked someone I know for, oh, nearly a year and a half now, and made about three attempts that I absolutely screwed up. I think it helped a lot that she just laughed it off and preended as though she didn't even realise, but I went through a period of about three months where I thought she hated me. But that was just me. If I tried now, I think I might be able to pull it off, but the problem is that I rarely see her any more, because she's off at boarding school at the moment. I see her maybe every couple of weeks, and I find it really difficult because when I do see her, I only get to talk with her for about ten, fifteen minutes. It is rather annoying...
  4. Name: Dien Lensse Username: HybridTheory Side: Purger Gender: Male Age: 18 Internet Appearance: (If I can't sort a picture I'll write this soon) Weapon(s): Claw gauntlets, Bladed duel staff Target Zone: Game Personality: An OTT games fanatic, Dien tries to imitate his favourite villians in everything he does. His behaviour is usually somewhat unstable, though he is most often of a very aggressive nature. It has been noted that he takes intense pleasure from inflicting harm upon others. Short Bio: Dien has always prefered games that allow you to take on the 'good guys'. He sees Purger's plans as a way of living out his fantasies in real life; or rather virtual life, the next best thing. Afterwards, he intends to turn the Games forum into an area for all-out discussions about his favourite characters, evil of course.
  5. Well, here's my latest banner. This one's animated, and it's gone through about four/five variations to get the file size to a suitable amount and make a few improvements. This version is about a third the size of the original so, as you can imagine, I had to remove quite a bit - which actually made it work better in the end. Comments?
  6. I'm pretty sure that the Hitman series could be classed as letting you play as the 'bad guy'. I somehow doubt that assassins who sneak around shooting people in the back of the head and slitting people's throats with razor wire would usually be in the 'good' category. Some others that I would suggest, namely GTA, Command & Conquer, and Tie Fighter (I own all 3) have already been mentioned, and so I will not repeat what has already been said about them. I must admit it's somewhat disturbing how amusing and satisfying playing as the 'bad guy' can be.
  7. Surely most people have noticed that most evil villians in videogames and movies rarely seem to have any brilliant ideas at how to take over, or destroy, the world. And those who do never succeed. They always make one stupid mistake that costs them everything. So, the question I seek to ask you is; If you were an evil megalomaniac, how would you set about ruling/destroying the world? And, just as importantly, what would be your motives? Money? Power? The immeasurable satisfaction of stabbing someone throught the chest with a 7 foot sword? Well? I look forward to reading your suggestions. Feel free to make them unrealistic and funny, but don't go to overboard, K? [I][B]Note[/B][/I]: Posting a suggestion in this thread does not implicate anyone as a future criminal mastermind with plans to rule the world. Honestly........ hehe.... *shifty gaze*.. :shifty:
  8. Saeri kneeled in front of the injured human, watching as his bloody chest rose and fell with each choking breath. On one hand Saeri had her morals; that she would only kill when necessary and never slaughter a weaponless enemy, nevermind an unconscious one. On the other hand, she had her orders. If she disobeyed any direct order she would be at risk of losing her position in Sietis Division. Disobeying a direct order involving the extermination of humans would result in a death sentence. In this case death would not be a risk, but a certainty. She had stared at the body for well over half an hour, and still the question plagued her mind. [I]It's inevitable that at least one of us is going to die. If I let you live, we'll both die. Then......... why... can't I kill you....?[/I] Over time she had also become increasingly aware of the restless soldiers on the other side of the compound. If even one of them came over to request orders, she would have no way out of the situation. Saeri finally made her decision. Gritting her teeth, she rolled the wounded human over on to his side, to hide the movements of his chest from sight. If he was lucky, he might just be able to survive long enough for other humans to find him. If not, he would die, or get killed by some other Esrian, and her orders would officially be a success. She hated to think in such a way, but she had no real choice over the matter. Walking over to her designated group, Saeri issued the orders given to her by Lucid over half an hour ago. [I]Don't leave any alive.[/I] She just hoped their over-enthusiasm would keep them from noticing the subtle breathing of the one exception. As the soldiers went around stabbing and slashing nearly every corpse in sight, Saeri corrected herself quietly. "He's got to be extremely lucky if he survives this.."
  9. Name : Kago Teyama Age : 21 Gender : Male Group : Segomari Ronins Rank in group : Member Fighting style : Mixture of Bushido and Kendo (sword arts) and Aikido (hand-to-hand). Weapons : - "Wandering Spirit". Once belonged to Kago's father. A simple yet well built katana. - Four-point shaken(throwing stars). Abilities : Quite agile, allows him to perform complex ukemi techniques with relative ease. Very accurate with shaken at close - medium range. Description : [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/guy/7-10.htm]Like this [/URL] in terms of facial features and weapon. Wears long flowing crimson robes down to his ankles, and matching pants of the same length. Personality : Kago is a loner by definition. Since his father's death he has decided to trust no-one unless they deserve it. He fights with a fire in his eyes, striving to bring an end to the chaos that ruined his life. Regardless of this, he is not a foolhardy or arrogant man, and will consider his options carefully before charging into battle. Bio : Kago learnt everything he knows from his father, Yagyu Teyama; an instructor of Kendo and Bushido who once fought under Lord Ghoda. At the age of 15 he completed his training, and decided to help his father at the dojo. For two years the dojo thrived, and by the end of this time Yagyu was preparing to pass ownership of the dojo onto his son. Unfortunately, this event never came to pass. As rumours began to spread about Izayuai, the enchanted blade, many began to lust for its power and warlords began to gather vast armies for its conquest. All called for the greatest of samurai, and Kago's father was classed among them. Akira refused to fight for the greedy Lord Todomaki, and so Todomaki, fearing that Akira would join forces with another warlord, ordered his death. Kago's father was brutally murdered before his very eyes, and the dojo was burnt to the ground. Kago soon began to harbor a severe abhorance of all warlords as he reflected on his father's demise. He hated Todomaki for killing his father, and he hated Ghoda and for forsaking him. Though he still held Lord Youjima in high respect, he did not feel comfortable with the idea of serving him; fearing that it could eventually lead him to the same fate as his father. And so Kago decided that he would serve no master. Having taken up his father's sword, he has chosen to shape his own destiny.
  10. My favourite video game music would have to be; 1. The theme from Final Fantasy X, I forget the name. Its really quite emotional, and matches well with the CG scenes where it's used. Can't understand a word of the lyrics, as its in Japanese, but oh well. 2. The theme from from MGS2: Sons Of Liberty. I sometimes watch the opening movie just to listen to it. Dooo-deee-dooo......dee-doo-dee-dooo-doooooo.... And then there's one from Zone Of The Enders: 2nd Runner. But since I can't actually remember what it goes like, I won't include it. As for the best anime music, Evangelion.
  11. Name: Tsun Te'Kama Age: 19 Gender: Male Gems: Speed / Time Abilities: Speed - Flash Roundhouse: A swift, difficult-to-block kick. - Vector Blade: Throws knives at high speed. - Blind Edge: Uses immense speed to appear invisible before attacking Time - Flash Devastation: Deadly combination of lightning-fast attacks. - Convergence: Manipulates time to create the illusion of several Tsuns attacking at once. - Tempora: Severely distorts time. Various effects. Oricinu: Oracle Weapon: (Tsun uses forms of Butterfly Swords, which are knives really, similiar to [URL=http://www.mantisswords.com/butterflyknives.jpg]these[/URL]) Before merging with Gems: Paradox Blades After merging with 1 Gem: Acelerae After merging with 2 Gems: Chronophobia Class: "Negotiation specialist" (aka. Assassin) Description: Tsun is of average height and build. He has long silvery hair, in a loose messy style, and dark green eyes. He wears long baggy white pants of the Japanese kind (like Heihachi, Tekken) and walks barefoot. His torso and arms are bare. He has light armour on both shoulders, connected by a strap that runs along the base of his neck. He also wears an armour plate over his right knee. His two knives hang at each side of his belt. Tsun is a loner, and always has been. As an assassin, he works alone, and has only his own instincts and strength to rely on. He is a calm and focused warrior, and will always find a way to manipulate a situation to his benefit. Bio: Tsun's place of birth is unknown, and for several years he has lived a nomadic lifestyle - moving from town to town in search of new clients. He remembers very little about his mother, and more than he wants to remember about his father - in particular his death. Alone in the world, he had no choice but to find a means of fending for himself, and eventually turned to "negotiation" as his answer. He entered the tournament, officially, in order to get close enough to his next target. And unofficially? Who knows.......
  12. Sara left the group swiftly and silently. Each of them had their own orb to find, so as far as was concerned, they did not need to know. Besides, she already new where to look for her shrine. It lay beneath the temple in Pure - the entire town had been built on the sacred grounds surrounding it. All she would have to do would be to break the seal on the entrance. This was easily done, after all, with her father being the temple priest, she already knew how. Locating the orb was even easier. It stood on a pedestal in the centre of a wide circular basin, bathed in a yellow light that made it impossible to miss. However, as she approached, she found that the light was not being cast onto the orb, but was being cast from it. Lost in the orb's undeniable beauty, Sara stood silent and motionless. And in this moment of weakness, her enemy struck. The attack was swift and strong, sending Sara tumbling across the ground. Standing, Sara gripped her spear firmly and analysed her opponent. Standing relatively tall the being appeared almost human, but for the four wings sprouting from its back. As the creature lunged at her, Sara rolled to the side, dodging the attack. Quickly bringing her spear to bear, Sara swung at her vulnerable enemy, the blade slashing horizontally. The creature fell silently to the ground, and she raised her spear for the kill. The creature, in a final attempt, grabbed Sara by the throat, only to be crushed beneath her as she expanded her Soul Defence. Struggling to her feet, Sara took the orb in hand and left the shrine, renewing the sacred seal as she went.
  13. I'd definitely go for RPGs. Nothing beats a Squaresoft kinda job. I wouldn't want to just make my own little take on the Final Fantasy series, but to make it a little different. Go for a materia-esque abilities system, but also give the characters their own unique abilities. As they level up they could gain combination attacks, random instant kill moves, etc, depending on their speciality. Also, a kind of 2-way tolerance/adaptation system would be...... interesting. As the enemy uses particular elemental/status spells, your character begins to adapt to them and grow a greater defence to that spell. As your tolerance of one spell grew, the tolerance to others would fall, eg. if ice went up, fire would go down. Elemental/status effects on weapons would only be temporary - their effectiveness would slowly fall over time. On a finishing touch, characters would need to be more customisable, just for the fun of it. You should be able to edit them as you want, design your own weapons and armour (custom equipment would be more expensive, and available attack/defense values would depend on your progress), design your own clothes - and be able to change when you want to. If you want to be an absolute freak you could even design a custom hairstyle (:drunk:!?!?!). Stick with the good ol' Limit Break system all the way.
  14. The human soldier, tossing his gun aside, unsheathed his sword and lunged forward. Though Saeri had previously tried to avoid a direct confrontation, she was now left with no choice but to fight. She hopped back, causing the first attack to fall just short of contact. Saeri swung with her staff in an attempt to take advantage of the gap in the human's defence, but the soldier had already compensated for his mistake and raised his sword to parry the blow. The human swept Saeri off her feet, and leapt into the air to attack. Saeri, using the situation to her advantage, expanded a weak energy shield - by the time the shield collapsed she had set herself up to counter attack. The human, falling from above, was unable to block the heavy blow to his side, and fell to the floor. Regaining his balance, he lunged forward again, striking Saeri in the leg but in turn impaling himself on her blade. Both collapsed, but this time only Saeri got back up. "Saeri! Lucid, seeing her collapse, came running over after dispatching his opponent with a brutal strike. Being her squad commander, and a close friend, he had always looked out for her in battle. A look of concern came over his face. "You're hurt.." "I'll be fine. Don't worry about it." Saeri did not want to appear weak. However painful it may have been, she managed to stand upright. "Just a scratch." "Okay. I'm taking my group onwards to the oxygen plant, I want you to keep a look out for re-enforcements. Remember, don't leave any alive." "No problem." A subtle movement behind Lucid caught her gaze for a moment. "You sure you're okay, Saeri?" "Hmm? Oh, yeah. Fine." Lucid headed off to gather the troops in his group, and waved briefly to Saeri. Saeri, however, was too busy focusing on her young human opponent to notice. This one was still breathing. How she hated orders......
  15. In the deepest sanctum of Pure's temple, Sara sat in a state of deep meditation. Her father, the temple priest, had warned her that she would need to learn how to harness and control her powers quickly. According to 'reliable sources' a time of great need was approaching, and Sara, of course, had no choice in the matter. Her spear laid on the ground before her, Sara attempted to focus her energy as she had been instructed. Her eyes flashed for an instant, and the spear, slowly but surely, began to rise. As it rose it began to glow with an unusual, yet oddly calming glow. "Don't find many who can do that" With Sara's surprise the spear fell, only to be caught in her hand as she turned to face the intruder. Sara spun around expecting an attack, but found the young man standing normally. Though he did have weapons, both were sheithed and in plain sight. This intruder most definitely did not appear to be the aggressive kind. "What do you think you're doing! This is sacred ground. Get out now or I'll force you out!" To prove that she was serious Sara tightened her grip on the spear and adopted a fighting stance. "Calm down, we checked with your father. He let us in." He did not show any signs of lying, but Sara could still not be quite sure. She had never seen this person before, yet his presence felt oddly familiar. " 'We'?" Looking beyond the stranger, she saw four other figures approaching. The light revealed three more strangers. And Sara's father. "What's going on? Who are you?" "The name's Proto. This is Reis, Calandra and Kyra. I understand your Sara, right?" Now that her father stood with them, she felt much more relaxed. She turned her attention back to Proto. "That's right. Explain, please." And so the four explained the situation. About the elements, the note, everything. All of it matched exactly with what her father had told her before. Sara agreed to join them. If she too controlled an element, which now seemed to make sense, then her life was also at risk. With a new member added to the group, the five prepared to move on. Leaving all her possessions behind, Sara took only her spear. "Next up is..... Tricity. Right? If I remember correctly, that's the closest." --------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: OK ULX, you're up.
  16. :sweat: Oh well. Guess this is the most we're going to get then. Never mind, we'll start anyway. All of you who have signed up are in. I'll start the thread in the adventure arena tomorrow, and I'll PM all of you then. [B]I'm going to leave signups open for a couple of days after I start it, just in case anyone else decides to join up[/B], but that's probably just wishful thinking on my part. Anyway, I'm going to be away for about 4 weeks in the summer, so I've come to the decision of splitting the RPG into 2 parts. In the first part the main focus, as I've already said, will be on character development, leading up to a large-scale confrontation between the Human and Esrian forces. Basically, the leading-up-to part is completely up to you guys, just make sure you don't go OTT. The first part will end near the end of July, because that's when I'll be leaving, so I will PM all of you when you should start drawing it to a close. The second part will have more of a fixed plot, though I'll still want you to focus on your characters. This will start at the beginning of September, and I'll set up a new recruitment thread then incase new people wish to join, or if some wish to drop out.
  17. The sound of gunshots echoing throughout the target range, Elissa was completely unaware of the young man approaching her. "Elissa!!!" No response. Elissa had heard him alright, but she was in no mood for another one of his crude vampire jokes. She fired off another three rounds, making sure to avoid eye contact. The human shouted again at the top of his voice. "ELISSA!!!!!" For him to persist, Elissa knew that this had to be something more important than the usual immature jokes. Fitting the suppressor to her pistol, Elissa continued shooting. "I'm busy Jones. If this is another one of your pranks, you'd might as well leave." Jones simply stared. He seemed quite stung by Elissa's cold comment. "Well?" Jones, realising that he hadn't been paying attention, panicked and nearly lost his footing. Balancing himself, he answered her question, "A message just came through from head office. You're being re-assigned to another team." "Really? That's a relief. Who'll I be working with?" Fumbling around in his pocket, Jones pulled out a small piece of paper. "Umm, they haven't given us many details. You'll be working with narcotics on this one. They're bringing agents in from all over the place. Your boss'll be Agent Theodore Curry, but that's about all we've been given" Seeing a small note right at the bottom, he added, "Meet the team at the pier tonight." "What time?" "......it doesn't say." "Damnit!" Elissa emptied the remaining rounds in the pistol, and removed the cartridge, setting it down on a nearby desk. Detaching the suppressor, she holstered the pistol. She headed towards the exit at a hurried pace. "Elissa!" She made eye contact with Jones for the first time, and a smile began to creep over his face. "What?" "Why did the vampire cross the road?" "Don't push your luck." Slamming the door behind her, Elissa sprinted down the corridor. This assignment sounded special, and she wasn't going to let it pass her by.
  18. Name: Sara Element: Holy Xenosin: Alexander Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/35-7.htm][U]This[/U][/URL] except all in white with silvery hair. Weapon Type: Spear Weapon: Aura Spear Upgraded Weapons(3): Spear Of Blessings, Spirit Lance, Sierlis Special Ability: Soul Defence - summons a protective barrier around self and allies. Evo Form 1: Body and eyes begin to glow with a holy yellow aura. Evo Form 2: Aura intensifies, turns to blue. Coil of spirit energy forms around right arm and spear. Evo Form 3: Aura intensifies again, turns to pure white. Blade of spear also begins to glow, armour forms on left arm.
  19. Here are two of my drawings. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19441[/IMG] This is one of my own characters. It's the character I'm using in my RPG - Saeri Luenus. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19466&stc=1[/IMG] This is of Rei Ayanami. Don't ask why I drew her in a fighting stance with fighting gear. I started off with her head and her left arm in that position, and the rest just followed through from there. I don't like the larger eyes look, so I didn't use it. Now usually I would draw my characters as neatly as possible, but with these two I decided to adopt the sketchy look. What do you think?
  20. Sorry to be a pain in the backside Wave, but this shouldn't really be in this forum. Threads in this forum are to request banners or avatars, not to display them. You should have posted this in the main forum. EDIT: (oops.. sorry. Cloud hadn't posted yet when I started writing this)
  21. In my opinion, Live Action Evangelion is a big no-no. I think the series should be left as it is. The movies too (though I haven't seen them yet). I'm pretty confident that Weta would be able to make a good job of it, but then again, as Gendou's already said, their have been some pretty bad screwups in the past. Look at the Guyver movie, for example. Just because they made a good job of The Lord Of The Rings doesn't mean they could do so for this. Also, to be honest, I'm perfectly fine with the anime characters. I LIKE them as they are. When the characters aren't completely realistic, it gives you space to imagine what the characters would be like if they were real. You can picture them however you want to, however your imagination wants them to appear. To have your imagination ruined by a badly cast character..... no thanks.
  22. Name: Siera Age: 19 Gender: Female Race: Angel Essence: n/a Biography: Once the defender of a grand temple, Siera was struck down and badly injured when demons assaulted the temple, leaving not a single pillar or wall intact. Siera was nursed back to health by a small group of Haru. Realising that the chosen Haru are the key to their survival, she has taken up arms, ready to give anything to defend them. Even her own life... Occupation: Temple Guardian Description Appearance: Approx 5'8" in height, her angelic wings are pure white. Her hair, flowing down to her shoulders, is silvery-bronze in colour. Her eyes, simple yet elegant; hazel. She wears a flowing, dim white dress and robes. Her right arm is bare from the shoulder down, displaying the full length of her scar. (I'm assuming that angels in this do have wings. Correct me if I'm wrong.) Personality: Calm and collected in both victory and defeat, Siera's keeps a cool head in battle. Sharing a strong spiritual bond with the Haru Elements, she is determined to protect them at any cost. Weapon: Yari - 5'8" Japanese pole weapon, two-piece shaft with spear-like blade. As shown below. [IMG]http://www.mantisswords.com/nagina1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.mantisswords.com/japane11.jpg[/IMG]
  23. That's cool. Just remember that, ideally, I'm going to want even numbers of each race by the time we begin. The maximum for this RPG is 16 - including myself - that means 8 each. At the moment its 3 to 1. So [B]PLEASE [/B] can we have a few signups to the Esrian race next. Thankyou. [B]Note[/B]: This doesn't mean that anybody has to change their signups. Also, if you want to sign up as a human, I'm fine with that. Just so long as we have even numbers by the end, I don't really mind who you choose.
  24. Good work guys, they'll do perfectly. Shade, I've got no problem at all with your character having a daughter. At least it gives a reason for him to fight. Ok, I'll sort mine out now. [B]Name[/B]: Saeri Luenus [B]Age[/B]: 19 [B]Gender[/B]: Female [B]Race[/B]: Esrian [B]Description[/B]: About 5'9", Saeri is young and beatiful, and like all Esrians could be easily mistaken for a human. Her silvery-bronze hair is cut just short of shoulder length; She likes to keep it slightly messy at the front and neat at the back, often swept to the right(from her perspective). Her eyes are dark blue-green in colour. [B]Picture now completed [/B] - see attachment [B]Weapons[/B]: A pair of wrist blades - the longer one (right) for slashing, and the slightly shorter one (left) for stabbing, though this is just by Saeri's preference. Also carries a simple 5" fighting staff. [B]Magic[/B]: Only adept in the simple spells, Saeri prefers magic that causes minimal harm to her opponents. She is particularly fond of; [B][I]Energy spells [/I] [/B] - concentrating high levels of spirit energy into one focused point. This energy can then be used defensively or offensively or defensively. [I]Offence[/I]: Not used. [I]Defence[/I]: The point of energy can be expanded, creating a shield. The shield is not particularly strong - to try and block a sustained attack would be suicide [B]Personality[/B]: Among other Esrians, Saeri is of an excitable, 'hyperactive' nature. She mingles easily with her peers, and has a tendency to make a fool of herself. In battle, she tries to remain calm. If she became unable to control her emotions, she would not be able to fight; though she, like all Esrians, has always been told that the humans must die if the planet is to be restored, she does not feel comfortable taking a life, whether Esrian or human. [B]Biography[/B]: Saeri was born and raised in a relatively large Esrian community, located directly above Colony 34 of the humans. Due to its advantageous position, the villagers frequently raided the colony, slaughtering all who stood in their path. Even though Saeri was raised to hate humans, she never truly accepted the Esrian ideals, and would not condone the attacks on the Colony. At the age of 16, she was forced to join the Esrian armed forces, and, eventually, was given no choice but to participate in the raids. Her current position is as Second In Command of the Sietis Division. Though she gets along well with her comrades, none of them have been able to come to terms with her opinions.
  25. [SIZE=3][I][B]The Shadow Of Man[/B][/I][/SIZE] Humanity, the second sentient civilisation to inhabit the earth. The first civilisation, known only as ‘the Gods’, had existed on the planet since shortly after its creation, and, over time, brought every species on the planet into existence. Their technological awareness and spiritual energy far surpassed that of modern man. Over time, their life force became intertwined with that of the planet itself, and a cycle of energy formed – they were sustained by the planet’s life force, and the planet was sustained by their life force. And thus, the creation of mankind, a sentient race of like appearance to the Gods, brought about the death of all life. The Gods, having created countless species, both of awesome majesty and quaint humility, began to tire of mere animal servants. As the bond with the planet grew, so their power grew beyond the bonds of imagination. Not even the grandest and most elegant of their previous creations could satisfy them. The Gods no longer wanted creatures that would mindlessly obey. They longed for beings that would learn, adapt and feel. They longed for a new species. A species that would mimic their own. A species that they could truly call ‘children of the Gods’. And so they created man. For thousands of years, everything was perfect. The Gods would teach the humans, and they would learn. The environment would change, disasters would occur, yet still the humans would persist, creating new technology to deal with problems. And, most importantly to the Gods, the humans showed emotions. Love. Joy. Anger. Fear. Sadness. Regret. Greed. As time progressed, the humans began to develop the same longing and lust for power as the Gods had, the longing that had lead the Gods to create mankind. However, one main difference existed between the longing of the Gods and the longing of Man. To mankind, the Gods were an obstacle in their path to power. And mankind decided that, like all hindrances to their evolution, the Gods would have to be removed. The Gods, never having expected that their creations would turn against them, fell all too easily to the human assault. In creating the human race they had reduced their power, passing on some of their energy to their ‘children’. The Gods had never sought to reproduce – they were practically immortal and did not anticipate a threat to their survival – and they were vastly outnumbered by their rebellious offspring. Their power, great as it may have been, was no match for the sheer numbers and determination of the humans, and they were quickly eliminated The humans celebrated their success, and prepared for the next stage in their evolution, that they had anticipated for nearly a millennia. What then followed was an event unheard of among the prophecies of man. The Gods had never taught mankind about their link with the earth, in fact they themselves had never truly understood the link. With the Gods destroyed and the cycle broken, the life force of the earth began to wither and, gradually, the entire world began to fall into chaos. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions shook the globe, and clouds of dust and ash blocked out most light. The lack of sunlight and energy from the earth led to the death of most plant life, and the animals of the earth, the original servants of the Gods, soon followed. The air gradually increased in toxic content, forcing humans to abandon the surface, and use their technology to survive underground. The earth became uninhabitable; nothing could survive on the surface. However, in this wasteland of death and destruction, a new life came to be. The Esrian race, the shadow of man; the true children of the Gods. The third civilisation of the Earth. Though the Gods physical bodies had been destroyed, their spiritual energy could never be destroyed. This energy came to inhabit this new race, and they to became part of the energy cycle – except unlike the Gods, the Esrians could draw energy from all life, not just the planet. The earth, however, was far from being restored. The humans had broken the cycle, and their continuing existence prevented its renewal. For the Earth to return to its previous state, mankind would have to be destroyed. And the Esrians sought renewal at any cost…. [U][B]Races[/B][/U] [B]The Humans[/B] Forced underground after the earth’s degradation, mankind now resides beneath the crust of the earth, where their machines provide them with oxygen and water. They have created farms and crop fields further below the surface, where the planets life force is strongest, to provide them with adequate food. However, as the Esrians draw life from the earth, and all life, their crops are beginning to wither once again, and infant mortality rates are increasing. Paired with the frequent Esrian attacks on Human colonies, mankind’s only hope for survival is to eliminate this new threat. Humans rely on their technology in both day-to-day life and in battle. Though some choose traditional weapons, swords, staffs, etc., the majority will mainly use guns. Their usual abilities are no different than one would expect, though some possess extraordinary fighting abilities. Humans cannot use spells, as they lack in spiritual power, however they do have access to advanced technology. (Use your imagination) Humans need breathing apparatus to survive on the surface. [B]The Esrians[/B] Born of the Gods in death, the Esrians seek to return the earth to its original state, and thus claim their destiny as the new Gods of the Earth. As the actions of humanity led to the destruction of the Gods and the subsequent fall of the Earth, only the destruction of humanity will bring about its renewal. They see human life as a virus upon the Earth, so focused on their own survival that they would condemn all else to death. They hold a negative view of all humans, and are intent on wiping out every man, woman, and child who continue to plague the earth. The Esrians are practically identical in appearance to humans, as both were created from the Gods. Esrians have an severe hatred of technology, as it is the one thing that prevented the humans from dying along with the planet. Thus all Esrians use traditional hand-to-hand weapons. As Esrians live off the Earth’s energy, they do not need to breathe, though they still do so, and so can survive both on the surface and underground with ease. Their link with the earth allows them to slowly regenerate, but this is a very slow process, useless in the heat of battle, and they will still die from serious wounds. It also allows them to use a form of magic, which compensates for their lack of technology. In the Earths current state, the lifespan of an Esrian is no different to that of a human. Altogether, both races are evenly matched. [B]Note[/B]: Esrians draw energy from living things very slowly. It cannot be used to drain the life out of their opponents in battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signups [B]Name[/B]: (whatever you want) [B]Age[/B]: (appropriate please – remember, both races have the same lifespan) [B]Gender[/B]: (applies to both races) [B]Race[/B]: (Human or Esrian) [B]Description[/B]: (Feel free to use a picture – remember that there is very little physical difference between the two races. Be as inventive as you like with Esrian clothing. DETAIL!!) [B]Weapons[/B]: (See race descriptions) [B]Tools[/B](humans): (shields, etc. techno stuff) OR [B]Magic[/B](Esrians): (anything to match human offensive/defensive technology) [B]Personality[/B]: (obvious stuff) [B]Biography[/B]: (In detail. Remember that this generation would have been born after the fall of the earth, so don’t mention countries unless you’re talking about ancestors. Feel free to make up Human Colony numbers and Esrian Village names.) Okay, to make this clear, I am not going to set much as regards to the plot at the moment. Most of the little things I’ll leave up to you guys, however I will PM you about major parts of the plot. One thing I want to see a lot of in this one is [I][B]character development[/B][/I]. Put some thought and emotion into your characters actions, don’t just have them killing for the fun of it. Remember that they are fighting to survive, not necessarily because they want to. I’ll enter my sign up shortly. 11 people (me not included) should do, but I’ll allow up to 15. That’s all for now. Start signing up people!! (signups close Saturday 12th June)
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