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Everything posted by Rei_Man

  1. Cool.. I'll give those suggestions a try. I've been looking for ways to make the text work a little better, so I'll give it a go and see how it comes out. Thanks! :D
  2. Yes, not the easiest of decisions really. For me it's a choice between Cloud and Squall Leonhart, and, to be a little different, I'll opt for Squall. Why? At the start of the game Squall's the kind of guy no one wants to interact with, and who doesn't want to interact with anyone else. Yet throughout the game, his personality changes, he gains increasing responsibility and friends, even falls in love. Squall's a cool character because he highlights that it's never too late to change, and that even the most unlikely hero can emerge as a great leader.
  3. [B]Name[/B]: Elissa Thorne [B]Gender[/B]: Female [B]Race[/B]: Half vampire, half human [B]Age[/B]: 214 (apparent 19) [B]Alliance[/B]: Phoenix Collective [B]Skills[/B]: Being only half vampire, she does not have the special powers of others. Her strength and speed are only slightly above average, and she is not immortal, merely gifted with an extended lifespan. Her injuries heal faster than most humans and she is immune to the effects of sunlight, however, any wound that is capable of killing a human will kill her. She is particularly skilled in infiltration techniques, and will only use magic if it will help her remain unseen. [B]Tools[/B]: Conceiled wrist blades - the left is shorter than the right, used for finishing moves; pistol with optional suppressor. [B]Description[/B]: Approx. 5'7", Elissa is seen as an elegant and attractive 'young' woman, at least to those who do not know her secret. Being a half-vampire, her vampiric features are far less distinctive than most. She is reasonably well-tanned as she has no aversion to sunlight, and the only hint of her vampiric heritage is her sharp, pointed teeth. She has medium brown hair to near shoulder length, and her eyes are pewter grey. She always wears a long, full body dress in either crimson or dark blue/black. The long sleeves of the dress conceal her wrist blades when not in use. [B]Biography[/B]: Elissa was born of a vampire father and a human mother. She inherited the majority of her mothers characteristics, and very few vampiric ones. She was born and raised in the Overworld, by her mothers wishes, while her father returned to the Underworld. She only became of her vampire blood as she watched her mother age and, eventually, die, while seeing herself barely age at all. Through her mother, Faye came to understand the importance of the underworld a secret. Her mother had once been an operative in the PC, through which she met Elissa's father, who had illegally moved into the Overworld. The two fell in love, Elissa was proof of that fact, but they both knew that he could not stay in the Overworld forever, and so he agreed to return to the Underworld. One of the reasons for Elissa joining the Pheonix Collective is to hopefully one day find her father again. Elissa's speciality is in infiltration, though she is perfectly willing to engage in operations of any kind. Though her field expertease is somewhat limited, she believes that she has proven her ability on the battlefield.
  4. Simple; - Hair colour, preferably dark blonde or brunette. - Tan, not particularly bothered. - Height and weight, as close to average as possible. - Eye colour, does'nt matter, but i prefer someone with a bit of depth in their eyes. As they say, the eyes are the windows of the soul. - As for tattoos and body piercing, anything extreme = no thanks. I like a girl who's not afraid to be unique, and dress a [I][B]little[/B][/I] different from others.
  5. I'd say the background's just fine as it is. The only thing i'd recommend editing is the colour of the text - it doesn't match particularly well with the background, particularly on the left hand side. You could always try using a pale pink, a slightly darker version of your current font colour should work.
  6. 1) Looking through catalogues late at night and burst out laughing when you find a hairdryer for dogs. 2) Trip yourself up trying to do a high kick and just sit there - laughing, laughing, laughing. 3) Confusing people with random nonsense is fun. 4) So is poking people excessively. 5) Laughing at a blank, pale yellow wall for no reason. Genuinely. Completely blank.
  7. Hmm...... in terms of what character best represents me, probably Shinji out of Neon Genesis Evangelion. He's shy, doesn't have a massive no. of friends, etc. Except for the lack of self-confidence and hating everyone kinda thing, oh no. For my favourite character, and this should be pretty obvious, Rei Ayanami, also from Neon Genesis Evangelion.
  8. [IMG]http://www.redfactionview.net/forum/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=548[/IMG] President Bush calls an urgent meeting to discuss the advantages of the "bi-nostril", two finger nose-picking technique.
  9. Name: Saeri Aowyn (Gender: Female) Age: 21 Description/Appearance: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19356[/IMG] Background: Saeri is a member of an Elven tribe which once attempted to seal the evil powers of Lainwood Forest. Failing this attempt, the tribe are now devoted to preventing the evil from spreading beyond the boundaries of the forest. Fearing that the deaths in the Forest would draw excessive attention to the area, the tribe have dispatched Saeri to eliminate the creature by any means necessary. Saeri has not been informed of Shea and his intentions, as the tribe elders believed this could have distracted her from her own mission Weapon: Basic fighting staff (wood) Race: Elven Is this ok?
  10. My first attempt. It's basically just formed from four images and the text. I took the background from one, and layered the others over it at different transparencies. Not too bad in my opinion, but there's always room for improvement.
  11. count me in Name: Faye Lockehart Age: 21 Side: Lowendove Gender: Female Species: Human Race: British Description: See attached image; Faye refuses to be found in anything that does not display her beauty, even on the battlefield. She will very rarely take armour of any kind into battle, other than a thin protective vest beneath her clothing. Personality: Of a character rather unheard of among vampire-slayers, Faye is a very energetic and outgoing young woman, always seeking to meet new people and make new friends. Unlike many of her peers, she has never been found expressing any feelings of hatred towards vampires, and some are suspicious of her motives in joining the Lowendove Brotherhood. Those who she allows close to her, however, have slowly come to understand that her outward self is nothing more than a cover for the deep-rooted anguish of her soul. Weapons: Faye does not feel comfortable using guns; several of her childhood friends were killed by crossfire in a confrontation between humans and vampires several years ago. Instead she opts for the rather unorthodox weapon of a simple spear, with a detachable blade useful for close combat. The shaft of the spear is carved from wood grown on sacred ground and so used without the blade, though not capable of killing, can be quite effective at warding off unholy assailants. As well as the detachable blade, she also carries a small pocket knife, not of any great use in battle, and occasionally a bow with arrows made of silver. She has also recieved extensive training in the Aikido fighting style. She rarely boasts of her abilities, and so she is often underestimated. Though she is not the best fighter in the world, she is certainly well capable of defending herself in battle. Place of Birth: Cheltenham, England Biography: Being a relatively new recruit to the Lowendove forces, only a few know the full details of her past. She was born into a wealthy family and for the early part of her life, up to the age of 9, she lived a peaceful life, isolated from the turmoil of the world beyond. However when the first seeds of vampire rebellion began to emerge, this all changed. A small, yet heavily armed, force of vampires sieged the city, laying waste to everything in sight, and murdering all before them, from the youngest to the oldest, without mercy. By the time the RSDG were called in to handle the situation nearly half of the city's population had been wiped out, and the situation worsened as many more innocent civilians were used as human shields by the small vampire force. The RSDG's priority was to remove the vampire threat, regardless of human casualties. Though Faye and her family survived the siege, she could not be hidden from the vampire conflict any longer. For years she possessed a deep hatred for both the vampire race and the RSDG, and though by the time she was 17 this hatred had settled into a significantly weaker state, she still felt that she could not stand back while these vile creatures set about murdering innocent civilians. The moment her parents allowed her to leave home, she immediately went out in search of the Lowendove Brotherhood, knowing that they would be the only means by which she could fight the vampire race - she wanted to rid the world of all vampires, and so knew that she would never be accepted into the RSDG. In order to join the Lowendove Brotherhood she was forced to lie about her past and deny her rich and comfortable upbringing. Faye now has no choice but to live out her false life, a burden which seems to be slowly wearing away at her conscience - and she believes that her only chance for atonement will be to wipe out the vampire menace on and for all.
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